Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 978: Heaven does not give me the master, what about the destruction of the human worl

Hundreds of thousands of people, just like a command to make a corpse, for a time, the entire middle of the sky, filled with the smell of a dead body, for a long time.

Smell the vomiting.

The French army has not arrived, and it has been cleaned once. This massacre has made all the rivers and lakes warriors stunned. For the major families to issue orders, it is also a lot of obedience.


There was no wind in the sky above Zhongdu. It was already late autumn, but the weather was hot.

The air seems to have stopped flowing.

On the street, everyone came and went in a hurry and calmly said nothing. The expressions on each face are like zombies walking.

The eyes are blue and the look is awkward. It seems that no one is pleasing to the eye, and I can’t wait to kill them.

Time finally went to the third morning of the retreat of Chu Yang and others.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the entire Zhongdu City.

"Come here, it's really coming..." There was a man yelling on the street, and the voice was like crying out.

"Come here... The law enforcement army is coming..." More people also called.

Some people were doing a good job, but when they heard the news, they were so scared that they sat down on the ground.

The law enforcement is here, and the end is finally coming!

Everyone looked up at the same time.

I saw it in the sky above Zhongdu, and slowly came a burst of smoke from all directions...

Ling Xiaoyang is going out to see the situation, but sees the sound of the wind and the wind, and simply said: "I will go to see the situation, you pay attention to it, be sure to be safe and quiet, don't let anything Disturbing everyone who retreats."

Ling Xiaoyang is naturally very respectful in front of the wind and rain, and he promised: "Yes."

The voice has not fallen, and the wind and the wind have lost the shadow.

It was not until this time that I heard a bang in the air, and there was a clear crack in the space, but it was a rapid and rapid flight, which directly broke the space.


Wind and rain appeared on the highest peak of Zhongdu, and his eyes looked around.

My heart could not help but sigh.

Law enforcement, Fa Zun, really came.

Now, although I still can't see any of the law enforcement figures, but thousands of miles away, I can clearly see the thick smoke coming from all directions in the southeast and northwest.

It’s like a sudden storm in the sky, and it’s coming together in the middle.

Another sinister murderous murderousness emerges in the distance, even if it is a thousand miles away, it can be easily distinguished!

This kind of momentum, the law enforcement of the law, the army of at least millions of people, can create such an amazing effect!

All the way to kill, seeing that the thick smoke gradually covered the whole piece of blue sky, the wind and rain have already known that the way of the law, is to ignite all the things that will be able to burn.

Among them, not only houses, houses, farmland, but also mountains, jungles, in short, everything can be burned and lit...

"Fa Zun, why do you become so extreme?" There was a hint of pain in the wind and rain, and muttered to himself: "The original you, although purposeful, is contrary to the purpose of the nine robbers and the law enforcers of all ages. Reverse; but you are by no means a human being, why are you so extreme now..."

"You have implemented a lot of methods and measures, and you can clearly feel it: you are good for this continent! But now, why has it become such a touch? Even if it is affected by the demon, it should not be what……"

"Only to vent your grievances in your heart, is it necessary to kill the world?"

Standing in the wind and rain, I have infinite doubts in my heart but I don't know how to vent, why should I ask!

When I think of the black smoke behind it, it is bound to be accompanied by countless souls, and my heart can't help but colic. These are the couples and so on, the countless law enforcement ancestors of the past generations, the harmonious world that has worked hard for tens of thousands of years!

It was destroyed by that person!

"Fa Zun!" The wind and rain screamed softly, and the voice was like a sharp arrow. The path was cut through the sky, and it was spread far away. It turned into a thunderstorm on nine days.

At the same time, on the heads of thousands of miles, everyone’s head exploded!

"Fa Zun! You come out and give me a reply!" The wind and rain sighed and said: "I am soft and windy!"

Below, everyone is shocked!

Wind and rain.

The second moon of the wind, the patron saint of the nine heavens!

Fengyue two, can be said to be the second in the ranks of law enforcement, second only to the law!

"I don't care if you are the Eastern hegemony, or the fifth one! You come out! You give me out!" Stormy softly shouted: "Do you dare to make such a big battle, but you have no courage to talk to me? You Come out!"

In the air, with the sound of the wind and the roaring roar, a series of thunder and thunder bursts at the same time, roaring the sky.

However, the rolling thunder, always incapable of pressing down the wind and rain.

Clouds in the sky, the smoke of the sky, the electric awns of the road are looming in them.

Brushing brush...

The night sinking and so on also flew up the hill and stood behind the wind and rain.

