Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 35: Super gambling, witnessing the world!

"Is the Yi people so weak? It is no wonder that the division of your family has been so badly chased!" Chu Yang said.

"Put your fart!" The cat was greasy and angry, and was almost angered by Chu Yang. "Weak? Such strength, who dares to say weak?! Our Yi people are not comparable in the Yaozu. The big demon, but also the middle of the steady! I was chased by people? It is clear that they attacked us first..."

"How can you not fight the devil?" Chu Yang said disdainfully.

"The soul is pale! The soul is faint!" The cat teacher violently thundered: "At least to the level above the holy level, you are eligible to go to the Devil's War Zone! How many years have passed, our Yi people have gone through the Heavenly Devils War Zone, and have already surpassed 100,000 seniors. There are more than half of them who are dead, you have to go a little bit, and you know the fart! You know the fart! The demon is so belligerent? The soul is pale!"

"Hey..." Chu Yang took a deep breath.

It turned out to be the case...

It seems that this day's demon... it is really bad to deal with...

"That's it, ten days, a thousand places. So the head office?" Chu Yang said.

"Being a fart, no!" The cat teacher shook his head like a rattle: "Up to five heavens, five hundred prefectures. And time-limited borrowing!"

"That's ok, deal!" Chu Yang hammered the tone: "Gambling formation!"

The cat teacher was furious: "I am talking about the most!!"

However, it seems to be late.

Suddenly a bright glow of light in the sky, a majestic voice said: "The gambling has been completed! The two sides can not repent! The rebel, the heavens and people abandon it!"

This sudden change made Chu Yang and the cat teacher at the same time.

Heaven and earth witness!

How could it be a witness to heaven and earth? !

If the cat teacher was struck by lightning, he lost his soul and muttered: "What is the situation?! This kind of heavenly witness will generally only appear in the battle of the soldiers above the heavenly level. How can a small bet now be provoked? Heaven and earth witness? Is it true that the people of the Eastern Emperor’s vows are so idle..."

Chu Yang is also awkward.

A gamble can also provoke the world to witness? This nine-day sky is the nine-day sky. Sure enough, it is very different from Jiuzhongtian...

Oh, to put it this way, I really have to work hard in the past six months. If you can't buy this Zixia Wangfu, then you won't even be a joke...

At this time, I can still care about it? Sure enough, it is the king of Chu!

If there are two people who are not talking about each other, they don’t understand when they first come up. One can’t help the world, it’s unscrupulous, what they think of in their hearts, what they say in their mouths, but it seems to be completely ignored. There are only two of them here!

The third person next to him - the guide who led them to lead the way would have been scared and almost unable to stand.

I am x, who are these two people?

To say that Chu Yang said that the news of buying the palace is shocking, but the guide did not go too far. After all, the world is not too self-sufficient. Almost everyone who has witnessed the Zixia Wangfu will have this magnificent The mansion is coveted. I don’t know how many hopes can be used to make this house a fortune. For example, Chu Yang’s general arrogance is not infrequent, but in the end, it’s not enough to return. It’s hard to have a good attempt. End.

What really shocked the guide was the unexpected "natural witness", which seemed to be a gamble in casual saliva, which actually led to the world witness! Even if the bet is so big, how can it be exaggerated, but it is just to talk about it, who will not blow a cow, say a big word, a mountain!

But now that the vows have been established, it seems that everything is too late. The guide was very tangled and looked at Chu Yang. When I saw the smug look of this product, I couldn’t help but have some egg pain.

"This guest officer, see you are also a good person, I advise you, you have some impulsiveness today." The guide considered the language.

"How?" Chu Yang humbly said.

"This... I bought the Zixia Wangfu. I used to have precedents before, but... it is not something that ordinary people can buy and can afford; not only does it need to have a considerable status, but also There is a huge amount of money..." The intention of the guide is that you don’t have anything at all, but you still have a big bet on the white teeth.

Heaven and earth as evidence of the vows, can not just say a bet, after the event can be reconciled!

"I know." Chu Yang underestimated.

“Do you know? I don’t think you may know!” The guide was speechless: “Do you know how many Zixia coins were bought by the rich man who bought the Zixia Wangfu more than 3,000 years ago?”

"How much did it cost?" Chu Yang has more than 200,000 Ziyun coins, how is it a small family, what is a house in the district, and I can't afford to buy more weapons. What is not!

"The price at that time was 9.5 million! Zixia coins! Not purple spirit coins, nor purple cloud coins!" The guide said heavily.

