Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 5: Transcendental heart

Chu Yang smiled and said: "Isn't that Xie Danfeng Xie girl, they are glued like paint on two weekdays. If this is not the battle of the demon, the risk is too great, the two will not be temporarily separated. Well, it will come in a few days. Serving Master, filial master."

Meng Chaoran’s thoughts turned a hundred turns, recalling the day when he, Tan and the Xie Danfeng girl first met, couldn’t help but smile, then smiled a little: “You both brothers have a confidante as a companion, and the road ahead is not alone. I don’t think the old man can’t figure it out now!”

Then I actually took a nap.

The two people who had the most headaches formed a couple, and he still had to wait for him, filial to him... I really wanted to think about it. Meng Chaoran took a beard and thought: Can I be filial to the sky by the two of them filial piety?

That’s really a fight for the dead.

Chu Yang lost his smile: "The master said that there is something, how can you be old, who dares to say that you are old, it must be that person has no long eyes!"

Meng Chaoran maintains a faint smile and gently shakes his head. Looking at the void, some self-deprecating, and some pride, whispered: "When the year... for two consecutive years, the first year, I was in a snow-covered temple, I got a baby, the next year, I was under the cliff. And I got a baby again. Now, both babies are growing up...hehehe..."

Meng Chaoran looked confused and said: "My half-hearted efforts are all devoted to these two babies, but even if I kill my head, I absolutely can't think of it. One of the two babies I picked up, one of them became The famous world dominates the nine-robbery of the world of Jiuzhongtian; the other has become the first demon king of the Sanctuary of the Sanctuary of the Sanctuary of the Sanctuary. The others cultivated at best are the most supreme, and the one I cultivated is the sword. It’s a demon, a king in the sword, a king in the devil...”

Meng Chaoran bowed his head and looked at Chu Yang: "Yangyang, you know how proud the master should be in this life... This whole world. Who can be more fortunate than Master? Who else? I don't envy Master. What about it?"

Chu Yang also smiled warmly and said: "Yes, yes, even if others want such an apprentice, it is also impossible to break the head, but the master will pick it up, pick one a year. I guess that you must have been lazy in the past, or you have not been able to pick up more than a dozen legends, legends, miracles, miracles or something in these years."

Meng Chaoran laughed loudly and was indifferent.

"I have you two such apprentices, what do you want to do with this life?" Meng Chaoran smiled: "At night, I will be drunk with the cold dance. To celebrate this!"

Chu Yang’s heart was sour, and he hurriedly opened the subject. He said: “There is another good news to tell Master. The resurrection of the teacher’s mother, I have already achieved it.”

Meng Chaoran’s eyes brightened and said: “Really?”

His white face suddenly appeared a hint of ruddy.

Chu Yang could not help but almost stayed.

This is the first time I have seen Master’s excitement for the first time in many years. It is obvious how important it is to be in the heart of Master in the early morning of the night.

"It’s not a matter of self-sufficiency to say this. It’s the home of the singer’s family. It’s a whole year to look for this kind of medicinal medicine. It’s hard work. I finally found it, but The night house was changed in the catastrophe. The night rain stayed at home to keep the tomb. I couldn’t personally send it to the teacher, so I gave it to me.” Chu Yang certainly didn’t know, when he said this sentence. The night rain has already disappeared...

"It turned out that the heavens blessed." Meng Chaoran had a happy face, but then long sighed: "If you can wake up in the early morning, I know that the night is gone, I know that the dance has already gone... I really I don't know how sad she will be..."

"But if the teacher is never awake, but what a sad thing?" Chu Yangdao: "Especially we have the ability to wake her up, but did not do it, what about the teacher?"

Meng Chaoran’s face was long and stunned. “You also have a reason to say that people should always look forward.”

Chu Yang and Meng Chaoran were silent and walked into the room of Meng Chaoran.

In the room, that quietly small wine table, two wine glasses, a pot of good wine, seems to be quietly telling what...

There is only a deep sigh in Chu Yang’s heart.

What is a brother?

Or everyone has a different answer.

But in Meng Chaoran, this is the case.

There are three words in heaven and earth, no matter whether you have a glass of wine.

A glass of wine, the world is good, the Nether is worth it, the same with the human world, yin and yang are separated.

Brother, I am drinking with you.

Always, drink to die!

Then we gathered in Huangquan to continue to drink!

