Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 36: Let me create another legend

Heaven and earth witness this oath, the basic conditions for wanting to establish are very high, the starting point needs to be, at least the preconditions of gambling above the heavenly level, which is why the heavenly witness will generally only appear in the battle between the superiors above the heavenly level. Among them, it is not the gambling of the heavenly level, how can we get the things above the level of heaven! The most important thing is that these bets are sure to be honored!

Therefore, the real opportunity to really trigger this "testimony of heaven and earth" is actually the bet between Chu Yang and the greasy cat.

A holy weapon, a fully formed Yu Xueling with medicine, and a soul of ten amethysts? A more magical life-saving treasure!


Five heavens, five hundred.

It is because of this super bet that can be honored that the testimony of heaven and earth is established!

The 9.5 billion water cloud currency is indeed an astronomical number, but Chu Yang gives a bet comparison. The higher between the two, but still unknown!

Chu Yang is really depressed this time.

Take the Zixia Wangfu to a minimum of 950 million water Yun coins!

Check the figures after the conversion, then take a look at the strict legal management of Zixia City, and then think about your own six months. Chu Yang suddenly felt that his brain was pumping, and this time it’s hard to be self-defeating...

Originally thought that such a palace is at best, that is, hundreds of thousands of Zixia coins are almost the same?

Hundreds of thousands of Zixia coins can also be dozens of trillion water cloud coins.

Chu Yang does not understand the level of consumption here. It is because he understands that he has a bottom in his heart. He has consciously grasped him and played this bet. As the guide said: Three thousand water cloud coins are enough for a family of three to live a very comfortable life. . In general, dozens of Ziyun coins can be bought in the house - dozens of Ziyun coins, but hundreds of thousands of water Yun coins.

Even the larger two-in-one big house, thousands of purple cloud coins are already in the sky. But the price of "top of the sky" still does not use a purple xia coin!

So calculated, then how much money can this Zixia Wangfu be worth? If hundreds of thousands of Zixia coins are not enough? That is a joke...

In Chu Yang’s plan, as long as he has to work hard to bribe some officials, the purchase qualification is certainly no problem. Then, as long as a lot of good weapons are cast, then the treasures in their space will be sold for some opportunities. If it is refined, Occasionally, I can go out and have a few guest masked thieves. In half a year, I can almost get enough of these hundreds of thousands of Zixia coins.

But he thought there, when he got a head, he knocked himself out.

That one actually needs 9.5 million purple xia coins!

And that was the price three thousand years ago!

Now, I have to turn it ten times more!

That is, 95 million purple Xia coins!

Really killed.

It seems that even if it really takes life, it is also a huge amount of astronomy that cannot be raised!

Chu Yu is standing still, and the little white face is like a pot at the moment. Suddenly I felt that I had been very savvy since I was on the board of the nine-day scorpio, and now I am at home.

After the so-called decision and then move, I did not investigate the facts at all, but I took it for granted, so the impulsive and the cat tired and **** such a big bet.

I only saw the rich strength of the five heavenly masters of the 500-level land level, but I ignored the fact that my **** was actually heavier.

Now, as long as I think of that huge astronomical number, Chu Yang only feels that only 100,000 mountains are pressed together on top of their heads.

Qingtian Bairi, Tianqing Rilang, in a flash, it is all black, black is darker than the night.

"I said, my brother, just a little mistake of the younger brother, can you cancel the gambling contract now?" Chu Yang said with a sad face.

"Oh..." The cat is greasy and tired. Two eyebrows are shaking in joy: "I advise you to still accept the brothers. The so-called heaven and earth witness, it is the nine-day Scorpio East Pawn Oath, who admitted this gamble, you want to repent, that is sure It's impossible... unless you don't want to die, you are willing to accept the punishment of the ninety-nine purple mad thunder and forge... that is the horrible thunder that even the holy peak can be smashed!"

The guidance on the side, nodded and agreed.

Admiration in the heart: This goods, after witnessing the heavens and the earth, actually calculated that they want to destroy the contract? I have to say that courage is really big. Do you have to say that the newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger? The knowledge of the ascendant is shallow and considerate...

Chu Yang was black in front of him and barely fell.

For a long time, he suddenly straightened his body, the original annoyance and regret, the disappearance of all the disappearance, said: "Since you can not repent, then I have to win!"

"Ah? Win? What win do you use?! Why win?" Cat greasy and sneer: "Half-and-a-half-six billion! Friends, even if you will order Shicheng Amethyst, you can't make this astronomical money... ..."

"Things are man-made! I not only want to win, but also win beautiful, win brilliance, win you have nothing to say!"

