Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 77: Suddenly the killing!

Jiangdong Huajia, if it is in the whole Nine Heavens, it is not a very big family, but in this Zixia City, it can definitely be rampant, and there is no need to worry about anyone, things, things!

The strength of Jiangdong's family, even Jinjia, Wujia, Lijia, the three strongest snakes in Zixia City, after knowing their origins, they absolutely dare not have any rash action.

This eagle hook nose middle-aged man is an important figure of the painter!

Huajia Siye!

"Four Lord; this Chu **** doctor seems to be in a disadvantage, and may not be able to support it at any time... Do we want to shoot?" one asked.

"Let's wait a little longer!" The eagle's nose and eagle's eyes looked at the battle, saying: "Zhuyang is in a disadvantage, but there is no danger to his life. What I want is the last moment before he falls into a deadlock. One shot is to save him to death! Really help the life, plus the paving of the previous period, so that can play the biggest role!"

"Shen, you must choose the time to send charcoal in the snow." The eagle hook nose said deeply: "The icing on the cake, you must not do it, the meaning is very limited!"

"Four Master is really high."


In the man's hall.

It’s really anxious that the cat is greasy and can’t help but want to shoot. In his view, although Chu Yang still has spare strength, he has not fully played it out, but this continues to fight, but it is also too wrong, and one side of the battle can not stand.

But when he just wanted to take the shot, he was stopped by words.

"You don't want to go." When the words don't know when they got up from the bed, standing at the door, leaning against the door with their bodies, they are very weak, but when they say it, they are throwing their voices, making the cat greasy and not moving:" If you will pass this, it will inevitably destroy his overall plan, and it will interfere with his understanding! This kind of comprehension can be met and cannot be sought. Once it is missed, the machine will not come again!"

"Understanding? He seems to be in an extremely passive dilemma. In fact, he is comprehending?!" The cat is tired and stunned.

"Since Chu Yang had the ability to kill 13 people with a sword at the beginning, it is natural that he will never fall into such a passive siege. Even if he is really caught in the siege, it is not even a single person to hurt. "There is no such thing as watching the battle, and he is low-eyed: "Now, he seems to be comprehending his sword. As long as he is enlightened, he will be self-solving."

The cat greasy and nodded. A cat is also a practitioner. The people in the field are the highest in addition to the mountains. Before that, they were only worried about the safety of Chu Yang. The authorities were fascinated. When I look at the battle situation with the attitude of a bystander, I immediately see through it.

It’s true that the words are as good as mountains.

At this moment, Chu Yang really felt a brand new feeling that he had never realized before. On the nine robbery swords, the arrogance of the ancient and modern arrogance, the awe-inspiring arrogance of the sublime sword, the pride of not taking any enemy in the eyes, the endless grandeur...

This is what he learned in the first battle of this nine-day Scorpio.

At this moment, Chu Yang can clearly feel the momentum, and he can even feel that this is a kind of heritage!

Only the sword that is truly lawless, once swept the world, and stood at the peak. It is possible to have such a grand heritage.

It is under such an arrogant momentum. Chu Yang has been running the arduous nine-day gods, and is running at an amazing speed that has never been seen before. His Dantian has been formed since. The Mengmeng silk, which has never been moved before, has produced subtle changes at this moment.

Constantly replenished from Dantian and entered the meridians. Then wandered around and finally turned back to Dantian.

Every time I operate, every silk of Hongmeng silk works, giving Chuyang a feeling of full of strength, true and true, it is this truth, so that he has an absolute confidence: as long as he is in this state In the middle, even if you continue to fight for tens of thousands of years... you will never be tired!

Is this the true secret of the Nine Robbery Sword?

Chu Yang's own mentality, with such arrogance, gradually improved, it seems that as long as accompanied by the nine robbery sword, you can stay on top for nine days. Slowly, the arrogance in the heart is becoming more and more abundant!

There is a growing feeling that these people who are fighting with themselves are really... some ants!

Unbearable ants!

Even if it is a daring ant, even if there are more people, it is still an ant!

Chu Yang’s heart suddenly surged a kind of unhappy! Such an ant can actually attack himself? Also dare to fight with yourself?

Are they equipped?

Suddenly, Chu Yang shouted and yelled: "A dry cock! Dare to offend Hu Wei!"

This sentence gives everyone a feeling of 'madness'.

Looking at the situation at hand, Chu Yang is in an absolute downwind. It seems that the pressure is getting heavier and heavier, and there is a danger of total collapse! However, at such a critical juncture, he actually called out such a sentence full of anger and full of anger.

