Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 991: Enmity

In addition, Fa Zun now negotiates with himself and does not order himself.

His own soul is in his hands, he can directly command his own shots, and then he has to obey, now, always self-motivated, there is always a little room for manoeuvre...

With a long sigh, Ping Yunyun had to make a decision, first save Ning Tianya and then say. Standing out in the air, like a black cloud in the air, the front face Ning Tianya: "Lao Ning! I have something to say to you."

Ning Tianya was furious and shouted: "Flat cloud, why do you even have to reverse it? I really missed you!"

Ping Yuyun's face is tangled, saying: "Old Ning, you don't understand, you..."

Suddenly, his face was inexplicably stunned, and he screamed: "Ning Tianya, let's come!"

In his pupil, there is a faint sigh of darkness, but it is forced by the law to give orders, so that he does not have the opportunity to speak with Ning Tianya.

Ning Tianya saw Ping Yuyun mouth said it was good, suddenly hurt the killer, can not help but be angry, and greeted.

Although Ning Tianya is not an opponent of Fa Zun, but the strength can still be included in the top three in the world, although Ping Yunyun is an old monster of more than 20,000 years old, but the strength is still inferior to the world. Ning Tianya wants to take him between the three strokes and two styles, but still can't!

Suddenly a young voice shouted: "Hey! He killed this old king! The mouth said good, but his hand steals a knife, it is not a good thing, kill him, don't give me face!"

Suddenly from the back of Ning Tianya, a small head with a powder makeup jade, a pair of black eyes watching the Pingyun cloud, after a long while, said the old-fashioned autumn: "Lao Ning, this guy seems to be something wrong, not necessarily a good thing. ......"

Ning Tianya has been fighting with Pingyiyun at this moment, and said: "How is it wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Suddenly an unusually intense violent explosion came from the rear, and this moment shocked everyone's ears almost lost consciousness.

However, the only remaining nine products of Zhuge’s family finally chose to blew themselves when they could not support it.

In addition to self-explosion, the battlefield is hollow out of a large open space!

At night, people and other people burst into a roar of anger and anger.

At this moment, the thunder and lightning in the sky have finally been exhausted.

Inside the city. A calm and more implied voice instantly sounds: "French! Let your people stop!"

Then there was a "sudden" sound, and a whole storm suddenly burst into a storm. The dark clouds that had been all over the sky had been blown clean in an instant!

In the distant sky, there are more than a dozen black spots.

next moment. These little black spots have suddenly appeared in the battlefield. It was fourteen people who came together.

There are not many people in this line. There are only 14 people in total, but the momentum brought by these fourteen people will be dispersed at the same time! I don't know where to fly.

This is just this momentum. It has already shocked everyone!

Such as the sound of the sound, the same as the ordinary, when the arrival of Ning Tianya, the momentum is no more than, compared with it. At most, it is roughly the same, but Ning Tianya only has one person, but there are as many as fourteen people here, and there are actually fourteen people who are not in the Ning Tianya. !

Even beyond?

At the moment when these fourteen people appeared.

There was a smile in the eyes of the night, flashing a bit of peace of mind, and suddenly shouted: "The descendants of the family!"

In the melee, Jun Xizhu heard this saying that he could look back, only to see the night sinking and Zhuge Cang and the stone roaring. The three men stood up at the same time and suspended in midair. Staring at myself.

Wei Gongzi's body shape is like electricity. He swam around the Junxi bamboo. All the law enforcement officers who were close to the map were killed by him without mercy. Give Junxi Bamboo a relatively safe dialogue environment.

"The old man is the night of the ancestors of the night, tens of thousands of years ago. The old man personally planned and created the tragedy of the monarchy. This is a maddening, ungrateful, and old man. It is still the present! Today, after seeing the family People still exist in the world. It really means that there is an eye in the sky, and the old man has no regrets."

"Today, today, here, the blood debts owed to the family will be returned to the family!" The night screamed: "The old man will repay this blood debt with the whole night, and may slightly pay for the hatred of the family?!"

Zhuge Cang suddenly laughed: "There is also my Zhuge Cangzhen. I was also one of the masterminds of the past. I am willing to repay the blood debt with this disability today, and go to Uncle Jun to sin in the Spirit of Heaven!"

"I snarl at the stone, I will repay this blood debt here today!" Stone screamed and shouted.

Immediately, the three brothers smiled at each other and saw the calm and determined in the eyes of the other party.

At the entrance of Zhongdu City, a meteor flew out, and the screaming screams in the mouth screamed: "Big Brother! Don't!"

The people who came here were Ling Xiaoyang. After the breakthrough of Chu Yang and others, the repairs were far more than Ling Xiaoyang. Although Chu Yang and others came one step earlier, Ling Xiaoyang was still late.

