Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 24: Scorpio

Chu Yang said: "What am I doing now? Is it so fussing?"

The cat teacher stared at him with a squint and said, "You don't know?"

"The younger brother's cultivation in the original world is indeed extremely high, but the division of the strength of the East Pole and even the entire Nine Heavens is completely unknown. I am asking the cat brother to enlighten me."

The cat greasy and squinted for a long while, suddenly yelling and yelling, excitedly dancing: "Ha ha ha ha, I finally met someone who is stupid than me in other things outside the academic field, actually even I don’t know what level I am, wow, hahaha..."

Looking at the virtues of the cat teacher dancing in the tail, Chu Yang looked at the black line.

I think that I am a master of the nine robbery swords, shocking the legend, actually being so stupid by such an idiot joke, it is too shameful!

Wait, I just flew up, don't know if this is very strange?

Why is he laughing at me?

"Please also ask the cat teacher to explain to me. Please elaborate on the division of the nine-day Scorpio." Chu Yang smiled bitterly.

The cat is greasy and clear. It is a good problem for the teacher. He nodded his head and shook his tail. He took advantage of his sparse beard and said: "In this case, I will preach for you. You can listen carefully, I only Say it again."

Chu Yang grinned, and listened to it.

"Nine-Heaven Scorpio, the rank of the warrior can be roughly divided into eight levels: 'Xuan, Ling, Man, Earth, Heaven, Holy, Heaven, Sage'. The general warrior, after reaching the meridian, can become a warrior, that is, the most The bottom of the 'Xuan' class warrior." Cat teacher a evangelist to give directions to the industry, solemnly said.

"Under normal circumstances, people who have just ascended from the lower bound are generally between 'Xuan-level' and 'spiritual level', so the ascendant is not common in Jiuzhong Tianzhu, but it is not rare, precisely because of its The strength is low, there is really no rare value."

The cat teacher is full of eloquence: "Jiuzhong Tianzhu circulates a martial art song; Xuan Ling is not born, he is a man who talks about heaven; Hugh says a thousand miles, and only sees the eyes."

"The meaning of this song is to say ... before breaking through the third-order strength of the mysterious people, it is best not to go out. If you go out, you will be slaughtered. It is serious to take care of your own eyes... this don't go out, fall down It doesn't mean that you can't go anywhere at home; experience is still necessary, but the general big family or ethnic group, when these young children are going to practice, they must be protected by the masters of the family. This is more appropriate. In fact, our Dai people do this..."

Chu Yang nodded: "It turns out."

"The land of the sacred land, the wind is raging; the ants are under the holy steps." The cat teacher said: "These sentences are about the prefecture, the heaven and the holy. Three levels. That is, the prefecture Already known as the hero of a place, has a certain power, to the level of the world can be whistling, the world; but in terms of real strength, the two are definitely not the top level of the master, because the repair under the holy level, They are just ants! The masters of heaven and earth are only strong ants before the Holy Power."

Chu Yang nodded and expressed understanding that this time it was really taught.

In the last three days, the demon was so powerful, claiming to be a heavenly master, and I didn’t expect that the nine-day scorpio was just a big ant ant...

"Is there a higher level of heaven and sage?" Chu Yang saw the cat greasy and said these things, actually shut up without asking, could not help but ask.

"The two levels are still used to say?" The cat grumbled and turned a blind eye, saying: "The strong man of heaven is naturally a hegemon; the strongest at that level is mostly the kind of dragon who sees the end without ending. Legend; As for the sage level... Hey, the crowds of Jiuzhong Tianyi, who know hundreds of billions of people, know that the name of the sage-level powerhouse is only a dozen! It is truly positive, the peak!"

Speaking of the sage level, the cat teacher’s face showed a respectful look.

"Is there a higher and stronger existence above the sage level?" Chu Yang asked curiously.

The cat teacher’s face looked horrified: "Chu brother, you came to see it, and it is still reasonable to ask this question. I advise you to say this. This sentence can be said here in my opinion. I will never say anything in the future. It’s a great opportunity to be told that you despise the Holy King... that’s the big crime of copying the family! Remember, remember!”

Chu Yang opened his mouth and finally did not speak.

"The nine warriors of the martial arts, in addition to the legendary level of the heavenly and sage level, the strength of other orders are divided into junior high school and high third, the distinction is obvious, any first order is almost the same. ”

The cat was greasy and squinted and looked at Chu Yangdao: "I don't think you need to inquire about the details of the Heavenly Sage level, because even if you look at it in detail, it doesn't work for you. Anyway, you can't get to that point, with your qualifications. Your current achievements are probably your boundaries, and it is difficult to have room for improvement..."

