Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 985: One to the end

The night's face was stunned and said: "Autumn leaves, you take the first step, then the big brother will come!"

Ye Qiu haha ​​laughed, turned and strode out, and said: "Ye family children, play with me! Night children, but also a few help out! This is the military, now it is our turn! It is a man is a hero, follow the old man Going to death!"

Ye Qiuqiu’s voice just fell.

A bang, in the middle of the city, this already desperate Jianghu people, in an instant is hula la standing up a large piece. With the same voice: "It's our turn! Going to death! Fighting with the **** law enforcement!"

Ye Qiu’s words are extremely straightforward.

Just go to die! Just die!

But it is such a straightforward statement, but at this time, it has greatly aroused the heart of the rivers and lakes!

Since it is inevitable that you will die, you will die in battle!


Even some people who did not belong to Ye Qiu’s camp spontaneously joined in at this moment.

"Death is dead! Who is afraid of who!"

"The law enforcement has two eyes, we are also a head!"

"The law enforcement officers have something to say, and there are birds in the pants of Laozi!"

"**Nanny! Fight!"

A burst of embarrassment, like a scream in the catharsis, everyone holding a sword, out of the city!

Although the formation is chaotic, everyone is full of momentum and heads high.

If there is still life, Lao Tzu will not die!

But since it is already destined to die, I am going to die like a man!

The battle continued for a whole night and has not stopped yet.

Throughout the whole day and night, the entire Zhongdu City is like an earthquake, and it is in an endless tremor. All the houses are twisting and dancing, and they are very rhythmically twisted. I don’t know if it’s unfortunate. Fortunately, there is very little collapse.

The once-in-a-lifetime torrential rain is now a little smaller, but it has been down, as if it can last forever.

Outside the city, the raging fire has not stopped.

Needless to say, the first wave of incineration belts was sent far away, but as long as the dead again, the fire burning the bodies will continue to burn, raging, burning all night.

That special barbecue smell naturally continues to pervade, and the whole night continues to pervade.

In Zhongdu City, people can be seen vomiting everywhere, but they only spit out, but as long as they are exposed to the strange smell, they will continue to vomit...

Even if people who are slower, people who are not well informed, they already know that this taste is due to the burning of a large number of bodies.... In the environment filled with heavy rain, it burns for a day and a night. How many bodies have you burned?

Maybe soon, or today, or understand that you will become a burned member?

As long as you think about it, it is a trembling, and your heart is bursting.

After the fierce battle between the people who fought with Ye Qiu, they were already burning on the fire.

The end of this wave of war, with the end of a fierce explosion, between the night and the tears of the night, Ye Qiu also followed the footsteps of Xiao Chenyu, in the law enforcement circle into a human voice.

However, the law enforcement officers who fought against him could eventually survive, but there were only less than 30,000.

The stubbornness of Ye Qiu's department makes all law enforcement officials stunned.

Obviously, the strengths are very different, obviously the enemy is strong and weak, but the courage, perseverance, and fighting spirit displayed by this wave of family alliances are amazing. I am not as strong as you, I will hold you to die together, so I will not win. Only seeking remnants, not afraid of strong enemies, and even seeking the first singer of death, completely shaken the victory and defeat of the Scorpio, if not the contrast between the two sides of the high strength is not so disparity, the final outcome is really hard to say.

Seeing that the warriors who were eventually scarred by 30,000 were removed from the battlefield, the people on the side of the law enforcement first felt the fear, the vest, and a cold air rose.

This wave of death has killed 470,000 people!

There are only 30,000 survivors left, and the vast majority of these 30,000 people are also abolished. In this life, it is impossible to restore the extent of the peak period.

It is clearly the two sides of the strong and weak disparity, but in the end it is such a tragic result.

Everyone’s eyes are on the law.

At this moment, the face of Fa Zun is still gloomy, without a little expression, just waved his hand and ordered: "I will immediately start to clean up the battlefield and wait for the next battle. The devil is not destroyed, the battle is not limited!"

"Fa Zun adults!" There is a high-ranking supreme pleading: "Let the brothers take a break, everyone is flesh and blood, and after such a terrible killing... still in such a downpour It’s been raining for two days and one night...”

The law is faint: "Who is not the flesh and blood? Who is not fighting for one night? Who is not drenched in the rain? Is it only our people? Why are you so delicate?"


"Nothing is needed. The end of the battle is endless, one is toast!" The law of the indifference of the law: "There are dissidents, hey! Kill! Innocent!"

Everyone is afraid to say it again.

The current law, the cold heart, has gone to the point where there is no human feeling.

