Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 994: A battle is set for nine days!

Seeing not far away, because of the fire, but still burning fire, everyone did not know what the taste is.

Ten million heroes, just pay for it.

This situation, it really makes people have to sigh and sigh.


In the sky, in the magic fog.

Fa Zun stood up with his hands, and for the first time, his body exuded a strong sense of war and endless murder: "War!"

Chu Yang’s eyes looked at him with an unusually complex look. Shen Sheng said: “Fa Zun, really want to be like this?”

Fa Zun smiled, and the sharp light of the center of the eye flashed: "You have to think that the act of destroying the world is really to earn something great... is it good? Hahaha... Chuyang, I tell You, today is not your death, but I am dead! It is not that you dominate the world, that is, I am poisonous!"

Chu Yang took a deep breath and said: "Oh! If so, then everyone will fight for it!"

The nine robbery swords flashed, and a strong and extremely powerful sword was swayed. A blazing sword was swallowed by dozens of feet.

Gu alone lined out the black dragon sword and the cross sword was on the chest.

Dong did not hurt the ink knife, the blade was outward, and it was flashing.

Mo Tianji's wrist turned over, and a tube of purple jade flashed.

Mo light dance red sleeves fluttering, star dream light dance knife is like a dream.

The arrogant cloud shouted, and the body swept open, turning into a 40-and-fifty-foot golden dragon, clawing and clawing, and vacating the air.

Without a bang, the air brilliance blooms, and a beautiful colorful phoenix stands out.

Ji Mo’s hand slowly pressed the hilt, and Rock’s enemy and his left and right, the long sword had trembled in his hand.

Xie Danqiong stepped back, and Bai Hao’s fingers flashed, and a flower appeared on it.


At his fingertips, the cymbals rotate to reflect the dazzling mystery.

Chu Yang screamed, and the ten people of their own "brush" spread out.

It is surrounded by a big circle, which is opposite to each other, but it forms a bounding trend.

Ten ambush. One person is the main!

And the main person. Of course, it is Chu Yang.

There is no arrangement, but the position of each person is the best place for you. The main one, Chu Yang; the main attack three, Gu alone, Dong no injury, nowhere; assists three: Ji Mo. Rock enemy, proud evil cloud. Postponed one person: Mo light dance; Central one: Mo Tianji. Walking around, it is Qionghua Xie Danqiong!

Everyone has an invisible connection between any other person. When one of them moves, the ten people move and one person is stressed. Collective relief.

Such a formation, even in the eyes of Fa Zun, is seamless.

The battle is 10%, and there is an overwhelming pressure to rush to the law! The clouds are madly raging, and the black air is raging.

"Today's World War I, the knot is nine days old and old!" Fa Zun screamed and laughed, and the sound shook the sky: "Nine robbery sword master. Nine robbery sword!"

Suddenly there was a shock. A black robe hula cheers up, then screaming and floating. A long hair, violently fluttering, fluttering in the air.

Fa Zun suddenly looked up, the dark and inky eyes cut through the space, injected into the ten people, a strong momentum, like the destruction of the earth, set off!

For its impetus, Chu Yang and others, despite being repaired, still can not help but float, and then brush up.

Everyone is facing a 12-level storm, and his mouth and nose are stagnation.

In the eyes of Chu Yang and others, the present law is more like a demon that suddenly emerges from the land of nine secluded, with boundless darkness, with boundless murderousness, with unmatched terrorist power. A strong coming!

This is a weird battle that goes beyond the limits, super ranks, and even beyond what is known.

Regardless of the law, or the people on the Chuyang side, everyone has already surpassed the limit of the nine heavens, but they know nothing about the level of arrival today and the level that will be reached later; I don't know what order I am in now. It is not clear to what level the other party has reached; but the intuition of the military has clearly sensed that the other party is very powerful.

Chu Yang can even feel it, although he and so on have undergone such a great improvement, but nowadays, the real respect to the law of the whole world is still slightly inferior.

This point is not too unexpected. Before the sword spirit had long been willing to judge, that day is the super strong who reached the "day level"! Fa Zun will swallow all of it, although it may not be able to reach the peak of the extraterrestrial Tianmo, but it will not be too far apart. The effect of Tiandi Xuan Huangguo is amazing. When Chu Yang and others take it, it is already dissipating most of the effectiveness, and It is still divided into fourteen people. Although the strength of the fourteen people has advanced and the limit of the nine-day limit has been broken, the real progress of the people has probably stopped at the level of "land". Therefore, Chu Yang feels that he is more respectful than the law. There is still a gap, and even this gap is not small.

But Chu Yang is not afraid of this.

At the moment when the brothers took the weapon at the same time, the ten people’s hearts raised the same self-confidence: this battle will win!

