Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 995: A battle is set for nine days! (two)

Qionghua came to the forefront, and the scope of the attack was even wider. The law was fierce and the whole body was fiercely parallel. One of the heads slammed into the purple jade that came from the back of the Mo Tianji. Blooming guelder rose in the stream.

In Xie Danqiong's totally unbelievable eyes, the Qionghua actually slammed back and flew back.

Xie Danqiong clearly knows that under this attack, Qionghua rotates with various strengths and angles, and it is 72,000 times. Under such complicated changes, Fa Zun can kick it accurately. The hub!

This is all the more, even more amazing is that although Qionghua, who was kicked back, has changed a lot, but the number of revolutions has increased to 80,000 times!

Behind it, Mo Tianji, who seems to be hit by the law, also warned to retreat.

Mo Tianji’s Ziyuyu has just been in the middle of the law, but this drop point is quite different from the original placement of Mo Tianji. The original goal of Mo Tianji is the back of Fa Zun, just in line with Xie Danqiong’s Qionghua offensive. Out, one after the other, completely locked the law, not to mention the speed of the law, the way to recruit more surprise, not only easily broke Xie Danqiong's Qionghua, but also hit the head of the purple scorpion, the collision between the two sides, Mo The celestial plane only felt that its purple jade 箫 箫 击 金 金 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

Xie and Mo both retired, and the arrogant cloud reminded them of their own unique dragon-shaped enthusiasm. The whole person seemed to be a dragon that traveled the sky. The huge dragon body rushed to the ground, and the body of the Fa Zun was still Lying flat, all of a sudden like a giant snake entwined the whole body. Both hands grabbed the eyes of Fa Zun.

Fa Zun’s body was shocked, and the dense magical gas burst into an explosion. The dragon suddenly disappeared, and the proud evil cloud screamed and shook. At this moment, the phoenix claws and the two phoenix claws have been paired with the hands of Fa Zun, and the sharp mouth slammed down. At the same time, a blazing fire of Nirvana slammed out.

The law is strong with both hands, and the whole body is like a fish. It slides out from below. The backhand is in full swing on the phoenix's buttocks. I can't tell you how to scream, and the clouds are rushing out, just knocking the arrogant cloud that just got up and screaming, yelling: "The trough, my **** !"

"Roll!" Ao evil cloud kicked him off without a good foot.

Fa Zun goes down and goes out, and the face is Ji Mo and Luo Ke’s two swords together - the sword is one!

It is a pity that the repairs of the two of them are still not enough to see. The law does not evade, the left hand meets Ji Mo, the right hand meets the Rock enemy, and once again chooses a positive hard. In addition, there is a slap in the foot, and it is easy to force the light dance of the star dance light dance knife.

However, in front of it, Chu Yang even brought a sword like a flash of lightning from the sky.

Fa Zun’s calm face suddenly became solemn, and he coped with the offensive of Ji Mo and Luo Ke, while forcing a small dance, the whole body lost its balance, and turned up in an almost impossible posture. A spine broke open and the unscrupulous attack from the two sides attacked the sword again. The finger was wiped, and a long-handed sword was finally appeared in the hand, just like the chic fan, and the front ushered in the nine robbing of Chuyang. sword.

The sword of Chuyang is the one-shot attack of the swordsmanship of the whole sword, which is the same as the one.

Fa Zun just stood up, and the four recruits of Sen Ran Jianguang have come to the forefront.

A few gongs, the first half of the black sword of Fa Zun instantly broke, and then completely shattered. Fa Zun seems to have no accidents. Haha laughed: "Sure enough, it is a nine-robbery sword, a long-lost old friend, the oldest The help, the most deadly enemy of the present!" The remaining half of the sword is still constantly resisting the attack of the Nine Robbery Sword. The half of the sword is constantly broken. With the earthquake, the body flies backwards.

In the face of this move by Chu Yang, the French deity who has just experienced the nine-role continuous attack can only choose to temporarily avoid its front.

A long shout, Gu Shanxing's sword-free sword, Xie Danqiong's Qionghua, and Mo Tianji's purple jade, once again hit the body of Fa Zun in four directions.

However, it has clearly hit the body of Fa Zun, but the four soldiers are like the defeat of the leather, only four sounds, no other gains!

In the midst of the law retreat, the rapid retreat, the four people even felt the power of the unusually strong anti-shock, even Qi Qi could not hold the figure, even people with weapons, scattered and flew out.

Fa Zun couldn't help but scream, a strange black mist, bursting instantly, the body suddenly disappeared, then flashed fiercely, appeared again in the direction away from the battlefield, and said: "Good sword, is the sword of Gu alone? !"

Gu Zhixing’s face was not ruthless because of the shock, and he heard the words: “What?”

