Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 982: The opportunity to avenge you

"Since life has reached this point, it is necessary to make a bird in this dog's life! Go to his mother! Go to him! Go to hell!" Fazen screamed in his heart, but felt his heart A sudden burst of pain.

Then he stood up violently and his face was cold.

The law enforcement around them followed the law for a thousand years, but never saw the emotions of Fa Zun can become such a violent moment in an instant! The devastating atmosphere surrounding the whole body is so crazy and shocking!

It’s just this kind of madness, but it’s full of a heartbreaking feeling.

"Xiao Chenyu is dead. This is the end of the Xiao family. It is completely finished. The nine major families will destroy another family. How many left? There are night homes, Lingjia, Yejia, Chenjia, Shijia... Shijia is left. The next stone roared, is there any more? Forget it, whether it is there or not, it will be destroyed anyway!"

In the voice of Fa Zun, there is a kind of indifferent cruelty, slowly saying: "The next one, who is this?"

He grew up, stood up with his hands, and looked up. Two faint eyes looked like a magical demon, and the electric shot came out.

Directly to the head of Zhongdu City!

The two places are separated by at least a hundred miles, and the rain is blocked by the downpour, but his gaze is like completely ignoring the obstacles of space. It is so fascinating, like two sharpest arrows, straight into the night. Shen and others' hearts.

When the night sinks and sinks into the deep, I am shocked by the sudden gaze, and everyone feels that their hearts are sinking! For a time, I felt that my heart was shaking, and I couldn’t help but be shocked!

The cultivation of Fa Zun today has apparently reached a level that cannot be understood even if the people are sinking like the night, and there is a terrible and powerful power! Such as Si Xiu, I believe that even if it is the world's first Ning Tianya, it is absolutely impossible to do it? !

Just listening to the voice of Fa Zun, the voice is as calm and refined as ever. It seems to be a bit more relaxed and chic: "The night is heavy, don't say that this seat does not give you a chance. As long as you are still a family. In the battle, there will be no more bullying on this side of the seat. There has never been a fair decisive battle in the nine thousand years of the nine thousand years. But today, this seat gives you the opportunity to play a fair and decisive battle!"

"This seat is bright and open, even if it is to smash the devil's head, it must be upright! Let's wait for the oral!"

"How many people do you have, how many people are there on our side. When one family comes, I will welcome one team and one team! Life and death will win or lose, and every peace!"

The night sneered and laughed: "The practice of Fa Zun adults is really fair. Use a group of supreme level masters to deal with the military of the throne. You still have to enjoy the fairness of the number of people. It’s fair...”

Fa Zun snorted coldly and said: "The night is heavy, don't you know that if you really join each other in a melee, you will only get out of the way, and even the results will not be obtained. Now this kind of decisive battle, At least give you a lot of opportunities to linger, isn't it?!"

The night was cold and cold, and there was no more talk.

Everyone knows and understands that what Fazen said is the truth.

The voice of Fa Zun is in the heavy rain, calm and gentle, just like speaking only three feet away from the opposite side, elegantly said: "You said that the practice of this seat is to be strong and weak, won't you win it? I don't know. Right and wrong, justice depends on strength! Now, I not only give you fairness, I also gave you the opportunity to avenge, just to deal with the Xiao family, is the law enforcement in the southeast, and the total part of the southeast of all the supreme. If Xiao The morning rain has the power to kill them all. I will never complain. If I have the ability to take revenge, I will be his skill."

"Unfortunately, he has no ability to do it, then, there should be no more complaints when he dies! Winning and defeating, since ancient times, what is the remark?!"

Fa Zun said coldly: "The night is heavy, the next battle, which family is your turn to fight? Whoever wants to find revenge for the law enforcement, I also give him a chance!"

The sound is especially resounding in the air, but Faozun is no longer talking.

The battlefields of both sides fell into a short silence.

The eight-piece supreme body that has been paying attention to the battlefield trembled and turned and shouted: "Xiao's family is over! Next, who is it?"

"The morning rain is gone, Xiao Jia is finished..." The night's sinking lips couldn't help but squat, watching the heavy rain, the shocking open space, muttering: "The morning rain is gone... Next, who will it be?" ”

Behind him, the faces of the ancestors were unusually ugly, and they were all horrible. There is also a strong hatred. For Xiao Chenyu, for my own family!

In the eyes of everyone, tears are brewing.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?

Xiao Chenyu... It’s also the old brother of these people here!

Although there have been flaws between each other, there have been membranes, and there have been unpleasant things, but all the festivals have disappeared at this moment.

"Morning rain to death is worthy of the prestige of the son of the nine robbers!" Ye Qiu said quietly.

"Yes!" Others focus on the head.

"The next battle, who will take revenge?" The night sinks into the eyes like electricity: "Fa Zun said it is good, this battle, although it is a death trap, it is also an opportunity for revenge, perhaps the last chance of revenge!"

