Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 989: Today is the same!

"The order is passed down!" Fa Zun slowly lifted the slender fingers to himself, gently sighed, and thoroughly blew the residual powder in the palm of his hand, faintly said: "I don't want it, then someone will say something wrong. ... these two words are very harsh."

"My order, I only need to perform, and I don't need anything wrong. Do you understand?"

"Yes." Another eight-product supreme next to him has already been scared by this scene. He heard no more objections and immediately went to order.

Later, I saw a group of people going to the Zhuge Cang three people in the field.

The killing sounds again.

As the battle sounded again, Fa Zun closed his eyes again, his mouth, and he still had a sneer.

Three thousand people entered the battlefield, and the three people against each other seemed to have a great disparity in the number of people on both sides. To put it bluntly, people can pile up dead people, but in fact, the strength gap between the two sides is also extremely large.

The precondition for taking people to pile up the other side is that the two sides are close to each other, but the current real strength comparison is like sending three thousand two or three-year-old children on the sea to besiege three seriously injured whales. .

Although the whale is seriously injured, as long as it can move, as long as you just turn around, the waves will be enough to drown the 3,000 children!

This is the case in the battlefield now.

The number of three thousand people is getting less and less, but it is only a moment before and after, and it has already lost one-third of the number.

In the unilateral slaughter of Zhuge Cangwu, instead of feeling tired, there is a feeling of rest and recuperation, and the strength is actually recovering...

"This is too much! I won't go!"

"This is simply letting us die."


"Is the Fa Zun adult fainted, and there is such a faint..."


In the end, among the ranks of law enforcement, when the first batch of 3,000 people died completely, once again, the above rebound occurred immediately.

After all, not afraid of death and death is a completely different matter, no one is willing to die.

"Do not respect the commander, kill, innocent!" The cold voice of Fa Zun came, the knife flashed, but in an instant, the crowd of protesters had been slaughtered.

However, this action provoked a greater rebound; more people began to resist, and the scene was unusually chaotic.

The law is so heavy that there is still only one word: "kill!"

In an instant, thousands of people fell to the ground again.

Fa Zun’s arbitrariness has made everyone feel a heartfelt chill.

Fa Zun gives a strange feeling that if you don’t respect the order, ‘even if you kill someone, it doesn’t matter.’

Feeling weird, but it is real, real!

Under the high pressure, finally a group of people rushed out.

Instead of being killed by the command of the law, it is better to fight with the three people. The three are always in the air, try their best, or have a chance to live, but against the law, it is doomed to death!

"Why can't the master of the supreme predecessor fight?" He has been sitting across from Fa Zun, and Ping Yuyun, who has not said a word for several days, suddenly spoke.

"The three people can also be regarded as heroes, heroes, and there should always be several people buried." Fa Zun underestimated the words: "The old man does not have to care, although each other is an enemy, but this does not hinder, I give them A little respect, that's all."

Ping Yuyun’s face showed a sneer and ridiculed: “Is it too big for the burial of millions of people before? Do you want to add more? Three thousand? 30,000? Still more?”

"That's my business, my decision." Fa Zun looked at Ping Yuyun: "Ping Lao, after you have done the law, it is not too late to question my decision. Now you seem to be ineligible to question my decision."

Ping Yuyun smiled and said: "I really don't! Today, even my soul is under your control. I just want to ask you a word, how can I get rid of my magic? Method? What is the price!"

Fa Zun smiled faintly: "I am sorry, there is no way, I can never lift it. It is a pity!"

Pingyun cloud suddenly caught.

Because, he actually heard a sincere sincere apology from the sentence of the law.

This emotion seems to be something that should not appear at all, but now it is clear that it is this feeling.

Fa Zun raised his eyes and looked at Pingyunyun, faintly said: "If I finally die... your soul loses control of the ruler, or it completely degenerates into a demon, or can maintain the last trace of clarity... then if you I can still keep the last trace of clarity, and I don’t want to be a disaster, I will abolish my martial arts, so it’s the only way to go.

Ping Xiaoyun laughed miserably and said: "Thank you for your guidance; if I am blew on the spot now, how likely is it to kill you?"

Faure said tiredly: "There will be no use. Because... you and my level are already too far away. Even if I allow you to blew yourself, the result is nothing to help, and sacrifice in vain."

"Now I am already a golden body!" Fa Zun’s eyes revealed a trace of worries and worries, whispering: "In this day, there is only one person, a sword, a chance to kill me."

