Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 71: The name of 汝, Wang Knife!

Finally, Wang Sanniu, who is not chasing the head, laughs wildly: "Revenge! Revenge! Hahaha... I avenge! Hey, mother, big brother, big brother, second brother; father-in-law, adult, see Is it here? I avenge you! I avenge you for hate..."

He shouted, laughing, his face full of scars, tears licking.

Then he raised his knife.

"The big hatred is reported! There is nothing to worry about in this life, benefactor! Thank you! If there is an afterlife, the three cows are willing to do the horse for you! Now, the benefactors please leave here soon! I killed Li Mingyue, everyone saw it, I killed Li Mingyue!” Wang Sanniu yelled, and then he cut the knife across his neck.

His knife is so hard, this knife is cut down, and it is absolutely possible to smash your head!

No one will doubt this point!

Many people have closed their eyes and can't bear to look at it!


At the last moment, Chu Yang blocked Wang Sanniu’s desperate knife with his own palm.

"You want to die?"



"I..." Wang Sanniu lost: "Blessing, what is the use of my life? What else can I do? The world is big, where is my place?"

Chu Yang sneered: "Suicide to die, but it is a coward's behavior! As long as people are still alive, how can it be useless?"

Wang Sanniu burst into tears: "All relatives are killed because of me! I... barely living, it is just a channel for Li family to vent their anger; I am alive, really useless..."

Chu Yang faintly said: "Wang Sanniu, the reason why you will encounter such a tragic thing, in the final analysis, is just because... you are not strong enough! If you are as strong as me, even, just like Li Mingyue... He doesn't dare to bully you like this!"

"You are dead, your cigarette is cut off!"

"You will let your two cigarettes be completely cut off, completely broken grandchildren?" Chu Yang asked.

"I don't want to! But what can I do?" Wang Sanniu's eyes widened, grief and powerlessness.

"Follow me. I will let you live!" Chu Yang passed a cold light: "There are too many people in this world, their experiences are as tragic as you are, or more tragic than you. Perhaps, You can stop those misery."

"I... I am going to stop! How is it possible..." Wang Sanniu muttered to himself: "What power can I stop?"

"I will let you have that power!" Chu Yang faint.

"In this case, my king and three cows will be born in the world, and all of them will be dedicated to the benefactor!" Wang Sanniu turned over and squatted, hoeing, tears: "I also thought. The benefactor is so high and graceful, Wang Sanniu does not think Even if the benefactor bites the enemy and immediately dies, the three cows have no regrets!"

"I don't need you to die, I need you to live, live for a long time." Chu Yang whispered: "I will change your name for you. From then on, you should not call Wang Sanniu. Three cows, just be your little one." Name, your memories, in the future you will be called... 'King knife'."

"King knife?" Wang San Niu muttered.

"King knife, Wang Zhidao; Wang, anger is out of the knife! The knife is bleeding for thousands of miles, dumping the world!" Chu Yang said: "Although it is already late, but as long as you are willing to work hard, I will make you a Put the real knife! Swing the knife of the world!"

"Wang knife is willing to break the bones, follow the benefactor!" Wang Sanniu, forehead, no, Wangdao knees on the ground. With his own life, with the soul of the loved ones who have been reported in the sky at this moment, the vows of the loved ones, who have been reported in the sky, have vowed: "The king knife, since then it is the knife of my king!"

Chu Yang.

Can't think of this rough person, can you understand this meaning?

Is it God? Still coincidentally!

Is it really doomed in the dark?


The eagle hook nose has been silently watching all this happen.

Until now, he finally sighed softly, shook his head helplessly and walked over to Chu Yang: "Chu really have trouble, or ** annoyed."

Chu Yang frowned, faintly said: "Do not worry, no matter how much trouble is also implicated in you."

"I don't mean that, really isn't." The eagle hook nose has a feeling of crying and tears: In order to verify, he has already paid hundreds of Zixia coins, and now he has confirmed the superb ability of this **** doctor. Now The trustee is being asked to play the relationship, and the owner of the city has also been contacted. Only by waiting for a suitable opportunity can Chu Yang be introduced to the past and gain many benefits.

It can be said that everything is so smooth, completely as planned.

Seeing that this Jinshan is about to fall into the pocket... The eagle hook nose is even somewhat unexpected, how can it be so smooth? However, I have not had time to be happy for a few days; there is a problem.

Still there is a problem on the root.

A problem is more than a dozen lives! And it is also involved in one of the three major families of Zixia City. It’s not just a few guards who are dying, but Li Jia’s son, which is tantamount to endless vengeance! This is not something that money, face, and power can solve. At least it is not something that can be easily solved by the hook nose. If you really want to solve it, then only...

