Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 61: Upstart opening!

In the evening, the person who treated the oligarchy had come back as scheduled, and the rare leaked. As for the "unkilled knife" section, Sky is now making a lot of money, of course, it is even more difficult to come...

Therefore, today is a rare "work break" in the near future.

Chu Yang hugged the tiger brother and went out.

The cat is still greasy and still stays in his room and sighs: "What should I do? She is coming... I am going to go to the wolves to shun the righteousness of this past life, the nightmare that this world can't escape... ”


Going outside, Chu Yang naturally wants to change and change.

Behind him, there is more than three feet in length, and the dragon brother is a tiger!

One person and one beast, the male and the arrogant eyes glared toward the beast game field.

While walking, the tiger brother sighed: "At the beginning... my benefactor went to the Colosseum... It’s also easy! Today, the big brother who just recognized... is also easy to hold... The pig’s plan to eat the tiger is to make a fortune. The so-called sly life does not need to be elaborated, but it is so similar!”

For a time, it seems that time back, the tiger brother couldn't help but screamed a few times, and his heart was hard to suppress, and almost burst into tears.

Missing... benefactor, where are you now?

I miss you so much... Xiao Zi wants you...

Chu Yang just entered, have not had time to buy today's tickets, I saw someone greeted up: "Hey, Grandpa is coming! Jinwugongzi has already bought your ticket money today, and specifically ordered, as long as you come, Take you past immediately. Yes, he also let us tell you that he is ready to wait for you."

Chu Yang suddenly smiled, the Jinwugongzi is really...some can't wait!

However, the experience is still too shallow, do not know the pie falling in the sky, often are discus?

"Already ready? Are you ready to lose to me? Can you wait? Hahaha..." Chu Yang screamed and walked in with the tiger brother, and a pair of singers who would kill the Quartet, There were no different things in the past few days.

Under the guidance of the management, Chu Yang took a partial door and accidentally discovered that this relatively hidden Colosseum is not very large in scale, but it is extremely delicate!

Here, it is the high-end Colosseum specially prepared for the rich! The real place to buy gold!

Inside, one of the independent boxes stands tall, high above, just below it is a platform, surrounded by a thin silver wire network; every ten steps, there is a person standing there.

This silver silk thread is the unique ‘Tianluo net’ of Jiuzhong Tianzhu. Even if it is a heavenly spirit, it will not be able to tear it apart. As for what it is, it is impossible. Not to mention, every ten steps, there is a master who is at least a human level, in which case, in case of accident.

Even if there is any unexpected situation, these masters will take the shot together and will not break the damage caused by the spirit beast!

Even with Chu Yang’s critical eye, I have to admit that it’s really close to the layout.

At the door of each box, there is a row of railings, and on the railings, there is actually a eagle-eye sleeve.

Equipped with these eagle-eye sleeves, the distinguished guest of the natural convenience box can see everything in the Colosseum from all angles.

Rows of graceful white girls, 袅袅婷婷's shuttle to and from, to serve tea, cakes and drinks for the distinguished guests in the box.

The entire venue, before the start of the game of the spirit beast, was filled with a kind of powder and softness that belonged to the girl.

"This place is well arranged, the atmosphere, the upper grade! It is very suitable for the identity of this uncle." Chu Yang just sighed, and saw the eyes of all the people in the box, unified twisting, and concentrated on their own side .

Of course, a large part of the eyes, but it is on the tiger brother.

Then, one by one nodded and nodded, the atmosphere in the field suddenly warmed up.

Or use some of the warmth to describe it improperly, it is a firestorm!

"You are so talented! Let me gamble with you this time!"

"I am very talented, I am here to play with you!"

"I have a talent, I am coming to gamble with you, and I will win or lose!"

"You are so talented, you are so talented..."

"Ha ha ha..."

Jin Wugong Jin Jinxin walked out from the big central box and looked at Chu Yang. He smiled and said: "Hey brother is a believer! Come on schedule!"

Seeing that someone has to take the first step to pick peaches, how can Jinwugong not stand up and defend his sovereign status.

When he came out of this sentence, he showed the meaning: This is a talented person who has a gamble with me! The rest of you, still go to the queue, but the premise is that after you gamble with me, there is still money to deal with you...

Chu Yang smiles with a dagger: "There is a covenant in Jin Gongzi. Of course, it is necessary to come. Especially Jin Gongzi is so rich. Tonight, he will kill the Quartet and show up..."

