Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 10: Wolverine

Tiebutian has lived a life that he never thought of before. I never dreamed of dreaming, I was a generation of emperors, and I was in charge of the next three days of the Million River; I would be so bullied one day...

At the beginning, I also resisted, struggling, anger, intimidation, and then the power of rebellion was gone.

Upon seeing the strong body of Chu Yang approaching himself, he began to feel confused and shy. Of course, he did not see his son in these days. Even Yang Ruolan and Chu Feiling did not see it.

Even the old man of Ning Tianya is gone.

When asked, he replied that his ancestor Chu Xiaoxin called the children and his grandparents in the past, one to protect the law, and the other to enrich the Chu family’s supreme family martial arts secret law...

Hearing this answer, Titiantian will be relieved.

She knows that such a veteran family of Chu family has its own unique heritage, and it seems that his son is still highly valued in the Chu family. Although it is still a bit worried, it is more happy.

What is a mother who can make her happy more than her son is valued by everyone?

Is there wood? !

Of course, Tiebutian himself knows that since he came to the Chu family, he should not think about going back within a short time. Fortunately, the next three days are now completely on the track, and there is no problem with the Emperor Tielong City. At least in the short term, it is absolutely undoubted.

It’s good to take a vacation here.

Also, although some people are very arrogant and unreasonable, they are still very attached to the warm embrace of Chuyang. If he really does not follow him, he will go to the Nine Heavens. I really don’t know what year and month will he return?

On the day of his goodbye, Chu Yang may be as good as one, but whether he is a Chinese streak or has become a loess, it is hard to say.

At this point, Tiebu Tian is a bit sad, sometimes seeing Chu Yang after sleeping at night. I will cry silently...

Tiebutian has been in this life. Although she is a daughter, she rarely shed tears. Before she was in charge of the iron cloud, she only shed three tears. The first time was because her father was safe and secure, and he did not hesitate to slaughter the harem and kill his wife and prostitute. Hidden to the daughter of Tiebutian, thinking that the Prince was cultivating, Tiebutian shed the first tears.

In the end, his father was poisoned too deeply, and he died. Tiefu had a second tear, as for the third time. It is for Chu Yang, on the same day, Chu Yang is in danger, the beautiful woman is sick, and the beginning of this love, when the iron is the beginning of the day, do not want Chu Yang to know, design concealment. But in the aftermath of success. The third tear was shed.

However, to this day, the iron-filled days without tears have already become the yellow flowers of yesterday. Tieyun unified, his son is the accompanying Iraqi, although the surface is still the same as the past, the fruit is determined to be bright, the king is shocked for three days, but the bones are already a small woman, especially at the moment, even a small woman gestures, in the dead of night Think of the future, you will be a "tears"!

Time passes by day by day.

The most clear-minded Mo Tianji also felt strange. On the tenth day, he rushed to the Chu family and asked Chu Yang if he knew what was going on in front of him. And why is it so.

Chu Yang is now also the second monk of Zhengzhang, how can he know what is going on?

However, Mo Tianji came here just this time; some of the more precious drugs, such as Jiuzhong Dan, and some amethyst, amethyst soul, etc., let Mo Tianji bring back to the family members in the three days.

This time, Mo Tianji came and stayed for three days, and the gifts were extremely rich. Moreover, I specially visited Chu Sanye Chu Feihan, Chu Sanye and Mo Tianji talked for a long time, and sighed adolescents.

This handsome young boy like Mo Tianji just likes to be in the bones, especially Mo Tianji is courteous and courteous, and his manners are more and more eloquent.

Mo Tianji simply admired Chu Sanye. Among the intentional and unintentional traces, Chu Sanye had already been brought to heaven.

Chu Sanye liked it very much, and he felt very speculative. Later, when he came up, he actually proposed to be a brother with Mo Tianji. This made the Mo Tianji, who had a ghost, suddenly startled, and brought Chu Yang to him that afternoon. Things have fled and escaped...

Chu Leer personally sent Mo Tianji out, watching the virtues of Mo Tianji wolf and walking, could not help but grin.

Chu Yang’s heart has already been faintly aware of someone’s mind. At this moment, seeing Mo Tianji’s whereabouts is strange, even the Mo light dance did not bring it, but this makes Chu Yang’s heart very unhappy.

Asked Chu Leer: "Sister, how do you feel about Mo Tianji?"

"Alright." Chu Leer is not allowed.

"Sister, you have to be alert, this guy is not eating bones." Chu Yuzuo slammed his eyes in front of his sister.

"Well, I have a number." Chu Leer whitened his brother's eyes, this seems to be Chu Leer first to give a certain king Wang Baiyan.

This white eye makes a certain king remember to hate someone!

Another half-month has passed, the mainland has become more stable, and it has basically calmed down. However, Chu Yang’s broken hollows still have no signs.

