Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 65: "Small make a profit!"

Everyone turned their gaze and looked at the big cat and tiger shivering in a corner. The typical widow’s virtue, the fear of fighting, and the eye-catching, unusual, bulging out of the horn The general lumps - the price that was just hitting the unicorn.

The big cat tiger's head was knocked out of such a big big bag!

Really live like a gold one-horned dragon's one-horned horn to the big cat tiger's head.

The look of this pocket made everyone sigh and screamed.

Grass; look at this, if the golden unicorn dragon scorpion is not able to kill this big cat before the end of its vitality, this guy will actually become a winner? Inexplicably win the game!

This is this...

Everyone who realizes this result is petrified.

In the eyes of the public, the Colosseum is like a silent movie. The golden horned dragon snarls and screams, screams, screams, attacks... until it squats, squirming...

Gradually..., eventually, I didn’t move, I didn’t move at all, and I didn’t move.

The snake head, once high and incomprehensible, would fall to the ground like a plastic pipe that had been drained of water.

勉 搐 搐 几 搐 搐 搐 搐 搐 搐 搐 搐 搐 搐 搐

Although I have realized that this result is about to come, I still hope that there will be a miracle, and everyone who has been reversing will be completely sluggish and full of silence.

At this moment, suddenly a scream of arrogance and arrogance, and the roar of the one-of-a-kind screaming, just saw that the big cat tiger stood up at the moment and shook his hair, with a kind of majestic and invincible. Only the one who respects me and has my invincible's tyrannical temper, rushed to the body of the golden one-horned dragonfly!

The mouth is still roaring!

Although everyone can't understand what this guy is calling, he guessed it, because a tiger's expression has already explained everything.

"You stand up!"

"I am coming to fight you! Come here!"

"Come and come to have a good time!"

"I will fight you fairly!"

"There is a kind of you standing up and playing with me! What to die! Stand up!"

"There is a kind of you who come back to live with Laozi!"

Although the big cats don't necessarily say that, the kind of ‘satisfaction and arrogance’ and ‘scared accompaniment’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’

Seeing this head against other people's bodies and biting, a big cat and tiger in the state of "death and death", everyone felt that the chin was dislocated. I feel that my eyes are "squeaky" and I have to fly out of my eyes.

The eyes of the earth are smashing.

Between heaven and earth, there are such shameless beasts!

Really shameless!

Can you still have a face? Can wood? !

You have forgotten that when you were just attacking your opponent, what would you just tremble and run away? Now it’s awesome, you dare to be brave again...

Finally someone shouted: "Grass! You are playing against the dead, what is the skill..."

Immediately next to someone reminded: "Not a dead person, a dead snake."

"It's so shameless."

"It’s really shameless..."

Countless people are indignant at the actions of a tiger, but more are not reconciled. No one will be willing to do so.

It is a good thing to drop the pie in the sky. As a result, the pie disintegrates in the air, and the stuffing is actually a stool, and it is covered with a face!

This will be nothing but nausea... Oh, and it’s poisonous!

"You actually say something to your beast, you don't want to face your face. Do you really know the language of the beast, talent..." A very small number of people who didn't bet for this reason sullenly said cool words, and the mind finally balanced. It is.

The farce in the field is still going on. The big cat and tiger are biting and biting a few hundred feet. This is to force the gold one-horned dragon to tear the most unsound belly out of the body, and the emperor will take it from the inside. Dan and the snake have swallowed it.

At the same time, everyone was stunned, and it was a burst of chest: the dead gold horned dragon was lying there to let it bite, and it took hundreds of times to tear the belly next to the vitality... If it was alive What?

However, this big cat is the winner of this event!

This makes everyone accept! How can it be? !

The tiger brother slowly ate the snake gall and the inner Dan, and then he shook his head and sat up to meet the body. With the heroic posture of the winner, he was magnificent and could not walk around the field in a circle, while stepping on, while roaring in the sky: Hey! Roar! Roar!

It seems to be announcing: "I won! I won! I am the winner!"

The tiger brother’s heart is really proud.

Although the difference in strength is a great disparity, but it’s so cool to play the pig and eat the tiger. No one has found it. The true sense of the gods is not known, the muffled sounds are big...

As for the demonstrations around the show - I have long wanted to do this! I have thought about it for many years...

I wanted to do this when I was in the Colosseum, but I didn’t have a chance. After playing the game, I slipped away... Now, of course, I have to turn a few more turns, and I regret the round...

Hey, how many regrets in your life...

Under the field, there is a lot of silence.

After a long, long time, only one person who did not bet asked his companion for gloating: "Man, how much have you won? Is it a treat, hahaha..."

This sentence completely wakes everyone up. Countless people are smashing their chests!

