Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 11: Successor

"These dynasty measures are all very good." What is the vision of Tiebu Tian, ​​and at a glance, he saw the benefits of his son’s new promulgation of the Imperial List. First, it can unconditionally cause the subjects to miss the emperor; thus maximizing the limit of the royal family's cohesiveness in the people. Second, it can extremely strongly trigger the people's confidence in the new emperor, and is full of embarrassment for the days to come.

With these two foundations, I believe that no matter what the decree will be, it will be unimpeded.

In addition, the resistance of the high gate valve is greatly reduced.

Even if Tie Butian, the hero of the generation, was seen, he would be stunned, praised, and even... sighed.

In front, it is the residence of Tielongcheng.

The two went over.


For a long time, from the home of Tielongcheng, Tiebutian has obviously relaxed a lot. It seems that the heavy burden of the whole body, finally unloaded from the shoulders, the whole person suddenly launched.

"Chuyang, from now on, don't call me a squat, I am just a woman from Chuyang." There is tear in the eyes of Tiebu Tian: "I am no longer an emperor, no longer any other identity... ”

Thinking of the pressures of these years, Tiebu Tian burst into tears. But there are still some concerns: "Just, child, he... can you afford it? He is still so small..."

"What do you say? A little bit of worry!" Chu Yang asked: "Where is the next three days? There is Ning Tianya to give him a national teacher, even if it is in the last three days, it is enough to call the king to dominate, and more Don't say that, but the sons of our two, can you give it?!"

"It's also true." Tie Butian broke into a smile: "It's just hard to imagine, Ning's predecessors would agree to this... I still dream like it."

"Oh... our son is not simple." Chu Yang rolled his eyes: "If there is no benefit, where will Ning Tianya manage this? Since it is reasonable to agree with it, it is not something we should worry about, children and grandchildren. Self-owned child Sun Fu."

"Yeah." Iron-filled Tian is weak in Chu Yang's arms: "Thank you... This time, the Chu family did too much for me..."

Chu Yang took her and whispered: "You are my baby... What are you doing? Is it not?"

From the heart, Tie Butian did not really put the throne in his heart; the throne for her was always a responsibility and a promise. Not to be an emperor today, for her, it is like unloading the heavy burden. As for the promise of the day, she is not already finished!

However, in the case of Tie Yang, there is really no need to do this so-called "emperor".

On the last three days, the Chu family, the son of the contemporary nine-robbery sword!

How famous is this status? What is it that the emperors of the next three days can be compared?

Especially now that the Nine Robbery Swordmaster dominates the world, his son is undoubtedly the great man who has been flying for nine days. Don't watch Tie Yang's young age, even if he doesn't, in the last three days, as long as he clarifies his identity, which one dares to move?

Such a person, Chu family in order to complete the iron and the love of Chu Yang, easy to let Tie Yang to do this emperor, how much of this can be seen.

Now I saw that Tie Yang is still ‘wise and promising’, and Tiebu Tianwei is greatly grateful to the family of Chuyang, and is very pleased that he has finally succeeded.

The two in-laws of Chuyang sneaked into the palace without a sound, and saw that the little guy was doing something to deal with the state affairs. Before the iron patched up in the sky, as usual, a lesson was learned, and a small **** of a little guy who was seeking a squatting squat was put on his lap, and he smashed it first.

Such a little thing, actually seeking a squatting position...

Of course, it is not hard.

Looking at this white and pink little guy, Tie Butian still has some unbelievable, that is, such a little guy, actually able to seek a squatting position, but also to make the imperial concubine to collapse...

And when the emperor was still sitting on the bench, there was a plate with an eye.

Looking at the official documents he had dealt with, Tiebutian had to admit one point: in some places, he could not think of it.

Is this still a little girl who is four years old and less than five years old? This is more enchanting! ?

"Why are you kidding this way? Don't you want to follow your father to the Nine Heavens? Is the sky there more wide?" asked Tie Tiantian.

"There is no meaning there. At least it doesn't mean much to me now." The little guy blinked: "When I want to go up, I can go up at any time; but now I definitely don't want to go up, so I should be Do your filial piety, lest the old man sleep alone..."

Chu Yang looks calm like water, my heart is happy, my son is really my son. I know that I care about my father when I am so young, sincere, filial, praise one!

Iron-filled days are a dizzy.

The little guy said it too easily, but it is the legendary nine-day scorpio, the ultimate point of the martial arts in the world; how come to his mouth seems to want to go up, can not go up, do not go up? Isn’t the Nine Heavenly Scorpio so worthless now that you can go up casually? !

Besides, where does this guy know so much?

"In fact, there is still a point. Before I saw my mother, I was very proud of the people. So the baby also wanted to try the emperor." The little guy said with a serious statement: "Please let your mother relax, and the baby must be a nine-day-old one before the mainland. Emperor, I must not only reunify for the next three days, I will have to reunite for three days, and I will reunify for three days. Let the whole world become a country!"

