Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 45: Robbery is not robbed

"What do you want to do?, are going to rob? Nine Heavens is a place to talk about Wang Fa!" Chu Yang asked with a look of fear.

"Wang Fa? Hey, have you a purple daisy courage, what kind of royal law?!" The man was full of gold, staring at Chuyang.

"Robbery is illegal, do you really dare to do it?!" Chu Yang seems to be scared.

"Crap! Grandpa are waiting here in the middle of the night, of course not to talk to you!" The man said with a sorrow: "Hurry and hand over the money, Lao Tzu can send you a good heart to leave you a whole body!"

Chu Yang shivered: "I am so afraid..." Suddenly, the fist punches.

"Puff puff!"


"Ah! You, you...hey..."

The moment before, it was still shrinking. After the moment, it was already a martial art. The expressions before and after were different from each other. The two men did not respond directly.

When it came to Jiuzhong Tianzhu, Chu Yang’s knowledge was indeed limited. It was already incapable of viewing other people’s levels, but this does not mean that there is no feeling in God. In front of these two people, they simply can't give Chu Yang any sense of oppression, which means that the strength of these two people is general, and it is still very general, generally not to the opponent of a certain king.

The two of them are not vulgar, otherwise they will not be able to enter the local beast game field; but they are also not masters, if they are some masters of strength, they will not be so miserable, they need to go out. Cut the path and other tricks. At best, it is just two warriors of the mysterious level. How can such strength be the enemy of a certain king?

Since they are not opponents, Chu Yang is naturally not polite, and he is playing in the north and south.

The other party just put down the swear words, and they saw the opposite ‘甄有才’ face full of fear and horror. When the heart was dark, I didn’t care that the other party had already swiftly rushed.

The two people haven't responded yet to what happened. The face has been hit by a dozen slaps in the wind and the shower, and then they are dizzy and stumbled to the ground, full of starlight, severe pain, Still did not figure out what happened.

Just from the suspicion, but I feel cold and sturdy, blowing a face, a knife holder is on the neck of the two, Chu Yang cold voice sounded: "Now robbery! Hey, give me the money, or else Laozi has smashed you, never give you a whole body!"

The two suddenly cried.

Heaven, earth, heavenly creatures, what is this all about? !

How did the meat like the 鹌鹑 and the little white rabbit become such a powerful role in a flash?

The situation has fallen over time. It was originally robbed of others and became robbed, and it must be extremely fierce and evil.


"Is it so a little bit?" Chu Yang smashed the pitiful four or five purple spirit coins in his hand, extremely dissatisfied. Frowning and looking at the two people who had broken their hands in front of themselves, the look was very bad.

Laozi rarely robbed once, how did he grab four or five purple spirit coins? This is too expensive.

"Grandpa...Hey, Grandpa, if we have money, we won’t come out to do this. You raise your hands and let us be a fart. We don’t dare anymore..." The two men regretted their intestines. It’s all green.

But who can think of the super-upstart that is gambling, losing, arrogant, and stupid?

This is really a hit on the iron plate.

"This is also the case..." Chu Yang frowned. "Look at the two of you, the virtues of a poor man... How about? Anyway, you are all poor and stumbled, it is better to follow me!"

"Hey? With... mixed with you?" The two men suddenly widened their eyes and couldn't believe what they heard in their ears. For a moment, the pain of breaking their hands and hands was forgotten.

This guy is a super rich man, and he is still a foolish person.

"Well, it’s just mixing with me, but the ugly words are in front. I’m missing people in this time, and I’m not really looking at you. I just need to do something for the time being... Besides, even if you really do things for me. And I have to be subject to certain restrictions, unless... I will really recognize you later..."

Chu Yang said coldly: "To tell the truth, like a bad gambler like you, I may not be able to do things... I am not interested in knowing your name. You are on the 15th, you are sixteen. No. Come, open your mouth, I will give you sugar to eat, eat my sugar, it is my person, remember to do things for me, if something goes wrong. Hehe... I won’t be so gentle... ”

The two men looked dull.

tender? You have interrupted our hands and feet like this, and it is still called gentleness... Do you know what the meaning of gentle words? Who was the gentleman who taught you literacy? Laozi wants to slap him down...


Chu Yang easily entered the game field of the beast.

I couldn't help but think of the fear of the two faces after taking the medicine.

