Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 990: Million years of blood debt!

"Do not talk nonsense, take time to recover, restore some strength, how much can be recovered! In the last battle, let our brothers walk side by side!" The night sinks and keeps on, and continues to swim at high speed around the three, surrounded by The law enforcement of the film, the rushing down.

"Recover more strength, even if it will blew a little later, there will be a little more capital." Night shouted.

Zhuge Cangwu three faces a sigh, said Shen Sheng: "Yes!"

Immediately closed his eyes and adjusted his interest, he even completely ignored the enemies in the surrounding mountains.

There is a night sinking here, I believe that even if the heavens and the earth collapse, he can stop for a moment.

And this moment is enough, enough for three people to take a good breath.

It’s enough to take a good breath!

Due to the sudden arrival of the night, the speed and timing of his participation in the battle are also coincidental. It is the third wave of 3,000 people who just formed a circle and besieged the subtleties of Zhuge Cangwu and others. In the night, the three thousand people are simply serving food.

Because of this, in order to achieve such amazing results, but also successfully for the Zhuge Cang three three to a breath of breath, otherwise, in terms of the tyrannical strength of law enforcement, night sinking can be so easy to succeed!

"The night is heavy! Are you coming to die? Let's die!" A shouting screaming screaming with a fierce sword light, all in all directions, all nine of the law enforcers and eight products supreme, quickly toward this place concentrated.

The night was full of laughter, and the black clothes turned like the night: "This is the place to die, but you must have that skill! The good head of the night is here, there is the ability to take it!"

"Hurricane!" A cold drink, a stunned sword light has reached the night sinking. Two others came and went, and one person was like a lightning bolt. One person has a huge axe.

At night, I fell into a cross sword and said: "Hurricane? The old man has been mad for a lifetime. Do you know today?"

Endless taunting sneer, night sinking and sorrowful, and with one person's power, stopped the three nine products supreme, six eight products supreme, the three brothers in the circle protected the storm.

Under his playing style as if he were desperate, the law enforcers had a total of nine high-ranking supremes facing him. Actually, I was forced to fall into the wind in a short time!

However, with the arrival of a large number of high-ranking senior warriors, the pressure on the night has suddenly increased tenfold and hundreds of times. Fortunately, the people in the middle of the country have also come over and the battle has been upgraded!

The final decisive battle between the family army and the army of law enforcers has completely opened the curtain!

The scene was in full swing.

However, a long shout. The abrupt sounds, coming from afar, the next moment, a rich and extreme green is like the waves in the sky, getting closer and closer.

A clear voice shouted: "This is already so lively, we are late!"

Another voice is cold and cold: "Since it is late, just start!"

The latter sound is a woman's voice.

immediately. After a blue-colored shadow clip, the endless greenness of the crowd, rushed into the crowd of law enforcement officers, and said: "The eight wild sages are respected, the waters are thousands of mountains, I am the king!"

"Boom". Suddenly there are countless vine sprouts rising on the ground, and in an instant it has rapidly grown into an ancient vine, entangled, trapping many law enforcement officers who are fighting. When I was trapped, I still couldn’t help but spread to the upper body.

Wei Gongzi!

It’s actually Wei Gongzi!

On the occasion of this millennium. Wei Gongzi unexpectedly arrived, hurting the killer, big profit.

And a black-faced masked woman who came behind Wei Gongzi was equally sharp, and if she was rushing to the thunder, she was already driving the moment when the entangled law enforcers were smashing the green vines. Jianguang flashed from the top of these people.

Puff puff……

Countless human heads flew up like this, fluttering in the air, and blood was spurted out of the neck of the human body.

The person who came is the head of the dark bamboo in the middle of the three days.

It seems that either Junxiu has been retreating, or that Weigong has played a major role in the elixir that was brought from the Elves. For whatever reason, the current dark bamboo leader has now reached the realm of supremeity.

Although in the last three days of this war, the Supreme Four has long been a top expert, but at this moment, almost all the high-end combat power has been attracted by the night and others; the rest of the people actually Few can pose a threat to Jun Xi.

Not to mention the super master guards of the nine peaks of Wei Gongzi. The total lineup of two people is actually a long drive and a wind. In the crowd of people, a **** road is born, and the wind and waves are generally advancing toward the core areas of the battle.

"Where are the people of the Nine Family?" Jun Xizhu and a sword shot, flew up and shouted: "I was the descendant of the family of the year, I can still remember that there is still a blood debt not yet?! Today is When you pay off your debts, your life is mine!"

The night sinks, the Zhuge Cang, the stone roar and other three people rumored this statement and the body was shocked, looking up.

