Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 55: Tragedy of vows

Among the emperors of the Eastern Emperor's vows, the chief executive of the veteran vowed chief of the vows was drinking tea with the prime minister, but it took a lot of effort to move the prime minister to visit.

The General Director of the Vows Division has already prepared countless questions to ask, and vowed to take out some valuable information from the mouth of the prime minister today. In the past few days, the fog in the clouds, like a thin ice, was at a loss, it was too uncomfortable.

"I am a big man, I said, that... you just give the younger a little hint? How much is it..." The aunt of the chief of the vows, the aunt, smiled and smiled and gave the prime minister an tea.

"It’s not impossible, it’s really impossible..." The prime minister is drinking tea safely and securely.

"Hey, look at the adults, you..." The chief of the vows of the vows also planned to further lobby for the dead skin. Suddenly, somehow, the whole body slammed, and sat there without moving.

"Hey?" The prime minister yelled: "Are you jealous?"

The Governor’s Dad was sitting there, his face was pale, and he looked like he couldn’t be much stronger than the dead. This change was too abrupt, and there was no sign. However, the bigger accident was still behind, and the next moment, suddenly, seven bloodshed, In the mouth, "wow", a large mouthful of blood was sprayed out, and the blood was filled in the room, and a sigh of sighs, and the sky fell, and there was no sound.

The prime minister was shocked: "Ah? What's wrong with this?"

Isn't this guy coming to death, and it seems that if I don't tell him the truth, he will commit suicide! ? This is this... This is not forcing the old man!

He has never seen such a thing.

You said that you are the chief of the vows, and that there are a few masters of Donghuangtian. How can you use such a means of doing so? It hurts to hurt yourself. What is this called?

For a time, the heart of the prime minister is very tangled.

Ever since, it was a chest-chest and a busy life for a long time before I was able to wake up the Governor-General. If I hadn’t had time to talk, I saw the Governor’s Dazu’s sly look at the prime minister and said something to make the singer’s heart stunned: Prime Minister, please check it out quickly. Is it that the King of the King and the Emperor of the Heavens have come to the East Emperor, and that the War of the Kings has set a decisive battle vow, this matter is crucial, and the delay is not allowed. Once the delay is delayed, it is only bad. event……"

When the prime minister listens to this message, he only feels the sound of his head "squeaky", and suddenly he turns almost whirl...

The whole person immediately went out.

I have not seen the old-fashioned dragon clock just now, and the "嗖" disappeared.

To be really the two people, Dong Huangtian can almost be ruined by half of their fight! And only those two people can make this Governor’s Department so embarrassed...

The Governor’s General’s big mouth gasped and his face looked stunned. Obviously, he was worried.

If Laozi had the Emperor’s imperial guard, this time it’s not...

He is the one who ran to the East Emperor to fight? Can scare the old man.

Isn't this a killing old man?

The power of the vows alone almost rushed to me...

I, I, I... I am a heavenly person, even if I am a high-ranking figure in the entire Nine Heavens...

For a long time, the prime minister sullenly swayed back.

The Governor of the General Administration is anxious to ask: "The prime minister is the two great powers who came to our land, but is there a cross-border battle? You said quickly, don't let the lower officials guess!" ”

The old man's face is almost flattened, and his anger is unstoppable: "I am jealous, the cross-border battle of shit, you can be a big man! Nothing happens at all! You old bastard, you will kill me, you are like this You are not finished!"

Can you not be angry?

Just now, when the prime minister saw the population of the Governor, the population was so eager, and he naturally believed in 50% of his heart. He dared to sneak out there and quickly went out to inquire about the whereabouts of the King and the Emperor and other monarchs, in case it was like the Governor. The judgment of the division, it is good to prepare early, but the answers are very uniform: adults are in the palace! Did not go out.

Then there are the common questions and vigilance of the Quartet: "You ask about the whereabouts of the adults, dare to ask what is the intention?"

What is the intention?

What do I have to ask about the whereabouts of adults? !

The prime minister is almost stupid on the spot!

What can I do if he is **? Still being fooled by that stuff!

"It's okay? You really got it right?!" The Governor General was stunned.

"Of course it's okay!" sullenly furious: "What can be done?"

"How could it be okay?" The Governor General was completely embarrassed: "I have clearly been hurt by the power of the vows. You have not seen it..."

The prime minister went away: "I see that you are obviously not hurt enough. I can make you more injured. You old bastard, these old husbands are very happy with you and you are really accustomed to your problems." The old man is a little bit like..."

The Governor’s chief is bitterly chasing after him: “Look, you listen to me, really...”

