Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 32: Brother is also rich.

The knives were lingering in the clouds, and the coldness was just a scabbard. The temperature in the hall suddenly dropped a bit.

Such a knife, as if only the word "perfect" can be described!

"The heavenly top grade? Hey, the perfect knife?" The manager looked at him with a straight eye and his face turned red.

Now I remember another sentence from the other side: Can you eat it?

If the three weapons in this person's hands are at this level, if you want to eat all at once, you absolutely need a big hand!

"Oh... this, this guest...hehe..." The management started to slap, his face rose a little red, and hurriedly came forward: "This, monk Meng Zhaoqiang, this is the big management of the auction house, just now It’s the next time, the words are gone, the reception is not good, and the guests are invited to forgive me, huh, huh...”

I laughed twice, and as I turned around, I handed it to me: "Please, please, please enter the room."

Chu Yang smiled slightly, put the knife into the sheath, and said politely to the reception lady: "Thank you for introducing the girl."

Only with the cat greasy together with the Meng Zhao powerful management went inside.

The cat is tired and walks all the way. One foot is high and one foot is low. If you step on the cloud, you only feel like a dream.

Actually another knife! Just why do you want to say ‘again’?

Interior room.

Meng Zhaoqiang’s management carefully examined the two knives and a sword in front of him.

Undoubtedly, these weapons are all weapons of the heavenly class. The so-called heavenly special product is the basic standard that has surpassed the heavenly level. It is infinitely close to the holy level, but it is still a little bit weaker than the holy level.

So this kind of weapon has a kind of name between the two. Also known as the 'pseudo-sacred'.

"Don't ask Mr. your name?"

"Yu Chu Chu, Chu Yang."

Have a good time, and the guest is seated.

"The two swords and one sword, I have carefully read it, it is indeed a weapon of the heavenly level." What really surprised me is that the sharp edges of these weapons are still new, and it seems that they have not been contaminated by cause and effect. Invincible weapon..."

have to say. The eyes of this big manager are quite poisonous: "So. I have some questions... These swords, the forging process is like one, should be from the same master's handwriting, but I don't know which master cast it? Yes, which one is the 'first casting' of the 'first casting' on this knife? I am not the origin of the identity of the guests, but I am wondering when there will be a master like this!"

Chu Yang faintly said: "I am very sorry about the management of the matter, because this 'first casting' is one of my brothers. Because of his youthful disability, incompetent practice, it is all the painstaking efforts Infused in forging, my brother is indifferent to fame and fortune, never showing up, so little is known; these weapons are all made by himself!"

"It turns out that." Meng Zhaoqiang's eyes turned. He did not doubt that Chu Yang's answer. The two sides only met for the first time. If Chu Yang met with a hearty voice, he would doubt Chu Yang's motives.

Chu Yang said: "My brother, I like to cast weapons since I was a child. I remember that when he was seventeen years old, he had already built his first human-level weapon. However, it has melted, after all, Immature works in my youth. By the time he was twenty-eight, he could already build a heavenly weapon! The weapon below the level of the heavens is a failed work, what is the benefit?!"

Meng Zhaoqiang’s eyes suddenly widened.

"My brother is now fifty-two years old, no longer the young and frivolous, life is alive, always have to think about food and clothing." Chu Yang said softly: "My brother's weapon has never been sold, this is the first time, I smell Let's ask the name of your bank."

Meng Zhaoqiang’s brain suddenly became alive.

If the person in front of him is true, at the age of 28, he is free to build a heavenly weapon. Now he is 52 years old, and he is in his prime... Then is this person still getting it? What level of depth do you get?

From the point of view of these three swords, it seems that the decision is not like a lie... If it is possible to cage this person, isn’t it a single big source of money?

Originally, I was planning to kill the two men and take the three heavenly soldiers into the bag... Now it seems that it is better to test it first. The risk of offending a master caster is too big, and it’s not worth the candle!

"It is an honour for you to pay attention to it. It is just a privilege to be a lame. Just ask, take the liberty to ask, is this big brother a casting master... or a casting master?" Speaking of the words "casting master" Meng Zhaoqiang’s face involuntarily revealed a respectful look.

"My older brother is probably not in the realm of the master..." Chu Yangdao: "To tell the truth, I am only the first step in the foundry industry. I can't guess what the big brother is going to now. He only knows that he is building a heavenly level. Weapons have never failed; in recent years, the works are all splendid... Among them, there are occasionally better than the best, but the number is relatively small..."

