Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 66: Super temptation

The host finally slammed his eyes on the high platform: "The result of this game of the beast is that the big cat and tiger of Mr. You Cai, the victory! The big cat is not the mighty, the invincible, the undefeated, Continue to write unbeaten myths, cough and cough..."

At the end of the day, the host coughed up sharply.

It is really……

Such a result, he did not think of it.

It’s too unexpected...

It can be said that this is already the instinct limit of a professional professional. It is really powerless to find some more professional praises...

However, the result of the outcome has indeed been settled.

Everyone was in a state of 100% petrified, and looked at the talented person who took the ‘big cat tiger’ from the battlefield. Each look is like a puppet being held by a line, full of envy and hate!

The prefecture-level spirits can also be so negligent... and this fatal negligence.

In addition to the negligence of the snake, and the luck of the big cat and tiger is also too good, so good is simply outrageous!


Why are such good things not going to get on my head?

People don't care much when they win, but they are small money!

If it is me...

I won this shop, I don’t have to do it in this life, I’m leisurely, no, at least it’s three or seventy-seven...

After receiving a hundred Zixia coins from the hands of Jin Wugong, such as the mourning test, Chu Yang went to Jin Sanye again.

"Golden Sanye, huh, huh, thank you for making Zhuang this time. That, my color..."

Jin Sanye’s old face became a dried eggplant: “Cough... This... all of a thousand two hundred and five hundred purple coins... Oh, the so-called gambling service loses, since I am doing Zhuang, I’m not bad, but As a predecessor, it is necessary to remind the younger one, this money is very expensive, you... have you taken it alone? Oh, this world is not too peaceful..."

Chu Yang lifted his right hand: "Small meaning, hey, see no? This thing, called the space ring! Don't say that it is 2,500 pieces of purple xia, even 2.5 million pieces of purple The currency... It’s also open to the inside, rich and rich, thank you for your concern, and it’s a gamble for the predecessors.

Everyone instantly noticed the ring in Chu Yang’s hand, and everyone was silent for a while.

The ordinary scorpion, the appearance is not amazing, the ring without any modification, is actually the legendary space ring!

Moreover, the amount of storage is still amazing!

What is the origin of this talented person?

More and more I can feel his background mysterious and huge!

Even now, it’s still just the tip of the iceberg, too much!

Among the people in the audience, there are only a few talents with space reserves; and the amount of storage is completely different from that of the big officials, but it is not a treasure, but also a million. If you don't dare to see it before you, it will only bring unnecessary trouble to yourself before you rush.

Not everyone seems to be a big official, do not take Zixia coins as a major event, do not take space equipment as a secret, or even mind to reveal more and bigger secrets to others to know!

Two hundred and fifty thousand Zixia coins can be loaded, and even have surplus. This is to tell others that there are many other things in my space. As for what is specific, I can imagine it anyway. Anyway, I don’t take 2,500 pieces of Zixia coins, a small amount.


Is the subtext of this statement saying that the value of other things owned by a large official is more than 2,500 purple xia coins? That is simply carrying a big treasure house with you!

In addition, there is his god-like ability to go without a trace, everyone is already out of reach - there is such a beautiful scenery in the Colosseum, how can the major families not send people to investigate and trace, to clear his origins? However, when I checked it out, this person was actually mysterious and had no clues. As of this moment, I didn’t even find out where it was.

Not one such thing, but all the forces of the family have not investigated such a valuable clue!

For a time, everyone can't help but raise the same doubts from their minds: What is the origin of this person?

Such a person, may really be so stupid? Do you use a ‘beast’ to participate in the game? And still a shot is the wealth of almost astronomical numbers!

Suddenly, many people have become suspicious of the talented beast ‘big cat tiger’.

After all, today's event is too weird, too bizarre, and looks too far outrageous!

When you are eager to collect gambling debts, there are a lot of people who have a heart to observe the big cats.

But it seems that this guy is really a normal beast that is harmless to humans and animals...

Even if there is no fluctuation in the power of even a little bit, there is no such thing as a slight fluctuation in power between the heavens and the earth.

It is really ordinary to be ordinary.

Is it really luck?


Ever since, many people have once again thought about it, and their eyes are turning around: the beast of my family, but it is much stronger than this big cat. The golden horned dragon of the Jin family can be negligent, but my family... can never be!

In fact, it’s not just that everyone thinks it’s incredible. Even Chu Yang himself is like this. Chu Yang has tried to overestimate the ability of a tiger. Even if he has already tried to judge the result of this war, he still has never thought of a tiger. The show will be outstanding to this point!

Obviously, today's battles have caused many people to be deceived and tempted by a tiger's acting skills, and they have gradually stepped into the fallen abyss!

