Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 51: Like a cat and a tiger

Chu Yang suddenly realized: "It turned out to be like this."

Suddenly I want to smoke myself seventeen eight ear photons.

I knew this early, not...

This is a simple matter. Is it so expensive? !

"Why do the spirit beasts like the smell in the purple tower?" Chu Yang immediately thought of another problem.

"This, it is not clear." Sword spirit is a little embarrassed.


Chu Yang looked around no one, quietly took the Ziqi Tower out of the nine robbery space, and put it in his arms.

This purple tower was once turned into a mountain in the last three days! The aura is intensive and the status is detached.

But at the moment in the hands of Chu Yang, but there is only one finger size, pockets and exquisite, looks more like a children's toy.

But the purple scorpion tower of this children's toy, at the moment when it was taken out, suddenly the whole market of the beasts was chaotic.

For a time, all the beasts are like a rebellious general, shaking their heads and swaying, jumping up and down!

As if the end of the day is coming, the **** of death is swaying in front of you.

The mad wolf, which had been tamed for several years, suddenly bite in the hands of the breeder, and then broke the shackles with the rupture of the flesh, like a crazy rush.

The white tiger, which has been here for more than a year, has already been confirmed by the breeder to have lost the wild white tiger. Suddenly, the roaring roar, the momentum is shaking, and the king of the beast is full of power.

The dragon, the arrogant arrogance, as if this is its last moment.

The flamingo almost completely shakes the feathers on his wings and is generally crazy.

Even the seven-colored poisonous snake that was poisonous on that day was also eagerly swimming, and the screaming of the snake letter, the original cold-blooded eyes, full of urgency.

The entire beast market is in a state of chaos. It’s unbelievable.

All the managers were in panic. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people have been bitten by the beasts, and several people are dripping with blood, and their faces quickly turn black and purple.

These people are obviously poisonous and poisonous.

However, the safety preparation work of the beast market is still relatively in place. Only a few moments, many people came to support and lay down the stretcher. Dragging poisoned and injured people, the whirlwind generally disappears.

There are also many high-level warriors who have come over and go to the vicinity of some high-ranking beasts to constantly suppress them. I hope to calm the moment with the fear of powerful deterrence.

There are also many service people who come over and say sorry to the guests present. Anyway, what do you hear about?

In short, the entire body of the beast was caught in the ultimate chaos.

It’s just that everyone didn’t notice that it was in such a chaos that it was initiated by a middle ‘super upstart’. And this super-upstart is still squatting there.


Even the service personnel responsible for appeasing the guests did not notice the Chuyang in the petrochemical. The guests present were either very alarmed or angry, and even had the intention to fish in troubled waters, but there was no petrochemical. It is also the petrochemical posture of the lame!

The reason why Chuyang would have such a lack of image "Petrochemical" is because Chu Yang really can't think of it.

This purple tower was taken out. Actually will make such a strong effect!

It’s just that it’s going to turn upside down!

Some of the beasts who had turned a blind eye to him suddenly suddenly regarded him as the savior. The spirits who had turned their eyes on him. Suddenly, it was like a brother who had been separated for 100,000 years.

It turned out that it was not the end of the day, the panic of death in the future, but the sudden feeling of the most intimate, the most irresistible feeling and the excitement and excitement of the taste!

The enthusiasm of this moment makes Chu Yang directly sluggish!

It is really too unexpected! What's happening here? !

Watching all the beasts around me are in a mess, even if it is through the cage, even if it is squeezing the bones, it will be squeezed out when the four catches are broken. The kind of eyes that are rushing in the eyes do not care about the strong feelings of life and death... ...

Chu Yang suddenly feels creepy!

Is this the hidden mysterious power of the Purple Tower?

Does the Purple Tower have the mysterious power to attract the orcs of the world?

What did the Purple Sky Emperor leave behind? Or what has he done? Or, he is actually... what?

Chu Yang re-opened the purple scorpion tower in his hand. The next moment, Chu Yang clearly felt that the gods that had been blocked by the ninth scorpion enchantment suddenly reopened in this moment without restriction.

The power of this Ziyan Tower can easily break through the blockade of the gods brought by the nine-day Tianzhu without any effort.

If the strike is just a breakthrough, it is also amazing, but what really shocked Chu Yang is that Ziwei Tawei can break through the nine-fold Tianzhu enchantment and it is completely silent, and it has not attracted anyone's attention!

