Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 54: Tiger brother...

"Hey? What do you do? If you dare to say that you can understand people?" Chu Yang rolled his eyes: "You must be the big brother's existence, destined to have nothing to do with me... I didn’t have it before, but I don’t even have it now; can’t I live without it? Someone’s big brother!?”

The cat-like guy roared and said: "You are not allowed to go anyway! You take a try!"

At this time, the coma seemed to have signs of waking up and snorted softly.

The cat-like guy is moving, and once again, it seems to be like a ghost!

Then a very savage one paw patted it up.

For example, venting!


The head of a manager who was in a coma slammed his head and slid flat and flew out for a distance of three or four feet. The "噗" fell on the ground, and two shiny teeth flew out of his mouth. Suspense has once again fallen into a deep coma.

After doing all this, I flashed again, and stopped again in front of Chu Yang, and I was anxious in my eyes.

The whole process, it seems to be a blink of an eye, the time of all add up, looks like it is not alive!

This strength is enough to make a certain king stunned, can you do it?

The answer is obviously no!

This goods, so violent! And actually slap in the face! And playing so smoothly!

This made Chu Yang look a bit stunned.

So clumsy and huge body shape...

Chu Yang made a judgment, just the one animal, if you give yourself a fan, it seems that you really can't hide!

"See you, you have to dare to go, Laozi today let you know why the flowers are so red?!"

"You said what you want to do? I am definitely not going to call you big brother!" Chu Yang also collapsed.

Look at the form in front of you, go, you must not go. But most of the time left, I have to call my brother? Amount, no! It’s called a big beast...

This is Chu Yang can not endure.

"In any case, you want to go!" In the mind, this guy also has some small collapses. It seems that it is also very tangled: "You must call my big brother anyway, don't call the big brother, I want to go. Call the big brother, together. go!"

"Get out of the way! Let me call you big brother, absolutely impossible!" Chu Yang was annoyed, and he walked away: "One shot and two!"

It is better to be killed and not to be scared to death. If you are scared by people, you will be called Big Brother. Is that Chu Yang? Still legendary legend. Nine robbery sword master?

Then Chu Yang walked out of five steps and found that he could not move anyway.

The air around the body becomes extremely viscous. It seems that it is not very appropriate to describe it with viscous. It should be completely condensed into essence. After all, there is still a moving category. Chu Yang seems to be unable to do even lifted his feet.

The sword spirit in the nine-robbery space suddenly widened his eyes.

Unbelievable? !

What's happening here? This hand is what the beast can do! No, even if it is "people," there are still a few people who can do it!

Is it the legendary space solidification?

Can't you? !

I am a lazy guy who doesn’t even look at my eyes. Is there such a high unpredictable strength?

The world is so crazy, even the beasts can be so tyrannical, not a lifetime!

Chu Yang was trapped. The next thing in the body can't move, but it doesn't panic at all.

"You want to follow me, you can. Just call the big brother!" Chu Yang rolled his eyes: "Otherwise. You just want to follow me, you can trap me, can you sleep my heart?!"

The cat-like tiger's throat is squeaking. Nine robbery swords flashed in the hands of Chu Yang, it looked more and more envious of the eyes of the nine robbery sword, more and more attached.

Then look at Chu Yang's face without any meaning. In desperation, he had to bow his head, who called the form stronger than the people. The initiative is in the hands of this kid.

"Well, it's cheaper for you, sign a partnership contract, you can do it, but I have a condition!" said the cat-like guy.

"What conditions?" Chu Yang asked with vigilance.

"In fact, it is not a condition, that is, when you call me later, you have to call my name!"

"Hey? What do you say? You mean, let me call you later, call your name!?" Chu Yang’s suspicion of the present is a question of his own language comprehension, or this guy in front of him. There is a problem with the language organization ability. What is the condition? I want you to call your name. If you don’t call your name, what is this beast?

"Yeah, on this condition, you can't give a quick sentence!" The cat-like guy said.

"If this is the case, I will give you a lot of time, promise you!" Chu Yang is very graceful and very temperamental.

"You promised, you can promise me, if you regret it..."

"Reassured, rest assured, no regrets, no regrets, as long as you listen to me in the future, I must call your name when you call you!"

"That's it!" The cat-like guy held his head up: "I will listen to you later, but when you call me, I will call my name. My name is Tiger! Remember to call me. what!"


Chu Yang is speechless again this time, it seems that he was played by a tiger! It is no wonder that such a sloppy condition will be raised. Is this waiting for me? The name is Tiger Brother? Don't you call Tiger? Heaven, earth, is it that I am a master of the nine-robbery sword, even on the big beast of the beast? !

