Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 46: Squatting is the old man

"Well? Is there anything?" Chu Yang asked.

"It's like this..." The name of this man is two black sons. Don't look at the name of the soil. In this game of the beast, it has been done for seven or eight years. It can be said that it is quite rich in experience. Seeing that Chu Yang did not feel depressed because of losing money, he couldn’t help but feel shocked. “Yu’s uncle, in fact, a luxury like you, always gamble directly, bet on other people’s beasts, and lose some money. How other people’s things are also others’, there are things from their own to be familiar...”

"How do you say this?" Chu Yang suddenly came to interest.

The two sunspots smiled and revealed a jagged yellow fang. "This is the case. Generally, the wealthy customers who have their own bodies have their own beasts, and often there is more than one... and such a beast, As long as you have undergone certain training training, or dig out the instinctual attack power of your talents, you can change into a cash cow and a cornucopia. In addition to the extremely high odds, our casinos do not match the weight of the advanced beasts. The battle between them is here in the hall open to everyone, but in another separate venue, where is the paradise for high-level gamblers, the bets are extremely high, unlike this one. There is also a 'limitation' or something. Of course, if it is not good to lose, but it is not something that ordinary people can afford, but it certainly does not include such a big hacker like you, Grandpa..."

Chu Yang frowned and said: "I don't know if this is the case? But where do I have any time and energy to capture those beasts? Besides, with my strength, even if I can capture it, then the strength is also Not high, in the contest of the advanced beasts, it is simply to send food, lose money or small things, but wasted time, energy, and effort is really not worth..."

Two black sons smiled and said: "Oh, my grandfather first came to the local. But I don't know. As long as you have the heart, you can use it to capture it yourself. You can go to the beast market to buy it, or young. Hey, or some adult beasts... There are many times when some cherished beasts are buried in the trading floor, as long as you have the eyesight to dig it out, or keep it. Or sell it, it’s also a A considerable amount of wealth comes, of course, you naturally will not put that little money in your eyes..."

Chu Yang’s eyes lit up: "Is there still such a thing?"

Touching the chin by hand, my heart, this is a way to open the way. A good door.

Just, where is my body attracting the beast? This section is still not accurate. If you can't figure this out, the odds are still...

All the way to meditation, slowly walked out of the game field.

The two blacks have been lucky this few days. The rewards from Chuyang alone exceeded 100,000 yuan.

This is still the case that Chu Yang has been losing. If this big brother wins... How many rewards should there be? This is one of the main reasons why he reminded Chu Yang today.

Who doesn't want to get more money?

Otherwise, do you think the casino's service staff will be so kind?

When Chu Yang returned to the men’s church. The sky is just bright.

Just returned to the room. Push the door in and slam.

Because in his room. There was an old man sitting on the chair of Chuyang and watching Chu Yang come in. He even smiled and said: "Are you coming?"

This is naturally said to be very extreme. It seems that this will be in his own home. Chu Yang is the one to visit.

"Who is you?" Chu Yang fixed his eyes on the old man, and asked quietly.

His look did not reveal the slightest surprise, it seems that this is also commonplace.

Slowly walked in and sat down opposite the old man.

Since this old man can get a greasy cat and come here silently, even if he has been staying for a long time, it means that this person is a super master. In the face of such a master, Chu Yang is now playing and not playing, even the escape can not escape, since it can not cope, only simply face it.

Any panic or gaffe will only give people a reason to look down on themselves, and that's it.

The old man looked at Chu Yang and saw that he could keep his expression in the face of these things. Even his eyes were always constant, and he could not help but praise: "Young people, it is good."

Chu Yanghehe smiled, and some proudly said: "There is always no one being looked down upon in one face."

The old man laughed happily, and there was no lack of appreciation in the laughter.

Chu Yang smiled and got up for tea, and said: "What about my companion?"

"Your companion went out, and the old man was guilty." The old man said very straightforwardly: "The repair of the guy is far from the old man, but if he stays here, he thinks about the situation of the old man." It’s okay to come in without a sound, or maybe it’s possible, but staying for a long time without being noticed is not that easy.”

Chu Yang suddenly put some heart, as long as the cat is tired and nothing to say.

Moreover, this old man has revealed a lot of information between intentionally and unintentionally. There is a lot of assistance for the immediate situation.