This is a subtle to extreme sense of difference.

Even if you are awesome? What if you are magical?

Because I have my brothers, they are all around. Everything about me, all of me, are around!

Chu Yang faced the general terror pressure of the law, and suddenly he was full of enthusiasm, and shouted in the sky, and said: "A little cold and sorrow!"

This sentence is both an open exhalation and a total attack order!

Ten people move together!

The nine robbery swords are so bright, and suddenly the eternal glory shines on the magic sky. Just like the sky in the night, suddenly there is a cold sky; although it can't be scattered, but only by the night, even if it is dark, it can't stop the projection of a little starlight.

Chu Yang Lian people took the sword and set off, took the lead in launching the offensive!

Gu alone looked like a sword, and his body stood upright, and the next moment turned into a sword light that came out of his hand.

"Lonely sword, forget the heart!"

The masters of the two great swords have all made their best efforts.

Fa Zun knows the sword of the Nine Robbers. For him, the threat of this sword is the biggest, but it is also the smallest. Seeing Chu Yang’s sword, he broke his drink and said: “It’s good!” attack.

Before he faced the Nine Robbery Swordsmanship, he also needed to carefully choose the right time and arrange the corresponding targeted strategy. But now, the strength is already too high and too much, and there is no need to have so many concerns! Fa Zun is confident, and even if his targeted counterattack can't defeat Chuyang's offensive in one fell swoop, at least he can gain the upper hand and lead the battle!

However, the variables are hard-working, because the rear of the independent, has also arrived at the right time.

“Hey?” Fa Zun frowned.

I can say that I understand all the changes in the Nine Robbery Swordsmanship, but when I took the sword out of my own way, I lost my grasp of the Nine Robbery Swordsmanship and made the whole battlefield confusing.

The power of the Nine Robbery Swordsman, with the cooperation of the Nine Robbery Brothers, turned out to have doubled the growth of power. The sword behind Gu’s singularity was not a nine-robbery sword, but it was brought to the law. Why do you feel the world?

This kind of abnormal feeling is like the fact that there are two nine robber sword masters who are fully capable of shooting at the same time one after the other. They are so sharp and so mighty.

And this weird feeling has never happened before even if their brothers were still together.

This unexpected change has given Fa Zun a feeling of incompetence in the battlefield!

"Quirks!" In the body of the law, the magic fog rushed out, the left hand pushed flat, and the right hand hit back.

The whole sky suddenly gave birth to a loud noise, and the mountains and the mountains were shaken at the same time.

The two hands of Fa Zun are facing the nine-robbery sword of Chu Yang and the black dragon sword of Gu. However, his left hand is a flat push. Even in the impossible case, he found the side of the nine robbery sword and pushed it out. The sharpness of the nine robbery swords, even the current law, is still I dare not try it easily.

Chu Yang suddenly felt that it was difficult to feel the extreme frustration. It should have been a one-shot sword that suddenly produced a sense of finding the wrong direction and slipping his hand. Even the sword with the sword could not be rushed out to the other side.

On the other hand, the right hand of Fa Zun also collided with the sword of the black dragon sword. In addition to the nine robbery swords, the current Fa Zun has not taken care of any weapon of the gods, even the rare gods who are controlled by the swordsman.

The swords are true to each other!

The two men's bodies simultaneously produced a fierce tremor.

Both of them were wearing black robes, and this moment they swelled at the same time.

The law sternly fluttered, and black lightning appeared in his eyes, and it flashed away. It was a deep horror.

However, if the whole person is alone, if he is struck by lightning, the right hand of the sword will almost lose consciousness, and the body will not consciously lean back, then it will stop, but still have to go back three steps, face There was a dark red flashing on it.

This fight is high, and Gu’s strength is undoubtedly refined, but there is still a considerable distance from the current law!

"Look at this knife!" Dong's non-injured ink knife has been covered from the top, and the knife is stunned and overbearing. Law Zun snorted and still did not retreat. He punched the knife on the blade. "Weng", Dong's unscrupulous body also trembled for a moment, the ink knife rebounded, almost smashed the knife back to Dong did not hurt his forehead.

Dong did not succumb to the swearing scream, once again exerted his strength and slammed it down. The brush brush hits three consecutive knives!

Fa Zun laughed: "Happy!" Still do not evade, three consecutive punches, all hit on the blade, sharp and heavy ink knife smashed on the surface of his fist, there was only a faint white line, then immediately disappear.

Dong did not hurt and screamed, and was shocked by the strong and unusual punches to the sky.

At the same time, a splendid Qionghua bloomed in front of Fa Zun without warning. In the blooming and blooming, thousands of sharp edges and sharp edges cut the past indiscriminately toward Faun.


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