Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 69: Bereavement

With the continuous opening of Chu Yang, the ruthless hands, the guards around Li Mingyue are only the last two.

The three people look very consistent, all with pale faces and few colors.


"Kill him! Kill him!..." The people in the houses on both sides suddenly rushed out, screaming wildly, full of resentment.

This person's footsteps are illusory, and it is only an ordinary person.

Chu Yang can't help but see it.

What's happening here? !

Now, if this is a **** place, if there is a high-ranking warrior who rushes over, it will not be too surprising. But the one that just rushed out is just an ordinary person.

The coming person is a young man in his twenties.

There are also a few scars on the face, which make his face seem inexplicable and horrible.

"I beg you! Kill Li Mingyue! Kill him! Please!" The screaming screaming, suddenly slammed toward Chuyang, squatting, but only a moment ago. I have already won the forehead.

At this moment, Chu Yang clearly heard that many people on both sides sighed low and low.

Li Mingyue saw that this person rushed out, and his eyes became even more fearful, but there were also some complaints.

But he also knows what he really should do now. When he screamed at Chu Yang, he suddenly glanced at him. The only three people from the Li family and his team flew together and fled.

No matter what you have, your life is important. Only by saving your life can you qualify for the future!

As long as you have left your life here, you can return to the family convening master to revenge. Even if this person has already reached the peak of the human level, you can also cut into a meat sauce.

As for the guy who suddenly rushed out... Li Mingyue has decided at this moment, after returning, he will immediately take this guy back, tortured three times a day, tortured for ten years! Let him survive, can't die!

"Go?" Chu Yang smiled and said: "Are you going? The door of Huang Quan has already opened, and it is meaningless to escape!"

Suddenly shouted: "Give me back!"

Three ropes appeared out of thin air, and the raging dragons generally rushed out. I have already tied one person in the daytime, and I dragged it from the air and threw it to the ground!

Ghost Blood Vine!

"Wow!" Li Mingyue first screamed, and the blood in his mouth spurted out.

This fall is definitely not light for Li Mingyue, who has been pampered with since childhood.

The battle is underneath; but on the houses on both sides of the road, there are two people who can't stop sighing.

Trouble, this is really troublesome...

Chu Yang has already discovered these two different people, but they always wear it and don’t see it.

In the distance, the young man who kept squatting stood up and ran wildly, and once again, he couldn’t hold his head in front of Chuyang, and his forehead was bloody, especially.

"Don't swear any more, who are you? What do you want?" Chu Yang's murderous murder has not yet dispersed.

"Adult, adult, my name is Wang Sanniu, I really have a big grievance..." Wang Sanniu burst into tears: "Pray for the adults, except for the evil!"

At this time, someone on both sides of the road was watching it sneaky.

If you are on the mainland of Jiuzhongtian, the average person will see this situation. Ninety-nine percent will choose how far to escape. I am afraid to get into trouble. But in this nine-day sky, I dare to watch it...

Chu Yang couldn't help but express surprise at the courage of these ordinary people.

Wang Sanniu was crying and screaming on one side, while confiding his grievances, and there were also some people whispering.

Only a moment, Chu Yang has already figured out the whole story.

The anger that was released from the heart was not completely flat, and there was another suffocating rushing straight over the head.

Wang Sanniu originally had a very ordinary, very dull, but very happy family. His father and mother are just ordinary people, raising three children; because parents are illiterate, they give their children the simplest name: big cow, two cows, three cows.

Although this family has a difficult life, but the parents can work together to finally grow the three children one by one; both the big cow and the second cow have married their daughter-in-law and have lived their own little days; among the three sons The three cows are the youngest, and they are the best among the three brothers. Moreover, there is a good strength in the arms. For ordinary people, having a strong arm, it means that the future livelihood has landed.

Three cows from childhood and the girls in the neighbors were fragrant and sweet, and they set a marriage as early as possible.

However, the scourge is also starting.

No one ever thought that after the incense grew up, it turned out to be an exceptionally beautiful woman. Although it was not a country, there was another beautiful meaning of Xiaojiabiyu. The two are set to be married at the end of the year. The three cows think that they will be married, and that the future wife will be a person who likes it since childhood.

That is, on that day, the wedding period is near, and Xiangxiang goes to the street with her mother to buy things. It is already ready for dowry.

How can you play a big event in life? Even if the family has no production, we must raise one or two!

Therefore, although Xiang Xiang did not show up at all since childhood, she finally went out on that day.

However, on the day of going out, Li Mingyue was unexpectedly encountered.

At the sight of Li Mingyue, the color of the heart rose, and immediately sent people to hear about his whereabouts, and then often went to the door, but also revealed the willingness to make Xiangxiangxiang a 16-room shackle;

But once I have already set a marriage, how can I bear to marry a daughter to a bad?

Therefore, Xiangxiang’s parents did not agree. More rumors declined, more than a few days, two families will be married, who is the family ... and so on. If you change your personal, or you forget it.

