Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 34: Zixia Wangfu

"With your current strength, it’s all up to you to clean up your hands. Those who are screaming may not be able to resist it. Although I don’t come out often, I still know something about these taboos."

The cat greasy and kindly said: "If you are really ambitious, you should go out and develop."

Chu Yang smiled and said: "This is better or not. This kind of strict management society has never been experienced before. However, I feel very novel. So I want to develop it here first... Because of strict management, there are too many exploitable vulnerabilities... I will start after I start.

"And, people have their own self-knowledge; with my current strength, although the opportunity is greater, but it is also faster to die." Chu Yang smiled and said: "So, I must first enrich myself. Again, it is money. ""

Chu Yanghehe smiled: "No matter what the world, no money is absolutely impossible. So the first priority is to make money. And this kind of system is a strict society, although it is difficult to make money, but it is guaranteed. If it is changed into a chaotic area, I am afraid that it is worth the effort to take money. The key is not enough strength."

The cat greasy and silent, said: "Yes, you are right."

Chu Yang smiled lightly. He was arrogant on the surface, but since the moment he went to the Nine Heavens, he has remained awake. I will completely return all my achievements in the nine heavens to zero!

Here, I just have nothing, start from scratch.

Here, I am the bottom of strength, I need to work hard to fight.

Here I am a poor man and need to earn hard.

Now, not when I enjoy it.

No matter when, it is Chu Yang's sober self-knowledge that makes him able to work in any dilemma: because no matter how bad the environment, Chu Yang has already prepared in advance!


For three consecutive days, the two men had all kinds of documents required by Chu Yang, and even the normal expenses plus certain bribes. It will be down. Actually spent more than a thousand purple cloud coins.

As a generation of masters actually gave some secular ordinary people to bribes, the cat was tired and sighed, and Chu Yang did not care about it.

The next thing to do is to find a place to live. Since you have to live for a long time, it is not a long-term law.

Chu Yang took a big house and made a big deal, which made the cat greasy and surprised.

Zixia Wangfu!

Covers an area of ​​999 acres! It is the first building in Zixia City!

999 acres.

This number makes Chu Yang feel excited.

"The guest officer does not know. The origin of this Zixia City is because of this Zixia Wangfu. This Zixia Wangfu, I don't know its origin, I don't know who the first owner is, how long the history is. research."

"The original Zixia City is the seal of Zixia Wangye tens of thousands of years ago. After the arrival of Zixia Wangye, this big house was used as the Zixia Wangfu, and this name was born. First, there is Zixia Wang. Zixia City; Later, Zixia Wangye’s descendants fell, and after several ups and downs, the Zixia Wangfu gradually disappeared. It became a landscape of Zixia City.

"This is not for sale. Even if you want to sell it, you must get the approval of the city owner, and the price must be a high price!"

For the introduction of the guide and the kind advice. Chu Yang ignored it. Just a few laps around the Zixia Wangfu. The more I turn, the more Chu Yang likes it.

This Zixia Wangfu seems to have a special taste, but what exactly is there, Chu Yang can't say it.

Just feeling like from the bottom of my heart.

In addition to that special feeling of love, when I first approached the palace, the nine wonderful medicines that had formed a delicate balance suddenly had a little instigation; there was no movement of the purple tower that suddenly had a slight It trembles and gives a feeling of joy. Even the nine robbery swords are somewhat inspiring, and the inside seems to have a sense of confusion...

These three kinds of changes, even if only one of them happens, Chu Yang is also determined to win this Zixia Wangfu, not to mention the three kinds of incitement happening at the same time?

"In fact, almost all outsiders have come here, no one does not like the Zixia Wangfu. In fact, no one in the locals likes this house! This house is like a natural one."

The guide said bitterly: "There were a lot of wealthy people who wanted to buy it to buy it. However, the price of the transaction was prohibitive. Secondly, Zixia City was too remote, and the three came here too much. In the end, everyone chose to give up. Only a super rich had bought it three thousand years ago, but after buying it, somehow the rich family was killed... the chicken and the dog did not stay."

"The guest officer still gives up."

The cat is tired and tired.

Now he also discovered a trait of Chu Yang: As long as the matter is recognized, it is that 10,000 cows can not be pulled back. Now this guy's face is like no disguise. It seems that this kid really likes this Zixia Wangfu.

However, to want this palace, you need a very necessary prerequisite, that is, have great wealth!

