Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 25: Eat big

These people are fierce, and although they are wearing human clothes, there is still a hairy tail on the hem of the clothes. A pair of eyeballs, also shining green and faint light.

"Wolf!" The cat greasy and quietly said: "They are the people who killed me before..... Well, these few people are just the level of the peak of the land level. Those few heavenly masters are not here, I don't feel it. To their breath, or to lurk in the dark, or to search elsewhere, this is not yet judged..."

Chu Yang frowned: "You don't talk for a while, I will deal with them; even if you want to talk, you have to change the original tone, especially don't ‘喵,!”

"喵~~" The cat teacher agreed.

Chu Yang’s heart is not at the end. This guy’s racial habits are so many that it may not be easy to cover up the past!

Chu Yang stepped forward two steps, Shen Sheng said: "Who are you waiting for? Under the broad daylight, even outside the Zixia City, people are going to stop, but to rob? Is it not afraid of the East Emperor's Law?"

It is known from the teacher's mouth that this whole nine-day scorpio is highly focused on the law.

In particular, this Donghuangtian is even more savvy to the point of horrific.

The headed Werewolf faintly said: "This friend has to open his mouth and hold the East Emperor's Law to suppress people. The battle between our two races belongs to the category of the Yaozu. During this period, no one is involved! We stopped friends. Going on the road, just want to ask a little bit of news, how to relate to robbery?"

Chu Yang frowned, wondering: "Two families? What two families?"

In the words of the werewolf, it seems to be quiet, but in reality there is a huge trap. If Chu Yang runs down even if he says a word, or agrees, acquiescence, he can immediately sit down on the crime.

Because he has not started questioning until now.

The werewolf looked at Chu Yang.

Chu Yang is innocent and innocently looking at him, just like the Chu doctor of the day.

“Have a friend ever seen this person?” The werewolf shook his hand and took out a portrait, “哗啦” unfolded.

There is no accident in the above person, it is the cat greasy. No matter the face and the body, it is drawn perfectly - only Xiao.

If the cat is greasy and does not change its shape, I am afraid that I will think that I am looking in the mirror.

“Hmmm?” Chu Yang frowned and looked at it and finally nodded with a look: “I haven’t seen it... but it’s so strange, it’s like a cat, so weird. Look, if I have seen it, I will definitely have an impression."

During the conversation, the werewolf stared at Chu Yang’s eyes with fierce eyes.

Chu Yang’s eyes are innocent, I don’t know if I’m being impatient, my face suddenly turned into a raging anger, saying: “What do you mean when you look at me like this? Do I say that you have to beat me if you haven’t seen it? Is there any Wang Fa?"

The werewolf's eyes flashed a bit cold and shouted: "You can roll!"

A few werewolves were driving away from the road, and Chu Yang passed through the middle. When the cat was tired and walked over, the werewolf suddenly stopped him: "You? Have you seen this?"

The cat is greasy and looks up: "Ah? Amount? Hey?" The throat of the mouth was so suffocating, but it took a lot of effort to make the sound, "Hey, swallowed back."

Chu Yang said aloud on one side: "You still don't make sense. My brother is a dumb... He won't talk. If you have anything, ask me. What do you mean by dumb?"

The werewolf glimpsed: "Dumb?"

The cat teacher is in the heart of Chu Chu: What you are blind is dumb! Your family is dumb! But in the face of this werewolf's stunned eyes, he could only open his mouth: "Ah~amount...········..."

The werewolf glanced at him, frowning and said: "Hey, it’s really a dumb...". Let's roll it together."

When I think that I am actually holding a dumb and forcing a question, there is a feeling of turning into a joke.

The two people in Chuyang ran away.

Chu Yang is somewhat puzzled: how is it so easy?

I only heard the werewolf sipping behind him: "All of them are hiding back, carefully concealed, carefully checking the people, the roads have been blocked, and all give me the spirit, don't let the cat get tired!"

The cat is tired of hearing this sentence and subconsciously wants to say, oh, one voice.

Chu Yang’s eye disease quickly caught his mouth and let him say, “Hey, it turned into a voice: ‘oh,!

It’s like a stuffy fart.

After turning out the two bends, Chu Yang let go of his hand and looked at him with a depressed face: "I said the cat teacher, I know that you rushed out of the encirclement and lived very quickly, very excited but you can't live to die." The point of returning 10,000 steps, even if you want to die, don't pull me, you can't restrain it any more..."

The cat was tired of knowing that he almost made a big mistake, looked awkward, looked at Chuyang for a long time, and finally shook his head, and gently snorted: "Hey ~ ~"


Chu Yang did not hit a place, and he would reprimand him. The cat teacher is like a primary school student who usually bows to the training and is sprayed by Chu Yang’s spit.

