Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 984: Surrender

Ye Qiuqi is angry and screaming: "Chen Yingfeng, you wake up! Even if you can live by the enemy's charity, can you sleep in the future?"

Chen Ying always has a smile on the wind, and the sound of the big bang like the tide in the middle of the city is like listening. His thin face was clearly hidden in the burning light of his comrade's body.

"French Master, I don't know what you think is the next one?" Chen Yingfeng asked calmly.

"Good! It’s rare to get back in the wind, how can I not let it go!" Fa Zun laughed loudly: "I accept the advice of the wind, and now I can get help from the wind. When I can speed up the extermination, I promise to fight. After that, Chen’s family will inevitably be re-established, and the world will be shared with Jun!”

"Thank you for being an honorable person!" Chen Yingfeng was overjoyed.

"Open the queue on both sides and welcome Chen Yingfeng and his people to come in! From then on, everyone is a family!" Fa Zun laughed and shook.

In the Chen Yingfeng team, although many people are full of grievances, the vast majority of people are also relieved: Mom, finally, survived, luckily, luckily...

On the head of the city, the night sinks and so on is still a lot of people.

However, more people are secretly calculating in their hearts: If I am like this, then I will surrender... Can I...


The densely packed law enforcers lined up on both sides, leaving a wide road with hundreds of feet wide in the middle.

Fa Zun is welcoming Chen Yingfeng's sincerity with the highest etiquette.

Chen Yingfeng at this moment, I feel that I have a face.

Although Chen’s family that has been passed down for thousands of years is in the hands of Fa Zun, as long as he is still alive, Chen’s family can be established in the future... It will definitely surpass the former Chen family, and then, the gentleman revenge, not too late, Who can say what is going on in the future...

The most important thing at the moment is that I can finally survive...


Chen Yingfeng smiled and bowed his hand, paying tribute to both sides.

Immediately, under the negotiation of law enforcement, all the surrendered teams were two thousand people in a row, going forward and accepting the review of the law.

Chen Yingfeng has no objection to this. If there is no such treatment, he will have doubts.

The chaotic team, under the command of the law enforcers, during the period, the night family sent those people also resisted, but after being killed on the spot for more than a dozen, the rest of the people were quiet, seems to have already accepted the fate... ...

After a period of assembly adjustment, it was already night, and the rain finally gradually got smaller.

Looking at the ceremony of cheering around the city, everyone in the city was cold.

Chen Yingfeng did this, which is equivalent to a knife in the hearts of everyone.

Also took so many people!

The ceremony of the Nassau finally began.

The law enforcement officers on both sides stood up and Chen Yingfeng took the lead and led the team to go up. At the end of the road, although they could not see, they could vaguely feel that there was a tyrannical figure with high weight waiting for themselves.

That is the law!

Chen Yingfeng once again breathed a sigh of relief. Fa Zun personally accepted his own sincerity and saw the importance attached to himself.

The surrendered teams walked into this range in rows and rows.

A row of two thousand, with hundreds of thousands of people coming out of Chen Yingfeng, eventually discharged more than two hundred rows.

Life is hopeful, everyone is going very fast, and the mood is also pleasant.

Finally, all the people entered the area under the arrangement of the law enforcers.

In front, Fa Zun laughed happily and greeted the top executives with law enforcement.

Chen Yingfeng’s heart was so excited that he walked a few steps forward and prepared to shake hands with Fa Zun.

Just before I came to the front, I saw the smile of Fa Zun’s face suddenly frozen for a moment, and instantly became the color of the ice. Immediately, one order: "Put these people to the place to kill here! Scribble the roots, one person does not stay!"

This awkward command is like a catastrophe.

The smile on Chen Yingfeng’s face suddenly froze, and his eyes widened unbelievably: “French Lord? You...”

The law is as cold as ice: "Like your despicable villain, the shameless shame that even your own brothers can sell, is the biggest symptom of being demonized by the demon outside the domain. It seems that you are a disaster. The devil's head, actually still wants to talk about the conditions with this seat? Infatuation, kill!"

At the same time, the law enforcement officials who had already prepared for the four weeks were also at the same time.


Suddenly the sword shines, forming a wave of the sea!

Then there is the thick and dense blood to the extreme, the spurt of the spurt, the whole sky, the whole area, instantly become a bright red!

In this case, it is completely unprepared, and it is completely unprepared, and all of them fall into the encirclement of the other side; and the comparison of the number of the two sides is even more disparity, the quality of the masters is no more than tens of times, or even more... ...

Chen Yingfeng’s misery at this moment can be said to be truly home.

The law enforcement people work together, basically the full force is applied; what is the sword and the sword, the human knife is one... Anyway, what is the most powerful trick for yourself, what tricks are used.