This time, it is not as light as the Chuyang Motian machine, etc., even if it is dull, such as Dong, there is no injury, and the nerves such as Ji Mo are also aware of it. Everyone feels strange and has a lot of questions.

In addition to the nine robbery brothers, Fengyue and two are specially invited once, one is to ask this matter; the second is to thank Chu Yangdao: the wind and rain are finally pregnant!

For the Fengyue couple, the wish is true, and the dream is finally round. This is really the first great event in the world.

"Congratulations, congratulations to He Xihe..." Chu Yang continued to congratulate.

The month of listening to the snow laughed and said: "If you can, you are not thanks to you..."

Chu Yang coughed.

This is really... your wife is pregnant thanks to me? This is this...

If the words are heard by the people, just say a few words, I can't wash the ancestral souls, I will be dyed red!

The Chu family is really lively for a few days.

In the blink of an eye, the time of two months passed, and Tiebutian finally couldn’t hold his breath. If you say that you broke the big sky, it will not work. At least let me see my son, otherwise... Chuyang had to cover up and say: Our son In fact, I have already gone back to the next three days.

Tiebu Tiansheng was shocked: "What? How come? What is this?"

"Cough cough..." Chu Yuzuo coughed: "Our son went back this time to do something big, it is to seek a squatting position... Now it should have stabilized the throne. Your Majesty, you should have been promoted now. First emperor!"

Tiebu Tian was completely stunned and didn't know why.

This is of course the main accident of the little guy plus the shackles of Chu Yang.

The following is the conversation of a bad father and son.

"Kid. Do you like to be an emperor?" asked the father.

"I like to be the emperor the most." The little guy said.

"Do you want your mother to follow me?"

"My mother will of course follow you. She will not follow you. It will be unhappy."

"What if your mother is not willing to go? Are you willing to help me?"

"Of course I want to help you."

"Then you can't be an emperor?"


"how about it?"

"Well... I think it works."

"That makes you seek a squat?"

"Well... then let me seek a squat."

Uh huh...

In this way, the father and son are stunned and slap in the face. Immediately, there was a desire for Chu Feng's wind and cold, and Ning Tianya, who had been bought by the "National Teacher" title, went to the next three days with Tie Yang and Yang Ruolan Chu Fei Ling Hao Hao.

Conduct a squatting position.

Chu Yang did not worry about his own baby son. One of the guys is superbly intelligent, and the little ones are big; the second is the heartfelt support of Tielongcheng; the three come to Ning Tianya to give him the national teacher, and the four winds give him the head of the royal guard, and the five come to the Chu family in the dark. protection……

With these five conditions, a country is even a wooden pile standing on the throne. That is also to be able to sit down.

In fact, the above conditions are just enough for Ning Tianya.

Nine-Four Peaks Supreme for the next three days of the National Teacher... Who dares to rebel?

Even if it is a 100,000-strong army, as long as Ning Guoshi is willing to go out, it is a matter of a few strokes. It is easy to say that it is easy to exaggerate...

Iron-filled days never imagined that when they came out, they would be conspired by their sons and husbands and husbands. After copying the road, the throne is definitely not expected...

Despite the bad news of Bu Tiantian's death, Tie Butian still insisted on going back to Chuyang for three days, only to the next three days, and he saw the overwhelming white flag.

Everywhere is the mourning of the death of Emperor Tiantian, but the sorrow can be seen in the heart of the people in the hearts of the people.

Tiebu Tian was stupid on the spot.

At this moment, she is still dressed in a women's dress, and walked back to Tieyuncheng. I saw countless people still crying. The grief of the generation of the emperor iron to fill the sky.

There are many elderly people who have been older, telling their grandchildren over and over again about the great achievements of Buddhism. After three days of unification, day and night of hard work, the Tieyun country is booming, but it has become a disease. In the end, it can't afford to be sick, and if there is still a little emperor, the huge Iron Cloud Empire is afraid to fall apart.

It’s just that the little emperor left by the Emperor of Heaven, when it’s true, at the beginning of his birth, there will be a good fortune, and he will be blessed with wisdom. He’s smart and wise, and now he’s only four years old, but he’s already a wind. Childhood is in the position, but the loyal and enthusiastic Tielongcheng regent is supplemented by the legendary world's first master Ning Tianya as the national teacher, and the great iron cloud, and the further period is waiting!

Listening to the voice of the people, Tie Butian really does not know how to react, this subtle feeling is really indescribable.

The new emperor is enthroned and the world is in the world. Tiebu Tian looks at the emperor's list posted on the street. The new imperial state policy on the above is very attractive, and the conditioning is clear and distinct.

According to Tiebu Tian’s own understanding of the ministers of the DPRK, some of them have not even said what they have said. It is definitely not what these people think of.

Is that the little guy got it out?


"Today is the birthday of the lord skypole, let us wish him a happy birthday! Every year, today, now and now! Shun smooth profits, haha..."

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