Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 20: Poor egg in the early days

But it fell to the top of a towering tree, screaming, Chuyang screamed, the back of the ridge smashed a thick big branch, and then broke the second root, then slammed all the way down, also I don't know how many branches I broke.



"I have a grass..." Chu Yang fell to the ground and fell to the ground without image. This will only feel like the bones of the body are broken, and I can't help but swear: "You **** want me to come down and say something in advance? What is going on with this sudden attack? I remember you. You are waiting for your son, hey... I am hurting me..."

However, it seems that it is no wonder that people are leading messengers.

For the individual, of course we will not let him go down, how can I swear a few words, be careful about what...

But you are different.

Your embarrassed self is so arrogant along the way, there is a backstage, there are people on it, and there is super strength. You can hear that you are familiar with this nine-day scorpio... Since it is very familiar, then How can you not understand the environment of this day?

Besides, we still don't allow us to interfere too much. We are not exactly what you mean?

You are so familiar, and ask him when you are teasing along the way? Really when we are stupid?

After you go down, you will be able to fly high in the sky.

I am not waiting, stupid!

Ever since, the price of Chu Yang’s pretending force is almost to kill himself.

This is really a self-sufficiency, there is no way, not to force, can not get such a good treatment. But the wearer can't wear it and it's worn out, so... cough and cough...

Chu Yang fell off the air and lay on the ground for a long time.

It’s a little bit worse. If there isn’t one tree next to it, if it’s really on the ground, there’s no one, it’s definitely finished.

This statement is not exaggerated. Chu Yang’s body is undoubtedly more than a hundred times stronger than the average person. But in the absence of self-cultivation. I didn't use my body, and I didn't even have time to use any protective techniques for falling from the sky. When I fell down at such a high altitude, I had to have external force blessing. There is absolutely no possibility of not dropping!

At the moment, Chu Yang’s heart was full of sincerity, and at that moment, the body could not control itself. The subtle feeling of involuntary death is really... I don’t want to think about it.

At the same time, Chu Yang made up his mind, here is the Nine Heavens, a new field that is completely unfamiliar and almost ignorant, and he is in this land. It’s no longer the nine-robbery of the world’s people. Nowadays, I’m afraid that there will be too many things that I can’t control. In the future, I must be more careful and cautious. Such a thing!

Lying on the ground for a long time, trying to mix the breath of Chu Yang breathing the air of this nine heavens, carefully feel the new environment. It’s only a moment before and after. I only feel relaxed and happy, and the suffocating my heart has been a big loss.

The aura of this environment is very dense. Almost intensive enough to overwhelm the air, in this environment, although some breathing will be slightly difficult, it will take some time to adapt, but feel a lot of thick aura into the body, my heart is extremely shocking.

The intensity of the aura in this environment is at least ten times more dense than that of the Nine Heavens.

This comparison is even the most conservative judgment.

Because it seems to be just the kind of three-handed zone that has just been sent to the sky, it is impossible to be the best practice place for the military to practice, but the aura of intensiveness has reached such a level, it is no wonder that the starting point of the armed forces of the nine heavens It must be so high...

It looks like a forest here? Chu Yang turned his eyes and looked at the surrounding environment. He was surrounded by trees, but under his body, it was a soft grass.

A cute little white rabbit reveals a small head from behind a tree. He looks at Chu Yang infinitely and curiously. In this little rabbit's head, he still wants to understand whether he lives and falls. How can he suddenly fall from the sky? Big living people come?

After a long while, Chu Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief and slowly tried to climb up.


Chu Yang discovered that the situation seems to be somewhat wrong. On his own body, how can it feel like a lot of sticky feelings; it seems that this piece of land is sucking itself autonomously, not letting himself rise, not letting himself move, even the air in the air is pressing himself...

What's happening here? How is it so strange? !

Chu Yang used a certain amount of cultivation as a force, and then he sat up from the ground, then stood up and tried to take two steps.

Still full of pressure as before.

Chu Yang frowned and carefully felt the surrounding environment. After a long while, he muttered: "It turns out that the ground gravity above this sky is ten times more than that of the Nine Heavens! There will be such a The existence of the region! The big world, it really is nothing!"

This effort, the sword spirit in the nine robbery space also floated out, almost greedily breathing the air of the nine heavens, the eyes are actually a little shiny, muttering: "100,000 years, I finally returned to the nine Scorpio, a long-lost hometown, I am back."

For a time, it was a bit embarrassing.

