Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 67: It’s the best.

Even Jin Jingong, who has already lost a game, and Jin Sanye, who lost a big gamble, are still dejected by the two people. This will also be a gaze.

Sure enough, it is a big temptation!

Win this waste, that is, three thousand purple coins! This is 300 billion!

But what if you lose?

It’s not that no one thought about it.

But look at the big cat, the heart has already vetoed himself: how can you lose in the face of such a beast?

The Jin family lost, it was bad luck...

Such a thing, once a miracle, is already the limit, how can it be a second time? !


Chu Yang Zhi was full of laughter and returned to the box, the two maids stood respectfully. This will, some of the taste inside the house has already disappeared, it is very refreshing; Chu Yang hehe smiled, grabbed a handful, put a hundred Ziyun coins on the table, smiled: "My feet are stinky, difficult You can bear it, no complaints, this money, fifty points per person."

The two women suddenly glimpsed.

Not because the reward is too little, but because it is too much.

A purple cloud coin is equivalent to 10,000 water cloud coins. Fifty per person, that is, a full 500,000 tip per person!

They work here, and the monthly salary is only 30 pieces of purple spirit coins; plus sometimes no rewards, the most one month will get eighty or ninety purple spirit coins, of course, The income in Zixia City is already considered middle income.

However, this middle income all adds up to less than a purple cloud.

This talented and talented official, a handful of rewards is fifty purple cloud coins!

This money is equivalent to the sum of all the incomes of the two women who worked hard for six years!

"This...this is too much..." As far as Chu Yang is concerned, although the two women are ecstatic, they are hesitant to express their refusal. No matter how much money there is, the reward for these money is really too much for the two women.

It has already reached the point where it is enough to scare them.

Even, some horrified thoughts: This is a talented person... Wouldn’t it be worthy of our beauty? This... Although we are poor children, we must not be taken by, hey!

Chu Yang saw that the two little girls with pretty looks were pretty, and couldn’t help but laugh: “I don’t feel relieved, my family has a wife, and I’m still in the fear of it... even if I have an attempt at you, I don’t dare to act. Drop; rest assured."

After a burst of laughter, I turned and walked away, leaving a few words: "With money, improve your home. Girl, you have to plan for yourself, hahaha..."

The two little hoes were red and red, and they glanced at each other, finally blushing and collecting the money. Although I still feel that I am suffering from it, but the hard family, the tired parents, the sick grandfather, the younger brother waiting for the money to go to the school... all need money. Although the money is not omnipotent, but there is no money. It is impossible to...

It’s strange that this person is so embarrassed that if someone is afraid, he is embarrassed to say it, but he is so natural.

Also, the strangest thing is... How does he know that our family is difficult?

I have seen more outbreaks, and I have never seen such a thing... Now look at this look and posture, how can it be so pleasing to the eye, the foot smell is awkward, isn’t it masculine? The man made a fortune, and God finally opened his eyes...

Chu Yang Shi Shiran went out.

Two little hoes. Chu Yang smiled in his heart. These two little girls, it is obvious that they are not working here for a long time, but also retain the simplicity of the daughter's family, and the pure and lovely.

Moreover, although the two hoes are worn by the standard work white, some places also reveal the corners of the underwear, some are worn, but they are very clean.

And the two hoes are gathered and not scattered, the legs are straight, the face is ruddy, and there are fluffy edges... These all indicate that they are still virgins.

These differences, Chu Yang of the two worlds can still be seen.

Working in such a place, I can still maintain my own ice and jade, and the family is not very rich... Such a girl, with her own persistence and dignity, deserves some help.

Although Chu Yang is not the kind of person who squanders a little money, but for those who are self-respecting and self-love, they still don't mind helping.

When I came out, Chu Yang could clearly feel that there are many people who have their eyes on their bodies and their eyes are particularly hot.

Big cats and tigers... The amount of money, the tiger brother completely dismissed this, and snorted in his throat, but he has not yet turned back from the refreshment.

Turned a corner, under the strong sense of the tiger brother, blinded all the followers; then the grand official restored his original appearance, changed back to the look of the filthy family, holding a fist-sized small The cat, Shi Shiran came out.

The arrogant and arrogant, the mediocre and the weak cat.

Good-looking and handsome boy, cute and explosive cat.

Such a sharp contrast. Who can't think of trust? This young boy with a cute cat, a star-eyed sword, and a fascinating look at the world will be the one who is arrogant and full of rumors.

"Tiger brother, how is this?" asked Chu Yang.