Fa Zun stared at him with a sigh of relief. When he turned his hand, the sleeves brushed and slammed, revealing his arms. He saw only a small **** mark on his arm. The black blood of the wound blew out and followed the arm of Fa Zun. , dripping down, and then turned into a magic fog rising.

It turned out that just four people attacked together, but it was not all without gains. Fa Zun was also slightly hurt!

"I can't think of Gu Xiaozi's sword, but I already have the soul of the sword!" In the eyes of Fa Zun, I was amazed. "Although the sword soul is still weak, it has not really awakened, but... since it exists, it can hurt me. Gu alone, your kid is amazing! I used to be a little girl!"

When Gu was surprised, he was overjoyed.

Before Chu Yang, he had already shared the soul of the soldiers with a group of brothers. However, the skill of the people has not yet arrived, and the degree of communication and communication with them is far from sufficient. The degree of their respective soldiers is far from the level of psychic. Distance, although there is a certain concept of the theory of the soldiers, but no one really feels what is the soul of the soldiers.

However, the black dragon sword of Gu Zhixing is an eccentric exception. Since he debuted alone, he has always had this sword to carry. It can be said that the most intimate existence with Gu Zhixing is neither a king or a little sister, but this one. Black Dragon Sword, all the way to accompany the independent development, growth, in this period of time is not short, the Black Dragon Sword constantly through the transformation of Chu Yang, and then continue to be nourishment, and actually began to produce swordsmanship awareness!

Chu Yang said solemnly: "Fa Zun, you really got it; we have the power of ten people to besiege you, it is full force shot, no reservations, actually only let you suffer such a slight injury, alone on your body repair I Chu Yang gives you a 'service' word!"

Gu alone, Dong Wu, and others are all in a hurry.

It’s true that the nine robbers and the swordsmen combined with the nine robbers; ten people attacked together with the same heart, and a round of strong and fierce attacks, the law is almost all hard, but a total of only a slight insignificant minor injury.

Moreover, this is still in the midst of the substantial improvement of the ten people, and it has now reached the limit of the nine-day limit, enough to break the void.

The strength of the law, how strong it should be! ?

Fa Zun smiled and held his hand: "The congenital day, although it is already broken, but in the days of Scorpio, the strength is absolutely high. And what I swallowed is his soul, although his soul is hurting a lot, but also Far more powerful than the flesh. After all digestion, I now have almost 30% of his heyday."

"Although your cultivation has been greatly improved compared to before, it is already an unimaginable progress, but when it comes to killing me, it is still lacking."

Chu Yang was cold and cold and said: "Is it lacking? This is not necessarily!"

Fa Zun laughed, the black mist slammed, and suddenly he was swaying, and at the same time there were ten Fa Zun, and it was in the thick fog, attacking ten people at the same time!

He is ignorant of the public, but he also chooses to separate the shadows and divide the strength to take the lead.

"Kill!" Chu Yang shouted.


The people below looked at the dark fog in the sky slowly rising, constantly changing shape, from the beginning of the world, to the rise of a huge black cloud into the sky, everyone's mood is dignified pole.

Occasionally, there was a loud noise, or a roar, and it was already unknown how far the ground would tremble. And the source of such signs can be so powerful, how powerful it is, everyone is ashamed.

If this unprecedented century war happened on the ground, I am afraid that within a few thousand miles, no one can survive!

The only result is that all the earthquakes will be killed!

Ning Tianya looked at the sky with some ecstasy, saying: "If the battle is like this, it appears on the mainland of Jiuzhongtian... It is really people..." He shook his head and stopped talking.

But behind him, a young voice was a long sigh, and he took it for him: "...It’s really not confident..."

When the Ning Zhiun was up, the old face was red.

A little boy with a powdery makeup came out from behind his back, and his eyes stared at the crowd in front of him. It was so beautiful to the extreme and lovely to the extreme.

Pink and tender little face, dark hair, the lips are directly a ripe red cherry, a pair of eyes smashed, actually still has not yet formed double eyelids, powder toot, tender and born, in an instant All the people present were all over.

It’s so cute, how can there be such a cute little in the world? !

Chu Leer, ink tears, and wind and rain at the same time two eyes shine.

"Wow!~~" Chu Leer screamed: "So cute~~"

The wind and rain rushed up, and eagerly asked: "Who is this? It's so cute..." Suddenly awakened: "Ning Tianya, isn't this your son? It’s been a long time to hide from the face. Going? You can actually give birth to such a lovely son, it’s a small kid!"

Ning Tianya heard the words suddenly widened his eyes and immediately sighed: "I would be nice if I had such a son. Even if he was really mad at him, he would be willing, but this kid is not my son, it is my little ancestor. Ah..." (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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