"All the people of the world must be attached to my rule!"

Seeing this young face, both of them were shocked.

This ambition makes Chu and Yang both shocked. Even if it is iron-filled, there is absolutely no such ambition.

After talking with Ning Tianya, the two finally finally let go.

Chu Feiling and Yang Ruolan are also here. The power of the Chu family is all powerful. If Tie Yang can still not do this emperor, then it is really incredible.

The next thing to do is that Chu Yang began to do his best to improve the iron patch.

I have no need to worry about the iron-filled days, naturally let go of all my heart and improve my heart.

"My Majesty, you don't think that you are not an emperor now, you really have nothing to do. After we go to the Nine Heavens, all the internal affairs, including all external mastery, must be questioned by you, but you are very important. The role."

Chu Yangdao: "There is ours...the real stage!"

Tiebu Tiansu Rong promised.

She knows that Chu Yang is definitely not an empty talk or a perfunctory statement; after the Nine Heavens, the new challenge will begin immediately. And at that time, it is necessary to gradually lay down the mountains from nothing.

Step by step to lay down the mountains and the world of the nine heavens - the hardships, compared with the current nine heavens, there is no comparability, the difference between the two is really too difficult.

But the more difficult it is, the more challenging it will be, the more fun it will be, and the more fulfilling and satisfying it will be.

Fighting with the sky, it’s endless fun, fighting with the ground, it’s fun, fighting with people, it’s fun, it’s in it.

At that time, everyone's way forward is bound to be full of thorns. Chuyang has to be naturally riddled with thorns and thorns. It is responsible for fighting, and the stability of the rear and mastering the overall situation will undoubtedly fall on itself.

At the same time that Tiebutian felt pressure again, he felt a burst of excitement. Over the years, the cultivation has not been mentioned, but all the foundations have already been laid.

On the day of the iron-filled day, he was rescued from the fascinating Chu Yang, and he paid the virgin body. He also lost a very rare ice heart, but when he gave birth to Tie Yang, he was assisted by Jiu Dan. After breaking and standing, it became the body of the ice heart and the bones of the nine heavens and the ancients. The high qualifications of the practice are absolutely unique.

As far as Chu Yang knows, he is only slightly under the congenital body of Mo Qingwu. Before he was busy with the state affairs, he took care of Xiao Tieyang, practiced the Japanese sun, and entered the country relatively slowly. Now he has the full support of Chu Yang, and in order to let Iron-filled days are more refined, and Chu Yang still uses the wind and moon double repairs from Wu Qianqian.

Her heart of ice is rooted in the foundation of the world. At present, although it is just like a dry pond, as long as Chuyang injects a lot of clear water into it, the pond can directly create an infinite harbor.

During this time, the repair of the iron-filled days, in a steady and rapid improvement, a thousand miles!

Chu Yang took the iron to make up the sky, and the two men traveled for a few days in the next three days. They also went to the outer tower to see the dark clouds and cool them.

After watching the next three days, Chu Feiling and Yang Ruolan returned to the last three days with their son and Tiebu Tian; they continued to run, and the couple did not feel tired and tired. Instead, it is full of a faint detachment.

They all know clearly that when Chu Yang is completely relieved, I am afraid it is the moment to leave.

From the beginning of the last battle with Fa Zun, the days have passed two and a half months without knowing it.

On this day, Chu Yang suddenly felt the inexplicable heart and restlessness. Suddenly, the entire nine-day sky over the mainland, in a very short time, gradually packed with dark clouds, completely covering the entire clear sky.

The vastness of the heavens and the earth has finally come crashing!

Is the time finally arrived? !

When Chu Yang and Tie Butian were making a final farewell with their families, Mo Tianji, who also felt inductive, rushed to Chu with a gentle dance.

This time, Mo Qingwu was officially a daughter-in-law, and met with Chu Feiling and Yang Ruolan to pay homage to the Chu family.

At the same time, the next three days are a thousand miles, the incense is on the road, and hundreds of millions of people worship devoutly.

On this day, under the insistence of Tieyun Emperor, it was designated as the most solemn festival of the later generations: the day of the opening!

In the middle of the three days, the major families worshipped the ancestors and prayed for incense.


Chu Yang, Mo light dance, iron fills the sky, Chu Leer, Tan Yi, Xie Danfeng, six people at the same time walked out of the door of the Chu family.

Everyone came together to deliver. Meng Chaoran and Chu Xiaoxin are also among them.

"When you arrive at Scorpio, remember that everything should be dominated by your brothers, do you understand?" Meng Chaoran’s rare and serious screaming: "Don’t be arrogant!" (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, better novels Update faster!)

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