At this moment, the eagle hook nose almost wants to kill Chu Yang!

This bastard, do you know how much big things will you delay me when you are so casual?

Sighed heavily, the eagle hook nose turned and left.

Although the **** does not appreciate it, but for his own plan, he still can't let him go wrong. As for the Li family... oh, if you can't do it, you can only use your true strength... If you hit it hard, just touch it.

The investment in the early stage can't be allowed to go into the water, let alone...

Chu Yang looked at the eagle hook nose and went away, with a hint of ridicule and contempt.

Not involved in you? I want to use me as a springboard and earn money for yourself. How can I pay for it without paying a price? Am I a chess piece that you can use with convenience?

The eagle hook nose that has gone far suddenly turned back, seeming to think of something, and asked: "Chu Shen doctor, you ... what is the origin?"

This Chu **** doctor broke the non-general generation, a medical skill has been smashed into the realm of medical doctors, and there is also an amazing strength that the human-level peak can break through to the local level at any time.

Most importantly, through these days of contact, the eagle hook nose can be concluded that Chu Yang’s age will never be more than twenty-five years old. This age has such a medical skill, so amazing strength, the fault is not from a huge force. The cultivation seems to be difficult to explain. In Lenovo’s so unscrupulous style of acting, there is no fear of Li’s attitude. Is it...

If there is a powerful force behind this guy, can this thing be easier?

At this point, the heart of the eagle hook nose was a little bit excited but a little worried.

Since I dare to get into Li, I don’t know how to grasp it?

"You don't have to worry about anything, I am only myself." Chu Yang stared at him quietly, already peeked at his thoughts.

The eagle hook nose suddenly rose.

He snorted, turned and left, and left. Really afraid that I can't help but anger, first get up with Chu Yang.

But I only heard the laughter of Chu Yang coming from behind.

"There is no way to take a break from the world; killing people and playing swords in the sky; breaking the world's troubles, Chuyang son is the most romantic! Hahahaha..."

The eagle hook nose was inexplicably shocked and turned to look.

I saw Chu Yang black robes, all the way long songs, from the pool of blood, Anbu walked by car, the head did not return.

The Wangdao, who had just changed his name, followed suit and followed the figure of the black robe.

The eagle hook nose sighed softly, and the black back that left the room actually added a lot of pressure to him, only to feel the heart. Mumbling said: "This time I plan to use this person, is he actually using me?"

One thought of this, the more I think, the more I feel, the more I can't help but sink.

For a long time, I bluntly said to myself: "As soon as you achieve the goal, immediately send a master and kill this guy! This person is extremely dangerous! Why not take it apart?!"

All the way to silence, Chu Yang returned to the men's hall with the king knife; the cat was tired and stood in front of the door and said: "Oh, my hero, are you coming back? Can you be happy?"

Chu Yang rolled his eyes and ignored him. He entered the door.

But the cat is greasy but won't let him go, and it's full of yin and yang. "Oh, it's really amazing. The foothold is not stable. There are only two people. The knife is not a knife. When you first came, the two eyes were black and irritating. This is really not small. Hey, this is only a few days? Zixia City, the three big families, you want to do one! You are so powerful? I don’t know, you can’t think that you are the unspeakable seat. The strong reproduce the dust mites?!"

The cat is greasy as a heavenly powerhouse, of course, the gods are keen. And Chu Yang murder is on this street, the cat is tired and does not know that it is a strange thing.

He has been watching closely! If Chu Yang is dangerous, the cat is tired and has already flew out...

Chu Yang turned back and said very seriously: "Cat brother, you don't know it. I have never been a smashing person. I naturally have my own dependence. Even if I am not a master, I am sure, and I have the ability to face it. Right, solve all the problems caused by me."

"Ha? Do you rely on it? Why don't you come to the cat to listen to? Let the cat go to the open world!" The cat greasy nose to the sky: "I would like to ask, you have caused such a big thing, in the end can have What can be relied upon? First, I have to face the Li family. Second, I have to face the legal system of the city government and Donghuangtian. Oh, I really don’t want to understand where your dependence is?”

Chu Yang solemnly said: "Do you know, I personally still can't afford Li, but the problem is that I have strong support!"

"Strong back-up? Who? I am almost with you, and you are only flying up. How can I not know if I have any support?" The cat was greasy and rounded his eyes.

"How can I not know if I have strong support? Not only do you know that you still know, but you are also very familiar with it. You are the fan of the authorities!" Chu Yang looks awe-inspiring, a serious, one-word sentence.

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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