Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 23: Cat teacher's miserable encounter

Suffering such a serious injury, the cat teacher can still live and jump, it seems that it should be a master.

Not to mention anything else, many of his deadly wounds were wrapped up in a very strange way, so that it could not be attacked for a certain period of time. With this hand alone, at least the current Chu Yang can't do it...

"Is the injury I suffered? Is there any medical treatment? Are you not a medical doctor? Let's hurry and save your life." Seeing Chu Yang checked his wounds and said nothing, the cat teacher was a little panicked, with a cry Road: "Is there no medical treatment? Am I dying? Hehe..."

"Don't worry, if I am there, you can't die if you want to die. I am a god-dead doctor. I can't miss the first single medical case of Jiuzhong Tianzhu." Chu Yang said with confidence, he took it out of his arms. An amethyst jade bottle, which is contained inside, is not an incomplete version of Jiuzhong Dan.

Chu Yang's medical skills, whether it can afford the name of the **** doctor, this is not certain, but the good things in this guy's hands are not necessarily true.

Although the incomplete version of Jiuzhong Dan can not fully restore the injury of the cat teacher, but to save his life, and even to reply to more than half, there is no problem, really small meaning.

"A beautiful bottle!" The cat teacher who was still there since the moment of mourning and self-pity once again widened his eyes. He was very interested in watching the purple jade bottle in the hands of Chu Yang, which was somewhat envious.

This product, at this time, still pays attention to the beautiful and not beautiful bottle...

Chu Yang looks black.

"Open your mouth." Chu Yang shouted.

"Bar bang", the cat teacher's eyes looked straight at the amethyst bottle, first swallowed a spit, then suddenly opened a big mouth.

That mouth, big Zhang is like a hippo opening.

Please, just eat a medicinal medicine, this pose, but can directly swallow a pig!

Chu Yang Yang Tian sighed silently, really can't bear it, even more impatient to see his big yellow tooth, and quickly turned his head and looked into the distance. Take out the incomplete version of Jiuzhong Dan. Throw into the mouth of the cat teacher.

"What is this? It's delicious, is there anything?" The cat teacher grinned, a little bit lingering, sticking out his tongue on his lips and proficiently groaning, screaming, not eating Enough, I still want to ask for more than two addictions.

Chu Yang suddenly turned his head. Surprised: "Where, how can there be a big tiger with only three heads? This Donghuangjie is really nothing!"

"Three big tigers? Where? Where?" The cat teacher was very curious and turned his head to an eye-opener.

A few squeaking sounds, clean and neat.

"Hey...hey~pain~~~It’s a painful death for the cat..." The cat greasy and screamed.

However, Chu Yang took advantage of the Jiuzhong Dan's incompatibility, and he was able to hang the moment of the cat teacher's vitality. The bones in his body have been repositioned to a normal position, otherwise the body of the cat teacher will be completely deformed.

Repair 13 places!

The cat teacher is sore and screaming. The fat body trembled in a burst, gnashing his teeth and screaming at Chu Yang: " said it in advance..."

His sentence has not been finished yet. The next moment, his body suddenly appeared yellow and yellow circles, and the yellow light diverge in circles. Volatilize continuously.

immediately. A burst of black mist evaporates from the body of the cat teacher.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!" The cat opened his mouth with a greasy grunt. Suddenly spit out three bruises, and suddenly felt a lot easier. And that mysterious and huge potency is rapidly marching in his body, especially the five internal organs of the earthquake, which have returned to their original position at this moment, and have even recovered a lot.

Inside the body, although it has been reset, it is still a broken bone, and there is a sign of healing after that moment.

The pain in my body was actually seven or eight percent in an instant!

"Hey~~~ He is awkward, this is really amazing! It’s too exaggerated! Is there such a thing?!" The cat is greasy and unbelievable, and the face is unbelievable.

In the next moment, as he continued to exercise his strength, his body continued to rise and spurt black gas, and it was exhaled in circles and circles. Before the cat was greasy, the face was completely unmanned and rosy at the speed visible to the naked eye.

A cat lay on the ground and stretched his legs, and moved his feet. Then he climbed up and looked up and down: "Hey~ He is really amazing! Hey, how is it so good? What is the situation?" Not dreaming? Hey~~"

With a long-sucking '喵', the cat teacher stood up, a cat hugged Chu Yang, "bar bang", a very affectionate face in Chuyang, splitting six beards Mouth is very happy: "Brother! Thank you!"

