Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 980: Death will die here


"Nothing! The people who finally won the battle in this battle, the backbone of the future law enforcement, gathered together. As for the dead, of course, it is the big waves..."

"You don't have to say more!",

Fa Zun decided to make a decision.

The argument of Fa Zun seems to be right and wrong. It is true that there is quite a reason for the law to be said, but it is only suitable for the day-to-day enforcement of law enforcement, and it is not suitable for the present.

The current situation is unusual for the rivers and lakes, but it is different from the two forces in the ordinary sense. Because the current opponents of the two sides are special troops formed by a large number of warriors, such an army is actually more in need. A wise commander.

The warriors are better than the average soldier. They are far superior to the energy, force, tyrannical combat, and even the vitality of the ordinary people. But they are less than the average soldier, but they are not inferior to the superiors. It is the biggest taboo of the military!

A soldier who does not listen to the command is just a plate of scattered sand. If he plays a downwind, he can barely use it. If he loses, he will be defeated. The family alliance is over there, although the situation is slightly better for the law enforcement, but if it fails, the result will not be much better!

This practice of Fa Zun is equivalent to burying a super time bomb, and it is time to detonate!

Under the dictatorial dictatorship of Fa Zun, no one of the law enforcers can argue for it, so the war situation was arranged so closely.

However, Fa Zun apparently did not care at all. After he finished speaking, he would not say it again; only the faint black fog around him suddenly rose up, and thoughtfully asked: "The nine robbers and his nine robbers, Did it appear in this battle?"

"There is no war. There are no spectators at the city."

"Yeah." If the look of Fa Zun's eyes was thoughtful, then the right hand picked up the pieces again, faintly said: "If the Nine Robber Sword Lord appears, tell me immediately!"


Subsequent reinforcements from the law enforcement officers entered the battlefield and joined the battle.

The form on the battlefield is becoming more and more fierce, and every moment, thousands of lives are gone.

However, everyone watching the battle in the city, everyone is seen in the fog, inexplicable.

Especially the fifth softest is the most unbearable, it is directly stunned, and the weekdays are calm and utterly absent.

Hey, can you still play like this?

Law devotional madness? Wouldn't you even smoke your brain? How come out of this?

The follow-up reinforcements of the law enforcers entered the battlefield, and the momentum immediately rose; this is good and taken for granted.

Xiao Chenyu and other people have already fallen into the siege, and the situation can be said to be in jeopardy. This is also good and taken for granted.

The reason for this result is that there are reasons for follow-up reinforcement, and the military quality of the law enforcement team is better than that of the family. There are certain rules.

However, everyone can still clearly understand that if the former law enforcement officers played fairly well, the follow-up reinforcements will be chaotic. The number of people is much, but the formation is gone, and the combat power is not increasing or decreasing.

The people in the team are always the rivers and lakes, and they are not really well-trained troops. The fighting time was a little longer, and the fierceness of each one broke out completely. They each played their own, and the entire battlefield completely turned into a pot of porridge.

Or it should be said that all kinds of martial arts, all levels of practitioners, all levels of masters composed of miscellaneous porridge!

A law enforcer, who had previously cooperated with his comrades around him, kept each other's cover and left and right. However, when the follow-up reinforcements arrived, they actually opened up their two living places, and then when they encountered the enemy, they became their own battles.

The people around me have suffered a crisis. Even if they don’t ask, they only care about their own safety. They watched the law enforcement comrades around them being hacked and cut into meat, still indifferent, still screaming and not helping. .

This kind of situation is everywhere, and it is not new at all.

The heavy rain is still continuing underground, and the battle still has no intention of stopping. The head of the city is surging, watching this seemingly fierce, in fact very strange war. In the face of the law enforcement in the distance, the situation is still inactive, and there is no follow-up action.

The rain on the ground gradually accumulates, and it has slowly passed over the foot, and the underground is not all rain, blood, or even more blood. Looking at it, it is like a bright red ocean.

This is still relatively close to the river, and the water discharge is relatively fast, otherwise, these people may have been drowned directly after they have not finished the fight.

For the law to choose to fight in places where both sides are unfavorable, the fifth gentleness is also puzzling.

Such a mode of warfare, such a strategy of warfare, is not a wise man, even if it is from any angle, it is difficult to understand, as long as any leader with a little mind, should not make such a mistake!

How can Fa Zun do this?

The fifth gentle headache.

The night has been asked several times: "The fifth home, the current situation, how should we adjust?"