Meng Zhaoqiang’s face twitched a few times.

Better than the heavenly superb, isn't it holy?

If this statement is true, then this "big brother" is at least a top master!

And it looks like the inventory is still quite a lot!

This time it was made, but fortunately, there was no rash action, otherwise...

"Dare to ask the master, how many such weapons are there?" Meng Zhaoqiang said cautiously.

"This, I really don't know. I can't afford to see the big brother. Let me call him a brother. In fact, I am only responsible for transporting metal materials to him three times a year. I roughly estimate that I have transported 700,000 jin of metal materials for him. ?"

Chu Yang said indefinitely: "He is a man, his temper is very old-fashioned, and I can still say a few words. If it is not this time that I have encountered a problem and need a lot of financial turnover, he will not necessarily come up with it. These swords are sold."

"The amount? Have encountered a problem? But I don't know what problems have been encountered. Can we have a place where we can help?" Meng Zhaoqiang sensitively grasped this.

"Thank you for your concern, my older brother is only need a lot of money at the moment..." Chu Yang sighed: "Because of this, we also want to find a long-term collaborator this time... because, such an auction, Certainly not like this once..."

Meng Zhaoqiang almost laughed in his heart: this is really a sleepy time when someone brought a pillow.

"We also want to work with the master for a long time." Meng Zhaoqiang smiled kindly: "This is good for each other, huh, huh."

Chu Yang also laughed: "We also hope to win each other, as long as our cooperation can satisfy each other, I believe that the follow-up cooperation will be the same."

"That is natural." Meng Zhaoqiang was more cordial: "I don't know the settlement of this time. What kind of method does Chu and the brother want to use? Is it necessary to pay after the auction or buy it on the spot?"

"I told the truth about the matter. This time, I was waiting to use the money. What we mean is that this time we will buy out on the spot. I believe that the management will not let us suffer. As for the next time, we must follow that time. The auction price is coming." Chu Yang took out a look of nothing, very honest.

"Well, if this is the case, then these three weapons I can give you the title of ... 150,000 purple cloud coins!" Meng Zhaoqiang thought about it and paid the price.

Chu Yang violently shook his head: "When I came out, my older brother had been solemnly smashed. If it is less than 250,000, it must not be shot! This has not been discussed."

"Two thousand?" Meng Zhaoqiang snorted.

In terms of the quality of these two swords and one sword, 250,000 is naturally worthwhile, but the profit margin is relatively small...

Before that, the long knife that had just been sold at the age of 57,000 Ziyun coins, then, this kind of heavenly superb weapon can at least sell a hundred thousand one... If it is good, more than this number There is much to be done.

In this way, 250,000 is worthwhile, especially if there is follow-up cooperation, and there is still room for profit. Even if you really have to pay a second, the sale will still be done.

"In this case, the right to make a friend! Two thousand five thousand is 250,000!" Meng Zhaoqiang boldly laughed: "But I don't know how the Chu brother wants to check out?"

Chu Yang is also welcome, said: "Please help me to change 10,000 water cloud coins, 50,000 purple spirit coins, the rest are all purple cloud coins."

"This is no problem! This million water cloud coins and 50,000 purple spirit coins, it is the brother to give to the brothers, not within the 250,000 purple cloud coins, but also hope that the brothers do not deny, let's make friends, I often come and go in the future, I have to be unfamiliar!"

"Thank you so much."

The cat teacher walked out of the room and followed Chuyang. Both of them were empty and the three swords were gone.

But Chu Yang has become a small wealthy man with a small body.

However, the cat teacher has not been able to faint until now.

That's it... Then the 250,000 purple cloud coins will be available?

This...this seems too easy...

Seeing that Chu Yang grabbed a large number of purple spirit coins, there were hundreds of them to the little girl who had received the reception at the front desk. The little girl was thankful, and her salary for half a year did not seem to be the same. many……

Chu Yang laughed and went, finally raised his eyebrows and relived the feelings of the rich people of the past.

"Let's go eat first!" The cat was tired and followed closely behind Chu Yang, lest he lost it.

The heart is really hungry and dying.

The two randomly found a restaurant nearby, and it was another round of eating and drinking.

The overeating of this meal, the two almost died on the spot, it is because the shadow of the previous hungry is too deep.

After Chu Yang had enough to eat and drink, suddenly there was a feeling of tears in his face: Brother is now rich!

After the cat is tired and full of food, there is also a feeling of tears in the face: the buddy is rich!


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