"Yes, the people who fight in the opposite direction are the ones who destroyed our family. This hatred is of course to be reported! Let me go! This is the death, I have to let these executioners pay the price!" Cold one.

"Is it true that the old man will fight? Or let me go!" Ye Qiu rushed and said: "Destroy the family and hate the enemy, don't wear the sky!"

But when everyone said it, they found that there was a lack of one.

At first glance, it was Chen’s ancestor Chen Yingfeng who had strode down the city.

Everyone is one of them.

In the past few days, Chen Yingfeng’s performance seems to have not been quite right. It seems that there are some negative attitudes that are cringing and fighting. How can this be the first time without a word?

Was it stimulated by the death of Xiao Chenyu?

Or is it that the words "revenge" proposed by Fa Zun have stimulated him?

This will actually go out without a word of silence...

"This guy, the action is really fast!" Zhuge Cang dissatisfied said: "Do not even say hello."

Ye Qiu is also dissatisfied, but the voice is full of respect: "Chen Yingfeng is really like a man today... I will see him for the first time in 10,000 years."

The night sighed and sighed: "It’s big enough to say that his pressure in the past few days... But, the possibility of going out and coming back..." Then he sighed.

Zhuge Cangwu and Ye Qiuqi also sighed at the same time, watching Chen Yingfeng gradually drift away from the back, full of disappointment.

This time, the brothers are afraid that when they have no time to meet each other, they will be separated from each other.

When everyone was sighing, they heard the mobilization voice of Chen Yingfeng.

After a long, long time, I saw that the gates of the city opened, and Chen Yingfeng took the dozens of people left with Chen Jiashuo in the forefront. Behind them, they were all the people gathered in these days.

Looking at Chen’s lonely family of Chen’s family, I remembered the glory of Chen’s previous glory. The night’s sinking was unexpectedly sour, and my eyes were red, and I hurriedly ordered: “Chen’s eyes are alone, if only by Chen I am afraid that even the team can't control the team's hands. Go to a few people to help." With one order, the masters of the night club dialed hundreds of them and followed closely.

Zhuge Cangwu and Ye Qiuqi sighed at the same time and called: "Big Brother!"

The night said with deep pain: "Brothers, even if they really want to go today... I also have the responsibility to let my brothers go some scenery... No one in his family, I will be buried by my night family!"

The leaves of autumn leaves and the eyes of Zhuge’s sky are red at the same time.

The fifth soft lips moved, and I wanted to stop it, but I finally didn't hear it.

Just now, just at the moment when Xiao Chenyu was killed, the fifth gentle and distinctly saw Chen Yingfeng’s eyes flashing a heartfelt pleasure, and there was a deep and complex...complex.

Although complicated, it is by no means a refusal to revenge!

But now, the fifth gentleness at the moment is nothing to say, and even less dare to say that even if it is said, the only result will only be shredded by the night sinkers and so on.

Just now, the death of Xiao Chenyu has aroused the brotherhood of super-healing years. How can I allow others to say bad things about another brother in front of me?

The truth is always cruel, but the truth is always the truth, even if it is cruel, when you have to face it, you can only accept it!

Chen Yingfeng is in the wind and rain all the way, and the momentum is extremely heroic.

On the head of the city, the night was heavy and heavy, and he sighed with sigh: "We have misunderstood the wind before."

Ye Qiu's face is full of twilight.


Fa Zun stared at Chen Yingfeng and other mermaids and walked out of the city gate. His eyes flashed and waved his hand: "Clean up the battlefield!"

The sound did not fall, and the four six-supreme Supreme shot at the same time.

"Suddenly", but seeing the entire battlefield, countless bodies were suddenly run collectively, and then there was the following hail, which was piled up into a huge circle. The highest point was actually a hundred feet high.

This circle, which occupies a few tens of miles, is occupied by countless corpses, and it is piled up in a tight air, but the middle is empty.

The brushed team ran up and saw the law enforcement's army. There were countless other people, each of whom took a huge iron bucket and flew up, and jumped onto the high wall made up of corpses. Then the things in the iron barrels were dumped.

The next moment, a special taste filled the four.

Fire oil!

The iron bucket is loaded with a lot of oil!

Tens of thousands of barrels of oil were dumped in the center of the circle at the same time. Then, several torches soaked with tung oil were burned in the rain, and the torches were drawn through the radiant arc. , fell into a huge amount of fire oil.


In an instant, the fire blazed.

Arrive in the heavy rain of the sky...

This is really a pioneering work before; but burning is a human body that is still alive and kicking before a moment.

This moment, it is really no matter how high or low, all the torches, just the body, that's all. Whether you are a hero or a rogue before you die, it is just a corpse.

At this time, true equality and fairness! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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