After a long, long time, I looked up confusedly: "I seem to be a master of heaven, this kid is the peak of the human level. Why am I being trained with a grandson? How can it be like this..."

But Chu Yang at this moment has gone far.

The cat teacher shook his head and listened to Chu Yang’s words. It’s almost a habit, and he has to follow up quickly...

The two men have been busy for a day, and they are all too tired. The cat teacher has been deeply cultivated, and there is also a light jade body. Although he is seriously injured, he has spared no effort.

But Chu Yang is nothing to rely on, this road is only relying on two legs, especially the gravity of the nine-day Scorpio has not fully adapted, almost cumbersome.

It was hard to support the entrance to Zixia City, and both of them began to sizzle.

"There is a restaurant there, let's go eat something first, but I am exhausted." "Chuyang this time, but I am so hungry, the real chest is attached to the back."

"Good yeah!" The cat teacher jumped up excitedly and happily pulled Chuyang away.

Look at this, actually even more anxious than Chu Yang.

Jinxia Building!

The three-character plaque emits a glow of light.

The most upscale hotel in Zixia City!

Chu Yang did not know that the cat teacher was confused, and the two went so far.

Entering the restaurant, the two are unceremonious: "Small two! Take the menu!"

"This is this one..." Chu Chuo seated the table full of dishes: "All must be! As soon as possible, come up, there is wine? Come on a dozen pots! Hurry!"

The cat teacher looked at Chu Yang with a respectful look, and the corner of his mouth hangs a little. It was very sticky and dragged on for a long time before it fell to the ground.

What is the money?

What is a big money?

The cat teacher is an insight today.

The cat teacher feels that she is very happy. I can't think of myself being able to do this... Lucky! Not to mention the escape, but also met such a good brother, not only bold, but also a big money. Good brother!

I can be considered a big money today.

I don’t think that I have a penny in my pocket. The cat teacher who is a teacher of a family is very embarrassed. Look at the people Chu Yang, just this table dish, how can you get hundreds of purple spirit coins. If you add a few more pots of good wine...

Then you have more than 1,200 purple spirit coins! This number is only a lot more!

This number is enough for the average person to eat and use for six months!

Hey, the cat teacher is really embarrassed. Compared with others, I am in the sky and underground. It’s just that he is young and he is new to the beginning. How can he be so rich?

Today, I really ate a big family.

Chu Yang is straightforward and strong, and the momentum is simply a gas-sweeping river, and whoever I am. I have no money in my pocket, but there is such a cat teacher in front of me...·····

People are a heavenly master!

Can such people still have no money?

I saved your life, and even covered you to escape from the encirclement. It’s not too much to eat you. Laozi wants to eat big today!

The cat is greasy and the two eyes of Chu Yang are occasionally paired together, so the faces of both of them are a smile of the heart: Ah, you are a big money!

It’s just a matter of nine heavens!

The speed on the food is quite fast.

In an instant, it is full of nose and mouth full of color and flavor; have to say that the food of the nine heavens is full of rich aura, let people eat, especially the first time to eat, it is even the tongue Swallow it.

When more than a dozen pots of wine came up, the two were even more open as a wolf.

As soon as he reached out, everyone had already held a pot in his hand, and looked up at the spout, and he slammed it into a pot of wine.

"Happy! Come again!"

"Cheers! Dry pot!"

The table occupied by the two is just the middle of the entire restaurant lobby. In an instant, the table in front of the two is a mess! The first flying chicken was quickly turned into two piles of chicken bones at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then when the second fish dish was served on the table, the first dish had no more soup, and only the plate was rotated on the table. The plate was quite clean. It seemed that even the cleaning was saved.

"good to eat!"

"too delicious!"


The existence of two starving ghosts, but did not wait for the second to report the name of the dish, they started the big fish dish from the top of the dish: "Don't report the name of the dish, waste time, we all know, this is the fish! ”

Xiao Er almost came out: This is a swearing man, who can't see that this is a fish, this is definitely not a pig! But what fish? How to do it? Don't let it be reported?

Then I saw two people catching the fish head, one holding the fish tail, and slamming, a big fish was divided into two sections.

The two men each put a mouth in the mouth, **** pinched a little fishbone, pulled out from the other side of the mouth, is already a clean fish bone.

There wasn't even a little bit of pork on it.

At this point, the second child still stood on the side of the table and did not go.·····

When I saw this situation, my eyes were smashed out and I couldn’t help but make a nap.

Lying in the trough, today these two food, actually still a big expert in eating fish, a glimpse into the mouth, but a big fish is not a little meat, high man ah······

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