Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 50: Purple Aura [third

The cat teacher suddenly stunned: "I said brother, do you really want to do it? I told you that gambling can not be indulged. Once you fall in, you may be ruined at any time..."

Chu Yang said with a smile: "With confidence and confidence, if you can't fall in, let's go and see if there is a suitable beast. Let's make one each, so let me be a companion... ..."

The cat is greasy and frowning. Obviously, he does not believe his words. Some reluctantly said: "You can have a few hearts in your heart. There is no such thing in the world to change the medicine. If you go to the beast market, I will not go." I sat down with a sullen face.

"Do you have anything?" Chu Yang suddenly felt abnormal.

What is the reason for this nerve super cat teacher to be so depressed? This goods can always be very heartless.

"Nothing...nothing." The cat sighed and sighed, and some of her words stopped. Finally, she waved her hand: "Go and go."

Then he turned and entered the room, and also slammed the door.

Chu Yang touched his nose, and it was very foggy. I didn’t know how to react.

Finally I turned and went.

The cat teacher seems to have something, but it should not be too urgent. It is not too late to come back and interrogate in the evening... It is still more important to do things there.

Ling ** is easy to play, I believe it can be more convenient than the casino side.

Success or failure is here.

Chu Yang is determined to dig out the secret today.

"Guest, are you going to pick the beast?"


"You are planning to rent or buy a guest?"


"Great, you pick it up, I have the most complete goods here. I have a complete and powerful arresting team. Are you going to... adult beasts or cubs?"

"Let's see it first."

"Please, please look around."


"Right, do you want to fly, or fight? Or, assisted? Or riding? I am poisonous? Or..."

"I want someone to shut up, is there?"



Chuyang strolled and walked over. For a time, I couldn’t help but be dazzled. The variety of beasts here is really too much. There are too many and many things that Chu Yang has never seen before.

"Man, let's call other people first. If there is a need, I will call you!" Chu Yang threw out a purple soul coin.

"Thank you, Grandpa." The man left with joy.

I have met rich people, haha...

The world suddenly calmed down.

Chu Yang looked at the figure of this person, and could not help but sigh deeply.

Xuan grade repair.

This kind of cultivation is roughly equivalent to the level of the supreme one to three products of the nine heavens. If it is in the mainland of Jiuzhongtian, such a repair, even in the last three days, can be regarded as the number one.

Even if you can't dominate one party, at least it is famous.

However, in this nine heavens, it is just a buddy who sells spirited beasts! There are even some ways of enjoying it; what is the style of the strong, what is the master, and there is nothing in this person.

For a purple spirit coin, I was able to cheer and jump, and I still looked flat and nodded. ......

Chu Yang really does not know what the world is like?

Or is it really natural choice, the survival of the fittest? ! Only people adapt to the environment, it is difficult to have an environment to actively adapt to someone!

Seeing that the buddy left far away, Chu Yang squatted down.

In front of him, there was a row of small cages, inside which was a fire fox with only red skin and blood. On the other side is a pair of golden-colored little wolves, both of which are young, seemingly two or three months old. An individual is petite, revealing tenderness, and if it is more fashionable, it is very cute.

But Chu Yang did not dare to underestimate them.

Since it can be sold here, I believe that there is also a spirit beast.

In the Nine Heavens, as long as there is a spirit beast of the order, it will never be really "meng", and there are fierce beasts in the bones.

Chu Yang was squatting on the ground and carefully observing and checking the look of the young beast. In fact, he had quietly transported the nine heavenly gods; he gradually forced his own breath out.

Prior to this, Chu Yang had run all kinds of magical powers he had at least once, and Jiuzhong Tianshen was no exception. However, in the noisy environment of the beast game field, it is really difficult to make a judgment. It is now confirmed. good time.

A misty mist that was invisible to the naked eye, exuded from Chu Yang, went into the small cages in front of them.



The screams of the fire fox and the golden wolf sounded at the same time. The cubs in the cage seemed to find out what they were doing. They almost stood up at the same time. The suspicious eyes looked at Chuyang at the same time. What seemed to be discovered was not really certain.

Chu Yang has a happy heart.

This kind of look is exactly the same as the wind fox that was dancing at the beginning!

Chu Yang can even assert that if these little guys are not allowed to act in cages, they can move freely, and now they are sure to start around themselves.

