Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 21: There is a stupid here!

"Or, let's do a few more rings of Tianxingmu to sell, that stuff should be worth it?" Chu Yang asked.

"It’s worth it. The transaction price is likely to be above the Tianbao Dibao that I just mentioned, because the storage equipment is also very scarce in the Nine Heavens. If you sell it, you can definitely sell it to astronomy. The wealth of numbers... Of course, the premise is that you can support the completion of the transaction, because I doubt that if you are exposed, you can live a day, killing people and looting is not a patent of Nine Heavens, it is also popular here." The spirit of the sword spirit.

"This doesn't work either. What do you say?" Chu Yang was angry. Since the **** nine-day Scorpio has not been a good thing, it is too depressed.

"You can consider relatively low-value trading items, such as the sacred nucleus, you can sell money, but it will not attract the eyes of the strong." Sword spirit said: "But... you are not a lot of nucleus in the space now. Both yin and yang longan and 媾蛟内丹 have great use... Others have given you a light dance and talk... um, and your sister took the most important poison dan..."

"You just said that I am a poor man who has no way out." Chu Yang is infinitely depressed: "I am not unacceptable; it is not finished up from the beginning."

"Well, you are now a poor man who is even more embarrassed than you are!"

"You are honest." Chu Yang sighed: "Sword Spirit, you look at where we are now, first determine the orientation, right, what is nearby, how do I feel a little hungry... ”

This sentence is said, Chu Yang suddenly glimpsed.

I have reached the realm of the valley for a long time. It has not been long since I left the world of the nine heavens. Shouldn’t I feel hungry anyway?

but now……

Is it an illusion, not right, obviously a feeling of being hungry!

"Big Brother, you have to know. This is thirty times the gravity of the Nine Heavens World! So your consumption is naturally thirty times the original. Even more, you must first get used to the gravity here." Sword Spirit sees his doubts , said: "And you must also remember that all the achievements made in the Nine Heavens continent are equal to zero here! The so-called nine robbery sword master is nothing here!"

"Okay, then start from scratch!" Chu Yang bite his teeth.

Something in my heart: I don’t know what other brothers are doing? Everyone else is the same as everyone else. I have this virtue, they don’t know what it’s so bad...

However, I can't figure out that the guy doesn't worry about it, but the goods are very stealing, and they can become rich people in minutes; Mo Tianji doesn't worry about himself, the goods will lie. If you lie to a few people, you will become a rich man. As for the other people, such as Dong Wushou, there is no need to worry: because they are very good at robbery, grab a few people and solve everything!

There are also tears, not to worry: this woman will directly rob and kill together, who makes the family is the black magic.

But what about my sister and two little girls who danced lightly... Will they feel helpless now?

Chu Yuzu is worried about this...

"The adults don't have to worry, this should be the East Pole, which is the celestial domain that the prince is responsible for. Because the prince is the East Emperor, it is also known as the Eastern Emperor. This forest is the forest that leads. According to the convention In the vicinity of the forest, there must be towns.” Jian Ling said: “The forests that can be received can only enter. It is a forbidden place of the Nine Heavens. The main function is to protect the people who have just broken. But... as long as there is a forest of picking, there will inevitably be trouble."

Chu Yang frowned: "Trouble?"

"Yes." Jian Ling said: "Remember that in the past, there will be people waiting outside to rob the people who have just ascended up. But these people are generally not influxed. Generally, people with a little strength and no identity will not. Doing these things... These people, because of their low strength, can only bully some of the low-ranking warriors who have just ascended, but for the general, just ascended warriors, they are irresistible masters..."

"In fact, it is impossible for the forest to be broken, and there is no possibility that people will break the void every day. It is often not even one year and a half... So the real master will not do this kind of effort but it is rare to have many gains."


"There is, these people do not pose a threat to you. If you look at the eyes of Jiu Tiantian, those people are at most the strength of the three products." Jian Lingdao.

Chu Yang smiled: "I understand, I heard that other planes can come up with a supreme product? So they can be fierce?!"


"That's great." Chu Yang said with peace of mind: "Sure enough, there is no road to heaven. These people are clearly coming to give us money. In this world, there are still good people to drop..."

Chu Yang will finally come to the end, stand up and take two steps, and gradually get used to his body's athletic ability under such heavy pressure; Jianling is a body that floats and floats out.