However, this guy is actually a tiger? This world still has such a mouth full of tigers?

Slantingly across the eye, said: "Tiger brother? You are a tiger? I see you like this, at best, it is a cat, a bigger cat."

The cat-like guy violently thundered: "I am a tiger! Not a big cat! Also, call me when I call me, oh!"

Chuyang has a black line.

In the midst of depression, there are many sneak peeks.

Because, Chu Yang can fully feel that this guy has just had the tyrannical strength of the time, and it is still not strong enough to show the tyrannical strength under the pressure, or just its true one.

This powerful to amazing strength, Chu Chu was shocked.

However, Chu Yang also wants to understand why such a powerful beast will appear here; why is such a powerful beast. Will you talk so well with yourself?

Why is such a powerful beast actually agreeing with himself so quickly?

Chu Yang only vaguely determines a point: with the nine robbery sword, absolutely related!

Nine robbery swords should be the source of all mystery!

Biting the index finger, a drop of red blood oozes out, and first enters the circle of spirits and beasts that ‘Tiger Brother’ made.

As the blood enters the water, it gradually spreads and merges quickly.

The spirit and beast partner contract, the rules are as good as the first mover. Big, long!

Chu Yang’s blood first entered, it has been shown that Chu Yang is in the partnership contract between the two. Occupy an absolute dominant position.

'Tiger brother' is very reluctant to see the blood of Chuyang infiltration, the cat's face reveals a clear and humane annoyance, then it is lucky, forcing a drop of bright red blood from the forehead, into that In the contract circle.

suddenly. An invisible storm suddenly spread!

In the clouds, the first emperor of the East Emperor’s vows, who is doing nothing, can't wait for something to happen. The first big man will be watching the following boringly, the continent that thinks it is unremarkable and rare, and suddenly there is something happening. Suddenly, Was rushed to the head with a strong and swearing vow.

A series of tumbling in the air, like a hydrangea rolling around. More and more vomiting blood; until later, I was unable to struggle, just tumbling in the clouds, and slowly dying.

"How could this be? What is going on? What happened in the end?!" The first general of the vowed division revealed a heartfelt panic. I want to search for exactly what went wrong, but I can't find anything.

"What kind of contract is it, even I can't even preside over it? Will it be ruined by my presiding contract? And it is still going straight to the sky? What is it?" The first general, the painful whisper of the adults, whispered, But the gods have to slowly fall into a coma.

Chu Yang and ‘Tiger Brother’ formally signed a contract, in accordance with the rules. Naturally, because of the need to be recognized by the vows, the power of the vows rushed to the sky. Seeking a testimony.

However, the vows of the vows obviously did not have the strength to witness the vows with such a strong existence, so they were countered by the vows of power, and eventually the veteran of the vows of the division was not aware of the personnel...

No, it’s not just that I don’t wake up. It seems that I’m going to kill this man.

The power of the vows rushed to somewhere unknown, and then an invisible force returned from the vast expanse, lightning into the body and spirit of Chu Yang and Tiger Brother.

Since no one can host and can't host it, then witnessed by Heaven and Earth, personally host it!

As for the veteran who is known as the first general, the head of this vows is about to fall into the realm of sorrow, and finally the vows will come quickly and go fast. It’s hard not to die for someone, if it’s really rushed to the soul Off, then, it’s completely gone...

However, the current situation of the veteran of the vows is still very dangerous. If it is not treated as soon as possible, it will still be difficult to escape. In the last moment of dying, the last line of clearness tells him that there is only one person in this place, or, It is possible to treat yourself and save yourself...

That is my last hope, the only hope.

And the last point of the present is clear, and he has not been allowed to go too far. So close, there is only there...

Almost all unconsciously rolling, falling from the air, using the final clear mind, fixed and locked his own target, and then completely lost consciousness...

Give everything to God's choice!


< Ask for a day's monthly ticket, the heart is satisfied. The power of my brothers and sisters made me cry. Silence for so long, you are still there! Our strength is still arrogant!

I really want to break out... But if it continues to be a high-intensity outbreak, it will mean that the treatment results of the previous months will be lost. I really don’t dare...

However, such a day will not last long; I will be more careful with the treatment, the most important thing, first make the left shoulder, the lumbar vertebrae back to a certain level, I can break out for everyone...

Really, silence is not my style, low-key is not my personality; fight to fight the coziness, live to be lively!

Waiting for me, brothers and sisters!

One day, I will be with you, the world!

That day, not too far! > Mobile users please read. )

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