Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 52: Strange soul beast [fifth! 】

There is another strange thing about this strange animal, that is, it is not detained in a cage, but just lying on one side and lazing in the sun. On its neck, there are no rope chains, etc...

In other words, the harmless image of this guy and the human being is only deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. I believe that the facts are not far from this.

Chu Yang walked in front of it, crouched down and observed carefully.

This strange animal sees human beings, and also opens up lazy eyes, and looks at Chu Yang, deep in the bottom, actually has a trace of disdain and contempt. It is a faint contempt, although it seems to have no wind, but it exists.

It feels like a god, looking down on a mortal, so completely out of sight, contempt and disregard.

Chu Yang will be close to discovering that this guy’s shackles are almost purple, but there is a hidden atmosphere.

"Sword spirit, you take a closer look, do you know what this beast is?" Chu Yue is more strange.

"Well? I have never seen it..." Sword Linger carefully identified for a moment, and finally shook his head in a depressed mood: "The sword master, this... looks like a beast, just an ordinary beast..."

"Ordinary beast?" Chu Yang said: "Can't you? How can ordinary beasts be here? You misread, no reason!"

The strange animal snorted in a throat, looked at Chu Yang with a white eye, and then rolled over, lying down on the four feet, seemingly completely lost interest in a king in front of him, turned a blind eye.

The next moment, a front paw stretched out and scratched his belly.

It seems that this seemingly unintentional movement is beyond the limit of "turning a blind eye", but directly taking Chu Yang as the air.

This guy looks very embarrassed, but the hair on the belly is actually white and white, spotless, really but clean and got the pole.

Chu Yang sees the eyes and the eyes are bright, strange species must have strange things, this guy is really a beast, it is a strange beast!

Immediately, Chu Yang took the Ziyan Tower and then waved his hand and summoned the management here.

"Man, what is this only beast?" asked Chu Yang.

This manager looked at Chu Yang’s eyes and couldn’t help but laugh. He said: “Guest, this is not a beast...”

It’s really funny, but there are still people who can look at this lazy guy who eats and eats.

Today, there is nothing new, first of all, the animals that have never been seen in a hundred years are inexplicable, and then there is a fool who treats the beast as a beast. It seems that it is still very purchase intention, it is too fresh!

There are so many beasts here that he doesn't look at it. Just look at an ordinary beast that can't be anything? Is this not a lot of money to burn, is it a complete second?

Pick a spirit beast, do you want to pick a pet? !

"You said this is not a beast?" Chu Yang frowned: "Since it is not a beast, how can you place it here?"

"Guest officer, listen to me to tell you, in fact, I don't know the specific origin of this guy, but listen to my predecessors, this beast is looking for the door, not the capture team of the firm. I don’t know when it’s coming, it seems to have suddenly appeared. And it’s been very docile after it’s here. If you eat it, you can eat it. If you don’t eat it, you won’t eat it. It’s been here, it’s not moving, it’s not going to make trouble... ... Although the size is huge, it is very well-behaved. If it is not killing, how do you want us to place him in this place?"

The manager turned his eyes and said: "But... the official, in fact, this guy is really cute. If you buy it back and plan to be a pet, it will definitely be worth the money. It is absolutely prestige to bring it out."

It’s rare for someone to take a look at this money-giving guy who doesn’t want anyone to ask for it. How to brag about it, if you can really sell it out, you can still get back a few feeds.

This kind of big head, in this nine heavens, but really not much...

"Just rushing to this guy's head, I can't be wrong, I like it, right, what kind of species is this guy? Tiger? Or... What else? This guy is in your store, there is always information about it." Yang asked with great interest.

"This... I really don't know. In our nine-day scorpio, there is no such strange animal record. No one has ever seen it. I want to say, maybe it is still the legendary cherished animal. Maybe... "I was really interested in seeing this guy, and suddenly I was shocked. I quickly brag about it."

It can be considered that this food is to be sold.

"According to the analysis of my predecessors, this guy may also be a hybrid of cats and tigers..." The management said that the corners of his mouth were also twitching.

Chu Yang has raised his eyes: "What? The hybrid product of cat and tiger? Can your cat cross with the tiger? **, how do you cross? Is the cat crossed the tiger, or the tiger crosses the cat? Let me not say yes or not The problem is the size problem. The tiger’s cockroach... is bigger than the cat? The cat’s cockroaches... It’s not as good as the tiger’s old toothpick!

The management was stunned and sweaty.

Isn't that a wrong sentence, you are so excited, I am talking about the animal, not saying you...

What I didn’t know was that behind him, the strange animal also supported half of the body, looking at the back of the steward, and a mouth, Bai Sensen’s fangs were exposed.