After a while, I walked back with two big birds with strange colors.

"This kind of bird is called 'flying chicken', the meat is tender and delicious, and it is delicious. I used to like it most... but now I have done it, I don’t need to eat anything, the sword master is grilled and eaten, I Smell the smell on one side, and have a dry addiction." Sword Ling's face is very tangled.

It is clear that there is a lot of aftertaste, but more is helpless.

The soul can't eat anything, even the world's first delicious food is in vain in front of him...

The fireworks rose.

Slightly tilted, a thick roast of barbecued meat rose.

Sword spirit greedily raised his head and sucked his nose... eyes, but closed slightly.

Face, some memories. Some are in love.

Are you missing the scenery of hundreds of thousands of years ago?


Chuyang was a big daring, and Meimei had eaten a meal and ate two ‘flying chicken’ that had at least seven or eight pounds of weight into a pile of bones.

Actually, I also took out a jug of wine from the space of the nine robbers. I ate myself and drank it. It was called a chic.

In this regard, Jian Ling has only turned his eyes.

For a long time, Chu Yang hit a full, deep foot and walked out: "Let's go out! Nine heavens, Laozi is here!"

Then suddenly I was shocked: "Hey, I fell so much power, there is no pit on the ground? Even if the branches are unloading, but I finally fell to the ground, I fell to the ground, I haven’t been there for a long time. Get up, there is no trace at all..."

Sword Spirit silently said: "This is the Nine Heavens! Why didn't you fall to your idiot?"

"Oh!" Chu Yang's walked out.

The two men took a three-day direction in the middle of the forest, and finally saw the edge of the forest.

Around the forest, there is a layer of transparent fog, forming a circle of light barriers, closely surrounding the surrounding.

"That is the prohibition. This stuff can only be out, can not enter! At least for the lack of strength is an absolute barrier!" Sword Spirit said: "Adult, go out this prohibition, it is really into the scope of the nine heavens."

Chu Yang sighed and said: "In this case, what are we waiting for?"

Say, go forward.

Easy to get out of the ban, I did not feel any resistance. Chu Yang was curious and tried to go back. Try to really only can not enter.


Thunder and lightning!

Chu Yang was screamed and slammed out, and his hair was erect, and a small white face was blackened.

"I really can't go in..." Chu Yang grinned.

Sword spirit was speechless for a while.

Have you told me several times that you can't enter? You actually have to try it... This thunder and lightning is really worth living...

I have been walking out of the ban, and Chu Yang still hasn't seen any "good guys" who have robbed. I can't help but feel depressed. "Where are the good people who send money? Where? It won't be my turn." No, it’s still the rule of the Nine Heavens! I won’t play this way? It’s easy to have a shortcut that doesn’t change!”

Sword spirit turned his eyes, I really don't want to care for someone!

If it is to change the individual planes of a product to the supreme ascension, suddenly came to such a strange area, at this moment must be fearful; fear that there are such people. This is good, I know that someone may be robbed and excited, but now he is not lost without looting...

Really wonderful.

"I always feel that there seems to be weird there." Chu Yang looked around, already on the edge of the forest, everywhere weeds, and in some places, there are traces of people walking.

Obviously many people have come in and out here.

"There seems to be traces of fighting over there..." Chu Yang pointed to the grass on the side and said: "According to my experience, there is such a shape here, and there must be a stupid!"

“Is there a stupid here?” Jian Ling observed carefully.

I haven't talked yet. I only heard an unusually weak voice in the dense grass next to one person: "Hey~~ Who are you? How do you know that I am here?"

Both Chu and Yang are at the same time. The sword spirit returned to the nine-robbery space.

Chu Yang looked over there and saw the sound of the grass rushing, and a person ‘crawled’.

This person is quite strange, and it is strange to use "people" to describe him as a point that is not suitable! .

A pair of ears pointed on the head, chubby, up and down thick, the beard on the mouth is actually long, like a cat...

Moreover, there is a furry tail behind the buttock, which is almost not like, but directly a cat... it becomes a human appearance.

This guy looks very young, and it is about the age of Twenty. His face was pale, his mouth was still bloody; at first glance, it was the kind of one that was seriously injured or even dying. The "people" came out of the grass, seemingly used a lot of strength to sit up with the tail and looked at Chu Yang, asked: "Hey~ Who are you? Hey? Do you know me?"

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