Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 981: Just hate life, don’t come back

Since it is a death in the morning and evening, then what is the reason for the early death? Anyway, the entire Xiao family has been destroyed, and Xiao Chenyu is extremely distressed that he personally forced Li Chunbo to die, and even more faceless to see his father, so that I will die if I die.

I should have died!

The city suddenly fell into an unusual silence.

The night sinks suddenly and suddenly loses its manners, and the old tears criss-cross.

Xiao Chenyu has already fallen down, like a crazy fall into the crowd, a piece of screams followed.

All four parties are silent and solemn.

The people around Xiao Chenyu are rapidly reducing, and the high-ranking Supreme of the law enforcers are coming to this side. The pressure on Xiao Chenyu is correspondingly increasing.

But no matter what his opponent is, he only needs to fight for a moment; when he realizes that the other party's strength is not weak, he will immediately retreat, and he will pick up a lot of people.

Even if I am destined to die, I will try to kill as many people as I can. I can earn a few more people. Although I am already destined to lose money, I still have to lose a little bit!

In the morning, Xiao Chenyu did not remember the consequences, and did not remember the madness of the loss. Wherever he went, it was a screaming tragedy. Countless people flew up and the broken limbs were flying.

The nine products of the Supreme Deliberately avoid the war, even if they are the same master of the nine-level level, there is nothing to do. Can't stop it!

The top executives of the law enforcement officers gnawed their teeth and simply gave up the siege of Xiao Chenyu; they turned their heads into the crowd. Are you not fighting? Are you not rescued everywhere? Don't you want to kill?

Ok, let's see who killed it and who killed it!

When you are left alone, can you avoid the war? Can you still fight?

For a time, the battle suddenly became another look.

The three nine-supreme sects of the law enforcement, the seven or eight eight-supreme Supreme shot at the same time, the object is just a group of rivers and lakes that are like ants and ants, the situation has turned sharply and suddenly changed dramatically!

I saw one by one, and rushed away, as fast as lightning, but behind it was a personal head dance, one by one brain splitting, one by one, and even more, the body was broken, turned into a **** day.

The people on Xiao Chenyu’s side are in a weak defense. Now they are suddenly faced with such a unilateral slaughter of irresistible energy. It is even worse, and the only remaining manpower is sharply reduced.

There are 200,000 law enforcement people who are not idle. Even though Xiao Chenyu is desperate, everyone dares to die, but sometimes, in the face of absolute strength, even if it is desperate, it will not help, even if you want to desperately have Desperate room to do.

Some people have already scared their courage and want to surrender, but the words of surrender are the same as not saying it. Even if you throw away the sword and fall to the ground, the oncoming is also a shiny steel knife.

Because Fa Zun said: Don't take prisoners and kill them!

Do not accept surrender!

The stifling sound on the battlefield suddenly rose to the highest peak, and then began to fall gradually.

From the dead into a piece of film, it gradually took a while to make a scream.

Falling down.

Xiao Chenyu stood at the core of the battle, and the cross sword stood up.

At this moment, there is no one in his side.

completely annihilated!

Fighting hundreds of thousands of people is like smashing pigs and killing dogs, or even faster. After all, slaughtering pigs and killing dogs still need to deal with the corpses, visceral blood or something; but killing people does not need those scruples.

At the foot of Xiao Chenyu, all of them were corpses, and they even smashed one layer after another. The bottom two layers have been completely soaked in the rain. There are still many bodies that have been trampled in the battle...

But now no one cares about this.

Even if it is pouring rain, it can not bring away the **** taste of the rich and almost solid.

Even the air seems to be sticky because of it...

Xiao Chenyu's body is constantly dripping down the rain, the shoulders of the arms on the chest, the thighs and the calves of the younger generations... all the scars are everywhere, most of the scars are deep visible bone.

His body, his legs, were making an unstoppable slight trembling.

This tyrannical nine-product supreme, in such a fierce battle, the bodyguards have long been consumed.

Almost all day long continuous uninterrupted battle, Xiao Chenyu also felt that he had already gone to the edge of the oil, but he unexpectedly found that his spirit was actually enriched.

I am obviously dying, but the spirit is extremely exciting. This has not been seen for nearly a thousand years. Even looking back on life, it is extremely rare.

"Ha ha ha ha..." Xiao Chenyu stood alone in the sky, standing on the side of the virtual, facing the numerous enemies around him, suddenly burst into laughter, he smiled very arrogantly, and the sword in his hand was smiling with him. The sound shook violently.

He laughed in the sky, letting the pouring rain fall into his mouth, and he swallowed it.