Chu Yang is the knot.

This cat is really a small person. What is this called, to dispel my enthusiasm for progress?

Chu Yang stunned and said: "Then my current position is... that order? Didn't reach the level?"

"Cut a bite!" The cat is greasy and disdainful: "Your strength is not weak, but it is also a human level. It is not a big master, but... still an ant!"

Chu Yang sighed deeply.

This cat teacher does not seem to know how to take care of others' self-esteem. How does he become a teacher? Deaf people are tireless? Destruction is tireless!

"What about the teacher, what about you? It must be a big master? It’s not to the heavenly level!" Chu Yang asked with conviction, deliberately taking words to stab him.

"Hehehe..." The cat grinned smugly: "Your guess is not too far away. I am now a first-class student. I believe that I will soon reach the legendary Heavenly people, up to thousands of years, hehe!"

"Hey!" Chu Yang dismissed and spit, said: "It's still an ant!"

Really shameless, heavenly, heavenly person looks like a word, but in reality, the difference is far, but not too far away? I bother!

The cat teacher saw Chu Yang disdain, greatly suffocating for it, the fat body jumped up, and when he twisted, he jumped like a polar bear with a ballet action, saying: "I don't want to fight!"

Chu Yang smiled: "I just cured you, then you will deal with me? Cat teacher, you are really good."

The cat greasy and sighed down and said: "You are right, how can I do something that is so ungrateful, it is my fault!"

Chu Yang laughed, today is not very smooth day, this time finally is a breath.

In addition to deflation, my heart is still inevitably surprised: this cat is greasy and is a lazy person who concentrates on studying academics. At best, it is only an 'occasional' practice, but it can still reach the level, that is, his strength may not be in full bloom. Under the demon, it is more than ten times the ultimate strength of the law. The qualification of this goods is only extremely high.

"Now I am chased by the wolf people. I am afraid that it will be very uncomfortable when I go out from here." The cat is a little bit tired and said: "If you want to leave it alone, you are now repairing, although you are not taking off the ants, but as long as Don't take the initiative to make trouble, self-protection is still no problem... follow me is a fate..."

Chu Yangdao: "As long as you can easily modify it, can't you?"

"Easy to change is of course easy, but what should I do with my tail?" The cat was greasy and looked at her furry tail with some sadness. She reached out and stroked her eyes and said, "It’s so comfortable..."

Chu Yang is speechless for a while, this is a curse in the end, the image is better than the life, it is like a woman who loves to be beautiful! .


After a long while, the two went out of the jungle.

At a glance, the cat's furry tail was gone; the whole person changed a lot. The original chubby five-small figure turned out to be a burly tall man, and his face changed from the original wheat color to black, black and dark; The beard can't be made.

Because the cat teacher is not willing to shave the six beards.

Therefore, Chu Yang had to adapt to the situation, and cut off his hair a lot. They all stick to the face of the cat teacher. If you don’t shave, you can always add more? !

Under such a slap in the face, the cat teacher has become a leopard-headed, full-faced chin with a beard, which looks quite powerful.

It’s just that the cat teacher started to twist the buttocks in two steps, so that Chu Yang is quite helpless. There is absolutely no way to overcome this action. It is already a habit of someone, a habitual movement that integrates into the body and integrates into the blood...

I have to go all the way to talk about it, I have to admit that the cat is really greasy and is not a cat teacher of the Yi nationality. It is really in stock, quite erudite and talented.

All the way to see the customs of the land, including flowers and trees, including everything that I have seen, the cat is greasy and screaming, and the endless stream of the country, Chu Yang opened the eyes and long experience.

It’s a bit sloppy. Chu Yang’s heart is secretly stunned: and this kind of goods still likes to teach others... But when I used to be a teacher, I have this problem, not surprising...

The two walked on the official road, and the cat teacher volunteered to lead the way to the nearest Zixia City.

Along the way, Chu Yang also opened his eyes. The aura of the nine heavens is dense, all the way, all the way to see the fog formed by some aura, just floating around...

It is unexpected to give birth to a feeling of walking in the fog of the clouds.

This feeling is quite cool; and the body's meridians and sweat pores are not swallowing the aura all the time. Chu Yang seems to feel his own cultivation, and is slowly solidifying. This situation, whether it is in any of the nine heavens All, or in the space of nine robberies, have never been...

Suddenly, the brush in front of the grass brushed a few times, and several burly big men suddenly appeared in the middle of the road and said: "Stand up! Who are you?"

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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