Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 37: Men's Hall?

Every day, countless wolves come to Zixia City. Every day, many wolves enter Zixia City and search around. If you don’t achieve your goal, you will never give up.

The cat teacher saw this situation and decisively dismissed the idea of ​​leaving: the easy face on the face, and even urged Chu Yang to make a two-day decoration, lest he would reveal any little feet.

Chu Yang will definitely not be able to follow him everywhere. The cat teacher goes out alone. There is a great chance that the meat buns will go to the dog and go back! Although the wolf people are still afraid to make trouble directly in Zixia City, it is only because they have not found the cat greasy.

If it is found out... even in the city, it is necessary to do whatever it takes. Most of them were disciplined by Tianzhumen afterwards, but as long as the cat is tired, even if it pays a big price, it is worth it!

As for if it can be blocked outside the city, it is the most ideal, and there is no taboo in the real world...

The cat teacher was originally a super lazy person. Now when I see it, I am looking for death. Naturally, I will die. In the city, it is not dangerous to be careful. It's better to study how Chu Yang is going to complete the bet... It seems that it is a good thing to watch the jokes of Chu children every day.

So I didn't think about it, but I lived down to nothing but my heart.

This undead dead cyber sect, Chu Yang is also amazed: it is truly wonderful...

However, after observing this, the cat was greasy but gave birth to a different feeling. Even with time, there was a feeling of admiration for Chuyang.

This little guy is absolutely not easy!

Chu Yang is busy every day for the next few days. It’s just like a gyro, it’s so busy, it’s often a cat’s blink of an eye, and people are gone.

However, although it is surprisingly busy, Chu Yang’s daily schedule and action schedule are very organized.

Almost every minute and every second of every day is strictly distinguished by him. There is absolutely no confusion or mistake. Every night, Chu Yang will arrange to sort out the things that will be carried out tomorrow. Even the time for eating and convenient is within the planning, only ahead, there can be no delay.

There is almost no sleep time. The so-called rest is only one hour when Chu Yang meditates.

All other times, all used to handle other things.

He is using an almost crazy, burning-life gesture to carry out the impossible task.

From the attitude of Chu Yang, the cat greasy and clearly felt: Chu Yang did not regard ‘half-year earned 9.5 trillion’ as an impossible thing.

He is full of endless hopes to go!

Even, it is a very confident attitude.

In this regard, the cat is tired of being puzzled. In the face of such pressure, facing the fact that no matter what people think is impossible, Chu Yang can have such amazing enthusiasm! ?

It is really puzzling!

The environment around me, changing bit by bit, changing the speed, almost to the point where the cat teacher can't see it!

On the afternoon of the confirmation of the bet, Chu Yang immediately moved out of the inn and bought a small yard facing the street. The place is not big, but the traffic is very convenient. Of course, the convenient street front yard is not. Cheap, plus Chu Yang has to be anxious, enough to spend 1200 Ziyun coins to get it - um, that is, 12 million water Yun coins.

After buying the yard, within half an hour, Chu Yang removed the original wall that had been facing the street. Somehow, after two hours, an all-wood shop replaced the original wall.

And the whole house is quaint, quaint and generous, and no one can see that this is actually a house that has just been rebuilt.

And just that night.

The furniture, tables, chairs, counters, wooden shelves, etc. in the house are all erected. When it is dawn, Chu Yang buys a lot of medicines with his doctor's qualification certificate, and then puts one of them on the wooden shelf. In the jade box.

Then, Chu Yuzui arbitrarily opened the road with money, arrogant Ziyun coins, all the roadblocks will use money to stun; in just two hours, they will have all the qualifications of the store, a few licenses of the flash Even with the smell of ink, all attached to the wall.

Hang up the plaque, start business immediately, what feng shui sees the day, and so on, ignore, ignore, and not use.

"Men Hall"!

No mistakes, the cat greasy and licked the eyes several times before finally understand that the doctor's medical hall, called the man hall!

Under the plaque, there is a small line of hot stamping: be a man, can't say no, must be hard!

The two sides are connected, and the upper line is: the face is gone in the dark.

The next link is: majestic and stepping out!

On the other side is advertising: specializing in widows. Guaranteed effectiveness. Entering the door, a purple Xia coin started, and the nursery rhyme did not deceive.

In the last sentence, let the cat teacher spray completely: if the cure is not good, the Zixia coin will be doubled, and the doctor will cut it!

The words are undoubtedly full of vulgarity, but this rough but still filled a man's flourishing taste.

"Are you sick!"

