Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 979: Battle of death

"It turned out that Chunbo always knew it. I used to know it. It’s a pity that I forgot it! I forgot all about it. Fortunately, I think about it now, although I think it’s a lot late, but After all, I remembered it!"

"If there is an afterlife, such stupid mistakes can never be committed again."

"Elder brothers and brothers, if anyone else can live to see our fathers... I will slap for me, but also for Chunbo! So Xiao Chenyu can reduce a pity!" Xiao Chenyu shouted: " Langer! Follow me, die!"




"It’s enough to kill one. If you kill one, you will earn..."

"Haha, this is a law enforcement person, the law enforcement person who usually doesn't even dare to look at it. I didn't expect that I have a chance to slaughter a few people today! I must kill a few more!"


In a burst or laughter, or grief, or tragic shouts, hundreds of thousands of rivers and lakes men followed Xiao Chenyu, like a huge arrow, rushed to the oncoming team of law enforcers!


At the same time, the two sides screamed at the same time, and the whole world shook at the same time. Then, the two sides collided like two meteors, and they crashed into each other.

This is only the first wave, it is a shock to the sky!

"This war has already begun. Let's go and see?" Although it was a discussion of the tone, the fifth gentleness has already stood up in the inn.

Although it is important to protect the law for Chu Yang and others, the fifth softness of this war does not want to be missed, and it must not be missed. If there is no fifth soft sitting, I am afraid that the family will collapse earlier.

Ling Xiaoyang said: "You can go with peace of mind, I am responsible for staying here, and will never let anyone have a chance to harass them."

The fifth gentle road: "Good. Mo Tianji will not come out, I have to look at the front line... Waiting for Chu Yang to come out, ask what the situation, I can also tell."

After talking free and easy, I stepped away.

"Cold snow, you bring a few people, **** the fifth owner to the city side, remember, the decision does not allow him to have any flashes! This is the first premise!" Ling Xiaoyang immediately ordered.

Ling Hanxue promised, immediately dispatched, with more than a dozen Lingjia masters, and quickly went.

The moon was heard quietly, looking at the back of the crowd, with a heartfelt approval on his face: "This fifth gentle, still good."

Ling Xiaoyang nodded and said: "Yes, the most sensible thing is that this person will always know when to do something; he will always know when his own position should be, At the time, knowing how to retreat, it is rare."

Hearing the snow, he smiled: "Not bad. The most valuable thing is that he is very clear about his position. With the nine robbery sword master and the nine robbery think tank, and the nine robbery sword master and nine robbery think tank... his position is It’s not the same. It’s a big difference for the enemy and the friend.”

"But he is always very awake. This is extremely rare."

Ling Xiaoyang blinked and said: "The Moon Supreme is so respected by this person, is it..."

Listening to the snow, shaking his head, laughing: "This is no point at the moment... It’s a magical disaster, the world is defeated, the survival is unpredictable, and the more you think about it, the more you are guilty..."

The two men smiled at the same time.


At the moment, on the battlefield.

Especially in the pouring rain.

Xiao Chenyu took the lead and the sword was like a wind. He roared and rushed into the enemy line. When the swordsman swallowed, he stayed all the way, and fell around his body. At least a few hundred people, but only a moment before and after.

Left palm right sword, tyrannical anomaly. As the sword of the sword grows, the left palm slams in the air, a shock, a blow!

The rain curtains in the air suddenly stopped suddenly, and then, the raindrops of countless beans flew out in the form of the sky with the rain.

Under the pressure of a palm and a force, these raindrops are like steel casting, and the power is amazing. Once they fall on the human body, they will create a transparent blood hole.

Under one palm, thousands of raindrops flew out at the same time. There were more than two hundred people in the left front. The body of each person was like a sieve. The blood of the soybeans was squirting.

The screams of screams screamed and screamed.

Xiao Chenyu laughed and laughed, and now is a palm.

The screams have become one after another, especially those who have been hurt by the raindrops but are not dead. They are rolling back and forth on the ground, but they are constantly being screamed by the accomplices or the enemy’s footsteps. Three points.

With Xiao Chenyu’s high-level cultivation of the nine-supreme supreme, he has used his skill to use the rain to deal with these law enforcement warriors who are not even supreme in the face, and they are really smashed and ruined.

The whole person left and right, suddenly unstoppable, and it was like a tiger into the flock!