Resentment in an instant!

"My money! Ah, my money..."

"Damn damn, actually lost, this situation actually lost?..."

"God... I can't live..."

"Grass, what kind of shit-level spirit beast, even an ordinary beast can not beat, so that Laozi loses so much money, Lao Tzu swears his 18 generations of ancestors, cursing him for the rest of his life can not be hard ..."

"After this battle, I completely lost confidence in the so-called spirit beast. How can I believe in the beast?... Hey..."


Jin Shengxin Jin Wugongzi's face was gray-faced, his eyes were ignorant, and he stared at the big cat and tiger that was still around in the field. His heart had already collapsed.

Since the game of the beast is a game, there must be risks, there are losses and wins. Of course, it can be said that whether it is cooked or won.

If it is lost, the battle will be lost, and the death will be so unacceptable. However, the problem lies in: Everyone, even a fool can see that the gold one-horned dragon has occupied an absolute advantage! No, it should be an absolute victory!

There is absolutely no arrogance to crush this big cat and tiger!

However, in contrast to the disparity in combat power, the final result was that it was so devastating.

Moreover, the decision to win or lose is actually three consecutive accidents. The most disappointing thing is that such accidents are all based on the escape of the big cats and tigers. This kind of goods, even a frontal battle, did not dare, but they won.

What do you say on this? !

A few people next to me watched Jin Wugong sympathetically, and they sneaked away some of them: this product, it seems to collapse, the crash will collapse, don’t be crazy, even if it’s crazy, don’t Crazy to us...

Jin Sanye, who is responsible for the off-court gambling, is much stronger than his nephew. He is also rational, that is, the waterfall sweat of the head, the goatee beeps in the wind, the two hands are also shaking with the chicken paws, a face is even more It became the color of the dead body.

**, obviously it’s a gamble that has lost ten steadily...

Well, it seems that it can't be lost.

Because there are a lot of people who lost, the people who pressed Jin Shengsheng were all lost, that is, they all became Jin Sanye. But the problem is... all of this money is added up, but there are only 873 purple daisy coins!

But you have to pay for 2,500 purple Xia coins!

This time, the real loss is big.

Jin Sanye is here for more than ten years. For the rest of his life, a small amount of money has been lost at this moment!

At this moment, Jin Sanye is unmanned, not winning or losing, but distressed.

It’s not that you can’t afford to lose. Jin Sanye can gamble here for decades. What kind of storms have never been seen. Even though he is a banker, he can bet 10 wins, but he can’t lose without winning. Occasionally there will be If you look at the eye or accidentally happen, if you are really winning, who will gamble with you, who is the real brain-worry who dares to play big money? Do you think that everyone is a big official in the past few days?

But today I lost so much money at once, I was really distressed, and my savings for half a lifetime were so little!

If you change someone, you have to feel bad. If you change, can you not feel bad? Can wood? !

On the other hand, the host has also been in a negative state of sluggishness, petrification, and fixing for a long time. The battle victory and defeat have long been clear, but still sleepwalking, completely do not know the announcement of the results of the event, if he can announce the results earlier, with a tiger's play, the snake gall and the inner Dan may still be left to the Jin family.

Until I was screaming, "Hey! I said that the host, you had a fever in your brain yesterday? I forgot to take medicine, take the wrong medicine, and take fake medicine today!? How long has this battle been over? Not yet announced The result! Are you very empty? Grandpa, I am waiting to get the money!"

Suddenly there was a burst of laughter: "Hahahaha... It’s so cool! The big cat tiger is really mighty and powerful, and it’s invincible! I’m going to write unbeaten myth again. Today, I’m making a small profit! meal!"

The only thing that everyone who hears this sentence is that the egg is cramping.

Make a small profit?

Just making a small profit? !

Is it just a small profit? !

In the game of your gambling gambling, in addition to earning a hundred Zixia coins from the Jinwu Gongzi, you must win 2,500 Zixia coins from Jin Sanye!

In total, 2,600 purple xia coins.

In other words, it is twenty-six billion water cloud coins!

Actually, it’s just a small profit?

I would like to ask you the old one, how much is it? ! Can you be a little more arrogant? Can wood? !


I have to take a vacation for half a day today. This chapter was saved yesterday; yesterday I felt that I was not quite right. Today, I was sweating, disgusting, and my mind was groggy. I am afraid it is heat stroke. I sent it when I sent it...

This year should be the hottest year in history... The hateful thing is that because of the shoulders, the cervical spine and the waist, etc... I am not living in air conditioning. Every day in the room, the code is in the sauna...

Heatstroke... I feel that I am afraid that it will happen, but I did not expect it to be today.

Sorry, please understand. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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