For this simple question, the fifth gentleness is simply difficult to answer.

The venue in front of you is large, but it is also very bad. It is for both the enemy and the enemy. Even the law enforcement is even worse. Because the law enforcement is completely unprotected, it is so dripping in the heavy rain. And if you are still in the city, there is at least a place to block the rain...

Although this venue is large, but at most it can only accommodate hundreds of thousands of people to fight, the number of people is more, I am afraid more chaotic. And can't open...

Fa Zun chose the battlefield here, and also set a momentum of 'fair decisive battle', that is, let the fifth soft Mo Tianji and other people can not intervene.

As soon as you step in, I will command. Law enforcement officials are dominant. If someone is accurately commanded, I am afraid that the death is the fastest. In terms of law enforcement, the law enforcement can be more effective.

Because their military power is already high!

The fifth gentle and stunned, in the face of this situation, it is really helpless: "There is really no good way. Fa Zun is waiting for our command. Once involved, the law enforcement is in a strict hierarchy; everyone is involved in the command. We eat more of a loss; it is better to fight like this, to get more benefits, or to kill more of the enemy."

The night sinks and sighs.

He is not a fool, and this situation can't be seen. Asking the fifth gentleness is just a confirmation. If there is a way to be soft in the fifth, he will not believe it...

The number of both sides on the battlefield is rapidly decreasing.

Zhongdu City is surrounded by mountains, especially on the north gate, which means that everyone is fighting in a huge basin.

A total of 780,000 people engaged in warfare, and the space occupied by them was so grand, hundreds of miles were all in the battlefield. Many people were at the outermost periphery. They were close to the foot of the mountain, often playing, and both sides whistling, each Escape.

Run out.

It’s too horrible to have such a scene now. If you have the chance to run, you can escape from the birth of the Zhongdu category. As long as it is over the hills that are close at hand, it is beyond the scope of Zhongdu!

In this case, what are you waiting for?

Then the beginning of the batch began to collapse. Regardless of whether it is a law enforcement or a Chinese military, everyone is the same person, and this is the same.

It is a pity that those who hold such an idea are all without exception, and they are smothered by the masters of the law enforcement who are waiting in the periphery.

If these people who are waiting outside are rushing into the battlefield, they are definitely a surprise soldier. You can even completely lock the battle in a very short time!

But after killing people, these people quietly retired back, and they did not care about everything else on the battlefield...

Of course, these people can't see the situation on the city. One distance is too far away, and the second is raining over the horizon, and nothing can be seen at all.

Unconsciously, one morning passed.

The number of people on the war has become three or four hundred thousand today.

The people led by Xiao Chenyu have been besieged by the law enforcement personnel, surrounded by a huge encirclement, surrounded by enemies, and desperately fighting has become the only action that can be done at this moment!

There are still more than 200,000 existing manpower on the law enforcement, and the number of people on Xiao Chenyu is less than 100,000.

The outcome has been fixed!

But neither side has the meaning of closing the hand, not at all.

"400,000 to 400,000, a fair decisive battle!" The voice of Fa Zun is mixed with a light and faint light, and there is a faint sarcasm.

This sound instantly penetrated the heavy rain, and fluttered in the sky, everyone heard it clearly.

The sarcasm in this sentence is like a knife, which has been inserted into the chest of Xiao Chenyu.

Xiao Chenyu had a long-term ambition for this war. Originally, he did not intend to go back alive. Forty thousand people were for 400,000 people. Their own fiasco here, the hands were sharp, and the other side still retained nearly half of the combat power. This face, Xiao Chenyu also Can't afford to lose.

Upon hearing the full humiliation of Fa Zun, Xiao Chenyu suddenly jumped into the blood and screamed at high altitude, yelling: "No one is allowed to retreat! No one can help!"

"A man's life, be like this!"

A lightning blasted in the air, and the body that Xiao Chenyu leaped was shining.

I saw that Xiao Chenyu was in the blood at the moment, and even the face was already **** and bloody, and the body was bruised and bruised.

On the head of the city, the night of the reinforcements was just about to open his mouth, and suddenly he was screaming there. I only felt a burst of inexplicable pain in my heart.

He knows that since Xiao Chenyu said this, it is already determined and no longer intends to come back alive.

He understands the meaning of Xiao Chenyu and understands his choice: even if he can escape with the extraordinary repair, he will die sooner or later in the face of law enforcement. Moreover, this escape will even worsen his prestige, and his name will be shamed.

Even though he died, Xiao Chenyu did not want to do that. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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