The power of this power has completely exceeded the understanding of Chu Yang!

It is too powerful!

What is the purple scorpion tower in the end, and he has such a powerful thing? !

The knowledge of Chu Yang has in the blink of an eye to cover the market of the beasts trading hundreds of miles away!

At this moment, Chu Yang feels like a fish returns to the sea.

The long-lost freedom is comfortable and comfortable, so that he has a real feeling of what it means to be immortal. Just like a blind man, suddenly recovered!

The excitement in my heart was suppressed by Chu Yang!

Excited, happy, not too good!

There is a curse.

It is proof of the moment!

The real most important thing now is to find a beast that will let your money come.

Chu Yang immediately began to look for it, Chu Yang confident that he can find the goal he is looking for in the blink of an eye!

The result failed!

did not find!

Can you find it?

Chu Yang's revival of consciousness, everything in the entire body of the beast is not his sense, but this has nothing to do with the target of the beast!

As far as the gods are concerned, the spirit beasts of the entire beastly beasts are all cheering and cheering. All of them are excited. The only feeling of Chuyang is that they are dazzled, and they don’t know which one to choose.

"Sword Spirit?" Chu Yang had to think of the sword spirit for help, because he was a bit confused.

Jian Ling was also carefully observed, and hesitated for a long while. He frowned and said: "What is this? Just looking at it. So I can't find the target. Now I can see it clearly. I still can't find the target. I really can't understand it. In the end, that is the goal you need... I want to say that although the spirit beast here has a position, but it is not high enough, it really pulls on the field... The winning rate is very small. You are going to rely on them. Earn money? It’s good if you don’t lose money.”

Chu Yang frowned and walked forward, saying: "Since you have seen it clearly, introduce me to the beast."

"This is no problem. The beasts of the Nine Heavenly Scorpio can be roughly divided into the four levels of Xuan, Di, Tian, ​​and Sheng. This grading is the order of the corresponding military, and each level is divided into three products, the upper middle position. The most subtle level, as long as there is a level of the level, the spirit of the middle level has already had the ability to sweep all the beasts in this Zixia City. As for the level of the legend, it is relatively rare; As for the holy level... it is a legend in the legend. Even the legend seems to have only three or five. And no one has seen it before..."

"The beasts here. Most of them belong to the mysterious class, and they are still the following. There is only a small part in the median. Only two or three are enough to get the upper class. They are all cubs... Such cubs, at least a decade after training, can only participate in the battle... and the price of buying them is very expensive!"

Chu Yang frowned slightly.

According to his experience, the spirits that can dominate the beast game field, the breath of each head is much stronger than the spirit beast here, and the two are not comparable at all.

If so... then isn’t it a white one?

I was thinking so hard, and suddenly my eyes lit up.

I saw a strange beast in a corner of the beastly trading ground. The reason why this beast would make Chuyang interested, the reason is very simple. Almost all the beasts in the whole body are on the purple tower. At the moment when the atmosphere is swaying and swaying, the head of the beast is not swaying. Even the scent of the sable tower is a little disdainful. It just flips over the eyelids and hangs down again, continuing to slouching. A half-dead is not alive.

“Hey?” Chu Yang, who noticed this point, couldn’t help but be amazed.

All the beasts are crazy, this guy is actually indifferent?

"What's wrong? What did you find?" asked Sword Spirit.

"Nothing, no problem..." Chu Yang has already walked quickly.

This will not be much time to be strong, Chu Yang quickly walked to the strange beast.

To be strange, this beast can indeed be said to be strange.

Oh, no trimming; it looks like a strange image.

It lies there, the whole body is three feet long and long, and the hair is stunned. It seems to be a tiger at first glance; but on its forehead, there is no tiger-specific plaque.

Its tail, cocked up in a group, is not pulled like a tiger's tail.

Its ears are straight and upturned, and not too big, but also pointed to the point, it seems that the eyes are also very weird.

The eyes of this animal are actually a little lazy...

It is a tiger, although it is very similar, but the momentum is really too great, but if it is said that it is a kitten that has been magnified hundreds of times, it seems to be... very image.

Just, where is there such a big cat in the world?

If the cat can grow so big, what other tigers are there in the world? It’s called a cat directly.

Chu Yang looks more and more strange, this guy is very like a cat, and very like a tiger; like a cat and a tiger... I have never seen such a strange guy in memory.

what is it?


(To be continued. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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