Looking at the indifferent and ruthless face of Fa Zun, everyone can only act in obedience.

Everyone knows that the words of Fa Zun are by no means a play. Before that, the whole piece of the nine-day continent, nearly 20 million dead souls killed in just ten days, has already confirmed this.

Law Zun, it is absolutely said that it can be done, the words and the law are followed, and the order is forbidden!

Although the law enforcement party is also lacking in people, under these high-pressure orders, it is still divided to clean the battlefield and continue to burn the body.

Fa Zun once again looked at the city, and his mind was full of doubts: Chu Yang, who is the master of the Nine Robbery Sword, is now the last moment of the demon disaster, why has it not appeared yet?

What is Chu Yang doing now?

Although Chu Yang has never appeared, but there is always an intuition in the spirit of the law: the ultimate ability to stop their own crazy, only Chu Yang!

The only thing that can end your own madness is Chu Yang.

However, Fa Zun is a war-robin, as he himself said: A battle with the Nine Robbers will never leave a mercy.

Chu Yang, if you fail, it will tarnish the great title of the nine robbers! Then I will never allow you to live, because a loser, not worthy of the name of my boss, is not qualified to be the name of the legend!

On the head of the city, it could have been said that it was crowded and dense, but now it is already sparse.

At this moment, only the night sinks and the Zhuge sky, the three people who stand in the stone roar are still standing here, and the three people's expressions are very consistent, all of them are full of complexities.

It contains pride, grief, resentment, and decisiveness.

The stone roared and sighed abruptly. He took a jade bottle from his arms and slowly opened it. He smiled and said: "In the past few days, the nine-robbery sword gave me the fifth gentleness to give me this Jiuzhong Dan, the old man. There are many concerns in my heart. Although each other has formed an alliance for the sake of position, the confrontation between the nine families and the nine robbers is still inevitable. How can we accept the enemy’s blessing?"

"There is no such thing as grievances and grievances. I have never taken it... but today is the battle of revenge. The old man does not care so much. He owes it... owes it. Anyway, it is estimated that there is no chance of repayment in this life. Finally, I have the same position and have a common enemy. I hope that this Jiu Dan will allow the old man to kill a few more enemies, so that this heart can be reduced a little. When you are on the road, don't worry too much about this... ...haha... self-deception, deceiving and deceiving yourself, it turned out to be like this..."

When I said it, I opened the jade bottle. The moment when the fragrance rose, I had already taken the Jiuzhong Dan.

The night sinks into a smile and says: "What deceives people, deceives others, and believes that the nine robbers will not care about your feelings. You put your heart in your stomach. Besides, you I am going to become a dead person soon... The dead need not pay anything."

"Haha..." The stone roared and laughed.

Zhuge Cang smiled and said: "Big brother, then, it seems that it is the turn of the younger brother to go to revenge..."

The night sinks into the sky and sighs, saying: "The nine major families, the eternal years, the original ten thousand years, the fruit has a fixed number... Nowadays, it is time to be destroyed. It is the only thing that can’t be imagined, and it’s never expected. This time the family was not destroyed by the hands of the nine robbers, but was destroyed in the hands of the law enforcers. No, the Fa Zun was one of the nine robberies of the year, and the nine robbers were unable to escape this reincarnation... Hehe... At this moment, what is said to be so redundant is totally meaningless..."

Zhuge Cangxiao smiled and said: "The brothers have gone one by one. Now, in addition to the three of us, there is still one Lingyang who is now with the Nine Robbery Sword Master. Ten years ago, the brothers and nine people, There are seven sisters, now the sisters are not there, and there are only four brothers left. Well, I don’t know that Fuyang is still willing to treat us as brothers. It’s not a very glorious thing to have such a brother."

The stone roar wants to laugh, but he feels that his nose is sour and laughs. He said: "There is no evil in the sun, but it is very soft. How can we not recognize us as brothers, especially the brothers who are dying. I want to say, morning and evening. It’s all going to die, die a few days early and die a few days late, what counts, don’t drag it to Fuyang. When you don’t want our brothers, it’s really fun.”

The three laughed at the same time.

"It’s a pity that Chen Yingfeng’s miscellaneous account...” The night’s sinking eyes reveal deep hatred. “This is a confusing thing. It’s dying, and it’s actually smearing a gray for the brothers. It’s really the old man.” Hate very extreme!"

"But in addition to the git, most of us are still worthy of the prestige of the father!" Zhuge Cang's eyes are sad, but his face is a kind of radiance.

"This is enough!" The night sinks and the stone roars at the same time focus on the head.


Continue to write the second chapter. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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