Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 60: Cat tired of pain

Yan Rushan is happy, only to listen to Chu Yang said: "Speaking brother, these nine needles go down, I can guarantee that your life is not in the way, and that repair is also expected to resume. I will then allocate some medicine for you, It should be useful if you drink it."

“Thank you, thank you.” Yan Rushan sincerely thanked.

I don't know if I don't know my name. It is the key to cure me. If I know my name, but I can't cure it, I am not more tragic!

"Don't be busy thanking you..." Chu Yang raised his hand and interrupted him: "I believe that the brother must be an amazing figure, at the very least, the flexibility of the meridians in the body, and the tyranny in the heart. The hegemonic power of the heart has already marked the status of the brother. I have no intention of inquiring about the way of my brother, and I have no intention of getting a reward from my brother; but I still ask for one thing."

Ruan Rushan said: "You said, as long as I can do it."

"It must be made by the brothers. I hope that after the body recovers some things, I will leave here quietly, and that’s it..." Chu Yang smiled softly: "The brother is a bright-eyed person, and the younger brother is now meager. It’s not advisable to get involved in the grievances of the big guys, and forgive me..."

Nodded in words.

There is an appreciation in the eyes that cannot be concealed.

At this point, we can see the cautious and far-sightedness of Chuyang.

It’s like a mountain, and it’s a man in the rivers and lakes. Can you have no enemy? And the enemies who are qualified to be the people of this level, and what is the current Chu Yang provoke? Even if you rub the edge, you can get a broken bone.

The word is like a mountain, of course, it is a vow of Chu Yang, the first general of the vows from the sky, a very tragic figure.

Now, Chu Yang does not know the strange injury of this goods, but it is caused by his own cooperation with Tiger Brother. As for the mountain, of course, I don’t know. The main culprit in making myself seriously injured is that I am accepting my own **** doctor in front of me...

Ruoshan knows his own affairs.

Although it is a law enforcement vows department, but his own enemies can not be considered too small, and now the news of his own injury has not yet been transmitted, can be safe for a while, but as long as it is spread out, there will be great storms, maybe, this piece of purple Xiacheng can be completely destroyed.

Not to mention Chu Yang who once treated himself.

"I promise you." When Yan Ruoshan said these four words, the words are like gold, one word.

The first general of the vows, more than anyone knows the promise of the vows!

These four words are the promise to keep this secret for Chu Yang.

At the same time, it is also representative, even if it is facing the Emperor of the East, it will not reveal the secret of Chu Yang. Although Chu Yang did not ask for this, but Ruoshan himself thought: Keeping secrets is to let the secret die permanently in one's own heart! No matter who you face, no exception!

Chu Yang looked at the body of the mountain, feeling the vitality is still too scarce.

This is actually what it should be. It is not the effect of Jiuzhong Dan or Tiansheng Acupuncture. If it is not good, it can't save his life, but it is the lack of treatment. This is the difference between quality and quantity.

The treatment level of Jiuzhong Dan and Tiansheng Acupuncture is high enough, but the amount of treatment is relatively insufficient. The words are as amazing as the mountain repair. If you are so seriously injured, you can still hold on to death, but because of the high repair, the recovery of the required energy is high. Outrageous, so that Chu Yang has two magic weapons, only a little recovery!

And this result has led to the excessively poor vitality can not support the natural recovery of the mountains, if so, the vitality will still be exhausted.

Have identified this, Chu Yang sinks, let the good people do the end, pour out three drops of the fountain of life, let the words go down.

When the lips of the mountain received the spring of life, they suddenly sat up.

Such a serious injury, so the scam is generally sitting up!

"The Fountain of Life!? Is it the fountain of life?" The eyes of the mountains are like brass bells.

"Shut up!" Chu Yang did not give face to the blame.

"Hey..." The words "squat" are lying down.

The shock at the moment is truly unparalleled.

In such a remote place, there are such brilliant doctors, and this seemingly inconspicuous young man has so many good things in his hands. No wonder he bet a big bet when he bet with the chubby guy next to him!

Was it true that there was no fear?

In his hands, there is not only a magical medicine that can quickly restore strength; although this medicine does not make it so obvious to restore itself, it can make you feel... it is amazing!

And there is a near-incalculable Amethyst soul!

There is even a fountain of life! That is the treasure of the elves of the elves, and it has already disappeared in the nine heavens for hundreds of thousands of years of good things!

Oh my god……

At this moment, the first major of the vows was really shocked by Chu Yang’s big hand.

This time, Chu Yang will not be able to take care of him. After he has finished cleaning up, he will let him stay in the room and retreat himself and the cat.

