Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 6: Let's take a big job.

Chu Yang nodded, admitting that his son said it makes sense.

"What peace of mind, for the mother, but waiting for your kid to sway the nine-day scorpio, take the **** to go up and enjoy." Yang Ruolan looked at his son gently, said: "But now, I am with you, not As you go up, the strength is not up to the second, and the two of us...the two of us are now old and not so much, and it’s good to have a good life.”

Chu Yang sighed.

"And, this little guy can't follow you up, I want to watch him grow up. To make up for the regret that I didn't look at him growing up." Yang Ruolan looked at his grandson with infinite love.

Chu Yang is amazed.

"Moreover, if you don't go up and stay with me now, it's not useful. It's not as good as my grandson. I think, even if you were in that year, it would definitely be worse than my grandson." Yang Ruolan said that Chu Yang will be hit in a row. Roll your eyes.

I forgot my grandson...

"Right, leave more of your longevity things, don't go up, but it's always good to live for hundreds of years. Maybe you can wait until you return to the Nine Heavens, I The son is the same."

Chu Yang smiled and said: "This is absolutely unquestionable. As long as the strength reaches a certain level, I will slip down for a few days at any time. After I set up my kingdom, I will pick up the girl and play it. I feel good. Just live on the top, come home when you miss home, that day will not be too far."

Yang Ruolan’s eyes brightened and said: “Then you have to work hard. You can count on you for your mother’s. I’ll just be careful with you, and you’ll be able to live with it. The son’s interest is so good that we’re not going to sway.” Just work hard to avoid any risks and try to live longer. See you one after another!"

Chu Yang solemnly nodded.

Yang Ruolan’s words say that he has done his best to the parents. When you are young, you have to fight and fight. For the rest of the life is Ronghua and leave something for the children and grandchildren; but when you are old, and your children and grandchildren are very contentious, then it is still pressing the ambition.

Just to reassure your son who is outside.

Peace of mind can be a big deal! This is also the biggest and best support for my son!

That night.

Chu Yang has already returned to sleep. Yang Ruolan is holding his grandson. Looking at the little guy's pink face, I am destined to sleepless tonight.

The light has long gone out.

One night, I only heard that Chu Feiling’s sleep was over and over, and Yang Ruolan forced a long sigh...

The son is about to travel, and this is a step-by-step thorn. When the mother-in-law’s sorrow can be so safe, no concern?

Children are worried about thousands of miles. But after a return to the day, Chu Yang went there, but it stopped thousands of miles, and it was the barrier of the two worlds. It may not be the day to see goodbye.

But this time the broken void is a thing that cannot be reversed at all. Even if Chu Yang changes his mind and gives up the ascension, he wants to stay, and that is absolutely impossible.

Since things are already doomed to be irreparable, the only thing that can be done is to let the son walk with peace of mind and walk with confidence.

Do not have any concerns!

The road ahead. Any concern can make you feel confused. The heart is in danger; I only hope my child. Peaceful...

In the small courtyard of the Chule family, the same atmosphere is overflowing.

Chu Leer is as usual when he is at home. The kitten is generally dependent on her mother, breathing the mother's smell, quietly through this last period of time...

The next morning.

The Chu family has been busy.

Chu Yang and Jian Ling did not sleep the same night, and the nine-density Dan who was prepared to leave for his family had many other heavenly treasures. When he opened the door, he was filled with laughter and laughter.

When you get together, cherish it. When you are separated, you are saddened.


Above the nine heavens.

Lead the palace.

It is said that the palace is taken over, in fact, it is a pick-up place, and the house that is covered is more gorgeous.


"too weird!"

"How is it so much?"

Three or five Jinyi people carefully felt the fluctuations of the heavens and the earth, the shock of a face, the face in front of a mirror like a transparent amethyst, there were several light spots, and could not help but all of them were full of wonders. Scratched the scalp.

This is too unusual.

"In the past, this kind of broken void came up. Every time, most of them were at most two. The two basics are already the limit, but... this time, how can this be so much?"

"That's right, the number of people is not the most surprising. What is really amazing is that these people's cultivation is definitely stronger than before. It is already afraid that it is close to the level of the local level... what happend?"

"Yeah, the land level is not so weak, but the human level is definitely there... This situation has never been encountered..."

"Hey, look at this continent, it’s like the one that the third is responsible for..."