Go all out to these enemies who are completely unprepared and have no resistance, and kill the killer!

Dozens of battlefields, both sides are enemies!

It’s just a face-to-face situation, and there are already more than a hundred thousand people who are stunned and killed in the spring!

Chen Ying is eager to break, roaring: "Fa Zun, you dare to lie to me!"

Fa Zun’s face was disdainful and smiled, and his body fluttered back.

Even killing Chen Yingfeng with his own hands is disdainful.

Chen Yingfeng roared forward and rushed forward: "Fa Zun! Don't go! Lao Tzu wants to fight with you! You **** liar!"

However, the nine sects of the law enforcement sects alongside the law sergeant have stopped him: "Death to the end, but also want to fight with the lord of the law, with your low-spirited low-level magical creatures ?!"

Then it is a big hit.

In an instant, stifling the sound of the earth!

Or shouldn't it be said that it is killing, it is simply a unilateral slaughter!

The change here has just happened, and everyone on the city has already heard it.

I was shocked to hear that the people on the head of the city didn’t know what to do for a while! The people who were still screaming and screaming were also screaming together.

A little sound can't be made.

Seeing those people who were slaughtered in the encirclement and almost no resistance, the only action of night sinking and so on, only closed the two eyes weakly...

Although I feel a lot of happiness, can you not feel sad in your heart?

Hundreds of thousands of people were sent to the door to be deceived, and then almost no resistance to being slaughtered... What is wrong with death?

In Zhongdu City, everyone is as good as it is.

Some of the people who are thinking about surrendering their minds are like pouring water on the head and smashing the coolness of their bodies!

It turns out that surrender is not good either...

My goodness, what can I do? Is this not dead?

This battle has come abruptly abnormal, but the end is also very fast.

This unilateral massacre lasted about half an hour before and after, and hundreds of thousands of people had already turned into corpses, and the law enforcement party had almost no damage, and the casualties were minimal.

The front line is too long, the law enforcement officers are prepared to be too full, almost all of them perform their duties, each person is aiming at a few, and they are sure to start again. These people are completely prepared... How can they escape?

In the screams, Chen Yingfeng sneaked into the blood, and the blood in his mouth flew up into the sky. His cultivation was also superb. He tried to break through the death and flew over to Zhongducheng.

"Night brother! Save me! Help me!"

On the head of the city, the night sinks like a cold water, like a zombie.

Next to it, Zhuge Cangwu and Ye Qiuqiu are all screaming on the ground, and angry faces don't look away.

save you?

Do you do these things, and actually have faces to ask for help?

You are also eternal, and there are actually two words that call for help? The son of the Nine Robbers, the ancestor of the Nine Great Family, why have you called for help?

Do you know that you have saved your life and trampled all our old faces on the ground to make people trample on them?

Several law enforcers supremely fly from behind to catch up, the fists and swords rainstorms generally fall!

A scream, Chen Yingfeng was hit by a punch, and then his body no longer has the ability to act independently!

Another nine-piece supreme ghost flashed, and it was already under Chen Yingfeng. He kicked his foot on his lower abdomen. Chen Yingfeng’s painful screams, the whole body could not fly up from the main ground.

However, at the moment there was another person waiting for him at the moment, and his palms were shot on his back, and then he stepped on his foot and stepped on his back.

The nine pieces of the supreme sword in the lower part broke into the front of Chen Yingfeng, and the other nine pieces of supremely slammed the hands on his sides.

A few squeaks, Chen Yingfeng's bones don't know how many roots are broken. A head is also like a watermelon in a bursting bomb. It usually bursts open and the brain is split.

A bang, I do not know is the last hand of that person, shot in his dantian!

Broken his soul completely, and the spirit is gone!

The first generation of the Chen family ancestors, just in the air, in the eyes of the public, turned into a rain and fog in the sky.

The place where he died is not far from the head of Zhongdu City.

The master above is like a cloud, but no one is willing to come out to rescue!

Just so watched the law enforcement four, nine products supreme in front of themselves to open a killing, big shots, Chen Yingfeng from a complete person into a long meat sauce!

The four supreme turned and left, and the moment has disappeared in front of everyone.

The night sinks and so on!

It is already late at night.

The voice of Fa Zun came from afar: "Oh... Today, Chen Jia is also finished. Next, who is going to play against my law enforcement? Do not blame this seat for not saying, as long as you dare to fight, I will never swear. Give you a chance to fight for a fair war, if no one dares to fight... At that time, the army starts, and the capital of Zhongdu City burns!"

Ye Qiu took a deep breath and turned around, sinking deep into the night and salivating deeply: "Big brother pays more attention! The younger brother will take revenge!" (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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