Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 53: Have to be the boss!

Chu Yang Lingguang flashes: Is the problem from this "beast"? He **, what kind of beast can be so evil?

Going forward, Chu Yang put on a very kind and amiable face, and said with a gentle to the extreme voice: "Hey, man, do you want to go out with me? Let's go to fight the world!" ”

Sword spirit in the nine robbery space, one hand, almost fainted.

Oh, my sword master, even if you talk to this beast, he can't understand, let alone an ordinary beast? The shame went to the beast. What kind of master did I follow? !

The strange animal looked up and looked at Chu Yang, lazily and lowered his head.

Seems to be unintelligible? This possibility is a bit bigger -

I can see the ghost when I understand it, but it is a head beast!

of course. There is a little bit of another possibility -

That is to understand but not willing: your uncle, you are so poor and sour, let Laozi follow you to suffer?

Anyway, no matter what the possibility... there is a little bit of contempt in it.

"Amount, I mean, are you willing to be friends with me? Let's make a friend? I am sincere. Isn't my sincere face enough to explain the problem?" Chu Yang asked without hesitation, directly Get out of your face.

The guy lowered his head and started to comb his beard with his claws...

Completely ignored.

What about him!

Chu Yang grabbed this guy and wanted to pull it up and take it away, but unexpectedly found that this guy was as heavy as a mountain, and it didn't move.


Chu Yang’s heart stunned with amazement. The strength of his brother’s hands can be said to be more than a thousand pounds. Although it’s not enough to use it, even a hundred big adult tigers have already been raised. stand up.

Can't you pull this guy now?

Moreover, in the throat of the people, they snorted and snorted twice, and turned over the eyelids. It was clearly dissatisfied: what did you want to do with you? ......

Chu Yang is also stunned.

What is this about his mother?

Laozi’s money has also been paid, but the contract can’t be completed. It seems that he can’t take it... I’m not stupid*...

Sword Spirit is full of suspicion: "Sword Lord, why do you want this guy who has nothing to do? This guy has no attack at all, even if he gets him back, it doesn't matter to your plan..."

Chu Yang frowned and said: "I intuitively told this guy is very unusual... And, his current body, although it looks huge, is actually giving a dreamy illusion... I just scratched my hand. But it seems to be real... This guy is definitely not simple, it will never be an ordinary beast."

Sword spirit sneered at it.

It’s really hard to see where this guy is. It’s not easy. Is it like a cat and a tiger? Seeing that the virtue line is at most one is the one that slaughtered the meat, or is it to play...

Although I really want it in my heart, Chu Yang does not take people away, but only has a part in it.

Sighed, said: "I can't think of the nine masters of the sword, the legendary legend, actually can not take a tiger ..." suddenly felt the vastness of the world.

The nine robbery sword seems to have induction, and he is not convinced to beat in his dantian.

Chu Yang waved his hand and called out the nine robbery sword, turned it into a slap-sized dagger, lying flat in the palm of his hand, smiled bitterly: "Do you feel uncomfortable? Or you are the best, never leave me. And go!"

However, at the moment when the nine-robbery sword of Chuyang had just been taken out, the cat-like animal suddenly shook abruptly, as if suddenly felt something incredible, and then “called” all of a sudden. Stand up.

The next moment, actually has arrived in front of Chu Yang.

Two eyes stared at the nine robbery swords, and the tail of the roll was not shaken. The depths of the eyes were full of emotion, excitement and incitement!

Then he looked up and looked at Chuyang.

Chu Yang can clearly see that this guy’s eyes are slowly filled with tears...

It is a bitterness caused by the most exhilarating.

It seems that a loving couple who has not seen it for eight million years suddenly reunited on the streets of war.

This kind of eyes even made Chu Yang’s spirits shudder.

This guy looks like a male, why do you look at me with this kind of look? what's the situation? Wouldn't it be a sudden mental disorder?

"What happened? What happened to you?" Chu Yang asked with amazement, and there was some fear in his tone.

I saw that the guy slowly climbed into front of him, rubbed his head on his trousers, sniffed, screamed, and there seemed to be infinite sentimentality and loss in his voice, and he looked up again. Looking at the nine robbery sword, motionless.

Then, it circled around himself, and the tears actually dripped.

Hey, hey.

"What happened? What happened in the end?" Chu Yang is a little stiff, can the beast have such a sensibility? Also have such a rich feelings? Actually... crying?

After the cat-like animal turned around from Chuyang, he looked up and yelled at Chuyang, then nodded and said, "Hey!"