Far less than...

The old man's current situation...

Chu Yang’s heart has already had a bit of it.

After drinking all night in the casino, my mouth has already dried up. Going back to my home Chuyang naturally will not grieve myself, brewing two cups of tea quickly, giving the old man a bowl, and then sitting on the old man. On the opposite side, I took a sip of tea and moistened my throat. "When the old man comes here, I must have something to see and teach?"

The old man shook his head and smiled: "No."

"Oh?" Chu Yang's face is light, but his heart is awkward. The old man's "non-also" is beyond Chuyang's expectations.

"The old man started to be a man hall from you, and he has been around you." The old man smiled and his eyes were deep.

"The old man has a heart, and how can he get the old man in this place?" Chuyang said that he was not salty.

"Little friends are the dragons among the people. How can the old man not be careful? Always be careful not to make a big mistake." The old man laughed.

At this moment, Qingyuan tea is filled in the house.

The old man seemed to have some accidents about the tea fragrance. He took the teacup and took a sip. He closed his eyes and said: "The tea is good, the people are better. The little friends have nothing to do with everything, really!"

Chu Yang’s smile, no answer. At this time, I said more mistakes. Less to say less mistakes, not to say good.

"In this period of time, you first opened a men's hall, treating the widows with symptoms of illness; and arbitrarily auctioning many excellent swords, and even taking out the high-priced amethyst; in the past few days, changing their identities, Infested in the game field of the beast, and squandered the wealth. All kinds of acts, like collecting money, like a wealth, like a slap, like a defeat, can not be said..."

The old man said lightly. The fingers turned gently into the cup, and the tone seemed to be careless, but the movements of Chu Yang in the past few days were completely violent, and it was completely detailed.

Chu Yang always maintains a faint smile, listening quietly, his face is always unchanged.

It seems that these things that the old man said have nothing to do with him.

"Your whereabouts, I have always mastered, all the way to observe." The old man looked at Chu Yang. He saw that Chu Yang was so calm and suffocating. Can't help but add this sentence. It can show the superiority of everything in its grasp.

"Well, the old man said that these are all right. Just... what about it? Is there a violation of the local law? Does it interfere with the normal life of anyone?" Chu Yang quietly looked up.

"That's not there... Well, you..." The old man showed an unexpected expression for the first time. He really didn't expect that Chu Yang suddenly came up with such a sentence that seemed to be reasonable. In fact, it was almost completely windy. Ma Niu’s irrelevant questioning

"Don't you be surprised?" The old man was really surprised. He apparently lost the momentum of "everything under control."

"Of course I will be surprised." Chu Yang quietly looked at the old man, his face suddenly showed a sly smile: "Just why do I want you to see my surprise? Now I only see your surprise, this Not a very cool thing?"

"Oh..." The old man blinked and then laughed: "Good boy!"

"Now, I already know all your secrets. How do you want to be with me?" The old man smiled, but his eyes were full of blade-like light, but the momentum was unrecognizable, but it existed.

"I really want to kill people." Chu Yang honestly said: "But it is a pity that it is not your opponent, rushing to commit suicide, I have not lived enough, just choose to give up."

"Ha ha ha..." The old man laughed.

Laughing and laughing, suddenly coughing up, coughing very badly, his face rising red, almost unable to breathe. He coughed for a long time, only took a white silk scarf from his arms and covered his mouth.

When his hand was taken away, there was a few red blood marks on the white silk scarf.

Chu Yang has been calmly watching, and his eyes are like the same ice and snow.

There is no sympathy, no mercy, no concern, and naturally no more diligence.

With the cultivation of this old man, it has already arrived that no one needs sympathy, and there is no need for Chu Yang to be diligent. Chu Yang only knows that this person has to find himself and has his purpose.

Now, he quietly waited for the old man to say his own purpose.

Although, for this purpose, Chu Yang himself has already guessed it.

"You are very good, no matter the mind or the means, they are all one-on-one." The old man put away the scarves, some sighed.

Chu Yang calmly said: "Don't dare to do it, the elders praised it."

"Oh..." The old man smiled bitterly and said: "Can you remember which restaurant you used to eat during the first time?"

"Oh?" asked Chu Yang.

"The old man is the big boss of that restaurant." The old man smiled faintly.


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