The hairs on the head were also blown up one by one, and it seemed to be an irresistible look. But then he bowed his head and continued to scratch his belly.

"Well, don't talk nonsense, you say how much this beast?" asked Chu Yang.

A certain king is not stupid, directly locked the price to the "beast", you sell a beast to dare a price of a beast I see? !

"If you really want to buy, then..." The eyes turned and turned: "Fifty purple spirit coins!"

See Chu Yang's face is not hesitant, hurriedly said: "Guest official, fifty purple spirit coins are really not much, such a big one, even if it is to kill the meat, it is also possible to sell dozens of purple spirit coins. ......"

The cat-like guy listened to this sentence, and suddenly it was the whole body that blew up.

"Okay." Chu Yang originally did not intend to bargain, and gave money quickly. Just said that the beast, it is also a psychological suggestion, afraid of managing things, attracting unnecessary trouble.

This guy can dismiss the smell of the Purple Tower, what kind of beast can do? This alone has already made Chu Yang recognize its extraordinary, not to mention fifty purple spirit coins, even if fifty purple coins, Chu Yang also feels the value, but now can save a little bit, really give a big The price, maybe it will lead to suspicion.

In charge of fifty purple spirit coins, I immediately smiled and said: "Congratulations to the guest officer, this beast is now yours, although it is not a beast, but this looks, but it is absolutely unique and unique. At this point, you can only make it, and taking it out is also awesome. You say yes..."

Chu Yang wrinkled his eyebrows and snorted, saying: "Is there any mistakes in my nonsense? Is it right? How do I take it away? Need to sign a **** contract?"

At once, the eyes were widened to the extreme. If there were no eyes blocked, they might be shot out, and the words were stuttered: "Guests... Guest officers, you must sign a **** contract with such a beast?..."

I just blown this guy out of the sky, maybe the legendary "cherish the beast" turned into a beast.

Infinite minds in your mind: Do you dare to dare to do two more? This guy's brain is definitely pumping.

With so many beasts not signing, do you have to sign an ordinary beast? No attack, no defense, no speed, no power, no four products are coming...

This guy must have been kicked by the brain!

"Crap!" Chu Yang said of course: "How do I take it with me without signing a contract? You have pumped your brain, or you have been kicked, and asked some questions about the second. Your boss is also assured that you will come out to entertain guests?! ”

A face twisted up and he said halfway: "This... signing a contract requires another one to pay another hundred cigar coins."

Since you want to sign a waste for these two goods, Grandpa, what am I still holding you? Anyway, the unlucky one is not me. Whenever the brain is pumping, whoever is kicked is the clearest in my heart! .

Chu Yang is very happy: "Don't be a hundred purple spirit coins? Take it!"

In this case, I took out a piece of animal skin from my arms. On the top, the big seal of the Emperor of the Eight Emperor Scorpio was greeted.

First, pray and pray, then take out a bottle of spirits and pour it on the vow. When Chu Yang is not far from the strange animal face to face, the vows suddenly ignite.

The vowed paper was scattered a little bit of starlight and flew toward the forehead of Chu Yang and the ‘beast’.

The guy lying on the ground lazily passed a trace of disdain, and there was no rebellion against the whole process. More accurately, it should be that even a reaction was pitiful.

A smug king, who is full of joy, feels his hand and screams abruptly. He recovers from the moment and is completely scattered. The manager who is carrying out the vows also makes a tragic scream. "Wow," spit out a blood, almost fainting. past.

Chu Yang can clearly feel that the power of the vows has suddenly rebounded back...

For a time, the clouds are in the fog, and there are seven and eight.

“Why? Why?” The manager said: “How could this happen? What is the situation?”

The strange animal like a cat is lazy and turned over, still indifferent, as if everything has nothing to do with him.

Under the constant urging of Chu Yang, this manager did not believe in evil and changed another vows. This time it was very simple.

Chu Yang shouted and jumped up, his headache was splitting, and he was not adulterated at all. And the management was directly pumping, squirting three blood, and fainted.

In the special situation of the accident, Jian Ling was stupid in the nine robbery space.

This... What is this going on?


I just applied for a public micro-signal. Let's take out the mobile phone and add me. Let's go to my Sina Weibo or Tencent Weibo's homepage to see Weibo. There is a QR code to sweep. You can also directly search for an account: z79062520030723 nickname is the wind and the world. Can find me. Come on, I am waiting for you, welcome brothers and sisters to join. What's the latest news in the future? I will share it with you at any time...

The first time I got it, I didn't have experience, and then I got the number too long... Hey, mistakes, don't mind. The key trick is that the big girl gets on the car first...

Come on, brothers, sisters, what are you waiting for? Ah, ah...

......(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster! Mobile users please go to m. This site to read.)

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