Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 996: A battle is set for nine days! (three)

“Hey?” The crowd was amazed. This is awkward? How are you still ancestors? This generation is divided!

The wind and rain have already rejoiced to the heart and rushed to the scene, patted the hand: "I said that you can't give birth to such a beautiful child? Baby, let the aunt hug it?"

For more than 10,000 years, there was no child. The wind and rain had already longed for it. At this moment, when I saw such a cute little guy, the motherhood that had accumulated for tens of thousands of years was completely detonated.

The little guy squinted his head, and the black eyes looked at the wind and rain, and the mind calculated: This aunt is really beautiful, although it is not as good as my mother, but it is also a beautiful woman, hold me, hold me, why don’t you hold it? Me, let me leave the old Ningtou, this old man stinks...

So I naturally reached out and agreed.

When the wind and rain were soft, I was very excited, and I carefully hugged a child, and I sighed on my face first. Suddenly I felt very good taste, couldn't help but kissed each other again, laughing and closing my mouth.

The little guy screamed and reached for his face and complained: "I have cleanliness..."

Where is the wind and rain? Does he have any cleanliness, and kisses a few mouthfuls, holding it and not letting go, holding a small nose to tease him to play, the little guy looks helpless, how is this aunt? Haven't you seen a cute baby?

"Who is this little guy? Isn't your son, do you always know the origins?" Yue Ling Xue also wanted to tease, but forcibly resisted.

"This little guy is the son of Chu Yang..." Ning Tianya sighed: "This little guy is just a little magic star..."

"Is my eldest son?!" Chu Leer's **** eyes suddenly surprised to solidify, incredulously said: "My brother actually has a son? Oh my god, but how is this possible? ? Impossible, how can he have time to live..."

Ning Tianya stunned: "You know a few questions at a young age, your big brother is very romantic, and you are always in love. Is there such a son who can make a fuss?"

The little guy turned his head from the wind and rain, and the threat of discouragement: "Old Ningtou, do you dare to marry me?!"

Ning Tianya looks like a dish. I really lived.

Look around the world today. Ning Tianya is the most fearful person, not the law, not Chu Yang, but this seemingly cute baby!

Chu Leer has already rushed up and laughed and said: "I said that I was so kind when I saw it. It turned out to be my nephew, little guy. Calling my aunt! I am your aunt."

The little guy squinted and hesitated: "Call your aunt... What good is it for me?"

Chu Leer suddenly stunned.

There are definitely a lot of good things to say about Chu Leer, but it seems that it is really suitable for such a big child...

However, my heart is a big breeze: Mo Xiaowu’s little girl actually wants to be a big man, now it’s good, my big brother has even his son, see how she does it. It’s a pity that it’s not the purple sister’s birth. Purple sister is the boss, this kid's mother is the second child, Mo light dance is also a small three, maybe it is a small four...


Below, for a sudden little guy to talk about it, the scene is a bit warm, almost neglecting the battle of the century in the sky.

It’s just that everyone seems to have a very important place to ignore: How can this little guy, only two or three years old, endure in the face of such **** suffocation? prior to. Ning Tianya is carrying a little guy and Ping Yuyun. The high-intensity fighting atmosphere formed by the two nine-strong supreme powers seems to be incompetent in the eight-supreme supreme.


Above. The battle has gradually reached a critical juncture.

In the repeated battles, everyone has been injured, including the law, and now it is already scarred.

The wise man who used to be a singer of the past, in this battle, did not use any kind of mind at all, but relied on instinctive reaction, and the attack on everyone was almost hard! Even the frontal conflict with the Nine Robbery Sword is no exception.

This kind of fighting style is the best that Dong is not hurting.

However, Fa Zun is the fifth scorpion. Once used to be a barbaric sac, it should be his most disdainful practice, but now it is actually happening. This result is really incomprehensible. .

In this way, continuous hard fights, everyone consumes a lot.

After a half-hour battle, even Mo-light dance has been spelled ten times with Fa Zun.

As for the Chu Yang Gu alone, Dong Wu, and others, they have already struggled with the law and do not know how many times. Especially in Chuyang, Fa Zun seems to have a unique intention for him, and most of the hard fights are spelled on the nine robbery sword.

Chu Yang bit his teeth, supporting all the way, only feeling that the new cultivation in his body is rapidly integrating with his body, and then condensing...

Every time after hard work with Chu Yang, in the depths of Fa Zun's eyes, there will always be a strange look.

Every time I contact with the Nine Robbery Sword, I can always have a little more trace on the body. Although there are not many scars, the scars are always scars. However, in the depths of his nephew, he is still a strange and complicated look.

