Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 38: Squat patients, cooperate again!

The cat is tired and tired. Is it that the human brain will do something like this? Even if Chu Yang is a human brain, it must have been kicked!

In the face of the greasy questioning of the cat, Chu Yang only said a word in a fluttering manner: "Where is the bird's ambition?"

Cats are greasy and violent, but there is nothing to help.

Really helpless, don't look at the teacher is a heavenly master, but he is now eating Chuyang, drinking Chuyang, sleeping in the land is also Chuyang, but also Chuyang helper to cover up their own face, almost everything depends on Chu Yang, how can he help Chu Yang? !

The Mantang officially opened for one day, and the onlookers attracted thousands of people, but no one has the courage to step into the men’s hall.

Because it is very simple: even the money is second, but once you step in, it is not to blame to the entire Zixia City: I am a man, but I can't!

Who is this kind of thing?

That kind of thing, even if it is really impotence, it really can't be done, it is also killing the head and not doing it.

Chu Yang had long predicted this, and there were no accidents at all.

"Where do I sleep this evening?" asked the cat teacher.

"The left side of the man's hall, that is a bedroom, specially prepared for you, you can live there."

"Roll! No! This cat can't afford to lose that person, give me a place."

"Cat brother..." Chu Yang said: "We are betting, but it is just a struggle between brothers; now I am in trouble, we have attracted attention here, maybe I don’t know when at night. There is a catastrophe... The younger brother’s strength is low. If the cat brother does not agree, the younger brother will only be stunned.”

"But this...that..."

"Oh... forget it, if the cat brother really does not want to, cat brother, you will go back to the main room to sleep. When someone kills me, the cat brother will catch up with me when you catch up. If you can't catch up, you will help me collect the body. It is your repayment of my life-saving grace..."

"Hey, can't I live in the left room? I can't live yet... Why should I run this way! You are jealous!"

In the face of the savior, the man’s run like a needle in the lotus, the cat teacher’s aggrieved tears, but only the nose can recognize.

People's debts, this stuff, must not owe, once owed, may be able to let you live forever!

On the night of the night, Chu Yang himself was bored in the inner hall of the man's hall and did not know what to drum up.

When the cat is greasy, he wanders around in the man's hall for a few laps. The wonder of his face is really unimaginable. Chu Chu is able to make a lot of money.

Is it because of this man's hall that makes people laugh?

Even if someone really seeks medical treatment, the medical expenses for starting a Zixia coin at one time are certainly high, but it seems that it is still difficult to earn the astronomical figures. Not to mention half a year, even if it is ten and a half years, one hundred and six months may not work.

When I walked out of the door, I saw that the other shops were all brightly lit. Only the men’s hall was black and lacquered. On both sides of the door, there were only two Chuyang who didn’t know where to redeem. How many years of wind lamps are shining in the darkness.

Compared with other places, it is directly a terrible **** on earth!

"Hey!" The cat teacher shook his head in a speechless voice and walked in with his hands.

But I don't know the shadows in the distance. Someone is pointing at the back of the cat teacher.

"I really went in, I saw this goods, went in and went in... Hahaha... It’s so high and so strong, I can’t do it...”

"It turns out that this man's church still has customers to help... but this man who can't do it is really rich, and the entrance to it is at least 100 million."

"Crap. These rich people have long toss themselves up badly... In the end, it’s still not enough money to make him lose..."

"Right right,...this is very reasonable."

The cat teacher did not know that he had become a live advertisement of Chu Yang inexplicably. It has become the first example of an incompetent man who entered the men’s hall. He knows how to frown from the afternoon to the present. The man’s door went in and out several times...

Look at the tight brow, the sad expression, and the kind of dodgy look... It’s just that a widow is sick.


The cat teacher is meditating. Suddenly I heard a footstep sounded softly in front of the door.

In the shadows, three people gradually came in.

The black big cloak covered the three people all over the body. I can't see the face at all, I can't see my body, and I can't see it even fat and thin. Overall all-round shading!

"Don't ask the doctor?"

The spirit of the cat teacher was shocked. I really didn't think there would be a patient coming here. Presumably, people are stupid and have more money.

I hurriedly knocked on the table three times according to the original agreement.

Chu Yang was dressed in black, and it was very graceful to come out. The dagger smiled, just like the head of state was meeting foreign guests.

"You are the man Tang Chu doctor?" Among the three, the person on the left asked quietly.

"it's me."

“The lowest Qixia coin in the door? Look at the situation and talk about the specific medical expenses? Is it not?”

"Not bad."

"If it is not cured, you have cut your own words, right?"


Chu Yang nodded with no match. **, Laozi, but there are nine heavy Dan, cut a long one, what are you doing?