Ping Yuyun’s eyes brightened, and he gnawed his teeth and said: “Is it a nine-robbery sword? It’s rare that you are still worried that the Nine Robbery Sword has killed you, haha... The old man suddenly feels very relieved! There is still a way to deal with you!”

Fa Zun shook his head and laughed, looking at the battlefield.

The heart said quietly: No one knows me in the world, no one knows my fears know my concerns. What I am most worried about now is that the Nine Robbery Sword can't kill me anymore... And you don't understand this.

I am dead, I can only die under the nine robbery sword.

On the battlefield, weird unequal fighting is still going on, and the number of people who die is naturally more and more.

However, in this regard, Fa Zun is completely indifferent, as if it is only an ant.

When the third batch of people rushed to the siege, Zhuge Cangwu and others finally reached the end of the strong, crumbling.

Manpower is sometimes poor, and Zhuge Cangwu and others are not equal to the giant whales in the sea. The low-ranking warriors who besieged them are not children of a few years old. It is still necessary to kill people to kill people. They are exhausted and they are exhausted. The whales are drowning. The big waves of life still need to be shaken and other bodies to produce. When the degree of heavy damage reaches a certain level, even shaking the body gradually becomes a luxury!

Just like the situation of Zhuge Cangwu and others at the moment!

However, at this time, the night of the battle on the wall looked up and looked at the sky. The thunder in the sky has obviously come to an end. Although the dark clouds are still dense, the specific power of the heavens and the earth is almost over. It is.

Suddenly, the night shivered and shouted: "Everyone is dead together! Fa Zun, let all of your people come out!"

A long plunder, like a whirlwind, took the lead in the city.

Immediately, all the remaining night-time people in Zhongdu City, all the remaining people in the rivers and lakes, like the whirlwind, followed the night and sank to the battlefield.

I have already mobilized well before, but at this moment I just went to the country.

In the eyes of the law, the cold flashed, muttering: "The night is heavy, you can count as a man." A wave of hands, said: "All the law enforcement officers are dispatched! In the shortest possible time, end the campaign!"

All the law enforcement officers who are waiting to see, after the command of the law, suddenly fell out of the nest.

With a cry, there were only two people left in the station where the law enforcement officers were surging.

Fa Zun, Ping Yuyun.

On the Chinese side, a dragon stands out from the gates and is vast.

The fifth soft and gentle snow on the wall is relatively sighing, and the meaning of the night is very clear.

The situation has gradually become clear. The ascending thunder of the Nine Robbers and others has already passed. Once the thunder has passed, it means that there will be 14 peerless masters who will join in this battle.

Just look at the momentum of this thunder, I believe that those who are subject to thunder, any one will have energy beyond the limits of the world; so as long as these people come out, it is very likely to immediately reverse the situation!

In terms of reason, as long as the night sinks and can drag the battle to that time, the whole battle will be rewritten. The law and the law enforcement army will also be on the road to ruin. He and his night family, even if the casualties are heavy, But it is fundamentally preserved. However, the night is heavy but does not want that kind of preservation. It is not disdainful, but it is really not wanted.

I don't want the preservation of the main wings of the nine robbers.

All of their own brothers have gone all the way, and all the families are now only the last two. The night has already lost the desire to live.

In addition, the night sinks and does not want Ling Xiaoyang to see the scene of his own death, lest Ling Yangyang also impulsive.

After all, a group of brothers... There must always be a trip to the Nine Heavens, Ling Xiaoyang is the only one of the brothers who has a clear conscience. Other brothers are guilty...

The night sinks into the air, like a whirlwind, rushing into the enemy line, the sword is falling, a series of human heads fly in succession, punching and kicking, blink of an eye, hundreds of people have become a flying trapeze in front of him.

His weird, long-sounding laughter, the long sword flying in the hands, the hands and feet moving together, the wide sleeves of the robe, suddenly appeared innumerable flashes of light. This is the famous stunt of the night family, the sky is cold.

This trick is a magic weapon for the night to kill the enemy. For the night-time people, it is not a strong enemy and a great enemy. But at this moment, the night was heavy but it was used without any scruples, even without choosing an opponent.

At the time of the flashing light, the screams of a person swaying and screaming loudly and loudly.

The three spirits, such as Zhuge Cangwu and Stone Roar, which had already been in a desperate situation, were shocked. Zhuge Cangzhen slightly shouted: "Big Brother!?"

The whirlwind of the night did not stop at all, and rushed to the front of the three people, and the footsteps slammed, suddenly a silvery aperture was formed around the three people, outside the aperture, within a radius of ten feet. All the enemies, like the neat fall of the cut wheat, are all broken. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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