Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 68: Open the kill! [Supplement yesterday! 】

At this moment, Chu Yang has already left some of the side, and will not affect the walking route of the Lijia Knight.

But this whip is still so unreasonably flying over.

Chuyang stunned, leaning away from the head, the wind was urgent, and the whip passed over the cheeks, and it was filled with a lot of vitality!

This whip is actually intended to kill people!

Chu Yang’s heart suddenly became angry!

This is me, if I changed to an ordinary person, wouldn't I be killed by this whip?

Since I came to Jiuzhong Scorpio, I have a bad temper? What are the three Asians and four who dare to start with Laozi? !

and also……

Chu Yang’s heart was flashing, and the backhand grabbed it. He had accurately caught the whiplash, and with one force, he shouted: “Take me down!”

"呜", the warrior flew from the horseback, but was involuntarily pulled by Chu Yang, and the clouds flew over.

Seeing that he flew to the front, Chu Yang raised his right foot and slammed his foot.

This foot is just straightening the front chest.


The knight just flew over and was kicked by this powerful foot. The whole man flew out again in the opposite direction. A scream, a **** spray on the streets of this dawn is full of blood. A few times, all the ribs on his chest were cut off by Chu Yang!

"Oh," the whole person went to the wall, and eventually hit the wall across the street. In the mouth, he snorted and screamed at the blood, and he saw that he was already out of gas, and he was less angry. He was not far from death.

Chu Yang's angry foot, the first shot in the nine-day Scorpio. It directly provoked the Li family of the three major families of Zixia City!

One foot and one life!



A command, the original Li family, Ma Ben has rushed out a few feet, and suddenly changed, everyone rushed to stand up, looking back, then everyone, all looked angry and looked at the ground rolling The knight who is jealous, and then look at Chu Yang, everyone is full of enthusiasm.

Some people dare to beat the Li family in Zixia City?

And it looks like it is still dead! ?

Also killed or the Li family's knight? Li Mingyue's personal guard? !

This is simply an intolerable provocation!

In the eyes of Li’s family, Qi Qi was angered, and everyone was surrounded by Chu Yang. The sound of Jianma sounded from time to time, and a condensed momentum was full of murder.

One person flew off the horse, went to the knight who was kicked, and reached for a hand, then he shook his head in a blank face: "Not saved."


The anger that everyone has been unable to suppress is now more flaming.

However, without waiting for them to ask, Chu Yang has already stood up in front of her body, her face is angry and her voice is cold: "A group of idiots! Has it blinked? Didn’t you see anyone on the street? Are you riding horses so fast? Are you looking for death!? A group of **** stuff!"

The tree wants to be quiet and the wind does not stop. I want to set the enemy and not stop. Since things are already doomed, the evil has already started. Then, let me take the initiative!

Since you are in trouble, you are not afraid to make things big! - Chu Yuzuo quotations.

Since it is decided to establish a foothold in this Zixia City, some of the shackles will start to be cleaned up as soon as possible. Nowadays, innocent disasters will follow suit, starting from this Li family!

Chu Yang quickly cleared his mind and decided to take the lead.

In the face of the excessive reaction of Chu Yang, the opposite Li Jiayi was actually stunned, and for a time he was suddenly overwhelmed!

The reason why such a reaction will occur is that the root cause is that the Li family has been rampant in Zixia City for so many years. It has always been used to be the king of the hegemony, even if it is in the strength of the Li family, Zixia City is the premier Jinjia. If it is not necessary, I dare not do this to Li’s family.

Today’s affairs have already exceeded the expectations of the Li family, and I have never seen such a daring master. It’s not a big deal to kill someone, but I’m still going to ask the sins with great fanfare?

Is it going to be against the sky? !

"A good arrogance, a good slogan, you dare to do this, you have to pay for your actions!" Li Mingyue looked at Chu Yang coldly, the eyes in his eyes, like a snake, no more Nonsense, directly ordered: "Do it, no matter who he is, what is the beginning, today, I want him to die!"

He took a step back and waved and said: "Kill him!"

As a general matter, people in the family encounter such a situation, especially in the case of a strong situation like Chu Yang. How can they first make a slap in the face, fight the lawsuit, and then start playing.