From beginning to end, all the people on the left are asking, the tone is aggressive, and the words are very fast.

But I don't want Chu Yang to answer faster, no hesitation!

"Very good!" The black man's eyes flashed in the cloak, and the opposite of Chu Yang suddenly felt a burst of pressure suddenly coming to the face, while the cat's greasy eyes flashed, the depth of the eyes revealed disdain: come Has reached the peak of human level.

Although this repair is in this Zixia City or can already be regarded as a master, but in the eyes of the cat teacher, the heavenly master, it is not worth a sun, it really starts to come, it seems that even a certain king can handle it. Because Chu Yang is currently at this level.

"This person is a wicked person." The black man looked at Chu Yang with a sharp look: "You give him a look, don't forget, you can't cure it. If you don't want it, I can help you cut it!" You can't get it, but I must have got it!"

Chu Yang smiled lightly and said: "There are many doctors in the world, but I still have a need to declare that manpower is sometimes poor. If I am the kind of person, or someone who is cut off directly, I am not a god, right. That situation is powerless."

The black man’s eyes flashed and said: “This is natural, and the situation cannot be called a wicked person!”

Chu Yang smiles still: "So good, as long as he has done it, now it will not work, I promise to let him go again, immediate, it is not difficult!"

Black people are indifferent: "I hope everything is as you say!"

The middle man sat in front of Chu Yang, Chu Yang slightly squinted, reaching out to buckle his wrist veins.

At this moment, the sword spirit suddenly moved, a subtle spiritual body, quietly entered the man's meridians. In this regard, Chu Yang spirit and sword spirit body in the nine robbery space relative smile.

Both people have a long-lost familiar feeling in their hearts.

It’s like the past is coming back, reappearing yesterday.

At the beginning, when I rushed to the last three days, the two were working together to open a medical center. Who ever wanted to get the first time after he rushed to the Nine Heavens, and wanted to open the situation again, but still relied on the same means.

Once again, work together.

However, the object of flickering has become a person of the nine heavens.

In fact, it is not appropriate to say that Fudge is too much. Most of the people who have been photographed by Chu Yang seem to be doing well now!

Chu Yang has a hint of memory in the depths of his eyes, and he evokes Qin Baoshan, Sha Xinliang, and cold stunned... Even, he remembered Chu Feilong and his son.

Past events like smoke, like yesterday...

Chu Yang smiled hard in his heart. Compared with the present, the two fathers and sons of Chu Feilong were simply weak and explosive...

Secretly sighed, the face of the parents suddenly appeared.

It seems that the mother Yang Ruolan is asking herself with a worried look: "Yangyang, are you good now?"

Chu Yang’s heart was sour, and secretly said: “Mother, I am fine. I am fine!”


The next three days, in the palace.

Yang Ruolan, who was sleeping, suddenly turned up and pushed Chu Feiling excitedly.

"What?" Uncle Chu was very tired these days.

"Yangyang told me that he was very good there, very smooth." Yang Ruolan excitedly flashed his eyes.

"Tell me?" Chu Feiling suddenly widened his eyes.

Yang Ruolan’s eyes glanced and said: “It’s a dream...” It’s a bit of a cry.

Chu Feiling sighed and comforted: "Mother and son are connected to the heart; since he can clearly say that it is very good and smooth, it must be very good and very smooth. And if you are so happy, then it will be fine. Under the sun, This kind of mother-child relationship still exists."

"Really?" Yang Ruolan’s eyes really flashed, muttering: "But I miss him very much... Originally he was in the mainland of Jiuzhongtian, although he was not around, but it was not how to hang around, after all, still in this world... …but now……"

The husband and wife are relatively speechless, simply cloaked up, sitting opposite the window, watching the sky bright moon, staring for a long time.

It’s been a night...


Above the nine heavens.

After re-cleaning up the mood, Chu Yang began to diagnose, in fact, is to sort out the information sent by the sword spirit.

The exploration of Sword Spirit came without any detail: "This person should be over-exploited. The body has lost."

"His pulse is very bad. There are already signs of oil burning. This person has traces of cultivation. However, as the male ability is lost, the repair will automatically give up, and it should belong to the type of self-destruction. ”

"In his veins, there are still a lot of rare drug residues left. However, those have been precipitated for a long time. They should have been taken a long time ago, but for physical reasons, they cannot be fully absorbed for their own use."

"His physical condition is very weak now, it should be the nutrition of the body can not keep up. From the above various judgments, he should have been very rich, can afford a lot of expensive drugs, but with the fall of the family, now has been born It’s hard to get away.”

"Diagnostic results, blood stasis can cure its difficult words, if you want to deal with it better, you can consider adding a little easy to absorb the elixir, such as the fountain of life."

......(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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