Chu Yang is almost scared.

This guy who is bigger than the tiger, actually a cat called a mouth?

Oh, my mother, what the **** is this?

The world is chaotic, too crazy, the tiger will be called, is it a foreign language...

Immediately, Chu Yang suddenly felt a clear message coming from his mind: "Where did this sword come from?"

Chu Yangyi, subconsciously replied: "This sword is mine!"

Wake up after answering: Hey? Who told me just now?

"Your?" The clear message is still going on, with a heartfelt joy, and an uncontrollable excitement: "Well, it’s good, I finally waited. You just said, want to be a partner with me? Want to be me a friend?"

Chu Yang only woke up.

The original communication with myself is actually a cat-like animal on the ground?

Can not help but blame, said: "You, you, you... you can speak people?"

Actually two or more foreign languages, talents, grace, it should be the beast!

The cat-like guy rolled his eyes and the message continued: "It’s rare and strange. How could he find you such a descendant? It’s really a bad eye!”

"Who? Who are you talking about?" Chu Yang's heart almost stopped beating, it seems that the head of this beast is quite small.

"Hey." The guy said: "If you don't say those useless, just say that what you just said is not counted? You just said that you want to go out with me to fight the world? We are partners, friends? Not the relationship between the superiors and the subordinates. ?"

"Of course." Chu Yang only felt a heart beating, even he himself did not know why he was so excited: "I have always counted!"


Immediately, Chu Yang felt an unusually pure force to unfold in front of himself.

Then, the power of nothingness formed a clear vow in front of him.

Equality brother contract.

This vows Chu Yang still knows.

"As long as you signed it, we will be brothers in the future. You call me a big brother, I am responsible for covering you!" The cat-like guy is very angry and lively: "I will bring you to create a legend! Create a legend!" ”

Chu Yang stunned, completely stunned!

**, Laozi is here to buy the spirit beast, but now it is actually to be harvested by the beast?

If this word is spread out, Chu Yuzu will simply die and die, and don’t think of any ambitions anymore - you have fallen into the hands of the beast, and still fight for what the rivers and lakes are...

"Sign an equal pledge!" Chu Yang resolutely shook his head: "But I have to be a big brother!"

The cat-like guy looks disdainful and continues with the message: "How old are you?"

"Twenty! Hey?"

"Awkward, do you know how old I am? Do you dare to say that you are a big brother?"

"How old are you?"

"It is bigger than you anyway! So big brother, I am me, you are my younger brother."

"That doesn't work! This stuff is not about age... Besides, I am a human!"

"What is great for people? Anyway, I must be a big brother!"

"No, I want to be a big brother, it must be my big brother!"


The two sides argued in the mind for a while, and they all had the feeling of blushing and thick neck.

This cat-like guy obviously looks down on Chu Yang's appearance. The information continues: "No, you are so repaired, you are so old, you are so accomplished, you want to be my boss? I can't go, the boss must be me, that's it!"

Chu Yang turned over the eyelids: "Don't you? Are you sure?" Who do you think you are? You look like this, you look like this, you are not like a cat, not like a tiger, it is extremely doubtful. The virtues, I also want to be my boss? I am crazy! I also tell you, the boss must be me! I said it will count!"

"Hey! What are you talking about? I am going to be angry! I am really angry!" A cat-like guy jumped up and down, really hard to imagine, so the huge figure can actually be so smart, I believe even Real cat, it seems to be no different.

"I just want to be angry. If you can't talk about it, then pull it down." Chu Yang turned over his eyelids and said: "The so-called words are not speculative, and I will definitely not be your younger brother. I don't need to be my big brother. Let's take a break and split up. Let's go all the way, go back and follow each other!"

Finished, turned around without leaving nostalgia.


The guy somehow has stopped in front of Chu Yang, the speed is fast, it is really like a ghost, the anger is ruined: "Don't leave! Haven't made it clear, where are you going?"

Seeing that this "beast" has such a terrible speed, Chu Yang is also shocked, but the shock is one thing, the truth has to say, anger: "No permission? Why should I listen to you?" I want to leave and leave! Everyone has said that he has been divided up in white. Why haven’t you said it clearly? You have a problem with your brain. Can you understand people?"

The cat-like guy was angry and said: "Your boy dares to say that I can't understand people? If you are embarrassed, I will ask you, what should I do if you leave?"


Thank you all! This is the first one today, and the second is a little more waiting. A little late, sorry. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster! Mobile users please go to m. This site to read.)

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