The so-called disc is actually a battle. Before you start, verbally vent your mouth, and then it will be extraordinarily refreshing.

This point, whether it is a master or an ordinary person, will have these subconscious habits.

Unless it is a killer, an assassin...

However, it is obvious that both sides have no intention in this regard, and this step is omitted directly.

Both sides are now a fire of the brain. You don't have to fight, you are already angry and you are about to explode.

Chu Yang can really walk innocently today, innocent and devastated, and his heart is full of anger and cannot be suppressed. As for the Li family, people are even more angry. When we are killed, it’s a bad luck for you, but you who beat us are you wrong! And you also killed our people, killing them, you are still so arrogant, isn’t it damn? !

Li Mingyue exported a word, and there were already four or five people from the Li family who immediately flew up from the horseback. Evilly rushed over, two of them, even in the midair, shaking hands, showing weapons, shining knife, slanting and falling!

Look at this trend, if implemented, I am afraid that Chu Yang will be divided into four lobes under that knife!

Chu Yang’s eyes are like ice.

What is the truth with such people?

This moment has been suppressed for a long time, and even since the rebirth, it has been deliberately suppressed the sorrow of the former poisonous sword Wu Zun, suddenly bursting out from the bottom of my heart.

Instantly killing the sky!

Is it true that you have been subjected to such oppression all the time ago? I have been struggling in such a river and lake, struggling; in the end, only a tragic ending of tragic death!

This life can never repeat the experience of past lives!

For such a person, there is only one word - kill!

Chu Yang’s heart was full of enthusiasm, and a long shout, his body volleyed and greeted the knife. He didn’t even move the nine-rocket sword, and even the thought did not rise.

In the face of such a small scorpion with only a level of spirit, you don’t have to use the nine-rocket sword!

If you even have to deal with such goods, you have to go to the Nine Robbery Swords.

Chu Yang body floats, the whole body rises high and half a foot out of thin air, and the two feet are elegantly separated in the air. As the mountain is pressed, the two toes are accurately placed on the top of the current two people, and they are forced to step down.

At the same time, Chu Yang's two hands were on display, and the sleeves shook, welcoming the two knives that followed!

Hey, two weird sounds almost sounded at the same time. The two men who had been stepped on by Chu Yang had to force themselves to fight back, but they felt that the pressure on the top of the head suddenly increased by a thousand times!

The next moment, two screams sounded at the same time.

Because the neck of both of them suddenly disappeared.

Chu Yang stepped on their heads, and instantly exerted their strength. They actually stepped on the necks of both of them into the chest! Chu Yang body fell to the ground, the two sternum shoulders thoracic vertebrae at the same time smashed and fell.

The two heads have fallen to the waist, and they stand upright!

However, the lower leg of the thigh pelvis is also smashed by the smashing of the calf, and continues to fall into the ground. In the end, it is flush with the ground!

When Chu Yang fell back to the ground, he stepped on two people who had become two patties, and the meat patties.

On the thin layer on the ground, a large amount of blood is splashed around like a fountain in this process. On both sides of the wall, there are countless plum blossoms in full bloom.

Just as Danqing's hand-painted red pigment is exhausted, with its own blood as the ink of the Dan-Dragon---------------------

The other two people who fell from the top of the scene saw this situation astonished, and it was already the liver and gallbladder.

Their two knives were cut in the hands of Chu Yang at the same time, but unexpectedly issued the "Dangdang" gold and iron cross-talking sound, Chu Yang's hand is like the hardest metal to create, even the knife and gun. There is no fake touch on the side while falling.

After a few sounds, the steel knives of the two people were broken, and even the tiger's mouth was shattered. The internal organs were damaged, and the corners of the mouth bleed out blood.

I will step back.

Chu Yang snorted: "Come up, still want to retire!"

The body flew again, both hands left and right, grabbed the collars of two people, and slammed into the middle!


The heads of the two men collided in one place, and they collided like two ripe watermelons and burst at the same time.

Ten thousand peach blossoms, it is a different kind of red!

At the same time as a lot of blood and water splashed, Chu Yang flew back.

Standing outside the five feet, the black clothes, even clean, even a drop of blood is not stuck to the body.

He stood still, not even looking up.

No words at all.