However, after Li Mingyue heard it, he immediately sent people to face the face of Wang Sanniu for fifteen or six.

Do you like this kid? I have to make him a devil, see if you like it or not.

However, the fragrant incense is a fierce woman, who does not give up, and is not willing to marry.

Li Mingyue saw that the marriage was getting closer and closer, and finally became fierce; led the evil slaves into the incense and forced to grab people. The girl’s parents stepped forward and were badly injured by the evil slaves.

The two were neighbors. When they heard about the family’s accident, Wang Sanniu’s family rushed to help. Li Mingyue took the incense to go, but he was bitten by the fragrant incense. Under the wrath, Li Mingyue and Wang Sanniu’s family and incense The incense family is all clean!

Only Wang Sanniu survived, but it was not the death of Wang Sanniu, but Li Mingyue’s intention.

Li Gongzi believes that his own desires are not due to this kid.

Therefore, if he wants to live for a long time, he will be tortured slowly.

Against me? I will kill your parents in front of you, kill your brother, kill your father-in-law, and steal your wife! What can you do?

How can you like me?

You are just an ordinary person, how can you treat me? It is to be trapped in pain, remorse, and inability to resist every day!

Overnight, Wang Sanniu has been on the paradise of happiness, but suddenly fell into the boundless abyss of hell! And it will continue to fall, it seems that this suffering will never come to an end and will never end.

Every time Lee Mingyue passed this street, he would run wildly and infinitely, and it was very high-profile; it was from that time.

Let me see, I am so arrogant, that's it, let you see me every day!

But there is no way!

This is really an unbearable mental torture!

Wang Sanniu, who was suffering from this catastrophe, has no way to go; although the legal system of Zixia City is strict, but the so-called strictness is only relative, it is only for the big family of Li, such as the big family of Zixia City, which is nearly a thousand years old. The local government is not able to get justice for Wang Sanniu.

Every time he sue, there is no result, and he will be beaten by Li Mingyue!

Wang Sanniu was unhappy, especially after hearing that Xiang Xiang was robbed into Li Fu, but in seven days, he was thrown into the house in Fuzhong, and the whole person collapsed even more!

The reason why I don’t die is to take a sigh of relief and hope that one day I can see Li Mingyue’s end! Despite knowing that you want to be jealous, a little hope will never die!

Wang Sanniu is like a walking dead, and the only thought in his heart is -

In any case, I also want to see Li Mingyue die in front of myself!

However, as long as Li Mingyue is dead, Wang Sanniu will no longer have the motivation to live.


I heard such an incredible murderous incident from Wang San Niukou. The truth of this incident has already been confirmed by the onlookers. Chu Yang suddenly felt that his chest was so angry that it burst.

There are such things in the world!

In the original calculation of Chu Yang, I originally planned to keep Li Mingyue to make some other uses, but at this moment, in any case, we must first kill this!

Not killing is not enough to anger the civilians, not killing is not enough to show the heavens!

At this moment, Li Mingyue was lying on the ground constantly, and the pain of pain in the bone marrow caused him to lose his mentality, and he was only screaming.

But the next moment, he was a chill in the spirit.

Because he can clearly feel that a murderous gas that is almost consolidating into reality, straightforward toward himself. This extreme repressive atmosphere made him dare not cry any more, and did not dare to make any noise.

The other party, obviously, really wants to kill themselves!

"Wang Sanniu! You get up!" Chu Yang said faintly, then the black robe fluttered and walked forward: "Look at your eyes, people are doing, the sky is watching! Not not reporting, time has not arrived, When the time comes, immediately report it! At this moment, it is the time of Li Mingyue's retribution! Now, you can comfort your loved one's spirit in heaven! Today, I will ask you a fairness!"

"Thank you very much! Thank you very much!" Wang Sanniu repeatedly smashed his head and burst into tears, venting his grievances, anger and hatred.

Seeing Chu Yang's murderous temper gradually approaching, Li Mingyue shivered.

At this moment, he will not doubt that the person in front of him will kill his own thoughts!

Family... Why haven't you come yet? Come on, come on, save me!

"Chu Shen medicine, and slow!" A helpless and angry voice came.


The situation has not improved, and there are more and more serious trends. The weather in Laiwu is getting hotter and hotter; with the advice of a book friend, I opened the air conditioner in the living room, and then opened the door of the study, so that it was not directly facing the air-conditioning cold wind; but... almost no help.

Leave here first. If there is a second more tonight, when I give everyone a surprise, if not. It’s really a vacation...

In fact, I really want to take a few days off... Huoxiang Zhengqi oral liquid drank three boxes... I can’t stand it! ! !

The most admired is my mother, this weather never opened the air conditioner fan, and at night covered the quilt to sleep... Today asked Dad, Dad said: Your mother has never blown the fan since the electric appliance...

My dad is particularly afraid of heat. In order to open the fan, the old couple played several games every summer.

Seeing my hot breathing difficulties, my mother is very helpless, saying: Your child is not genetically good at this point... I suddenly became speechless... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated fast!)

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