The difference between the moments, the facts are already!

Ling Xiaoyang had just rushed to the city gate, and he heard the heavy sigh of the night. He couldn’t help but be tempted and tried his best to come.

There was a warm and sincere smile on the face of the night, saying: "Yangyang, if you have the chance to see our fathers in the future, you will say that we have already died. This shameful thing, we must not pass it out. Shy ancestors."

Zhuge Cangwu and Shi Langqi both nodded and smiled at the same time: "Brother, please."

Immediately, in the scream of tears in Lingyangyang, the three people in the sky made three directions and rushed toward the most dense place of the law enforcement crowd.

"If you do something wrong, you still have to pay the price! If you owe it, you will always have to pay back!"

The sound of the night's deep laughter filled the whole world, for a long time.

The next moment, the three strong and fierce explosions roared, and they gathered together.



A burst of smoke and dust rises, and the sky is covered with thousands of miles!

A total of three nine products supremely blew together. In these intensive battlefields, there are still some enemies there. In addition to self-destruction, more than 100,000 people from both sides will follow. Of course, there are still more law enforcements, about seven or three.

Between heaven and earth, suddenly fell into a silence!

Outside the battlefield, Ling Xiaoyang, who was running wild, suddenly suddenly slammed, and then fell to the ground, a nine-piece supreme, a contemporary master, will actually run, fell and fell!

And the wrestling is unbearable!

Then, Ling Xiaoyang sat for a while, suddenly covering his face with both hands, bursting into tears.

Chu Yang and others just arrived at the battlefield, and this happened. The aftermath of the explosion did not affect them a few of them, but they never thought that the night was so heavy that they were able to save their lives. Next, actually launched a self-destruction!

"They don't want to endure our grace, and they are even more reluctant to live under our refuge." What a fascinating heart of Mo Tianji, the reason has been speculated in an instant.

Chu Yang and others only have a long sigh.

In the crowd, there is not much happiness under the heart of the big hatred, but the eyes are somewhat confused. I just slashed by instinct and suddenly felt that everything in front of me was so illusory.

If so, why bother?

I have done everything myself to do this. The only hope is to revenge, just to tremble the family; but, just when I saw hope, the enemy disappeared.

This result gave her an extreme sense of loss.

Since you are in your heart, why should you do that at the beginning?

Is it that I have worked hard for so many years, just to see if you blew yourself today?

Seeing her sorrow and awkwardness, Wei Gongzi only had a closer shot, blocking the foreign enemy and preventing her from being hurt.

This will be the only way to rely on the instinct of the enemy, as long as a high-end supreme can easily take its life, how Wei Gongzi carelessly deal with.

In the distance, Fa Zun stood up and then stepped out, but it had already reached the void and stood face to face with Chu Yang and others.

"Chuyang, the contemporary nine-robbery sword master, congratulations on your great achievements!" Fa Zun said with some awkwardness.

"Don't let them stop?" Chu Yang said angrily: "Don't you want to let the nine-day warrior die, all? Do you know what you are doing?"

Fa Zun shook his head slightly, and smiled awkwardly: "How can I not know what I am doing, of course I know what I am doing! Chu Jianzhu, in fact, you just don't know it, Jiuzhongtian these high-ranking warriors, there is no need to exist. It’s the best to die and die.”

When this sentence came out, people in the place were all furious and the atmosphere was on the verge of being hit.

Dancing the city is a step forward, stopping everyone who is ready to shoot, looking at the law with some complex eyes, Shen Sheng asked: "What is this?"

It is still a dance city, full of the world, in this subtle situation to stabilize the mood of the people, there is no immediate war, but also to ask the law, ask the question.

Fa Zun smiled, sighed, shook his head, and then said: "Everyone, Nine Heavens, since an unprecedented change 100,000 years ago, has become too unbalanced."

"Especially for law enforcement, it can be said that it is already rotted. A country's political power, at best, can only last for hundreds of years, and it has already been ruined. What's more, law enforcement officials have been in power for 100,000 years?"

In this statement, Chu Yang and Mo Tianji both showed a meditation color on their faces.

"Since ancient times, natural selection has been chosen, and the strong is respected; this law is naturally correct, but as the population grows more, it has gradually become inapplicable. The stronger the person, the more the disaster, the more !"

"It’s still a law enforcer. I have seen the arrogance of law enforcers and how bullying is weak in the 10,000-year-old I have been in charge of law. Now the law enforcers are really smashed into the bones, and the atmosphere has been passed down. It’s 100,000 years old, I want to change, how can I do it? How can I do it? I have tried it, but I have tried hard, but it has been in vain and nothing. Since it is doomed to do nothing, then... completely destroyed is the best!”

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