When the words are not finished, the prime minister has disappeared.

The Governor’s adult wants to cry in tears and sit on the door sill: “I’m so embarrassed... This is the big move that made it out. Don’t play with me, this is his code. What is it..."

On the second day, the prime minister of the prime minister made a decree on behalf of the emperor: the chief of the veteran division was negligent, and all the officials of the vows were fined for one year; and, since then, the workload has doubled. Another supervisory body will be set up to supervise the work of the vows department at all times, and then there will be some negligence and severe punishment.

This is the purpose of the vows, the vows sorrowful, and a lot of complaints.

Obviously, this is a slap in the face of an adult, a public affair, and the vows of the swearing of the Secretary!


Chu Yang finally completed the contract, and immediately burst into anger.

Because, when the beast is signing the contract, it is destined to reveal the body drop.

Chu Yang never imagined that this guy, who is three feet long and lazy to call himself a tiger brother, is so so, so, so surprised him...

I saw a small and delicate beast in front of me.

That's right, small and exquisite!

Well, the straight ears, the black and white eyes, the hairy look, with a noble vicious purple...

However, what is really is a little guy who has shrunk at least a hundred times more than just!

In total, there is a slap size!

This time is not like a cat and a tiger!

A complete cat is not like a tiger!

"You, you, you... are you a tiger brother?" Chu Yang looked at this little guy and had an urge to faint on the spot.

"Rather, this is the image of the tiger brother, my heroic and powerful, perfect?!" The little guy combed his beard.

Chu Yang was black in front of him and smashed twice.

Brother really thought that you were really that big, and the result turned out to be a little guy who was less than half a catty...

"Okay. I recognize, anyway, arrogance came to this land, the bad luck has never left me." Chu Yang said: "Come here, Tiger brother, I will take you away, you do so, don't pretend Big man."

"What do you say? How can I be taken away by the mighty tiger brother? You are awkward, you are the sly and contempt of the red fruit!" Tiger brother shook his body with the tiger hair: "I want to go to the top of the sky, pedaling to the ground, laughing and watching, and arrogant..."

The contract has been completed.

The tiger brother fell back to the ground, and the blink of an eye returned to the original size of the behemoth!

Chu Yang is speechless.

Jian Ling looked dull.

Chu Yang took the tiger brother, and the heroic and arrogant began to go out. On the way, the tiger and the dragon walked the tiger. Chu Yang was with him, and he was a little blushed.

Because the contract is signed.

But what exactly is this man? Chu Yang does not know at all.

How much combat does he have? Chu Yang does not know.

If you go to the game of the beast, can you win? Chu Yang still doesn't know...

I was signed with a misty water.

And almost became the younger brother of the beast...

Thinking of this, Chu Yang is somewhat depressed.

Heaven, earth!

At this moment, the spirit ** has been restored to order, the riots just now, 100% because of the appearance of the purple scorpion tower, with the collection of the purple scorpion tower in Chu Yang, the aura naturally disappeared without a trace.

When the source of the riots went, the spirit beasts turned from agitation to desolate, and they were very humanized and incomprehensible. With the management of the trading floor managers, the chaos and nature were calmed down.

When the chaos subsides and the order is restored, everyone will return to normal thinking. Almost everyone, whether it is the staff of the trading floor or the guests who have not had time to leave before, everyone will focus on the focus - Chu Yang With the tiger brother, the heroic and arrogant came out.

This picture is indisputably instantaneous and caused another sensation!

"I x! This is this... What is this? I am not mistaken? Actually..."

"The heart is speechless... It is actually the garbage spirit beast, the amount is not, the beast, sold today?!"

"There are people who bought the wild beast, what did they buy? Killed the meat? The strange things are there every day, is there a strange today?"

"Hahahaha... It’s really laughing at me. There’s nothing strange about it in the world. Today I can see the surprise again. No, it should be the legend...”

"It is indeed a legend. Actually someone is willing to spend money on this beast. It is simply a defeat without a limit. There is no limit. The idiot has no limit..."

"It’s really a cow. I can spend my money on it. It’s a courage besides being a defeated, awkward or an idiot.”

"Courage is fart! This is how much money burns, people are stupid, who can do it?!"

"Wait, I seem to know that person... Yes, that person is not that talented person!"

"Is there a talented person? The one who has recently become a fan of the game of the beasts? The legendary, the most famous big boy who is a rich boy?"


"I took a test, I said who is so powerful, it turned out to be a big rich man! Also, except that he is really talented, who can be so talented, and he knows the talents, um, it should be a good-eyed beast... The beast is!"

A yin and yang. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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