As Chu Yang said, it is really not to look at them, but now there are no more people available. Chu Yang is always smart and well-planned, but always has only two hands, one leg, it is difficult to deal with too much. Things, two more people running errands, but it is necessary.

First of all, it shows the practice of intimidation by the martial arts, and then comes to a superiority that does not have to die and earn money. Enwei and Shi, then heal the wound, pick up the bone, and then pour the poison, by the way. Tell the specific effect of that sugar...

So three times five and two, Chu Yang clap hands away.

There are only two thieves who are left in the path, and now the fifteenth and sixteenth are in the same place.

Originally intended to kill a fat sheep, but I did not expect to turn myself into a slave of others...

"What is the reason for this code? There is no Wangfa." On the 15th, a nose screamed: "After three months, I have to take an antidote once. I am ruined in my life." In this robbery..." "You can't say that." On the 16th, there is luck on the face: "At least give us money..." I measured the two Ziyun coins in the hands of each person. : "It’s really rich and rich, so it’s hard to find a job with oil and water. If you don’t get the guy, it looks like a good one...”

"Hey... It’s too late to say anything now, let’s go to rest and recuperate. I haven’t heard that this three days will require us to go out of the mission. My goodness... the first time I will explain the task, I will run the broken leg. This time, it’s really hard to come out and rob..."


Although Chu’s incarnation of ‘Yu Youcai’ has experienced a robbery storm, the gambling has not been reduced slightly, and a pair of money-rich money has entered the game field of the beast, and it has been flying all the way.

"Hey, my big brother is coming, it must be a big kill tonight..."

"Wow, haha, sweet little mouth, reward!"

"Thank you big brother."

"Hey, my grandfather is coming, what do you want to play tonight, the little one will take you there."

"Wow, haha, your kid is pretty eye-catching, reward!"

"Hey brother is hard, he is really spirited..."

"Wow, haha, Laozi is spirited, see what you said, reward!"

"Xie uncle..."

All the way to open the road, the talented grandfather walked in a Weiling posture with a crab, and entered the deepest part of the game field...

It was only after the dawn of the day that the incarnation of Chu Yang’s incarnation was from the game field.

This evening, Chu Yang did not lose to the end, but fortunately won twice. Well, although I ended up losing in the final settlement, even more than a few days ago, I have already figured out the rules.

With Chu Yang’s mind, how can I blindly search for the financial road, just as the cat’s greasy speculation: no matter what the guy does, he has to be sure to do it. Otherwise, he will not do any planning, arrangement, waste of energy, time, especially the most lacking time now!

In fact, Chu Yang was only in an accidental opportunity to discover that the wind fox that Mo Qing dance seemed to be very interested in himself, and the speculation that he had caused.

Because the wind fox is not dismissive of other people except for the light dance. When facing Chuyang, it is somewhat different. It is not like disdain for other people, nor is it like relying on Mo light dance. Every time you see it, it will always be full of "suspiciousness". He turned around him a few times. Then I went "foolish", but after a while, I came over and turned a few laps. The situation was very weird.

At that time, Chuyang felt that it was possible to have some kind of place on the body that could attract the wind fox. But at the time, all of his babies were habitually placed in the nine-robbery space, and the wind fox was absolutely unseen.

So, what exactly attracted it?

This point has also become a mystery of Chu Yang's heart.

However, since entering the beast game field this time, Chu Yang once again found the same situation. Let him know that there must be something special about himself...

Or it is a practice, or a breath, or a baby, anyway, there is an unknown thing that can be sensed with the beast...

In order to determine the target, Chu Yang has changed the method of conversion of the law in these days. The baby on each day is very different. Come to experiment and test. On the one hand, it is constantly throwing money, creating an image of a big head; people are less vigilant. The second is that once you have explored the mystery, you can immediately gamble and gamble... win and win!

But in a few days, the effect is not significant. Chu Yang does not give up on this and continues to test...

"Hey uncle..." When Chu Yang came out of the game of the beast, the staff who had been gambling with him in the past few days watched him carefully, and he stopped talking.


After reading the brothers and sisters, I ordered a 'praise'. After so long, I realized that the starting point was out of the function of 'Like'... I was too late to know... (unfinished. Please search for astronomical literature, The novel is better updated faster!)

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