The wind and rain are as unconscious as the arrival of this servant. Everyone did not speak, but stood respectfully behind her.

For a long time, a clear and elegant voice is coming from far away.

It is the voice of the law.

"Wind Lord, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The wind and rain softly said: "You said, what do you want? How to be willing to close?"

The laughter of Fa Zun sounded faintly and quietly: "The honorable person asked me how to accept the hand but asked the wrong person. Jiuzhongtian has been invaded by the demon... I am a law-respecting person and lead the law-enforcement. The magical atmosphere is indispensable! Even if you have to pay a huge price for it, you will not hesitate to do it. I know that the wind lords are sad and kind, and they are kind, but please ask the wind lord not to persuade anything... that doesn't make sense."

The wind and the soft body are a little trembling, and sighs: "Fa Zun, the husband is born between the heavens and the earth, the first thing to do is to be innocent, you are so upside down black and white, confused right and wrong, can you ever have blush?"

Fa Zun said quietly: "The weather today is not very good, it seems to be raining. The wind is sacred, the wind is cold and cold, and you must take care of your body."

At this point, there was no more sound.

Regardless of the wind and rain, the voice of Fa Zun has never appeared again.

After a while, a bang burst and the raindrops of the beans fell, and a thin layer of dust was quickly splashed on the ground, and it was washed away by heavy rain.

The whistling wind screamed fiercely.

There is a sky between heaven and earth.

In the clouds above, the lightning of the roads criss-crossed, and even the thunder of the thunder rang like this.

The world is becoming more and more dark, and then it is almost impossible to reach out.

Only in the moment of shining, can it illuminate the world that has completely turned into darkness, and the rain that is madly pouring.

It seems that God is also angry at the cruel killing of human beings.

The wind and rain and other people fixed on the top of the mountain, and they were drenched by the rain, and they were all cold, even a heart, and only the rain was cold.

"Wind Lord." The sound of the night sinking dry and shouted.

"War! No matter what you say now, it doesn't make sense!" The wind and rain did not turn back, just said quietly: "No matter whether it is a winner or a loser, there is no choice in the middle, but there is a war."

The night was heavy, and Xiao Chenyu’s face was full of sorrow.

Suddenly, the distant side of the same time came from all over the world!

That is all the law enforcers, at the same time, screaming out loud!

"Blood in the blood!"

"Blood in the blood!"

"Blood in the blood!"

Such as the sound of the shock, it seems that the whole of the country has also trembled, and even the mountain under the feet of everyone is shaking, and there are stones falling down.

The night sinks and other people's faces are getting paler.

A long voice was clearly spread throughout the mountains and rivers in the shouting of the sky.

Law respect.

Just listen to him long and long shouted: "All over the place, the smoke is in the middle, the blood of both hands is dyed, the sky is not for me to be the master, what is the killing of the human world?!"

Wind and rain, "Go!"

The sly body first flashed in the air, and the moment when the lightning illuminates the heavens and the earth, the wind and rainy body has disappeared into the rain and fog.


The heavy rain still doesn't mean to stop at half-point, but it is getting more and more intense. The hustle and bustle of the earth shouted loudly; the entire sky was still dark.

The army of law enforcement officials has already camped in the 150-year-old outside of Zhongdu City! The atmosphere of killing that was full of destruction was still overwhelmed.

In the city of Zhongdu, it was a mess, and the crying sounded like a last day.

After a long time, I don’t know how long, heavy rain is still going on, lightning is still roaring, and a voice is like gold and iron, and it’s powerful: “Attack! Break the North Gate!”

Obviously, the law enforcement officials can't wait, even if the rain is pouring down, they still have to insist on attack and blood wash!

A scream of screams sounded one after another, and the tens of thousands of masters of law enforcement were also lightning bolts. In the midst of the pouring rain, one by one is like a ghost!

So the first wave of offense started!

The team of law enforcement officers traveled long distances and was facing heavy rain that was rare for hundreds of years. Fa Zun actually did not repair the troops at all, did not give much rest time, and launched an attack early!

"I will play the first battle!" Xiao Chenyu yelled and rushed out.

Behind him, there are only a handful of masters of the Xiao family, and more than 100,000 rivers and lakes masters! Everyone's face is sorrowful and angry, and the look is decided.

It rushed out of the North Gate like a tidal wave, and it was a big army of law enforcement.

"If I am unfortunate enough to die today, when I go to Chunbo to drink, the most important thing is to pay him a sin!" Xiao Chenyu screamed in the sky, laughing happily: "It turned out that at the end of life, I knew the most in my life. What can't and should not give up, what should be the most important thing." (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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