It’s a good idea for Chu Yangdao: “You feel good. The gravity of the Nine Heavens is indeed much higher than that of the Nine Heavens, but it is not only ten times, but thirty times full! The weight of a person who weighs a hundred pounds on the mainland of Jiuzhongtian will reach three kilograms in the weight of the nine heavens! If it is an ordinary person, once he comes to this place, he will be crushed to death by his own weight. Shocked?"

"Thirty times!?" Chu Yang said: "How do people here live? Is there no ordinary person here?"

Sword Spirit faintly said: "There are naturally ordinary people here, but those born here from an early age, even the weakest and weakest of them, will gradually get used to the habit of the environment. Over time, the body is naturally more important than the nine The people on the mainland are much stronger."

"As for the warriors here, as long as they have certain property, they can go to the local shops and buy a 'light spirit jade'. After wearing it, running it with blood and blood can greatly reduce the gravity effect, in other words, With a light jade, you can achieve the effect of being as light as a swallow."

Chu Yang sighed, interested: "Light spirit jade? Good things, how much silver?"

Sword spirit smiles: "In Jiuzhong Tianyin, the silver is not in circulation, even the precious metals are not counted. The currency circulating here is mainly water cloud, purple spirit, purple cloud, purple xia. The first three currencies are One hundred yuan is added. One purple soul coin is equal to one hundred water cloud coins; one purple cloud currency is equal to one hundred purple spirit coins. As for the purple sky coins, it is a high-level currency, which is difficult to see in general transactions, only in Occasionally, large-scale transactions, a purple Xia coin, but equal to 10,000 Ziyun coins."

Chu Yang took a breath and said: "That is, a purple Xia coin is equal to 100 million water cloud coins? Is the ratio so disparity?"

“Yes, it’s just because the representative value is amazing, so it’s not common.”

Chu Yang couldn't help but fangs: "So... Amethyst? Is it valuable?" He remembered the large amount of amethyst reserves in his nine-robbery space.

Jian Ling took a look at his mouth and said: "Amethyst is the crystallization of energy. The average person will not use it for trading. Under normal circumstances, he will only choose to absorb the energy and increase the repair."

"Can that Amethyst be used as a trading commodity?"

"It is not impossible."

Chu Yang asked with enthusiasm: "Amethyst is a good thing, can you sell a few purple coins?"

Jian Ling violently turned a blind eye and said: "Can you sell a few purple Xia coins? What do you want? One hundred amethysts, you can sell about ten purple spirit coins..."

"One hundred amethyst ten purple spirit coins?" Chu Yang widened his eyes: "What do you mean, a million amethyst, is it worth a purple xia coin?"

"You are so smart! It's quite right." Sword spirit couldn't help but laugh.

Chu Yang sat down on the ground and angered: "How is Amethyst coming so worthless? What does Laozi do with such a warehouse?"

"You don't have to be so discouraged. I am only talking about theoretical data. In fact, no one is willing to trade Amethyst like this. Amethyst has a deep definition here, which is strength; because everyone basically uses it to cultivate. Who will sell? Although the value of Zixia coins is extraordinary, it can not be used for cultivation!" Sword spirit laughed and said: "If anyone takes a lot of amethyst to trade Zixia coins, it will definitely be called the first defeated family..."

Chu Yang grinning: "Since Zixia Coin can't help cultivation, the other three kinds of coins must not be used to assist in cultivation?"

"Yes, these four currencies are plainly the official currency that is given to the market. It only represents the amount of wealth that is owned. Although it is beautifully cast, it actually has no more effect."

Sword Spirit said: "In fact, in the nine heavens, whether it is Amethyst, Tiancai Dibao, in short, anything with energy will not be used as currency."

"It turned out to be."

Chu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and then he began to bitterly face: "Your statement makes the sword master find a little superiority, but the other meaning also shows that the current sword master is a standard meaning of the poor? No penalties? Is it worse than 乞丐?"

"Absolutely two concepts, if you want to be a rich, it is too easy. The good things in the nine robbery space, you can sell a lot of wealth if you take a few outside. Amethyst has limited trading value, but only one The soul of Amethyst can be exchanged for the wealth of astronomical figures. As for the nine great medicines, the heavenly treasures, the springs of life, etc., in this world, it is still something that can be met and not demanded. The novel..."

Sword spirit said.

"These are definitely not for sale!" Chu Yang angered: "Those things are the root of us, can not be sold anyway!"

"There is no way, so at this stage, you are really poorer than the sword master. There are still a few water coins in the begging, but you are really a nameless one."

Chu Yang frowned and thought about the circle.

Unexpectedly, the super richest man of this nine-day mainland has come to the first day of the nine-day scorpio and actually needs to worry about the money.

Is this contrast too big? !

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