Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 997: A battle is set for nine days! (four)

In the face of Fa Zun's full strength and desperate attack, only the nine robbery sword can block its edge.

Any other weapons will not work!

Moreover, Chu Yang seems to be able to feel it. Although this shot of Fa Zun seems to be directed at all of his own people, his real goal is only one, only himself!

Gu Zhixing and others, Fa Zun prevented them from shooting!

Chu Yang himself does not allow the brothers to die at this moment.

Not everyone has a nine-pointed god, not everyone has a nine-robbery sword, not everyone in Dantian has Hongmeng silk!

If this battle is going to die, then let me first!

A little cold and glamorous, why not kill the world? Deeply buried does not change Ling Ruizhi, a gathering of the wind is the emperor! The tip of the sword.

煊 亘 亘 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古! Jian Feng. A blade of Hengtian Wanshiqiu, this road Huangquantong nine secluded; cut off the red dust and more affectionate, the front is everywhere! Blade.

The iron wall and the copper wall have been fighting, what do you want for this life? Jiuyi Fengqi Qi party, I am not worried when I am dead! Sword. "

The hidden front of the hidden front is still in the dark, and the strategizing is long and long; Ning will be completely hidden in life, but it will change the savage! Sword pier.

I am mastered by the power of killing, and the five fingers are close to the sky; the nine robbers gather in the wind, and the blood of the nine heavens is like ink! Hilt.

There is no wind and no sword, and there is no blade and no sword. The life and death of Fang Xiaojian is the best, and the vicissitudes of life know the silence! Sword head.

Light as a dream is also floating, blood sea bones and mountains dance enchanting; 仗 sword thousands of miles to ask, life and death come with nine! Sword ear.

The palm of the hand is like a mountain high, the blood under the sword is swaying over the waves; the red dust is ruthless, and the world does not accept the knife! Homemade.

A total of thirty-six strokes of swordsmanship, at this moment, directly formed a storm sweeping the world!

The true meaning of the Nine Robbery Swordsmanship, at this moment, the limit detonated, thoroughly played out!

In the face of the astounding blow of the law, Chu Yang also pushed his own strength to the limit. Even beyond the limits. Nearly crazy dances nine swords!

Even Chu Yang himself did not notice that in this moment, in the nine-robbery sword, there is a mysterious purple hidden in the endless glory, and the infinite radiance has covered the entire sky.

Swordsman is the first to scream out! Shenlong is generally the first to win!

At the same time that the thirty-six strokes and nine robbery swords were launched, the nearest spectator, Mo Tianji, and others were invariably producing the same feeling.

At this moment, the sword light formed by the nine robbery swords is a circle; and this circle. It constitutes a complete world, a complete world!

There are sun, moon and stars in the circle, there are heavens and earth, there are mountains and rivers, there are all things in life!

Outside the Jianguang, it is faint. But the mysterious purple light that is unusually real is completely shrouded.


At this moment, the nine robbery swords have become countless living things. They are mixed with the mighty universe, the power of Hongmeng, and the mystery of chaos. They have evolved into a splendid and mighty galaxy in the air.

The king is on the horizon!

Never stop!

This unstoppable torrent, so no return to the law, nowhere to rush to the law.

Halfway through the sword, Chu Yang feels like it, not only that. From the pagoda left by the Purple Emperor. A mighty force rushed out and entered the body along his own meridians. Instantly filled the deficit of the body Dantian, and later came to the forefront of the sword.

Jianguang whistling, splitting the void, countless space cracks have been presented, the speed is so fast that even the sound burst is too late to send out, behind Chu Yang, behind a group of completely blurred chaos, only after the violent detonation !

Puff puff……

The power of this sword is the best in ancient and modern times! Even Chu Yang himself, it is also very clear that this sword, in a short time, absolutely can not make a second time!

This sword will win!

Must kill!


Chu Yang has such a strong self-confidence: even if the snow and tears stand in front of him, this sword is also ruined!

This is of course only a feeling, but Chu Yang, who has always been steady and cautious, has such a feeling that the power of this sword is already imaginable!

In the eyes of the gods, there was a strong shock, and then the look of the transformation turned out to reveal a sincere satisfaction. In the face of this sword that could determine his life and death, he was so satisfied!

In the heart of the law, a burst of emotion: "Boss, I am today, finally saw the final trick of the nine robbery sword, but also the strongest trick!"

The magic fog fluctuated sharply, and the wave of waves was generally pushed on both sides!

Jianguang has arrived!

Chu Yang even people with swords, as if ignoring the obstacles of time and space, the previous moment is still fifty feet away, this moment has suddenly and suddenly appeared in front of the law!

Jianguang burst!


Fa Zun laughed, and the magic fog rose and suddenly burst open.

The dense fog will shield everyone's eyes!

Chu Yang’s Jianguang Tiandi rushed in.