Even in my heart, it is like a huge wave, and the waves are surging.

Unlimited sadness, countless memories, and in this moment have come to my heart.

Boss, I once again made a move with the Nine Robbery Sword.

How many times did we have a discussion? At the beginning, you used to think that I used my head in everything. You think that violence is a must. My means is still weak to the enemy.

So you have to learn from me countless times.

Every time I forced me to hit hard.

Every time it is like this.

Nowadays, the nine-robbery sword, which was made by the contemporary nine-robbery sword, once again hit me hard. Do you know how much I miss you? Think more about the brothers?

Now, the nine robbery sword is in front of me, I can feel the familiar pain. I feel so sad that I know...who knows?

Boss... It really seems that you are standing in front of me.

Fa Zun has been laughing, laughing and smiling, and smiling with ease. All the pains of bitterness, all the nostalgia, and all the deep affection, were deeply suppressed by him.

Everything is suppressed in my heart.

But this kind of suppression, especially in these familiar scenes, is the more sour and unbearable the more pressing the heart. Gradually, it has accumulated a moment of eruption that can no longer be suppressed...

Can't suppress it anymore!

Fa Zun feels that the murderousness created on his surface is gradually fading, his nose is sore, and there are some wrinkles in his eyes...


I hope that after today, the brothers will fly forever, and the younger brother will be alone.

The fifth 惆怅; Hehehe, my name is really good, it turns out that my life, after all, still inevitably full of enthusiasm, 惆怅 I.

Both sides are almost close to the end of the strong.

The constantly-injured Fa Zun’s mouth was almost uninterrupted and flowing out of black blood, but he always laughed and suddenly volleyed. The black mist around him slammed and slammed into the air. His body.

"Chuyang, one of the nine robbers, it seems that you are not destined to be my opponent, let me send you all the way! The legend of the nine robbers, this really becomes a legend!" Fa Zun sighs and screams, tries his best to all The depression is completely diverged by a long shout, and I try hard to make the tears in my eyes scream!

It's time!

This life is enough!

For a time, the sudden surge of winds.

The strongest pressure of Fa Zun, at this moment, the limit of unreserved release, only the space in front of him is also trembled violently, and even some places have been in the space cracks!

Obviously, Fa Zun has been impatient and entangled with the people, but it is a must to win and lose, and die in life!

Chu Yang took a deep breath and sharply looked at Fa Zun, faintly said: "Our brothers are already waiting for this moment. Law Zun, come on! And see who is the **** of heaven, who becomes a legend! ”

Gu alone walked happily, and the black dragon sword slammed into the air and settled.

Fa Zun is trying his best to make the final blow, but why is Chu Yang and others not so? Everyone is keeping the last means of pressing the bottom of the box, waiting for the last blow.

Fa Zun's hands and hands raised, both arms waved a lot of substantial fog at the same time, and eventually they condensed into two huge wings! In the air, the rich murder has almost affected the boundaries between heaven and earth.

This is a blow that is determined to kill, the move is not out, the momentum is first, the world is shocking, shocking and popular!

In the next moment, Fa Zun is like the same nine-day Dapeng, with the wings of the sky, to the giant mountains, the super-sea sea, more mixed with the boundless Sen Han, slowly depressed!

Everyone can clearly feel the definite death mentality of Fa Zun!

The formation of ten people was actually blown away at this moment. Everyone feels that although Faun is facing all of them, there is only one real goal: Chu Yang!

Everyone has rushed to death.

However, Fa Zun constantly appears phantoms, greets everyone, and the phantoms are broken one by one, but there are more generations. The strength of the body is not lost, but more and more violent and powerful!

The sudden killing of the soul that is enough to freeze the soul makes all the people in Chuyang creepy.

Chu Yang Yang Tian shouts.

Nine robbery swords are rushing!

At this moment, Chu Yang runs all the nine heavenly gods, and in the Dantian, all the Hongmeng silks are empty! Crazy into the nine robbery sword!

At this moment, the Nine Robbery Sword finally played his true power.

At this moment, the glory of the nine robbery swords shines through the universe, completely overwhelming the sun!

Swords 30,000 miles! Jianguang direct to the 19th state!

This is the ultimate ultimate form of the Nine Robbery Sword!

Chu Yang hair and clothes at the same time Lingfeng floated, the hands of the nine robbers in the hands of the raging sun slowly dance, faster and faster. The moment of the sword air illuminates the world!

Nine robbery swordsmanship!

Eight out of nine robbery swords and swords a total of thirty-two strokes, plus the four strokes created by Chu Yang, all out in that moment!

Thirty-six strokes total kill!


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