Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 33: The East Kings event!

"There is money now! What are you doing next?" The cat greasy and greasy, and asked very satisfied with the round belly.

"Nature is to pay back the account first." Chu Yang sighed: "and then apply for a certificate."

“Repayment? Is it still credited?”

"Is the one that didn't pay the bill before, don't you owe it to the account?!"

The cat teacher squats: "Hey? You have to give them a meal? Haven't they already got the knife? They have made a fortune, and they have already far exceeded the loss. How can they pay back?" You have no money to spend?"

Chu Yang faintly said: "Why don't you pay back the bill, the original intention of our trip was just to eat, never planned to give money, the knife is just thrown where we don't know, the bones are just us to eat. The props of the king's meal are nothing. No matter how profitable people are, but we did eat the food but did not give money. This is basically two things. Now that we have money, how can we not pay back the bill?"

The cat is extremely greasy and stunned, and for a time I don’t know what to say.

I really can't think of it. In front of this sinister, sly, scheming, full-fledged person, the bones will actually be such a principled person, and I can't help but awe.

"I saw it that day, the guy in the Jinxia Building, there is no trace of cultivation in the body, just ordinary people." Chu Yang is a bit stunned, said: "In such a strict management of human society, even if we practice People are all living hard, not to mention those who do business honestly? People are lucky because of the knife, but we don’t give money to eat is ours!"

"You make sense, I support you." The cat said with a greasy fist: "But I won't go! Go on your own."

"You really are a heavenly master?!" Chu Yang squinted and looked at the cat tired, which is too far from the look of the heavenly master in his mind.

The cat was greasy and furious, and the sudden and violent "Teng" sounded a sigh of momentum. The entire Zixia City, at this moment, became a cat's greasy vassal and disappeared.

Only one person was left in front of me.

"Are you going to try the anger of the master of the heavens? I am willing to fulfill you!" said the cat, greasy and mad. Being so skeptical that the cat is tired is even a muddy person, and some are angry and angry.

Chuyang’s dangerous insurance was hurt by the sudden momentum. He only felt that he was almost out of breath, and hurriedly laughed: “Don’t try.”

Turned around and went away.

Whatever he is, the heavenly master is a heavenly master, and the idiot's heavenly master is still a heavenly powerhouse.

It seems that the Jiuzhong Scorpio has always restricted the outburst of the gods and the momentum. With Chu’s current cultivation as the foundation, it is impossible to use this kind of 'potential', and the cat is greasy and can suddenly burst out so strongly. Gas field, this is the real strength of the heavenly powerhouse!

What is your arrogance? After a while, when Laozi is promoted, I will let you know what is called powerful! Don't turn your cat's head into a pig's head!

Chu Yang whispered in his heart, and his feet kept going.

For Chu Yang, when he came to pay for the meal, Jinxialou was up and down together.

I have never seen such a person. Before eating the King's meal, staged a great show, plus a treasure knife.

Turning around, but still have to pay back? What is this called?

Jinxialou’s goatee beard had no land and received it personally. On the one hand, he thought that he had sold his ancestral treasure knife, and his heart was somewhat embarrassing.

Secondly, I thought of it. Before the eyes of the people, they probably didn’t know the value of the knives before they abandoned them. Now that they know that the big knife has sold so much money, they can’t help but want to share a piece of cake, and even have to ask for it. Most of the money selling swords, saying what to pay for food, is probably just a primer, it is a strong deduction.

What is Chu Yang, the absolute thief's unwanted hand, and the insight between the owner of the restaurant!

"The boss doesn't want to be too hearty. I didn't know the value of the knife. I don't know what to do now. The boss is lucky because of the knife. It's the boss's own luck. It's nothing to do with people. This is the best policy. But it owes a debt to others. It’s not so happy. There is no money to say on the day. Now it’s natural to have money.” Chu Yang’s insistence is awe-inspiring.

Until he left for a long time, the guys in Jinxialou were still talking about it, and he was filled with emotion.

The old shopkeeper of Jinxialou squinted and looked at Chuyang to go out and muttered: "Good boy!"

Then said: "Send someone to find out where the young man is."


East pole days.

East Emperor Hall.

As usual, three days will be met. As usual, the Emperor of the East did not go to the DPRK, and the Prime Minister of the Prime Minister presided over all the daily affairs.