At this moment, Chu Yang is getting the huge amount of gambling money from the hands of Kim San Ye, who is almost crying. I am going to leave with pride.

"Congratulations to the brothers and sisters to win, do not know if tomorrow will continue? If you still intend to continue, it is better to be accompanied by the younger brother?" Wu Xiushen was anxious to drill out.

I haven’t grabbed the first prize before, so Kim’s son has been robbed first, and my heart is incomparably unhappy.

Now, there is a chance to win the game, and Wu Gongzi does not feel overjoyed. I only felt a purple-colored Zixia pie coming to my head.

This sentence immediately caught the attention of everyone.

Of course, everyone pays attention to the reaction of the big officials. Everyone is very afraid of the big official. This time suddenly comes a sentence, no interest, no interest, no interest, no idea and so on!

"Ha ha ha..." Chu Yang screamed in the sky, and Zhang Zhang couldn't be alive: "I am now when the fortune is in the head, how can I not gamble? Bet! Not only to gamble, but also to gamble and gamble! Just..."

Everyone’s flashing eyes are stunned, and they are afraid to hear similar, but, but, and so on. How can they say that they are arrogant and empty, and that they are ‘only’, do you want to play the drums? !

"Is there any inconvenience in the brothers?" Wu Xiushen asked anxiously, can't be anxious, but this is a big thing that affects a lot of wealth!

"In fact, there is nothing. I just wondered, my big cat and tiger are so brave. Today I tried my hand and I have already married the golden one-horned dragon. Is there really anyone who is going to fight? The big cat is the most embarrassing. My heart is more courageous and invincible. I will only use him to fight. If others are afraid of my big cat and tiger, no one will fight, it is not a big boring!" Chuyang face is difficult to color.

I am going to go? ! Actually it is this thing to get a 'just' out? !

At the same time, everyone’s hearts are at the same time, and there are even more infinite joys. Good people, we are afraid that you will not gamble, and secondly, you are afraid that you will change the 'spirits' to make variables. You are really good people, actually arrange for us early. Yes, this is not a good person or a yo!

The transient group is very passionate, and Wu Xiushen is even more in the table: "Please let the brothers put a hundred and twenty hearts. Let's use the land of Zixia City. Anything may be lacking, that is, there is no shortage of people who dare to gamble. As for the beast, it is even better. Peace of mind, you can rest assured that you will continue to write unbeaten myths with your big cat!"

"Yes, yeah!" Many humanities,

"Yes, right!" More humane.

"Winning must win the loss! Loss is also lost!" Chu Yang wow haha ​​laughed: "Since everyone is so interested, I will be refreshed, to tomorrow, even today won, even this profit, I I bet on the 3,000-character Zixia coin, I will take it out! Who can gamble with me, this money is nothing to me, but I am worried that you will not be able to raise it at a time, so I will hurry to prepare for it! Hahaha... If you win, you will win a big one. If you lose, you have to lose everything. A little bit, it’s really not addictive!

The crowd once again sent a burst of cheers.

However, after cheering, 90% of the people frowned and sighed.

Three thousand purple coins!

The number that is not a big part of the big official population is definitely not available to anyone.

At least in this Colosseum, there are only three big families that can afford this wealth.

Jin Jia, Wu Jia, Li Jia.

These three families are important in Zixia City!

However, even these three, it is not so easy to really want to take out the money!

Especially the Jin family, today only output 2,600 pieces of Zixia coins, even if the conversion of other people's gambling gambling, the deficit will be nearly 1,800 purple Xia coins, and then take out three Thousands of Zixia coins, won and said that if it is lost, it will directly hurt the bones, and may even lead to a significant decline in family strength.


Looking at the docile big cat around him, and then reminiscent of his performance in the game, and the lack of positional posture... The three people who can get enough gambling are all in the eyes .

Tightly stared at the big cat.

bet? Still not gambling?

Take out one-tenth of the family business and go to the shop. Is it worth it?

There is another point. Is there any assurance?

The more I think, the more people are hot.


Heat stroke, I lie down after the chapter was published yesterday, and I fell asleep until this afternoon. Woke up feeling my stomach swelled, my wife didn't sleep last night, looked at me sweating, took the medicine; I don't know how much water I poured... I didn't even know. ...the headache is a little lighter; the problem is: the stomach that is clearly drinking and drinking is swollen, but the lips are actually cracked.

Sudden sweating...

I continue to code words to go... but it may be slower. You may also feel sleepy if you feel bad. If you don't have time to take a single leave, don't be surprised.

I am very embarrassed... I did not expect that I will have heatstroke... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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