Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 70: I will give you justice.

Chu Yang's footsteps kept going.

Brush the brush.

Three people fell in front of him, blocking the way forward for Chu Yang.

"Chu Shen doctor! Please scream the thunder!" The helpless man said.

"You are?" Chu Yang eyes stunned.

Chu Yang has already recognized who is in front of him, but he is just confused. This person is the one who took the patient to treat himself this night.

Others, will not know their identity, and will not call their own identity.

Only this guy, will be so dedicated, waiting around the men's hall every day.

"There are nights in the past few days, but at the same time, I meet with the doctors of Chu." The stranger smiled bitterly: "Please ask the brothers and sisters to think twice. Although Li Mingyue has no evil, he is not enough to die, but... if the Chu brother is serious Killing him, but there will be troubles."

"The previous Chu brothers have killed a lot of people in Li... If they are only these people, even if Li Jiaquan is pressed down, he is sure to make sure that Chu brother is fine... After all, those people are just slaves."

"But if the brother-in-law kills Li Mingyue and Li’s family, the nature of the two can be greatly different."

"If Li Mingyue is killed by the Chu brother, Li Jiashi must not die with the Chu brother. So..." The man said: "Please also ask the Chu brothers to think twice, to endure the temper, and to protect the body for a hundred years."

Seeing someone coming out to persuade, Li Mingyue also showed his hope in the eyes.

And Wang Sanniu behind Chu Yang could not help but reveal the look of despair: it is hard to see the enemy is about to give the first, evil and bad news. Is it going to be a bubble?

Among the three people who appeared, one suddenly moved.

A Sensen cold light suddenly shot at Wang Sanniu!

Obviously, as long as Wang Sanniu is killed, the suffering of this case is gone.

The moral pressure on Chu Yang will undoubtedly be much less.

This is the calculation of the bottom of the bottom!

This person's calculations can be described as brilliant, but this high-mindedness is limited to the despicable transactions between the corrupt authorities!

He even ignored the heart of Chu Yang!

"You dare!" Chu Yang roared, his body flashed, and already had that cold light in his hands. Who is Chu Yang? I have already wanted to understand the intention of the person. I am angry with my heart. The whirlwind is rushing close, and I grabbed the man’s neck.

To say that the person's cultivation is not low, but also a master of the human level, seeing Chu Yang suddenly moving, originally wanted to dodge, but somehow, Chu Yang's shot is actually faster and lightning, he turned out to be completely any There is no room for dodge.

I only had time to see the shadows in front of me, and I was already lifted up by my eyes.

"If someone dares to move, I will kill you three, and I will dare not dare?!" Chu Yang said. Eyes are like a knife, passing over the faces of three people.

At this moment, the three people clearly felt the tingling of their face on the face!

Return to silence and silence!

In the eyes of many people, some sparkling things are flashing.

The center of the eagle hook nose on the middle-aged man's face passed a hint of incompetence.

This Chu **** doctor, acting like this is overbearing and unscrupulous, completely disregarding the consequences, it is a bit too ignorant!

Chu Yang put down the man, turned and marched forward, and did not return, and stepped forward step by step.

The sound is like a gold and iron cross.

"I have never been a good person! Not even a savior!"

"But in my heart, I have divided my own good and evil! I have my own conscience! Rewarding good and punishing evil, and eliminating violence, this is the glory that I and other warriors are born with!"

"Although there are legal systems in this world, there are too many privileged classes! There are too many ordinary people who have nowhere to sue, and there is nowhere to say."

"The bright world is full of glory! But there are boundless hazes all the time!"

"I am not a law enforcer; but when I face these things, when faced with things that the law enforcement can't handle, I will take the shot. If I don't, I am uneasy and have a worried heart."

"I am not a fame! I don't want to be a world!"

"I just want to let the unreasonable justice appear in my hand. Let the fairness that has never been seen appear in my hands!"

"The day is not fair, I am with it! The law is not fair, I am with it!"

"Except for evil!"

Chu Yang said very quickly, but it was very slow.

The sound of footsteps rustled in the silence, but it was like the drum of the local government!

The sound is amazing!

Speaking word by word, Li Mingyue on the ground, the trembling at this moment has been curbed. The crotch is already full of dripping. Fear has gone to the extreme.

He knows that if there is no accident, then today, he is dead!


Chu Yang’s leisurely walks in general, leaving only the remaining two guards, and the heads of the two men are like broken eggs. Immediately, a **** foot slammed on Li Mingyue's thigh.

"Chu brother!" There is a hint of jealousy in the eyes of middle-aged people with eagle hook nose: "Please also consider the brothers of Chu to consider again, right and wrong, because of the strong intentions, now the hand is closed, especially the room for manoeuvre. If it is strong, I can do nothing. I it for you!"