Followed by him, the remaining hundreds of Xiao family masters and many rivers and lakes in the capital city can not help but see the situation, can not help but shake the past.

"Xiao Chenyu, how many people have come this time?" Fa Zun sat in the opposite side of Pingyun, with a chessboard in the middle. On the head is a large umbrella cover, the raindrops falling on the umbrella cover, splashing numerous rain and fog, and then being broken by raindrops.

The opposite side of the cloud is very ugly, extremely pale, meaning a word, like a mechanical chess.

On the other side, I was watching the eight-supreme saga of the battlefield closely. This person’s speed was very fast and well-organized: “Fazen, Xiao Chenyu, the total number of people dispatched was 163,000. Four hundred people! Well, no, a few moments ago, a force has been rushed out, and the number of people is even higher. At present, the total strength of these two men has exceeded 400,000."

The wave of reinforcements that was newly rushed out was night-time sinking and worried that Xiao Chenyu was so powerful and attacked. He sent a family of nine products to lead the North Gate to gather a large number of rivers and lakes to attack and respond.

The troops assigned to Xiao Chenyu had already reached 500,000. However, after Xiao Chenyu rushed out, hundreds of people in the face somehow came to a sudden stop. They stopped, and the people behind were unknown. So they stopped, so there was a fault. With the first wave of troops played by Xiao Chenyu, there are only a hundred thousand.

When I saw the situation at night, I was so angry that I immediately dispatched people and killed hundreds of people who had stopped at the North Gate. Then they sent a master and rushed out with the rest.

It’s just that this so-called support team is a chaotic one.

All the way to attack, actually all the way all the way to slip; so it is all the way to kill.

When I crossed the distance of the 50-mile land and rushed to the battle between the two sides, this road had not encountered any enemies. It was just killing the deserters. Those bodies that fell on the ground were already thousands of them!

On the head of the city, everyone’s face was ugly to death.

This is not only not optimistic, it is simply impossible to fight!

Xiao Yuchen’s strong attack and instant gains have encouraged morale. However, the follow-up personnel’s fault incident has completely exposed their own weaknesses. They have not yet fought, and the number of people who died in their own hands has already been one hundred and one. Still playing the wind, once lost, isn’t it immediately defeated?

A white light flashed, and an icy breath came in a flash.

You don't have to look back, the night sinks and so on, and everyone knows that the people from Lingjia are here, and only Ling family can carry such coldness with them.

In addition, there is also the fifth gentleness also arrived.

In the distance, the fifth family is coming in the rain.

Looking at the battle between the two sides, the fifth soft face is a ugly one.

"The people of Wuhe are all in the rabble!" The fifth gentle sigh.

What is the use of this kind of attack that does not have such a rule, even if the number is several times more than the other? At the edge of the battled team, there have been corpses, thousands of people have died, and there is still a move in the middle of the team. Even the enemy can't see it!

On the other hand, the team of law enforcement officers can not say that the discipline is well-trained, but at least there is a certain discipline!

This is also called snoring!

It is simply sending death!

If it is the fifth gentle force to command the team of law enforcement, then it is absolutely certain that the force is three times weaker than this side, perfect to annihilate the group of people in this side.

Even, there may not be too many casualties, and the results are absolutely brilliant!


"Fa Zun adults, the other side has no less than 400,000 troops, and on our side, there are only 160,000 people fighting, and there is some disparity between them. Is it necessary to send reinforcements?" Sweating.

If it is true to fight this way, Fa Zun does not allow someone to command the battle on the spot, just relying on the personal intuition of everyone on the battlefield, and the number is still far less than the other's...

Although the other person who died is much more than his own, it is also a huge loss.

"What you said makes sense. Then send another 20,000 people to go up; let them both come to a fair decisive battle and see who the final victory is." Faun said without raising his head.

"So, who is responsible for this battle?" asked the eight-powered supreme.

"Command? Why do you want to command?" Fa Zun's face sank, Senran said: "The other party has no on-the-spot command. Isn't our law enforcement officer asking for a Rush?"

"Ah? This..." The eight-piece supreme is stunned.

"In the future, everyone is law enforcement. It is basically a separate operation. Even if there is occasional cooperation, only a dozen people will join forces to fight. Is it necessary to assign a military division to command each time?" Fa Zun said faintly: The strongest law enforcement is the individual combat capability. If this can't be cultivated, what should be used to enforce the world?" (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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