Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 59: Words like mountains!

Chu Yang almost vomits blood: "Hey? You mean who this person is, you don't know? You don't know someone, you let me save him, do you know..."

The cat teacher stared at Chu Yang with a gaze: "Rescuing the wounded and dying is the heart of the doctor's parents. You are a doctor. Don't you know this. I always thought you knew it, the day..."

“Roll!” Chu Yuzuo heard the ‘healthy parents’ heart’s mantra in the three days of the nine heavens, and he did not hesitate to say a roar.

The cat teacher grievously turned to look at the tiger brother, and the tiger brother blinked and said: "Hey!"

At this moment, a weak voice suddenly rang: "Where is this place?"

Chu Yang and the cat were greasy and stunned at the same time. They turned their heads and saw that the person who was lying on the bed dying at any moment had opened his eyes. Looking at the two men.

In fact, it should not be so stunned. Even the incomplete version of Jiuzhong Dan is also a rare medicine. It has the flesh and bones and the effect of life and death. On the same day, the cat teacher died of dying, but also relied on this medicine to return to the sky and take the moment. The internal and external injuries that are almost terrible are a good six or seven percent. This person also took one, no effect is a hell!

But how is it still so weak? Can it be said that the strength of this person is still above the cat teacher who has already reached the level of the heavens, and the effectiveness of an incomplete version of Jiuzhong Dan is not enough to cure it comprehensively? But as long as the time is small, it should not be so weak.

In addition, Chu Yang clearly found that at the moment he turned his head, this person's eyes deep, passing a trace of peace of mind.

Can't help: Does this guy know me?

is it possible? impossible!

This person seems to be a young man, wearing a black robe, can not see what material is made, but it reveals a mysterious taste. Even in the midst of serious injuries, there is still a kind of arrogant temperament.

Although the appearance is general, but the face is sharp and angular, at the moment of opening his eyes, the original body of a zombie seems to suddenly fill the brilliance of life.

His voice is very weak, and his gas is seriously inadequate. But he is in such a situation. Still speaking in the most coherent and most calm tone. Not just to be stubborn, but to maintain the dignity of your heart!

This is a self-respecting self-confidence and self-confidence!

Chu Yang and the cat are greasy and feel a feeling at the same time: this person, I am afraid it is not simple, if you can be a friend, try not to be an enemy

"Here is my pharmacy men's hall." Chu Yang looked at the eyes of this young man and said: "The halls that bring the gospel to all men are special."

Chu Yang has been thinking about money and wants to be crazy recently. I have not forgotten to give myself an advertisement this time!

But is there such an advertisement? This is really awkward.

"Is there a disease for the widows...hehe..." The young man smiled weakly. Road: "The widow... there are also diseases."

"Haha...good." The cat grinned and appreciatively smiled.

This sentence is very clever in the words of "the wicked person has a disease" and the man is basically unable to speak, it becomes a grand atmosphere, and the upper and lower connections are seamless.

Widows also have diseases!

Not only raised his identity, but also explained his condition.

"Well, understand, I know that you are ill." Chu Yang licked his mouth. Road: "As long as I am there, you are awake, then you can't die, you can put some heart."

The young man smiled and said: "Don't ask the doctor, I am hurt, I don't know when I can recover?"

Chu Yang frowned, said: "Your injury is very weird. I am still a bit uncertain. But you should know what you have been hurt, so what I can do is to do everything and listen to the fate... As for when you will recover, you have to look at yourself. If I say something, do you understand?!"

In this case, the clouds in the fog, upside down, contradictory, standard owe, the cat teacher on the side is full of faces!

I don't want the young man to nod his head with satisfaction. "Yes, good, it really is a big doctor, I understand."

"Since I understand, then I will be a good person to do it."

Chu Yang was busy, while taking out a box made of amethyst chalcedony from his arms, inside the nine purple needles.

This is the needle made by Chu Yang with the soul of Amethyst, named: soul needle!

This needle has a grand effect, which has the effect of condensing the soul, refining life, improving vitality and solidifying the Petri.

And this is the role of the soul needle itself, and there is no medical technique.

The youth's eyes are bright and weak: "Is it a purple crystal soul needle? I don't think the doctor actually has such a good thing? It seems that I really saved this time."

Chu Yang eyes bright: "Do you know the amethyst soul needle?"

The young man said weakly: "It seems that this amethyst soul needle is made by the soul of Amethyst, and every soul of the palm-sized amethyst can only extract one soul needle. It is expensive and unbeatable. It is said to be worthless, and it is also a sacred object. It is really a treasure of priceless city... Looking around the whole nine heavens, such a holy needle, no more than ten sets! Most of them fall in some In the hands of the legendary national hand doctor... I don’t care if you are here, there is a complete set! It’s my luck!”