This kind of anger does not come from grievances, but has an anger of 'a powerful existence, being provoked by a bunch of weak people'!

This... what is it?

But then, the form in the field has changed! Suddenly, there are no signs of amazing changes!

Chu Yang is really angry!

Under the inexplicable influence of that arrogant mentality, Chu Yang actually got angry!

He has been feeling that feeling all the time, he has been experimenting, feeling all the changes in the meridians, feeling the subtle changes of his own mentality, feeling that his power is not exhausted in the consumption of such a fierce, On the contrary, it is increasing sharply. Even if it lasts for a long time, it will not be exhausted.

He was full of joy and joy.

According to the established plan, it should have been waiting for this process, waiting for the person with the hook nose to shoot. Take the opportunity to create things and guide you to the situation you want most.

But the arrogant mentality suddenly changed to dominate the anger of the world.

Let his shot, suddenly all out of control!

For this, even Chu Yang himself is completely unprepared!

Everything comes from accidents, unforeseen accidents!

"You are looking for death! Since you are looking for death, you really want to die!" Faced with another wave of Li family masters flying, Chu Yang suddenly grew up, no longer strictly guarded, but greeted with lightning.

That little cold, suddenly flashed again!

Then disappeared instantly!

Everyone is inexplicably feeling that the body is cold, and a creepy feeling suddenly rises.

That million roads are cold. Appear again!

This is the same trick. Even more than ten times stronger than the power of a little cold! Even more than ten times, more!

"A little cold, Wan Mang!"

Chu Yang slowly pulled out this sword, and suddenly added new insights in his heart!

It turned out that this is the true meaning of a little cold and mans! Prior to this, the essence of the nine robbery swordsmanship. The true power of the Nine Robbery Swordsmanship, what he has played out is nothing more than a fur, even that the fur is a lift!

"Hurry to hide!"

Li’s second-grandfather almost screamed at the moment and screamed his throat.

But he knew it clearly and clearly in his mind. When it was over, the wave of people was all over.

The radiant light instantly turns into a clear and elegant sword, overflowing with the faint color of the brilliant world. With the calmness of a calm, but fast and lightning-fast, the eyes of the eighteen people who passed through!

Mixed with **** blood, flying to the vast sky, disappearing in the blink of an eye!

The eighteen people, in the moment of the flash of light, lost their lives neatly. In the splendid blood rain, the face was still carrying the cruelty just now, and slowly fell from the air.

really. No one is spared.

"Good poison!" Li Jia's two ancestors are almost full of blood: "Chuyang. Who are you?"

Chu Yang haha ​​smiled: "Who am I? Who am I heavy? Or if I am a powerful force, do you want to kneel down and shoot my ass? If I am not a name, now I should let you kill. ?"

Li’s second ancestors bit their teeth and said, “Don’t you dare say it? Did you say anything?”

"You count as a fart!" Chu Yang screamed arrogantly: "On the basis of you also ask me the origins? I don't know the humble thing!"

Li Jia's second ancestors are almost full of brain congestion, crazy waved: "Up! Together! Kill him! Kill innocent, do not stay alive!" He has been stimulated by Chu Yang almost mad.

The remaining 100 people of Li’s family yelled at the same time and rushed up.

Chu Yang's toes are a little bit, and the volley flies up. Man said: "By borrowing me a little cold, it will scatter the light; Wanshui Qianshan is the only one, and the sky is the emperor!"

"Ha ha ha, it turns out that, it turns out!"

In the long laugh, it is another trick, ‘a little cold and sorrowful’, once again!

However, one move three times, the power is actually more prosperous, actually more than the power of the previous show!

The last time you applied, the power was already more than ten times that at the time of the Nine Heavens. If it is the current evaluation, even if it is the resurrection of the Fa, it must be called the minister, the demon will come back, but also retreat!

Furious, not really arrogant.

It can also be said to be a kind of extreme self-confidence, proud of self-confidence, self-confidence to the extreme, but arrogant!

This time, the sword is a kind of full-hearted mind full of the essence, with a kind of heart that dominates the world, and a sword!

Since the world has been dominated by me, then, the whole world of people, life and death will be the master of me! I am killing, but I am executing you! Sentence you!

So my heart is in utter disappointment!

Chu Yang finally understood that the first move of the nine robbery swordsmanship, said, is actually a state of mind!

Surrounded by a terrible situation, Chu Yang Yu Jian came, swaying and elegant, quickly shuttle through the crowd, I saw a shining cold from east to west, from south to north, cyclical, continuous.

That cold light, even with a sword, in the air intertwined with a killing of the sky, dense, no gap!


(To be continued...)

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