Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 76: The sword of arrogance!

The human body lost all control and slammed into the wall, and then fell to the ground; or directly rolled down from the roof bones, or directly hit the ground, hitting the brain and splitting.

In the middle of their throat, a tiny blood hole was still screaming out of the blood.

Thirteen people, none of them survived.

The same key, a sword is killed!

Only a sword, Li family thirteen spiritual masters, even the room for resignation has not come, directly killed!

What is this sword?

The hundreds of masters left by Li’s family, while looking at Chu Yang, who was empty-handed in the air.

In the eyes, there is no more arrogant arrogance in the past, only the unspeakable stunned!

At this moment, Chu Yang is still empty. It seems that the coldness of the heart has never appeared. The sword light that kills the life is just like an illusory dream.

Everything is as unknown as it is.

But everyone knows that this young man, who is a **** of Fengshen, is a young man who is empty and empty, and just now, with a trick of swordsmanship, he has claimed the lives of thirteen companions!

Those people, before they die, can’t even scream!

Life has faded!

In the shadows of the distance.

The general of Zhou suddenly opened his mouth, and his eyes were full of fear: If I took him seriously, he used this sword for me... then I... then tomorrow my wife can go directly to the city owner to receive the pension. Up...

Really hanging!

General Zhou asked himself to decide that he couldn’t compete against the sword that had just been stunned. His sweat on his forehead oozes out, and a black face becomes white. If there is a mirror to give him a photo, you will definitely find that the face is whiter than the day when you were smeared...

In the man's hall.

Lying on the verge of the face also revealed a surprised look: What is this sword? What is this sword?

As the first general of the Eastern Emperor's vows, the words of Rushan are profound about the knowledge of martial arts. Even if they do not say that they are ranked in the top ten, they will never be very backward.

But the sword of Chu Yang just now is a peerless sword that has never appeared in his memory!

If it is a martial art that has not been impressed by words. Then. It can be proved that it has never appeared in the Nine Heavens! At the very least, in Donghuangtian, absolutely no one has ever used it!

For this, there is a 10,000 percent confidence in the mountains!

This is such a magical sword, fierce and mighty. Every sword light is shot from an absolute position that is unexpected to everyone. But it does not give the people watching the war a feeling of 'difference' and 'gloomy'.

In the eyes of the spectators, the sword will only have a feeling of 'floating'! And it is full of the kingly spirit.

Grand atmosphere!

However, such a terrible and cold sword, how can it be so grand! ?

At this point, if you want to break your head, you can't think of a reason.

This is a feeling that should not be at all. The contradiction of 10,000 points has now appeared tangibly, and it appears in front of oneself.


Chu Yang stood quietly in the air, his face calm and calm, but his heart was a storm. Nine robbery swordsmanship, just when I was out of my sword, I actually gave birth to a new feeling.

It seems that in these worlds, we can truly play the horrible power of the Nine Robbery Swordsmanship!

There is another one. Unbelievable arrogance!

A sword is out. It is the king of the world!

Or it is a coincidence, or a good friend. Or maybe the legend reopens!

Anyway, Chu Yang took out the sword this time. The whole person has a condescending attitude, and the psychology also has a moral condescending mentality. When the sword is thrown again, he can clearly feel the one from the nine robbery sword itself. proudly!

At that moment, Chu Yang felt that his heart really broke into the nine-robbery sword for the first time. He felt that he and the sword were together, and that the sword was like a sword, and it was like a "god" and a high attitude. The eyes are watching many ants in front of them!

Kill it, usually things!

What is the injury to the ants? !

This sword instantly shocked the whole audience. The shocking objects include everyone, whether it is a warrior who has been repaired, or an ordinary person who has not been repaired at all, and is shocked by the erosion of this sword! .

There is only one silence.

Under the influence of Chu Yang, the cat that protects the interior of the man's hall is greasy and has a shock at the moment; Zhang has a big mouth, a bright liquid, and gradually slips from his mouth with incomparable resilience.

Pull out a long, translucent thread.

That kind of look is like discovering a loyal husband's affair, and stealing it is still a man, shocked by the yellow-faced woman who is so shocked by the truth!

Behind the buttocks, the furry tail swayed in the unconscious, showing the extreme disappointment of the cat teacher! The knives behind his buttocks could even feel the wind that was brought up by the furry tail constantly blowing his face.

In these hot summers, I actually gave birth to a kind of breeze.