Chuyang’s Jiuzhong Tianshen works faster and faster, and the breath that overflows from the body is getting more and more...

However, at this moment, an accident occurred.

Just as Chu Yang thought that the gradual enrichment of the nine heavens and gods could attract more attention to the beasts, these little guys turned their heads and went to their own.

Although there are occasional rumblings to look at Chu Yang, but the frequency is almost negligible.

Chu Yang suddenly frowned.

How is this going?

How could it be like this!

Chu Yang can be sure that Jiuzhong Tianshen Gong has definitely played a certain role, but it has led to immediate results due to certain unknown factors. But where is the problem with the immediate situation?

"Sword spirit, can you find out this time?" Chu Yang asked in consciousness. I can't make it myself. Naturally, I have to ask about the sword spirit. After all, the sword spirit is the big expert in energy judgment.

"Not yet. Come again." Sword spirit's voice.

Since the first time, the two have started almost endless experiments. Sword Spirit is responsible for monitoring the space within the nine robberies, but has never found out where this inexplicable interruption problem is.

Chu Yang put away the nine heavenly gods, and went a few steps forward, and changed another batch of spirit beasts. Kneeling on the ground again, running the exercises...

From time to time, there will be people walking around, gradually approaching or moving away, and there is a burst of ridicule.

"Oh, that silly*, you are so focused on the selection of the lowest level of the beast, it must be a layman, but whoever has a little knowledge, who will pick those rubbish..."

"That is, even if you can choose a king from inside and have a fart, the low-level Beastmaster is not still garbage, and has never come out of the low-level category..."

"I think it is money to burn."

"Two goods one! At first glance, it is the nephew of professional defeat, no eyesight, no knowledge, no brain, no goods..."


Chu Yang turned a deaf ear to all of this, and once again wholeheartedly runs the nine heavens.




one more time……

Again and again, it was futile, and the crowds around it were constantly changing. Everyone saw Chu Yang’s movements, all of which were all the same scorn. In particular, some teenagers with female companions seem to insult other men in front of their female companions to be able to express themselves more wisely and more arrogantly, and spare no effort to export extraordinarily vicious...

A sentence that is ugly and harsh, accompanied by a burst of silver bells and a sly smile...

Passed to Chu Yang's ears again and again.

Seeing that Chu Yang was about to be angered by the taunts next to it, Jian Ling suddenly excitedly called.

"Found it, found it! It turns out! It turned out to be the case!"

"How? Found?" Chu Yang jumped excitedly, laughing happily: "I found it!!"

The young girls next to them were shocked by Chu Yang’s huge reaction, and at the same time, they stepped back and laughed.

"Is this guy not found in the group of squirrels?"

“Is it the king of the mountain rat?”

"What is the use of the king of the mountain rat?"

"Well, I think about it... yes, the meat may be more delicious..."

"No wonder he is so excited, hahahaha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

Generally come here to pick the spirit beasts, mostly for the game.

You said that picking a group of mice can have a fart? The mouse is still awesome or a mouse...

"Roll!" Chu Yang stood up and slammed.

The strength of the human peak has been unreserved at this moment.

A group of young girls only feel the ears creaking, only to know that this 'fool' is actually a master, one by one pale, making birds and beasts scattered, this point, but also no different from the world of nine heavens, bullying hard and hard, no difference .

"What the **** is going on? Hurry and explain, don't let me worry." Chu Yang asked urgently.

"In fact, it's like this..." Sword Ling's face was a little embarrassed, saying: "A few times before, every time I watched the interruption, that is, the situation in which the small animal expression suddenly changed. No gain, this time I suddenly thought that the change in the middle will be the effect when I first started to work. So this time I chose to focus on the beginning."

"In the middle? At the beginning? What is it like?!"

"When your Jiuzhong Tianshen Gong has just started running, the Zixiao Tower will also open a small gap..." Jianling smiled: "From a small gap, there is a little purple aura; and the Yaozu Or, or the beast, is particularly sensitive to this purple aura. They seem to feel that a little bit of purple aura, will look at you differently."

"But with the stability of your Nine Heavens, the Purple Tower slowly returns to a closed state, and finally no longer reveals the Achilles Aura, so you naturally lose the ability to attract the spirits." (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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