People are good, souls are worth it, this situation will never be reminiscent, then the nine springs are still unforgettable, lasting in my heart!


For a long time, Chu Yang came out of the small yard of Meng Chaoran, looking back, a little lonely light, some people crying in low, some people are softly comforting.

It was the early morning and Meng Chaoran.

The two people have become self-sufficient.

Chu Yang deeply sighed.

"I won't go anywhere. In this life and in this world, I am home to Chu. This is my apprentice's home and my home."

"Occasionally, I will accompany the early morning to go out for a walk, look at the mountains and rivers, look at the mainland scenery, and occasionally go to Zhongdu, or we will go to Lingjia... but sooner or later I will Come back, this is my home, my recognized home."

"I won't go to the Nine Heavens. In fact, I have never had that kind of idea. I just want to spend this life quietly with the early morning. Nothing else."

"You, there is talk, you can go to your world with peace of mind. I hope that both of you can remember that your master's detached mentality, as my disciple, is enough."


This is the time when the mentor and the apprentice talked, Meng Chaoran said.

When Chu Yang took out the Jiu Dan and the snow and tears of the fairy wine to Meng Mengran, Meng Chaoran categorically refused.

"I refuse not to be emotional, not to leave anything for you; and I really don't need it, I really don't need it. I am increasing my cultivation now, what is the use?"

"I understand your heart and know that you are filial, so I don't deny if I need it, because you honor me, this is what you should. But I really don't need it now."

"I just want to calm down and live for a lifetime. When I am alive, I will live. I will live happily and easily, and when I am dying, I will die. But the life gained by external force is prolonged, I am not. willing."

"Let me and your teacher live this life naturally and comfortably."

"When I was alive, I didn't have anything to be vigorous. I only hope that when I die, I can still be silent. People's life is like a yellow leaf on a tree, even if it is not the fall of the spring and autumn... At some point, it will naturally fall."

"I always think that it is a beautiful and beautiful state. So you don't destroy it for me."

"Hot dance and wine; I want to accompany him to drink; if you have the heart, tell your house, prepare me for a lot of wine. So, enough!"

"Even though I am silent, no matter how life or death is, the pride in my heart is earth-shattering."

"Because I have two such disciples."


Meng Chaoran's free and easy and chic, Chu Yang always thinks, is self-examination.

His own master, is such a person, as long as he has made up his mind, then there will be no change anyway, even a little hesitation and hesitation will not be there, don’t say others, even if he is the most Chu Yang, a close apprentice, is also a little bit of a temper for his master.

For the future of the master, Chu Yang has only blessings.



Xiao Tieyang has already slept, even if it is a child prodigy, even if it is different from ordinary children, still need to sleep.

In the study, Chu Yang, sitting opposite his parents.

To his surprise, the faces of Yang Ruolan and Chu Feiling were extremely calm. Even knowing that Chu Yang is about to face the collapse of the sky, it is likely to see no time in the future, or so calm, Chu Yang is very surprised.

This does not seem reasonable, and does not meet the personality of this "old" couple?

"The young eagle grows up and always leaves the nest." Yang Ruolan smiled warmly and looked at his son like a water: "The most regrettable thing for my mother's life is that I can't see you from a hurry. The baby grows up and becomes the man of today..."

“Although for various reasons, it is always a parent’s dereliction of duty.”

Chu Feiling sighed and eased the topic: "Because the mother-in-law has lost more than one child; if Yangyang is taken care of by the people, they will not experience so many things, but they may not be able to have the world of Wei Ling, who dominates Jiuzhongtian. Robbery sword master."

This sentence is indeed justified; but for Yang Ruolan, it is unforgivable, and squinting: "Well, it’s too good, and you will lose a brother who is in love." Do you mean this?"

Chu Fei Ling suddenly turned red and stared at his wife with grief and anger. "You, you, have promised not to mention this, you, you..."

Yang Ruolan squinted: "I promised, I admit, but I am not keeping my credit now. What can you do?"

What can I do? ! What can I do? How dare I...

Chu Feiling was completely paralyzed. Tell a woman, especially this woman is his own wife... What a brain-destroy man will do?

Chu Yang couldn't help but laugh out loud, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly eased.

"Kids, don't worry about doing your business, go your way." Chu Feiling coughed: "As for us, you don't have to worry, look at today's Nine Heavens, you can be regarded as a top master." The future progress space is not too big, but it will not be bullied. It is not a kind of happiness.


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