Chu Yang did not guard against this sudden change, but also bowed, then retched and hurriedly rubbed his face with his hands.

"How excited, that's my first kiss, I don't know how many cat girls want to get it..." Seeing Chu Yang wiping his face, the cat teacher was hurt...

"First kiss..." I didn't listen to this. Fortunately, when I heard this sentence, Chu Yang immediately vomited. I only feel that my heart is running by tens of thousands of grass mud horses...

If you are a woman, it’s all right, hey, even a catwoman...

You are a public, actually said what gave me the first kiss...

I am really fucking, I was kissed by a man on the first day of Nine Heavens, but I still kissed!

"Today's first kiss..." The cat is greasy and proud.


The injury is great, the cat teacher talks about getting bigger and bigger, pulling Chuyang, it is more convenient than the best iron buddies. In addition, there is also gratitude to Chu Yang for helping.

He said that he had a big pass, and he had hundreds of words before and after. Chu Yang was reluctant to hear what he had encountered before.

Speaking of it, this is actually a very simple matter.

The cat is greasy, and the Yi people are quite small. They are actually the teachers of the Yi people. They are said to be known as the 'first Yi people'. This argument proves that he is the first fact that the Yi people are learned. I rarely touch the world on weekdays, but I just study the knowledge and occasionally practice the exercises; I feel a little pedantic, and I am a little innocent.

However, academics are steel.

The reason for this time is that I heard that the Cao family of Xitiancheng had an academic genius, and even realized the 'space algorithm' that the nine heavens and the ancients have never experienced before. The cat is tired and shocked. I was so excited that I sighed that I was not alone, so I immediately set off to visit.

The purpose is naturally nothing more than trying to find the Cao family's algorithm genius to ask for advice, but also to talk about it.

After all, these legendary deep-seated algorithms have an unparalleled appeal to cat teachers and other universities...

However, when the cat was tired and hurried, he only took a dozen guards. When he drove thousands of miles from the 'study car' of the Yi people, he encountered a sneak attack by the Yi people. .

Both the Yi and the wolves are big experts who have disappeared from the Yaozu. They have never been convinced of anyone; the two communities have developed separately, and the friction has flourished and gradually evolved into a feud; the 'teacher' of this Yi has already It is to be removed soon. After all, there is this cat teacher, the Yi people’s enlightenment is too fast...

For the wolf, it is a huge threat...

Today, the cat teacher was stunned by the temptation of academics. He left the valley and ignored the protection of those cat masters. This is a godsend for the wolves. It is clean and neat. In the midst of a fierce battle, the dozens of guards of the cat teacher struggled and died, all of them died in battle. Under the cover of the dead, the cat teacher was inevitably seriously injured. There are always some secret tricks for the cat teacher. Get rid of the enemy's encirclement, fleeing into the depths of the jungle, and cover your breath with the secret method, waiting for possible rescue...

Until Chu Yang discovered...

However, it is not the accident of Chu Yang, the accident "Don't break" the greasy saying that the chances of the cat teacher not being able to die this time are basically not much!

After listening to the cat teacher's experience, Chu Yuzu found that he came to Jiuzhong Tianzhu really is more and more unlucky. Doesn't this mean that it is a big trouble out of thin air? The war between the two ethnic groups of the Yi and the wolves was so almost completely unconsciously involved.

Can you stand up with the strength of the micro-end that you just flew up? If you really meet the wolf people, it’s hard to say that if you run into a strong hand, you won’t be able to pinch yourself.

Just looking at this series of encounters, encountering the wolf masters, is almost a matter of nailing the nails. By the time, it is up to you to call for help. The masters of the family have their own rescue, who should rely on them to rescue them...

and many more!

It seems that it is not right.

Yi people? Wolf family?

Isn't this the area of ​​the East Pole? Is not it? Here is actually the territory of the Yaozu?

Chu Yang frowned and said: "I said the cat brother, but I don't know what is here? Isn't this the East Pole?"

"It’s the East Pole." The cat teacher looked at him strangely: "You won't be fainted?"

"Cough... I actually just came up with a broken void. I am not familiar with anything here. I have a black eye. The guide who gave me the lead told me that it is called Dongjitian, but you also said that the Yi people still have What the wolf is, confused me..." Chu Yangxi's explanation.

"What's strange about the demon in the East Pole? Hey? What are you talking about?"

"You just flew up?" The cat teacher suddenly squatted, and the furry tails were straight and straight: "Impossible! Impossible! If you just flew up, how could you have this kind of repair? Impossible It is absolutely impossible!"

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