Usually, just arrange two sentences casually. Anyway, Dong Huangtian has been very peaceful for many years, and there is nothing big about it.

But today, as soon as we went up, everyone felt that something was wrong.

The atmosphere is surprisingly depressed.

Is it something big?

For a time, everyone in the heart speculated that everyone was accustomed to the calm days, and suddenly it was a bit of a thing, although it was not too busy, but it was a bit dazed.

"I will announce the arrangement afterwards." Prime Minister said.

"Hey!" All the people below are together.

"The Emperor of the East has an order!"

Everyone is neatly standing up, don't look at the emperor's long-lost, but the prestige has never diminished.

"All major functions have unified the dispatch of competent personnel, and rushed to the extreme east region at the fastest speed; closely watch all the movements there; no East Emperor orders, no return, no East Emperor orders, no free to intervene in the world!"

"The region of the East East has been fully integrated into the sight of the East Emperor's Hall from today. There is no size, and it must be reported in detail! If there are delays, the company will do its best. From now on, Longkou's sickle is sharpened, and the knife and axe are turning day and night!"

This East Emperor’s Order made all the officials of the East Pole under the Prime Minister all over the place, but they were trembling.

How is this going? Is it something big in the polar east?

Why did you send such a large number of people but not allowed anyone to shoot? Is it contradictory?

Also, if something goes wrong, it must be copied by the entire department.

Here... this is too strange, too overbearing...

"Everyone, don't worry if I don't remind you." The trembled fiercely stood in front of the main hall, and looked like an old-fashioned dragon clock: "This time I went to the Eastern Region, where I will dispatch people by myself; but... if they are sent out People are tired of living and dying. When you are there, don’t regret it, don’t ask for love... It’s useless to ask for help! At least I don’t have the face of the old man. Please carefully consider it and carefully select it.”

"You can take care of yourself."

Everyone looked at each other and was stunned. What do you mean by this? It is said that this matter goes straight to the sky, and no one speaks? !

After the meeting, some old guys swarmed up and surrounded him in the middle: "What about the prime minister, what happened this time?"

"Is this what it is? It hasn't been like this for hundreds of thousands of years..."

"Through the point of the wind, don't let us all guess wildly, everyone is old friends."

丞 满 满 : : : : : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Now, it’s also a, let’s ask for more blessings. You’re fine, one person’s accident only hurts your respective functions; the old man is even worse here, whatever you guys have, the old man has to sit with him. This time, I am afraid that I have to move a lot..."

"Ah?!" The crowd was amazed.

The prime minister sighed and left.

Everyone looked at each other for a while, and they disappeared.

Go back and arrange for the man to go. This is nothing to stop.

Those who have the shortcomings of character, the greed of greed, the greed of greed, etc., must not send the past. Once something goes wrong, their heads are equal to the belts of these guys...

Who can shoot at the end to be completely assured? Oh, oh... I can’t go to the old man myself...


Chu Yang then hurry to find a hotel first, with an identity card, naturally smooth, and then greasy, the two found a local guide, began to handle a variety of documents.

"You are not going to stay here for a long time?" The cat is too greasy about Chu Yang's move.

"I once said that we should settle in the first city we saw in Jiuzhong Tianzhu, establish a foundation. Then gradually expand..." Chu Yang smiled faintly: "In fact, people are like this, want to start, where to start." Why are you attached to a particular city?"

"The management here is too strict. I am afraid that it is not good for you to start." The cat greasy and kindly reminded: "Zixia City is one of the few fringe cities in Jiuzhong, which is because of the edge. The place where the outsiders are soaring. It is also because it has become a land of soaring. For the protection of the ascendant, how strict and strict the management here is, more than a hundred times stricter than other cities, this is definitely not a joke... ..."

"For example, in other cities, as long as you have the money and power, you can develop your own strength and power with unbridled strength. But here, if you play a frame, you will have someone to control. Extremely not free, so as long as it is repaired People who are slightly taller will not choose to live here."

“This is basically a very secular city!”

"And extremely exclusive."

"The most important thing is that almost no one dares to make trouble here. Because the guards fly over the forest, it is a bunch of masters. Every Tianyu, such ascending forests are only four in the southeast and northwest, all in remote areas."

"These people usually don't ask the world, but once there is a big turmoil, they will immediately intervene. And these people's cultivation, because of the special occupation, each one is really a big master, just one Going out, you all have the qualification of a master." (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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