I saw a man in the mountains, a black woman, a long sword like the wind, wherever it is, it is a blood wave rising up, the limbs and the broken head flying together, the bright red is a long day!

The night sinking and the Zhuge Cangwu stone roaring these three faces at the same time reveal a complex look to the extreme.

It is a kind of eccentric look that is relieved and faint.

It turns out that Uncle Jun’s family is actually a descendant.

Sure enough, it is a day of pity, open eyes!

The night sinks and laughs loudly, saying: "The blood of the monarchy is vivid, and I have not yet returned! I also ask the creditors to be reassured. Today, after the war, they must pay back! Wannian blood debt, today is the time of liquidation!"

Jun Xi Zhu Yi, said: "You are here! If you repay, then pay it back!"

When you say it, you will be able to fly.

Jun Xi bamboo eyes crossed, said: "I save, do you think I am you?"

Wei Gongzi smiled bitterly, the temper of this big scorpion is really so sultry forever...

The two rolled over and rushed toward the middle.

"Elves!" In the sacred scorpion, the gods flashed, and they still watched the two men screaming and killing. There is no intention to block it at all.

It seems that the law enforcers who are dying in the two men have nothing to do with him.

The night sinks this time, it can be said that it is a nest, and the people who come out are naturally not a few. He himself has attracted the vast majority of the top-level combat power of law enforcement with Zhuge Cang and others, but the number of remaining law enforcers is still very Less.

Moreover, both in terms of quantity and quality, it is much higher than that of the nine family side.

The war situation has been carried out all the way, and the people of the nine family have gradually fallen into the disadvantages. If it were not for Wei Gongzi and Jun Xizhu, they happened to arrive at this time. Strong shots, temporarily rehabilitating the war situation, the war situation is only going to fall into one side, even in the crisis of overthrowing at any time!

Another loud and long whistle sounded, and a gray figure flew into the battlefield like a meteor. "Boom", landing moments, countless people around him were shaken by the ground; Zhenfei is only the beginning, because the flying body has been torn apart in the air.

The people who survived the next side are all horrified and retire, Nima, who is this? How is it so fierce?

To know that the people who were shocked by him also included two six-supreme masters!

It’s just a matter of falling. You can have this power and look around today's world. There are only three or five people with this strength. Who is this person? !

I saw a big scream: "French! How dare you be so mad!"

Then it started again. As quickly as a meteor flies out, the foot is continually imaginary, the virtual point is falling, and one law enforcement person has split brains. Instantly competing.

However, the coming of the people is like a leaping and leaping battlefield, and goes straight to the land where the law is in the distance. Where it passed. A dense sound explosion behind you!

"It's Ning Tianya! Ning Zhizun is here!"

Among the nine family members, some people were shocked and inexplicably excited.

"Ning Zhizun!"

"Ning Tianya! The world's first master!"

Suddenly, the entire battlefield was boiled again.

To really tell the truth, the results of Wei Gongzi and Jun Xizhu before were even more above the Ning Tianya, but the impact of Ning Tianya is extremely huge. After all, Ning Tianya has become famous for a long time. The prestige of a master is even above the law, and this point has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In the common people's cognition, although the law is strong, it is still a little bit weaker than the world. Although the facts are no longer the case, at the moment, the arrival of Ning Tianya and the strong shots will undoubtedly inject a strong heart into the coalition. The needle, the coalition forces, immediately shocked the earthquake, and at one time it became the situation of the anti-pressure law enforcement army.

Fa Zun looked up and looked at the Ning Tianya, which was flying far away. He still calmed down and said: "You don't shoot?"

Ping Yuyun angered: "Why should I shoot? Ning Tianya is coming to kill you, I just can't ask for it! If I can shoot you, do you think I will be silent so far?"

Fa Zun smiles: "Ning Tianya is still the past Ning Tianya, but I am no longer the past. I am not the most understandable person. If you really stop him, let me take it, then Ning Tianya will It’s dead! Now he’s still the best in the world. Is it the best in the world? You can judge it yourself, I will never force you!”

Ping Yuyun rushed and angered, staring at Fa Zun. If the eyes were like a sword, Fa Zun had already been smashed by the lingering, and the body died. Fa Zun faced an angry look, but he smiled right and calmed. It is the choice of waiting for peace.

Although Pingyunyun is furious and wants to kill the people in front of him, he also knows that Fa Zun is telling the truth. If he changed to the law of the past six months, he would never be the opponent of Ning Tianya; but nowadays, he is devouring After the extraterrestrial demon, the strength of Fa Zun has been turned over several times.

Ning Tianya, I am afraid that it is not the opponent of Fa Zun, and even the two have lost comparable room! If it is the law, the old friend of Ning Tianya, I am afraid it will really fall here.


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