Chu Yang huh, a smile, but not scorn, but see a flash of purple, a soul needle has been plunged into the chest of the youth, a single shot, only one-third of the body of the needle exposed outside the body will sway out The group was so purple that it was impossible to see the needle at all.

The cat is greasy and exclaimed, this needle... Isn't it necessary to completely dig into the internal organs? Not afraid of a needle to die?

But seeing the young man’s face with a sigh of relief and a smile, said: "A needle breaks life and death, yin and yang turn to two poles; doctors have good needles, but there are doctors."

The voice of the speech, in addition to this needle, actually a little more gas.

Another needle in Chuyang is being shackled in his temple, and the same is the only needle left, gently flicking, purple light.

"Miao Wei!" The young brow does not move, praised: "A needle passes through the Huagai, straight through the nine hearts. What the doctors use is the legendary Tiansheng needle method?"

Chu Yang stared, said: "Good knowledge, good endurance."

Knowledge, it is said; and endurance... Chu Yang knows this needle, it is really a great pain in the world, with an extreme pain, to stimulate people's vitality to quickly return to help, and then to stimulate these The vitality gradually spread throughout the body. To achieve the effect of further activating the life potential of the human body.

A seemingly light and delicate needle. But the pain caused by this needle is like the horror of the 18th floor hell!

At this moment, the young man himself has been seriously injured and dying. He has suffered from this non-human suffering. Even his brow has not wrinkled, and his heart endurance is excellent.

"Endurance...hehe..." The sweat on the head of the young man oozes the size of the soybeans. But it is a self-confidence: "I don't want to cry out loud, soothing a few points, but I really can't afford that face."

"This sentence is well said." Chu Yang took the third shot, the location was actually in Dantian.

The chatter generally said: "Don't ask your name?"

The young man took a sigh of relief and said: "The doctors inquired. If you dare not sue, you will be excused from the name of your family, and you will be like a mountain! It is my name when you say it." His name, his eyes are sharp and sharp. Staring at Chu Yang and the cat greasy two people.

Chu Yang's face is irrelevant.

It’s really irrelevant. It’s really limited to know someone in the Nine Heavens. Unless you say that you are snow and tears, it’s hard to have a few names that will make him move!

of course. This time, Chu Yang is actually secretly paying attention to the greasy movement of the cat.

The cat is greasy and shakes the fat neck. If you have heard this name on your face, you will definitely jump up and shout: You are just like a mountain!

Since it is not moving at the moment. That proves that a certain person is completely unimpressed, that is to say, this person has no origin in a certain cognition...

Chu Yang sighed: It seems that a certain cockroach is not an ordinary ignorant. I’m afraid that the name should be very famous, but the cat is greasy but it’s like no response to a big manure...

Ruoshan feels that he has some tragedies.

The muscles on my face finally got some convulsions. It is not painful, but it feels incredible.

How ignorant these two guys are, can they be ignorant and don’t know the name of my first emperor? Such a person, among the Donghuang Tianwu people, one of the 10,000 people can be considered a wonderful one.

I didn't expect to encounter two at once!

Is it the day of "Twenty-two"? !

"You... haven't heard of my name?" Some words are unacceptable, and they subconsciously asked.

To be honest, before he had hoped that the two people did not know who they were, but when the wish came true at the moment, they did not want these two people to really know who they are!

No matter how advanced, vanity is always there!

"I have never heard of it." Chu Yang simply shook his head: "Do you think you are snow and tears? I know him alone in Donghuangtian!"

When the words are like a mountain, his face is black.

Your sister! Take that person compared to me, can that compare?

In Donghuangtian, if you don’t even know the snow and tears, you can die directly!

Besides, can the name of His Majesty the Emperor of the East be so hanged on his mouth? This doctor is really a bit daring...

"I have never heard of it." The cat asked curiously and curiously: "Are you famous? Maybe I am ignorant!"

Ruanshan closed his eyes and stopped talking.

If you talk again, I am afraid that I can spurt blood and die if I have a mouth.

Can you beat me a bit more? Can wood?

Am I famous? What are you talking about? What you are embarrassed is ignorance!

Chu Yang hehe smiled and continued to apply. After the nine needles were completely plunged in, the young men’s words were clearly felt in their own bodies, and they gathered together in the presence of nothing...

This unexpected change made him almost ecstatic.


Periarthritis of the shoulder has occurred; an extra acupuncture is planned for the evening. A brother recommended me to use a warm silver needle; but I asked, it looks like we are not Lai...

I grab the second chapter of the time code word, and it may be earlier to update it today. After the update is over, I will go quickly... (To be continued. Mobile users please read.)

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