"Is it? I see... um, it is indeed here."

"I heard that the third time last time to maintain the order of the interface, arresting people who are beyond the balance of the realm of the situation, even Zixia Yuyi has been cut off a hand, do not know if it is true?" The person who spoke obviously has some gloating .

"Is this thing still fake? Haha, I heard that after the third child came back, I went to report the matter. The result was that the beam management was swearing and swearing, and then Liang Guanshi was smashed by General Wu. It is said that he did not get out of bed for half a year, but The most unfortunate thing is still General Wu. General Wu wants to go down and look for opportunities to restore Zixia’s clothes. However, he was directly confined by Liu Dawei. I heard that the crime was actually a dog’s foot. This is really strange..."

"It is said that General Wu seems to have not released it yet... and the damage caused by Zixia’s clothes is so bad... The loss of the lightest is the third, but I heard that After these things, the old three farts did not dare to put one more, and a face was scared..."

"Ha ha ha..."

"But there is definitely another flaw in it, otherwise not so many people will be unlucky because of the original."

"Crap! If you don't know me, it's your son! After we haven't seen it, have these people been idle? Even the balance of the lower bounds doesn't need to be done..."

"But this time the broken void leads to work... what should I do?"

"What else can I do? There is no order to let us out, do you dare to move?"

"Cough... It’s the grandson who dares to move... We naturally can’t arbitrarily pick it up, report it, let it go up and deal with it.”

"You are stupid. If you want to die, don't drag us all. Let's report it is our responsibility. I want to say who is responsible for the matter. Since it is the third person responsible for it, naturally let the third child Going to the newspaper in person, let's not provoke a sigh of relief... General Wu’s dog who has kicked his own home has been locked up for several months and is closed for a few months. If these little people put a fart at these critical moments, it’s not the whole family. Copying?"

"It must be related to this guy who broke the void... this is beyond doubt!"

"Oh, after the guys came up, I would like to see what the characters are, and let us toss..."

"Right, the third? Mom, let him go to report!"

"After hearing about this, the third child has already been scared to go to the toilet...has not come out yet..."

"Hahaha, he fell in love with the toilet when he was nervous, and he was sick..."


After a long, long time, suddenly a voice sounded: "Take the messenger's purpose."

Suddenly, several people in the room were stunned and almost shocked to faint. One by one, big eyes, little eyes, almost no confidence in their ears.

The purpose.

What is the purpose?

Nonsense, here is Donghuangtian, in addition to the East Emperor, what else can be called 'supreme'?

But the problem is that several of the buddies seem to be only small ambassadors. How many years have passed before, don't say that they personally accept the wishes of the emperor, even those who are qualified to take over, have not seen half.

Now, actually came directly to a 'reception'?

Isn't this really going to scare people?

Just now, why did the brothers not accompany the old three to go to the convenience, and now it is not...

The next moment, a few people rushed out of the hoarseness, trembled to the ground, the level of this brother is too low, it seems that the basic etiquette of the connection does not know, you know the gimmick: "Little 吏~~~ Pick up... The purpose... It’s worth it..."

It’s a misunderstanding, it’s not the frivolity of the sorrow, but the teeth are scared and only tremble.

The person who made the decree snorted, but he did not blame it. He just cleaned up the East Emperor’s Order. Immediately, Lang said: "East Emperor Huang ordered: After March, go to Jiuzhongtian to extradite the broken person and go straight to Tianzhu. According to the calculation of the head, one messenger can only extradite one person, completely divide all the broken people, and spread them in the interfaces of the nine heavens. They are incomprehensible and cannot be violated..."

This East Emperor’s Order seems to be eccentric.

The Tang Emperor, who was concerned about the people who had just ascended, also made careful planning arrangements. This... Is his old man so busy?

The official of the mission was announced, and the purpose of the emperor’s decree was left. He did not stop at all, and the burning **** went away.

It was not until the mission officials left for a long time that the referees had not returned.

"I am going to rub the grass... Didn't I just get it wrong?"

"Me can I..."

The crowd of leading messengers gathered in front of the will of the East Emperor, and looked at them one word at a time. After reading them, they were even more confused.

What exactly is going on? What is the situation?

"Jun Shang will never be so idle... then the only explanation is... these people are very important!" The leader of the leader is heavy, and there are even fears in his eyes: "Brothers, this time, I am afraid to take a big step. Alright..."


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