"What are you laughing at?" Opposite, a law enforcement person, nine products, supreme, some pity, even more regrettable look at Xiao Chenyu, deep in the eyes, but it is a faint black flame.


Xiao Chenyu did not find the strangeness of this person, or even if he found it, he did not care at the moment.

"I laughed, I laughed and stumbled for a lifetime, and I was like a fool for a lifetime. I finally got a good time until today!" Xiao Chenyu laughed happily: "It’s a pity that life can’t come back, but the last moment can understand, it’s good. Hahaha, it’s good too!”

When I heard this, everyone on the opposite side was a little confused.

I don’t know what Xiao Chenyu is saying.

But the nights on the head of the city are so heavy, especially the ancestors of the nine families, but there is a touch in everyone’s heart.

Xiao Chenyu’s words were very general, but they actually said that they were in their hearts.

Is life like this?

The more you can't look back, the more you can feel the goodness of your own life.

The more people or things that they give up on their own hands, are often the most precious and cherished things...

Usually around you, it comes when you need it. When you don't need it, he is still there. You don't care. Finally, one day he is gone, you still feel faint.

Everything is so dull.

But when you get to a certain moment, you will find out that the most precious and most cherished in life is the slickness of those silky...

And you have already lost. Never have it anymore!

Even when you want to think about things, you find that even a little trace of him is gone...

At that time, the remorse at that moment was truly regrettable.

All the regrets are in Xiao Chenyu's sentence: Unfortunately, life can't come back!

Xiao Chenyu laughed, but slowly burst into tears and choked out.

No one knows what he is thinking at this moment, and there is no guess.

"Small age burned incense, a few generous, youthful rivers and lakes; several toasts and joy, but also to cry and Shuhai; wind and frost washed away, Ronghua kills heroes; life is full of love, white head to sword flesh and blood; today Yangtian Sigh brothers, just hate life is not coming back!"

"Ha ha ha ha... Li Chunbo, can you see that Xiao Chenyu’s ending today? Can it be suffocated? Brother? Hahaha..."

Xiao Chenyu laughed so much, and looked into the air with tears. In the tears, it seems that in the void, Li Chunbo’s figure slowly emerges, his eyes are still harmonious, watching Xiao Chenyu, revealing sincere smile: “Xiao Erge...”

"Haha... Brother!" Xiao Chenyu smiled and said: "I am coming!"

He screamed and took the sword, and with the sacred sword of the gods, he made the most brilliant lightning in the current torrential rain. Then, the explosion became the brightest thunder in the air!


Nine products supreme, Xiao Chenyu blew!

The entire Zhongdu City was shaken violently because of this explosion.

Outside the city.

The place where Xiao Chenyu blew himself, and emptied out of a vacant lot of dozens of miles, the view was shocking.

At the very center of the explosion, the three law enforcers, the Eight Supreme Supreme, became a cloud of smoke.

Only those nine supreme masters still know the machine early, and at the last moment, they pulled back and escaped. They were only shocked by the aftermath of the explosion, and there was still an ember in the eyelids.

More than 10,000 people lost their lives in this blast.

The air breath suddenly stagnate,

It seemed that even the pouring rain stopped for a while before it began to brush down.

On the head of the city.

The night screamed and screamed, and a blood spurted out, suddenly burst into tears.

Ye Qiu's face was sore and sad, tears brushed down, muttered: "Today, I sigh my brother, I only hate life, don't come back! Xiao Erge... If Chunbo knows you today, even if you are in Jiuquan, you can also laugh. cup!"

He yelled and suddenly burst into tears: "Xiao Erge... If there is an afterlife, we will be brothers!"

Zhuge Cangwu's body trembled, old tears swayed, his eyes were dull, and he was madly whispered: "Today, I sigh my brother, I only hate life and don't come back...hehe...hehe..."

The fifth soft heart sighed silently.

Xiao Chenyu, this person is finally dead. But his life is really complicated. There is a feeling that people can't comment.

Today, I sigh my brother, I only hate that life does not come back.

How many regrets existed throughout the ages? Why do you always realize this when you are dying? Why?


On the other side, Fa Zun’s eyes flashed abruptly, muttering: “Today, I sigh my brother, I only hate that life is not coming back!” Suddenly, I took a deep breath and my eyes were full of anger!

"Your life can't come back, can my life come back? You only sighed the brothers in the last moment, but you know that I have sighed my brother, how many years have been sighed!!" Fa Zun said, in the eyes The black magic is getting richer and thicker, and it rushed out of the eyelids, and a black mist exploded in front of the eyes. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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