The strongest forces on both sides slammed together at this time.

It’s like two planets approaching each other at the speed of a meteor, burning wildly and slamming!

Then there was a bang, and a strong explosion came into being. With a bang, the space around hundreds of feet turned out to be a black hole at the same time!

The glass is generally broken.

A black serpentine space appeared in the void.

Then it was the kind of strong shock wave that violently exploded around!

Gu Zhixing and other people were too close, and they were rushed by the tyrannical impact. One by one, like a bomb, it was blown out by far away and pushed out!

Nine masters who have already surpassed Jiuzhongtian are not able to withstand this shock!

The shock wave brought out a long space crack all the way, toward the four sides, toward the sky, toward the ground, and rushed out.

At this moment, no one can stop!

On the ground, with this sound slamming, Ning Tianya and others were shocked at the same time; but they were quick to judge the form, and at the same time, they tried their best to gather all the forces to make a living, to fight the guards of the Supreme, and to protect the Zhongdu City. . At the same time, all the assembly was repaired, and the violent airflow that rushed down from the sky was counterattacked!

If it is really washed down by the aftermath of this explosion, the only ending in Zhongdu City is that the grass will not stay. The city is ruined!

A bang. The aftermath of the explosion finally officially rushed to the sky and spread in all directions.

Even though it has been protected and resisted by many generations of the world's best, the walls of Zhongdu City are still inextricably broken. On the ground outside the city, Kaka's unbreaking opens a deep mouth. There were countless mountains on all sides, and suddenly they flew off the ground at the same time, and then they fell sharply. After a strong shaking and shaking, it crashed!

All the masters who participated in the maintenance of the capital city, faced with such a shock, the original calm face instantly turned from ruddy to pale, and the same squatting back, while spitting out a blood! His face is blank. The eyes were horrified.

This is what kind of power! ?

High in the air.

Gu Duxing and others are rushing from the distance to the darker black fog in the middle. Everyone is in a hurry!

I don't know how the boss is doing now?

Among the black fog, Chu Yang looked like an unexpected horror, but there was some sensation in the sense of ignorance.

On the face of Fa Zun, with a cold smile, straight and straight, a long hair fluttering in the wind, but also staring at Chu Yang for a moment. For a long time. His dark voice reproduces the smile of harmony. And a kind of relaxation that is finally freed.

On his chest, the nine-robbery sword continued to flash with the mysterious light of lavender. If it is deeply inserted into his heart!

Only the remaining half of the sword is outside, behind the law, the sword tip of the Nine Robbery Sword is so transparent, shining with crystal clear light, spotless.

Both Chu Yang and Fa Zun can clearly feel that the infinite destruction of the Nine Robbery Sword, the infinite power of engulfing, and the arrogance of the scorpion, are destroying at the most extreme speed. The vitality of the law.

There was a bitter smile on both faces.

Chu Yang sighed and said: "The fifth, you are finally free."

Fa Zun smiled softly and said indifferently: "If it is not the wish, I may have been free."

Just now, the two men collided with the strongest method. At the beginning of the bang, the two people who were attacked by the strongest force of the other side were almost shaken by the body soul. However, after a collision, Chu Yang suddenly found himself nine. In front of the robbery sword, there was no resistance at all. The power of Fa Zun seemed to be shaken away. It also seemed to be his own inaction. The nine robbery swords went so far into the straight!

In the end, the Nine Robbery Sword is deeply inserted into the heart of Fa Zun!

After seeing it, Chu Yang immediately tried his best to collect the sword; but he was unable to stop the strong inertia that he had produced before he went all out.

I noticed that the Nine Robbery Sword has penetrated into the body of Fa Zun, and it is also the key to hitting the fate. When Chu Yang wants to pull the sword and rescue, he feels that the body of Fa Zun has an unusually strong suction. The nine robbery sword is firmly sucked!

I tried to pull the sword myself, but I couldn’t pull it out for a while.

Chu Yang is waiting to try to use more force, the law has been indifferent.

The two men looked at each other instantly, and Chu Yang had already understood the meaning of Fa Zun in that instant.

"Chuyang, even if I can live a little more, but what do you mean?" Fa Zun smiled and whispered: "So let the nine robbers stick in my heart, let me hurt a little more, more Feel the taste of a nine-rocketing sword."

He smiled blankly: "I will be... this is the punishment of my boss for me..."

At this moment, Chu Yang’s mood is also complicated to the extreme. Under the thoughts, he finally said: “Good!” He gave up the sword.

Fa Zun infinitely looked at the nine robbery swords inserted in his heart, but his face showed a warm smile.

At this moment, the cruel and cruel law deity finally disappeared without a trace.

The rest is just the wise man who is open-minded in the past, the fifth!

"The last battle is that I am defeated." Fa Zun smiled, closed his eyes, felt the pain in the body, and said: "This pain from the nine robbery sword feels so happy."

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