"Ha ha ha..." The people laughed together.

In this game of the beast, what is talked about is always the winner of the beast and who wins and who loses. Other external grievances are completely stopped here.

However, the profound meaning of this laughter in the crowd, it is difficult to say that it is a laugh of the golden five sons or the laughter who is not self-sufficient...

"That two blacks?" Chu Yang turned and asked: "Call him! At the beginning, but I introduced him to buy the beast, how can I be prepared to start winning, how is he still missing? I will give him a reward after winning the money..."

The next thing was a bitter smile, whispered: "Hey uncle... Two black sons have a stomachache these days..."

Chu Yang lived. This will be a certain king who really wants to reward the two sunspots, not talking about them.

The two sunspots will certainly not be so coincidental, so if you have money, you can take it. What is your stomachache? ! Presumably because I actually chose such a garbage spirit beast to fight the beast, if there is some competition, I may have to lose a house, but I still hope to follow him to get the reward?

In case you lose your eye, you will blame yourself on your own sin... Can you not finish your life? I die very badly!

Therefore, the second black son Mingzhe protects himself, and he refuses to die.

The people around me know that this singer is actually because the game field buddy introduced to the trading floor, but it is a sneer.

Actually, because I believe in a casino buddy, I will eventually use such a garbage beast to gamble... This is a talented person, and it is really talented...

Jin Shengxin smirked: "A good second son, when the son wins the money, he must be rewarded!"

"Since Kim Gongzi said this, if I win the money, I won't reward it!" Chu Yang also laughed proudly.

"How come there is a box, I don't have it myself? Don't hurry to give me a box too!" Chu Yang shouted.

"Box?" I took a look at the face of the management. I thought that you may have to go bankrupt after tonight. I am afraid that I will not come here in the future. I am still planning to have a box: "Hey, my grandfather, the cost of the box here is about 5,000. Ziyun coins, the package period is one year. The larger box, the cost is a purple xia coin, the time limit is also one year..."

He hasn't finished, Chu Yang has already yelled: "Crap, I naturally want to be big!"

With a single shot, a purple Xia coin with a fascinating fascinating color, flew into the air, rolling back and forth in the air, pulling out a brilliant neon.

"Good! Good spirit!" Countless people gathered around.

Just look at this radiance, you know that it is a genuine purple xiatian! Everyone cheers together.

No one will reject it. After all, if you have money, you will come in as long as you have money. When you win, your box will naturally disappear.

No matter how powerful the outbreaks are, there is no family that can't compete with the rich family.

Not to mention foreigners...

Looks like it is not a strong dragon!

Every day, the game field deliberately vacates a number of good boxes, which are specially waiting for the talented people who are so talented!

"Good!" The manager took the purple xia coin and smiled into a flower on his face: "I will arrange it for my uncle! I wish you a great victory, and you will kill the four sides!"


The time is not long, Chuyang's exclusive box has been arranged.

Location, field of view, and height are excellent.

Chu Yang also expressed his satisfaction with this. After entering, there was a waitress who offered tea, and Chu Yang drank tea. By the way, he lifted Erlang’s leg, and a big foot shook in the air, shaking and shaking...

Even in the case of wearing leather boots, the uncomfortable foot odor is also leisurely.

Wandering in the air.

The two maids who were not assigned to this box were slightly frowning.

I have seen more outbreaks, and I have never seen such a thing... Look at this look and posture, I don’t know if it’s been a few years without washing my feet... This kind of person will actually make a fortune? God is really blind...

In this regard, Chu Yang is actually very speechless.

He has now developed a good habit of washing his feet every night, but... the **** foot odor can't be removed. As long as you take off your shoes, the rich salty fish taste is just three hundred miles up the wind, and it’s not a stop in March.

Chu Yang himself is completely helpless. Looking at the two maids, I am somewhat apologetic: "Cough, the two beautiful women are content, look, others are taking off their shoes in this box, only me. No, I am still very literate..."

The two maids nodded their gratitude and shouted in their hearts: Fortunately, they are literate. You don’t take off your shoes. If you take off your shoes, it is estimated that there is no one in the whole game...

The outside of the Jinwu Gongzi actually did not urge.

Chu Yang is very surprised by this and looks outside.

I saw that almost all the boxes were coming out of a few people, going to the middle of the place, swarming away.

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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