Looking at the busy Chuyang, the cat is tired and doesn't play a fight: "Hugh said that you can make a sneak peek with this medical museum; don't say that you started this purple xia coin. Is it too expensive? Who are you idiots, who will have so much money and no flowers, and take out hundreds of millions of water cloud coins to treat a 'oligocratic disease'?..."

"Do you even cover up the disease? A medical center specializes in treating oligars? Is it so monotonous?!"

"Not to mention that there are so many 'widows and illnesses' in this city. I only say that your advertisements are so obvious and straightforward. I want to ask you: Who dares to come? Who will start to prove that they have been sick before? If the party is you, will you come? Dare to come? Can you come?!"

These three rows are more than one question, one is sharper than the other. The cat teacher asks himself, he will not come, he will not come, and he will not come!

Chu Yang stunned, said: "Rarely more blame! Mountain people have their own tricks, you know a fart with a cat! Nothing to stay cool, no one can make money, brothers concede, is, have a Mao's relationship, you are not going to win, deliberately come here to give up the mess?..."

The cat was greasy and greasy, and there was a splay on the forehead. I am about to scream, and Chu Chuyang does not know the good heart, and Chu Yang does not know how to be good, but the blink of an eye, Chu Yang has disappeared.

Immediately after the time went to the afternoon, the entire Zixia City fluttered and snowed and filled with flyers, all of which were to promote men’s churches. Tens of millions of flyers, in the afternoon, filled the entire Zixia City!

Make sure that no matter the men, women and children in Zixia City, three people, this is the minimum number!

The huge propaganda suddenly set off a wave of enthusiasm in Zixia City.

"Men Hall? Good name, are you going?"

"I'm not going!"

"You still go."

"You are going! You are going to quan!"


Chu Yang has never reappeared.

Chu Yang has already rushed out, and first bought two pieces of light jade, and added the thirty-fold gravity unfavorable reaction of Tianzhu to his own, and then began to rush back and forth.

Now he is wandering between auction halls. There are materials in the nine robbery space. Chu Yang has sprinkled all the so-called heavenly weapons that have been shoddy in the past few days.

A total of four auction halls, Chu Yang shrugged out dozens of swords. The conditions are drawn after the auction, no matter when you auction and when, but I must get the money within half a month. If it is half a month, you still organize a bad auction, sorry, the weapon I took away.

In addition, Chu Yang also took out three pieces of amethyst chalcedony.

Accurately, it should be three big blocks, any one, at least half the size of the desktop.

I would like to ask the sword spirit, and make those pieces of antiques seem to have a long time of amethyst chalcedony.

After being properly placed, he was handed over to the auction house he had dealt with for the first time. Meng Zhaoqiang almost smashed his eyes out...

Of course, the busy Chu Yang did not forget, let all the auction houses pay attention to the news of the nine dead and resurrection.

That is the hope that Wu Qianqian woke up.

Today, Chuyang is already a celebrity and a newcomer of Zixia City. It has been famous in the past few days. In a few days, it has been swayed in a million years. In a few days, Zixia City has been raging. Looks like the past thousand years, only Chu Yuzuo alone!

Next, Chu Yang asked the auction houses a very reasonable and reasonable request - every day, the auction list of each subsequent auction will be given to him in advance... Prepare for the rainy day.

Then Chu Yang went to the foundry line and bought a variety of metals. It must be said that the metal texture above the Jiuzhong Scorpio is higher than the Jiuzhongtian Continental, and there is even more than one grade. Chu Yang sees the huntering heart, the pride, and a wave of all the rare materials and a large amount of steel. take away!

To this end, he paid 80% of his own net worth.

In the secret place, a large amount of metal was transferred into the nine-robbery space, and Chuyang rushed to the Intelligence Department.

Going to the intelligence office is naturally buying intelligence. And it is a one-time prepayment of one month's deposit. The information designated by Chu Yang includes the market conditions of each day, and the market conditions of all the goods - the mosquitoes are small and the meat, and Chu Yang even did not intend to let them go.

Then Chuyang still has something to do, and he rushed home without stopping, and began to hire workers to start work...

When everything was done together, Chu Yang returned to the men's hall, this trip is not only Chu Yang, because Chu Yuzu also brought back a dumb as a welcoming guest.

This move makes the cat greasy and almost wants to beat Chu Yang: When the shop is opened under the sun, I have never heard of letting a dumb run to welcome guests? Is this insulting guests, or is it insulting yourself? !

What kind of brain is this guy, is it still not the human brain! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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