Chu Yang’s gaze is deep, and there is some faint madness: “What’s the meaning of the gamble that wins and wins the prize? If you want to do it, you have to do something that others can’t do or can’t do! It’s not half a year and nine hundred and five trillion Water cloud coins, even if everyone thinks impossible tasks, but you are not me!"

"I am Chu Yang!"

"I must do it! I can do it!" Chu Yang screamed.

"If you can't do it in the end?"

"Then I will do my best to make the last moment after the half-year gambling expires!" Chu Yang suddenly smiled lightly: "Cat brother, I can't do it, I will pay the bet; but if I did it, but it created a new miracle for the Nine Heavens! And my name will therefore remain in the legend of the Nine Heavens forever, to achieve a legend!"

He smiled: "Do you still think this is really worth a gamble?"

The cat is greasy and greasy, and it is full of words.

Yes, if Chu Yang really did, then he is the latest legend of the Nine Heavens, the legend!

Looking at the original dejected, but now it is full of enthusiasm, fighting high Chu Yang, the cat is greasy and suddenly envious.

Let's not say that we win or lose, but this one is discouraged, this kind of arrogance, in the face of something that is absolutely impossible to do, but still resolutely decided to try the courage...

Do you have it yourself?


In the sky, a handsome and youthful person stands on top of the clouds, his face looks unusually gloomy and looks at the Chuyang and the cats underneath.

I want to be the first cadre of the swearing-in department, the master of the holy level, but now I have been sent to the place where the birds are not shackled, and they are in charge of some ordinary people’s vows... It is a certain degree of grievance.

Although I don’t understand why it is, I don’t understand what the East Emperor’s intentions are, but... I’m being sent out but it’s a fact of no compromise.

Under the boring, this will finally find a fun.

The following silly who doesn’t know where it’s flying up actually wants to earn 9.5 trillion in half a year...

This is really ridiculous...

I still don't hurry to give him a pledge to wait for more time. What's more, most of the bets on gambling are still above the heavenly level. Since you can pass the basic rules of witnessing the world, how can you not let you? by……

It doesn't make sense to abuse you.

I would like to see how you can earn all the wealth of fixed assets in the whole city within half a year, even the whole city adds up to 30 million Zixia coins. Millions of billions of huge wealth! If you finally can't make it, you can admit defeat, give a bet, but you still have to pay for it, but if you want to repent, the ambassador will use you to use ninety-nine purple flames to smash the **** to the point where there is no residue left. !

Hey, the bet under the witness certificate is not a bit of a mistake. If you lose, you can’t get the bets, or you can’t take the bet. The ambassador sees it as a breach of contract. Can't find it!

Jun Lang youth gritted his teeth and looked at Chu Yang below, his mouth was laughing and laughing, boy, you are unlucky! Just touched the ambassador's mold, but you can become the props of the ambassador, but it is also your blessing, look forward to that day!

In silence, one waved, and suddenly there were countless identical avatars, which turned into a white cloud in the blink of an eye, disappeared into the vast sky... Going to other places in this place to perform the duties of the vows.

But his body is left in Zixia City...

This kind of excitement does not look white and does not look at it.

In the next few days, the cat is tired and wants to go out and look for opportunities. Leave Zixia City, whether it is to turn back to the Yi people, or go to other places, as long as you leave here, it should be safe.

However, after several days of inquiring and temptation, it was discovered that the wolf people have now regarded this Zixia City as a prohibited area. It was actually decided that the cat was tired and stuck in this Zixia City.

Not only that, the surrounding wolves are almost all gathered here. And still more than a day.

Chu Yang does not understand the status and existence of the cat teacher in the Yi people, but the wolf people are very clear. As long as the cat teacher can finally go back this time, then the next one is a big disaster!

The battle between the two races can even be picked up!

In the aftermath of the demon, it is strongly forbidden to fight between the various ethnic groups. How do the wolves dare to take risks? Also, once this matter is revealed, the reason is always the wolf. I am afraid that even the patriarch will be punished!

So the conclusion is very simple. In any case, the cat can't get tired and go back alive.

As long as the cat is tired and tired, there is no evidence of death. It is a headless case.

But the wolf people concentrated all their attention on Zixia City. The cats are still a little puzzled: Why do they decide that I am here? !

Although in addition to Zixia City, thousands of miles of forests have been found as if they were uncovering the land. However, with the scars of the cat at the time, it is absolutely impossible to escape from this area and go further.

Despite this, everyone is clearly aware of it.

But with such a precise look at Zixia City, the cat teacher still feels a bit wrong. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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