And on the street that just dawned on the dawn, it also recovered a silence, or passively entered a state of death. Li Mingyue and others looked at all the eyes in front of them. Everyone was open-mouthed, but they couldn’t make any sound. Fearful to see the flesh and blood in front of the place, the only feeling is that only his heart seems to have stopped beating at this moment.

The four people who just said that they were laughing and alive and kicking, and in such a blink of an eye, they became four bodies that were miserable to the unspeakable body.


The passage just said, it seems to be a long story. In fact, the whole process is only a matter between the lights and the fire. It is almost a move and ends immediately.

But the most amazing thing is that Chu Yang's series of actions let them see every link clearly and clearly. In such a fast-paced fight, there is a strange feeling that looks ‘elegant and slow’!

Li Mingyue looked up and looked at the blood in front of him, and Chu Yang, who was in black, was like seeing a demon that popped out of the ancient hell!

At this moment, even the horses did not dare to speak out.

Chu Yang finally raised his head slowly.

The eyes looked fiercely and looked at the nine people left in front of him. They smiled cruelly and said: "Huang Quan Road is far away, the ghost gate is closed, and when are you still not on the road? When will you delay the time and become a lonely soul? Ghosts are not good! The end of the road, not far away!"

"Human-level peak master!" At the side of Li Mingyue, a personal guard finally realized the facts in horror, and subconsciously called out a sentence.

These people are indigenous natives of the Nine Heavens, and the characteristics of the order are naturally clearer than the soaring people of Chuyang. Chu Yang just started to pull the gas machine, and the whole body has a faint and undetectable breath.

This is the sign that will break through the peak of the human level to reach the level of the land!

If it is at the level of the prefecture level, the lingering scent will turn into a faint yellow color; when it comes to the status, it will be dark yellow; as for the status, it will become an exceptionally bright yellow!

Several people said that they would not think of it. In the early hours of the morning, they would be inexplicably provoked to become a big master who has already reached the peak of the people, and this big master is so hot!

This is really a big surprise for Zixia City, which is at the edge of the border.

Even if it is strong like Li Jia, Xiongqi Zixia City has been so many years, and other Jinjia and Wujia Ding are full of three, but there are not many people in the family who are at the top of the peak, except for the two ancestors who are at the level of the land. There are a few people who are experts in the ranks, and others are still mostly in the class of the level of the spirit level.

"Human-level peak!" Chu Yang sneer: "The eyesight is good! Unfortunately, this eyesight can only be buried in the loess!"

Suddenly, the figure swelled and rushed in.

With the rapid movement, the body burst into a burst of sound in the air, and then brought out a series of afterimages, and instantly reached a few people.

"Living..." The knight who had a very good eyesight had only had one word to say, and he had already been beaten down by Chu Yang.

Then there is a fist *plus.

Chu Yang has already begun to kill, and can no longer contain it.

"Stop! Stop!" Li Mingyue yelled, his face with urgency, pointed out: "I am the descendant of Li's family! You dare to step forward, I am... I destroy you nine! ”

"Haha... Just rely on your family, Li, and dare to say such a big story? Do you have this qualification? Do you have this ability??" Chu Yang screamed and laughed, and a fist hit a Guardian to make a sternal break. On the other foot, another guard has been kicked in the air.

Seeing that these two people are no longer alive.

The sky is getting clearer and clearer. At this moment, pedestrians have gradually become on the street. In the distance, some people look up and look at them. They only look back and immediately retract. Then he came out and looked at it. Human curiosity is the starting point of many events.

The windows on both sides, I have long known that when they opened a line of ecstasy, a pair of eyes sneaked down and observed.

When everyone saw that they would be the Li family now, almost everyone’s eyes had a look of anger and resentment.

The three major families are entangled in Zixia City. The sins created in these years have long been a bad thing!

Seeing that the Li family finally met the hard scorpion at this time, it is really a big heart!


This chapter is 4,000 words, making up for the second time yesterday. It’s not that I have to be stubborn, but I’m a little embarrassed during this time. I am afraid that I will forget the owing chapter in a few days. Still paying off first.

Lying down... everyone good night.

Amount, there is still something, my public WeChat, everyone open the phone and add it. It’s been a long time, the number of people has increased too slowly. Wow... WeChat: Z79062520030723; I know the number is longer, everyone understands... I hope to see you there! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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