Chu Yang turned a deaf ear to this persuasion that was full of "goodwill". It seemed that he had never heard of the general, and his feet were again exerted. Immediately, a crisp broken bone sound suddenly sounded.

Li Mingyue screamed with a series of vibrato. His left thigh is completely shattered.

Another foot of Chu Yang, this time stepped on his right thigh.

Hey! Just like the left leg!

The third foot, accurately stepped on somewhere in the ****!

The most painful man!

Li Mingyue pumped his body and immediately sent out a terrible scream of horror, and the gorgeous fainted.

It is a pity that Chu Yang did not let him go because he was in a coma, but he stepped on it. This foot, the position of the step is the shoulder.

Chu Yang’s eyes are as calm as ice and snow. If you look at the past clearly, it seems that there is still some sadness in the faint.

When I first came to Jiuzhong Tianzhu, I first came to Zixia City. I was also shocked by the local law of strictness, and even naively thought that such a strict city of the rule of law, or there would be no such thing as rampant and ruthless.

But now it seems that I was wrong, I am naive!

This kind of thing, this is in any society, any age, any space, anywhere is possible!

Even the legendary Nine Heavens is no exception!

Another scream. Li Mingyue, who had already fainted in the past, was awakened again. At this moment, his eyes were already scattered. He even pleaded: "I beg you... don't kill me... don't kill me...ah!"

Another scream, Chu Yang shattered his shoulder on the other side.

Turned around and shouted: "Wang Sanniu!"

Wang Sanniu heard the sound: "Benefit!?"

Chu Yang "When" slammed a knife on the ground: "You don't want revenge, want to get back to justice?! I will give you personal revenge and try to get back the chance!"

"Go! Pick up the knife and kill your enemies!"

Chu Yang said with a finger, said sharply.

Wang Sanniu stayed for a while, suddenly a spirit shocked, with a face full of unbelievable turn over and kneel, slammed two heads: "Thank you for being a good man!"

Then he lifted the knife in one hand and jumped up.

The agility of Wang Sanniu at this moment is not like an ordinary person. Even, there are a lot of points to practice the family.

He strode to the front of Li Mingyue, the steel knife in his hand was shining, his face was extremely happy; and with a kind of sorrowful revenge: "Li Mingyue, you have today!"

He actually used his feet to dial the head of Li Mingyue. So that he can see himself.

"Wang... Wang San... Rao, Rao... Forgiveness..." Li Mingyue trembled.

"Raining?? You let me spare?" Wang Sanniu screamed, tears fell with laughter, hands clasped the knife, slashed down, slashed on Li Mingyue's leg, all without rules, but full of killing meaning.

Flesh flesh!

"When the day I asked you to let them go, have you spared them? Are you?"


Another knife, this time the drop is on the shoulder!

"When my brother asked you to spare them, have you spared them? Why don't you spare?"


"When my second brother asked you to spare them, have you ever spared? Rao no Rao?!"

Wang Sanniu is like a madman, and a knife is cut on Li Mingyue. The flesh and blood splashes, and the blood collapses far and far!

"And, when my father-in-law asked you to spare them, did you spare? Are you spared?"

"My fragrance... my fragrance is when you spare her..." Wang Sanniu burst into tears, his voice choked, but he screamed: "Have you spared her?"


A knife cut in the throat of Li Mingyue.

Li Mingyue’s head was cut by Wang Sanniu’s knife and the bones rolled out.

The next moment, Wang Sanniu is like crazy. After a dozen or so knives chasing the head and slashing, he screams and screams and screams: "Are you spared? Are you spared? Have you spared them? You Why don't you spare them? Why...!!!"

While crying, crying, roaring, while continuing to slash.

Chu Yang stands indifferently, paying careful attention to all the movements in the four.

As long as there is any abnormality, Chu Yang will immediately and resolutely take full action.

Fortunately, no one has jumped out to block the whole process.

In the early morning breeze, the **** smell filled in this street is long and not scattered.

There was silence all around, and no one made a slight noise. Only Wang Sanniu’s anger and anger were floating. The voice was extraordinarily clear and extraordinarily empty.

In the midst of it, there seem to be many dying souls, all staring at it here.

Chu Yang was keenly aware that many people’s eyes flashed with sympathy and a feeling of 'relaxing': this scourge was finally removed today!

Over there, Wang Sanniu took out the last knife.

At this moment, Li Mingyue’s head could not have seen that it was originally a human head. It has become a beggar, and the eyes of two black holes are silent to face the sky.


I couldn’t hold it, I wanted to sleep, and a book friend gave me a message saying: Please do not hesitate to take a break from your appetite.

Cough... Suddenly it seems that it is not kind, and I have to finish writing this chapter.

Perhaps the hardest thing in life is persistence. I will stick to it again. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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