It’s like a big fan.

Wang Knife looked at the cat's ass, not envious of thinking. If you can use some more force, of course, the premise is not to fart, don't fart, don't destroy this rare arrogance...

Chu Yang’s body stayed in the air, his eyes staring indifferently in all directions, his eyes and his eyes.

The surroundings are silent.

The lore effect of this sword is undoubtedly completely shocking the audience!

One and a half hundred old men led by Li’s family, with a look of horror in their eyes.

This is a prefecture-level master and the leader of Li’s trip!

With his first-level revision of the prefecture level, it is enough for him to be rampant in this Zixia city. Li Jia is the biggest reliance of Zixia City, and it is also the two masters of the family!

One level in the middle level, one level in the first level.

High-end power is always the foundation of the family.

This practice applies in the nine days, and is equally applicable in the nine heavens.

But now the prefecture-level master who has never been able to live without a trace, but clearly feels that his palm is sweating. Seeing Chu Yang, who is still a leisurely and chic, suddenly has no confidence in his heart.

Just the sword, if it is sent to yourself, can you resist? Can you dodge? Can you retreat all over?

no guarantee! There is no grasp at all, even if the young man’s true strength is under himself, he is still completely uncertain!

Set the god, and cried out: "This guy is just a human level! The sword just got it. But the loss is bound to be great. He can't make a few moves when he is exhausted. Everyone is divided into ten waves. Once, on a wave of waves, he is alone, and the wheel battle also kills him! Attention, one touches back, don't fall in love. Then the next wave of people attack immediately! The moment's gains and losses. Not a big deal!"

Everyone at the Li family is shocked in the heart, and then an ecstasy.

Yes, the other side's move is really powerful. I can't resist even the strongest one on my side, but even if he is more powerful, it is always a human peak. As long as he uses the wheel tactical wrestling, he only has one person, how long can he sustain?

Two hundred people, just died of thirteen, but there are 187 people; ten waves; each wave is eighteen people!

He doesn't have three heads and six arms. How can he resist such a dense band attack?

A moment of loss, can't explain anything!

"Up!" quickly grouped, under the lead of the prefecture-level master a drink order. The first group of people flew up. Going to Chuyang and rushing away.

No need to keep it. If you miss a hit, you can go back immediately. After re-attacking at least to the next seventeen-stage attack, there is a lot of time and opportunity to return.

"The second ancestor, do you want to start the **** slave in the men's hall, Wang Sanniu, and let him go to the death?" one person asked carefully.

"No hurry!" The 'two ancestors' shook his head deeply: "As long as he can subdue this Chu Yang, Wang Sanniu is naturally not enough to worry about it, so that he can spend more time in the boundless fear, and the taste is not good. But if Chu Yang can't cope with it, then even if he can grasp Wang Sanniu, it can be of great significance. It is always an ordinary person."

"Yes! The two ancestors are high." The middle-aged man next to him was flattering.

In Jiuzhong Tianzhu, because people's life expectancy is generally high, especially those big families, life expectancy is much longer; so in the generation, it is very confused.

Later, I used to be the standard of ‘the first generation’ people. For example, the person who led the team now is the son of the ancestor of the Li family. It is the second generation of the ancestors of the Li family, so it is called the 'second ancestor'; but these two words are not respectful, so There is a strange name for the 'two ancestors'.

I have to say that the tactical arrangement of the second ancestor is quite useful for Chu Yang at this stage.

At least on the surface, Chu Yang is caught in a wave of complex attacks.

The first wave of 18 people from the Li family came forward, and they were attacked by nine people in a long-range attack. Nine people were fighting in close combat. Each person only made one move, or only one sword, regardless of the result, immediately left.

Under such a rogue-oriented tactic, Chu Yang seems to be caught in an extremely passive situation. His wonderful swordsmanship really didn't come out.

This is in the eyes of others, there is a feeling: this swordsman's wonderful Chu doctor, seems to be restrained.

If there is no chance, no room, no gaps, even if you have the invincible swords of the world? !

In the distance, the eagle hook nose appeared with a dozen people on the roof.

It is a pair of big thorns that are unobtrusive. Very a little ‘in this Zixia City, Lao Tzu has no scruples’ feeling!

As for the ten people behind him, just one person is also a special feeling of being suffocating, arrogant, and lawless. If you know their origins, it will not be very strange why this is the case.

Because they are all, Jiangdong Huajia people!


(To be continued...)

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