To be honest, Chu Yang really does not want to expose so many cards, too much exposure to the cards, is equal to weaken himself.

But this incident suddenly, had to be, first of all, this guy's injury is too heavy, non-Jiuzhong Dan can not continue his life, non-Tiansheng needle method can not stimulate its vitality, non-life spring water can not make it turn safe. Of course, this is the most important reason. Secondly, because this guy is so powerful, the most conservative and conservative judgment has to be a holy power. It is likely to be on the stage of the heyday, and a good relationship will have many futures. Help. Third, this person is upright and worth saving.

Of course, the most important point is that when the promise is made, the mountain will be sure and determined.

This is a person who regards the promise of life as a life!

Chu Yang always appreciates this kind of person, even if he does not get a return, he will save it!

"I said, is this the pet you got from?" The cat looked tired and looked at the tiger brother in Chu Yang’s arms. Some envy: "He seems like a newborn cat scorpion..."

Chu Yang rolled his eyes and stroked the back of a brother: "Don't talk nonsense, this is the beast that I signed!"

Heaven and earth conscience, Chu Yang 骂 cat teacher is definitely good for him, if a cat is hated by a brother, it is definitely not good!

"Oh...what?!!What are you talking about!" The cat grumbled and jumped up: "Oh my God, where is this, this is an ordinary cat! You, have a fever and burned your head? How come you?" Receiving such a waste when signing a spirit beast?"

The tiger brother has just been raised by the anger of the appeasement, and immediately raises his body. He stares at a certain cockroach, and his eyes are fierce, and the meaning is that he will come to a paw and teach a cat.

Chu Yang’s heart sounded at the same time, and there was a feeling of gnashing his teeth: “I want to turn this big human cat into my feces!”

"You are angry, you are angry, what is your identity, it is not worthwhile and a humanoid cat to anger." Chu Yang hurriedly appease, turned his head to the cat greasy and said: "I see you face this morning is not good, is it met? What happened?"

The greasy attention of the cat was immediately transferred, and a deep sigh sighed: "I have contacted the family..."

"That is a good thing, are you not here to go home?" Chu Yang is strange, then what is your face?

"It is a good thing to contact, but the problem now is... a very crazy guy who received my message!" The cat was tired and bitter: "She got my letter, not to say that I have to avenge me, actually Did not say to the family, the first time they ran alone."

"Hey!?" Chu Yang was shocked: "The outside of the wolf's arming is dense, and he ran over himself? What are you doing? What are you doing? Or die! I think it is most likely to find death?!"

"Who said it is not. It is a very violent and violent guy!" said the cat greasy and said: "And it is very savage, very overbearing, very unreasonable! Very violent, it is an unreasonable existence..."

"Well? Who is he?" Chu Yang asked cautiously. After listening to this long list of descriptions, Chu Yang also felt that the rain was coming from the wind. Looks like this person is terrible?

Even a person with such a big nerve will be very afraid of this person, and it must be a very bad character! Is it the first **** of war and the first warrior of the Yi people? !

"That man...that person is my fiancee..." The cat was greasy and filled with sad tears in both eyes, almost weakly said: "I can clearly feel that my future cat life is no longer a little bit. The cat is free, but I can’t resist it. Life, I want to be shackled. Since I can’t resist it, I can only accept it...”

"I xx~~~"


Chu Yang and Tiger Brother stretched their necks at the same time. One person, one beast and four eyes were like a cute lion head goldfish.

The cat greasy with his hand on his face: "A few more days, the terrible woman is coming... Hey, when I think about it, I feel that I can’t be loved, and there is no bright future in the future. , it will be darker than darkness, full of my second half of life..."

"I can't listen to it, but I can't beat it. Her father is the first master of the Yi..."

The more greasy the cat is, the more sad it is, and the tail is pulled down. The voice also choked a little: "How can the little arm not be twisted on the thigh, hehe..."

Chu Yang and the tiger brother were speechless and face-to-face, completely stunned by the current situation.

The cat is greasy and sorrowful and praying: "Chuyang, will you save me? You will save me, yes..."

Chu Yang took the opportunity to stand up and escape. He fled with a speed of 100 meters and rushed out. The speed is almost the highest in his life.

"Hey!" The hairs of the tiger brothers were upside down and instantly turned into a meteor in the sky. They had disappeared from the room in an instant. On the furry head of Tiger Brother, there was a slight cold sweat that was thrown out: it was too hung, it was too hanging. What should I do if the goods were packaged for me? I, I, I... I am still alive...

I have to say that Tiger Brother is still very worried.



Second more. I have to go to acupuncture... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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