In terms of the net worth of the 200,000 Ziyun coins currently owned by Chu Yang, I am afraid that even buying a corner is not enough. Then why should Chu Yang buy it?

Not to mention, after you buy it, you need to have daily management, repair, maintenance, personnel, slaves...

These are undoubtedly another expensive spending, and they are still uninterrupted and long-term consumption!

"Good house!" Chu Yang clap his hands: "This house, I have to fix it."

"Hey..." The cat was greasy and blew out. This guy, really wants it, decisively arrogantly knowing that the sky is thick.

"I missed your heart, even if you sold you, you can't afford it!" The cat was tired of picking up the opportunity, and the big mouth hit the big blow: "You are a countryman from the country, you don't know the money. What! Not to mention that there are things that can be bought without money. Wake up, do not have a daydream, and the sky is still dark..."

Chu Yang feels the instigation of the nine great medicines in the body, silently said: "Cat brother, dare to make a bet with me?"

The cat is greasy and says: "Bet? What kind of bet?"

"Just take this Wangfu as a note! For half a year, I will let this Zixia Wangfu become mine. If I can't do it, I will lose. If I did it, you will lose." Chu Yang slowly Said.

“Half-year time?” The cat greasy and snarled: “Even if you give you a thousand years, you don’t have this skill! What a joke!”

"You said that you are not gambling?" Chu Yang showed a provocative smile.

"If you want to gamble, I will gamble with you!" The cat is too tired to show weakness: "I am winning anyway!"

"Good! In this case, the gambling is to be fair, the gambling is open, the gambling has been fixed, then the next is the bet of both sides."

"This is natural, just let me say, gamble!"

"If I lose, I will lose you a holy weapon; a fully formed Yuxue Lingshen with medicine spirit; ten amethyst souls, plus another magical life-saving treasure!" Chu Yang The conditions were opened.


The cat was greasy and sat down on the ground, and when he opened his mouth and looked at Chu Yang, he almost suffocated.

A holy weapon? Fully formed with Yu Xue Ling Shen with medicine spirit? Ten amethyst souls? Plus a more magical life-saving treasure?

Was the bet so big?

Even if I knew that I had won the decision, I still couldn’t accept it. For a time, the cat teacher was really shocked. You don't have to make such a big bet, even if it's just one of these bets, it's far beyond my expectations.

what does this mean.

Needless to say, there are so many good things, as long as one of the amethyst souls, I will gamble with you, and I dare to gamble with you!

This guy actually said so much in one breath!

Immediately, the cat teacher suddenly rose into a huge excitement: If I win, these things can all be mine! With these things, it is enough for the Yi people to suppress the whole wolf!

Even if it is a more powerful tiger, as long as it has these things to do, plus a certain amount of time to develop, it is not a problem.

"That... I lost?" The cat asked greasyly and looked forward. Always a cultural person, even if you know that your chances of winning are ninety-nine, the outcome is still unknown, and the bet is so big. Does he want to bet on this life? But my life seems to be worth so much, right? ! Then what do he want?

my people? !

My heart? !

I have to say that the cat teacher thinks more at this moment...

"What are you thinking about there? I will tell you clearly, save you from thinking, if you lose, it means that this Zixia Wangfu is mine. Right? I definitely need people to take care of it. "Chuyang put up a finger and said: "I want you to be a ten-level master of the Yi family, and a thousand heavenly masters to do things for me."

"Roll!" The cat was tired and tired: "You don't want to give the whole Yi people to you! Even if the whole Yi people package it for you, there are not so many masters! You think that the heavenly masters are Chinese cabbage. !?"

"Ah, is that my misunderstanding? I thought that everything like you can be a day..." Chuyang said half of it, and lived with interest.

Even so, the cat teacher has already had seven cigarettes.

"I tell you the truth, the entire Yi people, there is only one Heavenly person, fourteen five five holy, and less than one hundred heaven!!" Cat teacher is angry: "We are Yi There are more than 90 million in the mouth of the mouth! Do you know now?"

"One hundred heaven-level masters are scattered all over the place, and one is the master of one party!" The cat is greasy and jumps up and down, the hair on the head is straight and vertical, and the eyeballs are inflated in an infinite zoom: "You actually have a mouth." It’s about ten holy levels, one thousand heavens? Grass! What do you want, why don’t you die! Hey!”

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