"That's not a lot..." Chu Yang smiled, as long as there is a price. Then my heart was suddenly shocked: Zixia coins? !

"Now this number, you may not think a lot..." The intestines of the guide have been entangled: 9.5 million Zixia coins are not much? Even 9.5 million water cloud coins can scare most people in the world.

"I will tell you a different way. In Zixia City, the average flat person has an annual income of only one or two thousand water coins. At least, I can have a 3,000 yuan of water a year. The income, do not dare to say how superior, at least can eat well and wear warm and sleep well."

"One hundred water cloud coins can be exchanged for one purple spirit coin; and one hundred purple spirit coins are equivalent to one purple cloud coin, but it is equal to one purple cloud coin for ten thousand purple cloud coins!"

"So converted, a purple Xia coin, is equal to 100 million water Yun coins! 9.5 million purple Xia coins, that is, 950 trillion water Yun coins!" The guide explained kindly.

Finally, I was very gloating to look at Chu Yang’s face and slowly turned black.

wooden club!

Now know how much money your bet involves.

Is it guilty? Are you brave enough? Liver tremble?

Chu Yang is really shocked. Now, if you count it, what is it, you have to have so much money! Can't help but be speechless.

"And this is the price three thousand years ago." The guide 'goodwill' reminded, "If you want to buy the Zixia Wangfu now, it is natural to ask the government whether you are willing to sell, but even if the government is willing to sell, the selling price is the least. Also on the basis of this price, plus ten times!"

"This is the most conservative estimate, it will not be lower!"

“What is the ten times of the 9.5 million purple xia coins?” asked the cat teacher who was gloating at the disaster.

"Amount, that is, 95 million purple Xia coins, it is very simple to figure out!" The guide looked at Chu Yang, just like watching a silly smile, said: "If it is converted into water The cloud currency is 950 billion water cloud coins... If the money is really concentrated together, it is only a cloud of money, at least a big city like Zixia City can be piled up... three!"

"If the money is converted into food, it is enough for a few billions of people to eat hundreds of millions of people... Eat for a whole year!"

"It's not the normal sense of fullness, but the level of food and clothing! Even the kind of eating close to the home of Xiaokang! You can eat one meat every two days, one fish every three days, and the next half every month. The restaurant. On holidays, you can still be dressed in new clothes, and all the expenses such as childbirth are all added..."

"The whole nine-day Tianzhulian people have a demon family, and they have lived for one year."

The mouth of the guide is like a cannon.

Chu Yang only saw the tongue that was constantly moving in his mouth. Suddenly he wanted to cut the tongue to feed the dog.

Cats are tired of schadenfreude, but you guys who are not involved are also gloating: Why are you so excited?

"You are a rare and strange person. What is this?!" The grinning shoulders of the cat are shaking. The two eyebrows are flexible and beating, cracking their mouths and waving their hands. "What are the money?" Although the gambling is opposite, I still believe that the Chuyang brothers, within half a year, can not only get through the joints, get the purchase qualification, but also be able to raise enough money to raise far more than the 紫 佰 佰 紫 紫money!"

"Isn't that the area is 95 million Zixia coins?" The cat is greasy and laughs, and the wave of wave is bold: "This is a piece of cake for the Chuyang brothers! It's a complete story! No effort Can take it down!"

"Although the Chuyang brothers are still penniless, and there is no connection with the broken sky, I believe that the Chuyang brothers, the Chuyang brothers are a born wizard! He is betting with me, it must be full of must The resort grasps the drop..."

Cats are greasy and sullen, and they are endless.

It’s hard to imagine such a loyal and honest cat teacher. It’s so sharp after the incarnation of the poisonous tongue at this moment, I saw that the cynicism is like the endless stream of the Yangtze River, the tongue is incomparable, and the moment will be Yang drowns!

"I never really thought that the cat teacher's mouth would be so good. Today I really opened my eyes... If the Nine Heavens have the most sloppy competition, you are definitely a well-deserved winner!" Chu Yang black face grinds his teeth Looking at the cat tired, I can't wait to slap the cat to make a cat, and immediately peeled the cat skin!

Under the pot! Steaming! outflank! Dipping sauce!

Eat this soaring **** of this gloating!

However, whether it is the greasy cat who knows the details of the vows of the heavens and the earth, the Chu Yang who is completely ignorant of the testimony of heaven and earth, and the guides who have an understanding of the heaven and earth witnesses, but do not know much about them, they actually ignore or miss another one. A very important thing! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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