"Shuang! It's so cool!" Tiger's voice rang in Chu Yang's heart: "I actually like to play pigs and eat tigers. This kind of pleasure makes me intoxicated! I hope to play more games." , good to cool a few times."

"呃~~" Chuyang was speechless for a while.

If you change to other spirits like the tiger brother at the same level, even less than the soul of the tiger brother... In this case, I am afraid that I will only feel insulted: with my energy, I still have to follow these The little guy is fighting, even deliberately pretending to pretend that nothing can be done? Are you not ruining me?

Chu Yang did not think that Tiger Brother actually did not have the so-called "strong consciousness."

This makes Chu Yang a bit strange.

"You don't feel it... Did you lose your worth?" Chu Yang asked.

In fact, Chu Yang regretted this question, and everyone feels refreshed. People don't mind, you have to pick the window paper yourself. Isn't it for yourself to find yourself uncomfortable? You said that if a tiger suddenly feels uncomfortable, he will not do it, and where are you crying! The whole plan is broken!


"What do you know about your kid?" Tiger brother rolled his eyes and said with a sigh of relief: "The original benefactor, his favorite thing to do is to use a powerful self to pretend to be weak, and then to tease the weak enemy, let The enemy is depressed and wronged, ignorantly dying, until the last moment of death, still think that he will win, just careless, no attention... that is simply a hot feeling of eating ice on a hot day, Shutan ......"

"Or after a long time... let people know the truth!"

"As a mysterious benefactor saved by the benefactor, I naturally want to carry out the way of doing things by the benefactors, let me bully the weak with great strength! Let's force it! I don't care! Really don't care! What dignity and insults, where can you catch up with the kind of silence in your heart?! Everything about the world, how to contaminate my pure and innocent wise! Let this kind of duel come a few more!"

The tiger brother puts a big slogan.

Chu Yang almost did not faint.

Your sister, what kind of wonder is your benefactor!

Can such a thing make a mysterious beast take it for granted?

孽 孽!

"In fact, you don't know. I have always been involved in countless battles. I am very accustomed to adopt this method!" Tiger said proudly: "I have experienced tens of thousands of battles! Every time my opponents are grievous and grievous Among them, die in unbelievable..."

"Shuang! It's a word, cool!" Tiger brother screamed and immediately laughed.

Chu Yang raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, completely speechless.

Tiger brother is still chattering in Chu Yang's heart, and countless achievements of Chu Yang in the past: "On one occasion, I met a dragon, the strength of the dragon is quite good, almost my 30% strength at that time, I first asked for my life. The goods were smug and arrogant... I went up and punched, the goods were knocked down on the spot, my face was unbelievable... Later, I kicked it off... I was so cool..."

"Another time, I met..."

"and also……"

Chu Yang stepped away and turned a deaf ear.

It is... too bad!

Actually, I can adjust a mysterious beast to be so ridiculous. I can imagine how the ‘be fortune’ should be the best...

"What a real evil!" Chu Yang sincerely lamented.

"Right! The opposite is true" Tiger brother suddenly excited: "The name of the benefactor is that there is a evil word, um, it seems to be: Do not be evil!"

Chu Yang, a cockroach, almost planted on the ground.

Do not be evil? What is this name?

Besides, since you should never be evil, how can you still go to such a point...

It’s just...

The whole universe is speechless...

Going out of the distance, before turning to the men's hall, Chu Shen doctor speeded up the pace...

However, at this time, the accident came again, and suddenly the sound of the horseshoe suddenly sounded.

The sound is so high that it is like a thunder.

As soon as I saw a team of people, the whirlwind galloped on the street, like a raging dragon protruding from the darkness.

At this moment, the genius is just bright.

Chu Yang clearly saw the appearance of the coming. It is Li Minggong Li Mingyue. With his guards, he rushed.

The Li family is in front, and I must be going home. This is the only way to go to the Li family. It seems that the Li Gongzi is also tired of gambling and wants to go home to rest.

Chu Yang's subconscious is to hide.

In the past few days, I have seen the Li family rushing on this road several times. During the day, this street is a busy city, but the Li family will never have someone on the pipeline, so they will be galloping.

The state of 嚣 跋扈 ,, can be seen!

Chu Yang is not afraid of things, but now he does not want to cause trouble, even if he does not understand, he is not willing to have more trouble. But I haven't had time to escape. A whip has already come flying with the wind, and a voice screams: "Mixed! Do you walk without eyes? Hey? Dare to block the way!"


Looks like a little comfortable... this is the second. I can see if I can make up the chapter that I owe yesterday. Continue to the code word. Don't worry, if the body really can't hold it, I won't be so stupid, I will explain it. ......(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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